More System Information

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How to get this

  1. Go to XMB Settings [Settings] > [System] > [System Information]
  2. Press simultaneously D-Pad LEFT Button + Dualshock L1 button + Dualshock R1 button + Dualshock square button for a few seconds
  3. Release those buttons then immediately press Dualshock start button and keep it held
  4. While holding Dualshock start button, press D-Pad LEFT Button once to have the menu stay up on it's own.

First section

First part is about sections on other chips:

Information Example Notes
Region/System Type/Model type - / CEL / CEX-ww Region + System Type + Model Type. if the System Type and the PS3 type are the same, will be shown only a type: -/CEL/CEX-ww. (on a jailbroken 3.41 ps3 you will read CEL/DEX/CEX-ww)
User ID user:00000001 Usernumber on the PS3
Syscon 0C16.0001000100030003@SC SoftID + Syscon Patches in the format: softid.patchid
Bluetooth 0E18@BT Bluetooth Firmware
Wifi 2.9.3.p0@WLAN Wifi Firmware (NA = hardware not present/connected, e.g. on CECHB, unreleased CECHD/F/I/N/O)
MultiCardReader 1.08@MCC MultiCardReader Firmware, only 3 values possible: 1.01, 1.08 and the string below FW 1.10 (NA = hardware not present/connected, e.g. on CECHB, unreleased CECHI and FATs after CECHG and all Slim)

Second Section

Second part of the screen follows structure from Index.dat (if you use spoofer, the data will show the spoofed strings) and explains about revisioning of dev_flash files:

Information Example Index.dat Notes
Firmware version 3.55 release:03.5500:
image version,date of creation 47515,20101127 build:47516,20101127:tetsu@tetsu-linux14
TargetID 0001 target:0001:CEX-ww
security repository 4072@security/sdk_branches/release_355/trunk security:4072@security/sdk_branches/release_355/trunk:
system repository 46573@sys/sdk_branches/release_355/trunk system:46573@sys/sdk_branches/release_355/trunk:
X3 repository 15614@x3/branches/target35x x3:15614@x3/branches/target35x: ANSI C standard? (X3.159-1989 and ISO/IEC 9899:1990)
paf repository 6107@paf/branches/target35x paf:6107@paf/branches/target35x: parseArgumentsFile?
vsh repository 83779@vsh/branches/target35x vsh:83779@vsh/branches/target35x: VSH
Japanese Panel repository 69@sys_jp/branches/target35x sys_jp:69@sys_jp/branches/target35x:
PS1 emulator repository 6555@emu/branches/target101/ps1 ps1emu:6555@emu/branches/target101/ps1: ps1emu (ps1_emu.self)
PS1_net emulator repository 6679@emu/branches/target355/ps1_net ps1netemu:6679@emu/branches/target355/ps1_net: ps1emu (ps1_netemu.self)
PS1_new emulator repository 6556@emu/branches/target202/ps1_new ps1newemu:6556@emu/branches/target202/ps1_new: ps1emu (ps1_newemu.self)
PS2 emulator repository 6597@emu/branches/target350/ps2 ps2emu:6597@emu/branches/target350/ps2: ps2emu (ps2_emu.self)
PS2_gx emulator repository 14473@branches/target355/gx ps2gxemu:14473@branches/target355/gx: ps2emu (ps2_gxemu.self)
PS2_soft emulator repository 13474@branches/soft190/soft ps2softemu:13474@branches/soft190/soft: ps2emu (ps2_softemu.self)
PSP emulator repository 6646@emu/branches/target355/psp pspemu:6646@emu/branches/target355/psp: pspemu (psp_emulator.elf, psp_translator.elf, etc...)
emerald repository 3781@emerald/target35x emerald:3781@emerald/target35x: ?AV-player? / NA on DEX/DECH/DECR
BD-ROM Player repository 14948@bdp/prof5/branches/target35x bdp:14948@bdp/prof5/branches/target35x: Bluerayvideo / NA on DEX/DECH/DECR
auth 47515 auth:47516:


This value is obtained by the Target ID, sysconf_plugin.sprx (/dev_flash/vsh/module) contains the following:

ID Type / Region
J1  CEX  Retail Japan
UC2  CEX  Retail USA
CEL  CEX  Retail Europe
KR2  CEX  Retail Korea
CEK  CEX  Retail United Kingdom
MX2  CEX  Retail Mexico
AU3  CEX  Retail Australia/New Zealand
E12  CEX  Retail South Asia
TW1  CEX  Retail Taiwan
RU3  CEX  Retail Russia
CN9  CEX  Retail China
HK5  CEX  Retail Hong Kong
BR2  CEX  Retail Brazil

Simular to PSP :


See Discussion page