Syscon Hardware

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Syscon CXR713120-203GB DIE (detail)

Pyramid Syscon live probing

Description[edit | edit source]

The PS3 syscon is the main power controller chip of the PS3. It is responsible for powering up the main 12v rail of the Power Supply and various power systems by switching different voltage regulators in the motherboard, and for configuring and initialising the BE, RSX and SB via dedicated SPI buses.

The LEDs and buttons of the Switch board are connected to syscon, as well as the fan/s, buzzer, etc.

The Syscon is a SoC and based on a ARM7TDMI-S (in the Mullion syscons) or a NEC 78K0R (in the Sherwood syscons) design. There is external access by "JTAG" (disabled from factory on retail models), an EEPROM programming interface (only on Mullion) and Serial (UART).

PlayStation system controllers[edit | edit source]

Production Start Date (<=) PS2 Mechacon PSP Syscon PS3 Syscon PSVita Syscon PS4 Syscon Used IC/CPU Core
10/1999 CXP101064 - - - - Sony SPC970 (100 pin)
01/2000 CXP102064 - - - -
09/2000 CXP103049 - - - - Sony SPC??? (136 pin)
08/2004 - BARxx - - - NEC D780032AY (78K0/78003xA, 64 pin)
07/2005 - B30x - - - NEC D78F0531 (78K0/KE2 V2.00, 64 pin)
07/2007 - B40x / 40xx - - - NEC D78F0544 (78K0/KF2 V2.00, 84 pin)
07/2008 - 3xxx - - - NEC D78F0534 (78K0/KE2 V2.00, 64 pin)
03/2003 CXR706080 - - - - Sony SR11 (ARM7TDMI)
PS2 (Dragon): 164 pin
PS3 (Donkey): 200 pin
09/2004 CXR716080 - CXR713120 - -
07/2007 CXR726080 - CXR714120 - -
03/2008 - - SW - - NEC D78F11AA (78K0R/KH3 V3.40, 128 pin)
05/2009 - - SW2 - - NEC D78F11BB (78K0R/KH3 V1.00, 128 pin)
07/2010 - - - "SC" - NEC D79F0109 (78K0R/KH3-L V1.00, 121 pin)
06/2011 - - SW3 - - NEC D78F11CC (78K0R/KG3 V1.00, 100 pin)
07/2013 - - - - C0L Renesas R5F100PL (RL78/G13 V3.03, 100 pin)
08/2013 - - - A0xxx - Renesas R5F1ZCRK (RL78/G13 V3.03, 121 pin)
04/2015 - - - - C0L2 Renesas R5F101LL (RL78/G13 V3.03, 64 pin)
  • The SPC900 core was designed by Texas Instruments ([1])
  • CXP101064, CXP102064 are similar to CXP97 (CXP971000, CXP972032, CXP973064, CXP973F064), the CXP103049 matches no COTS because of its OCD support
    • In-Circuit-Emulator: Mitek NICE-SPC970 ([2]); Debug software: SVD970; Flash programmer: SFP-2
  • A F inside the model name specifies that the IC contains flash memory.
    • Mass-produced CXR/SW units don't have/use program flash memory for updates, instead an encrypted firmware patch is stored on the data-"EEPROM"
  • CXR7 series uses Sony SR11 CPU (ARM7TDMI)
    • Models with public datasheet: CXR702080, CXR702F080, CXR704060 (datasheet: 1)
  • Prototype PS3 Syscon's:

PS3 Syscon models[edit | edit source]

Mullion Syscons PS3 model & Motherboard compatibility by Platform ID
Model Rev. Ver. Year Package ROM FLASH EEPROM RAM DEH-R10xx
Prototypes CECHAxx
Total Used TMU-510
COK Proto
COK-001 COK-002 SEM-001 DIA-001 DIA-002 DEB-001
CXR713F120A ANY BGA 200 128KB 384KB 32KB 32KB 64KB Yes, factory Yes, factory YES YES YES YES YES YES
CXR713120-201GB 0B8E v1.0.0_k1 2006 384KB N/A YES ? YES ? Yes, factory No No No No No
CXR713120-202GB 0C16 v1.1.3_k1 2006 YES ? YES ? YES Yes, factory No No No No
CXR713120-203GB 0D52 v1.2.3_k1 2007 20KB YES ? YES ? YES YES Yes, factory No No No
CXR714120-301GB 0DBF v1.3.3_k1 2007 20KB YES ? YES ? YES Yes, rare Yes, factory Yes, factory No No
CXR714120-302GB 0E69 v1.4.4_k2 2007 YES ? YES ? YES YES YES YES Yes, factory Yes, factory
CXR714120-303GB 0F29 v1.5.0_k2 2009 YES ? YES ? YES Yes, refurb YES YES YES YES
CXR714120-304GB 0F38 v1.5.1_k2 2010 YES ? YES ? Yes, refurb YES YES Yes, refurb YES YES
Sherwood Syscons PS3 model & Motherboard compatibility by Platform ID
Model Rev. Ver. Year Package ROM FLASH EEPROM RAM Prototypes CECHLxx
Prototypes CECH-20xx CECH-21xx CECH-25xx Prototypes CECH-30xx CECH-40xx CECH-42xx
Total Used VERTIGO
DYN-001 SUR-001 JTP-001
KTE-001 MSX-001
D79F0073 ANY LQFP 128 N/A 512KB N/A 32KB 50KB Yes, factory YES No (HDMI Incompatible) No (different package)
SW-301 065D 0.17.0 2008 YES ? Yes, factory
SW-302 ???? ?.??.? 2008 YES ? Yes, factory
D79F0086 ANY 768KB No (HDMI Incompatible) Yes, factory YES YES YES
SW2-301 0832 1.11.0 2009 YES ? Yes, factory No No
SW2-302 08A0 1.16.0 2009 YES ? YES Yes, factory No
SW2-303 08C2 1.21.0 2010 YES ? YES YES Yes, factory
D79F0123 ANY LQFP 100 No (different package) Yes, factory YES YES YES
SW3-301 0918 2.3.0 2011 YES ? Yes, factory No No
SW3-302 098F 2.12.0 2012 YES ? YES Yes, factory No
SW3-303 ???? ?.??.? 2013 YES ? YES ? ?
SW3-304 09A4 2.21.0 2013 YES ? YES YES Yes, factory

Syscon Externalised Ports[edit | edit source]

Note: for more specific information per model, see the links to each subpage in the Serialnumbers per SKU table.

Syscon UART packets[edit | edit source]

SCUART daemon (SCUARTD) packet structure[edit | edit source]

SCUARTD packets includes header of 0x3 bytes and optional payload (depending on the command).

Packet IDs are not important, they are used only by clients and processed by SCUART daemon. SCUART daemon opens terminal file /dev/ttyS0 and use it to send commands and receive responses.

Offset Size Description
0x00 0x01 Magic?
0x01 0x01 Payload size
0x02 0x01 Command
0x03 Payload size Payload data

Packets[edit | edit source]

Packet ID Command/Action Description Notes
0x00 version Firmware version Gets installed syscon's firmware version (Note: backup bank contains version 0.4.5_b4 !! On CEB-2030 it is 0.3.0 )
0x01 bringup Bring up
0x02 shutdown Shutdown
0x03 firmud Firmware update Notifies about firmware update operation
0x04 bsn Board Serial Number Retrieves syscon's Board Serial Number
0x05 halt Halt Used at start of firmware update operation
0x06 cp ready Communication Processor Ready
0x07 cp busy Communication Processor Busy
0x08 cp reset Communication Processor Reset
0x09 bestat Cell B.E. status Retrieves Cell B.E. status
0x0A powersw Power switch toggles power switch button short pressing
0x0B resetsw Reset switch toggles reset switch button holding
0x0C bootbeep stat Boot Beep Status
0x0D bootbeep on Boot Beep On
0x0E bootbeep off Boot Beep Off
0x0F Reset syscon Reset Syscon Resets syscon
0x10 xdrdiag info XDR diagnostics Information
0x11 xdrdiag start XDR diagnostics Start Starts XDR diagnostics
0x12 xdrdiag result XDR diagnostics Result Gets a result of XDR diagnostics
0x13 xiodiag XIO diagnostics Starts XIO diagnostics and gets a result of it
0x14 fandiag Fan diagnostics Retrieves RPMs of fans
0x15 errlog Error log Retrieves a list of codes (with timestamps) of latest errors
0x16 Read line Read Line
0x17 tmpforcp <zone ID> Reference Tool's temperature For Communication Processor Gets the temperature of reference tool
0x18 Invalid CMDs
0x20 cp beepremote Communication Processor Beep Remote
0x21 cp beep2kn1n3
0x22 cp beep2kn2n3
?? csum Checksum Calculates the Checksum of something (No packet ID listing on scuartd)
?? osbo ?Operating System Boot? No idea what this does, but returns
when it's sent
?? scopen Syscon Open returns SC_READY or ERROR 1
?? scclose Syscon Close ???
?? ejectsw Eject Switch toggles eject switch button pressing (3 beeps)

Packets Logs[edit | edit source]

Packet ID Command/Action Logs Notes
0x00 version version\nv1.0.4_c2\n (END)
0x01 bringup (END)
0x02 shutdown Do nothing. (PowerOff State)\n (END) Returns (END) if the system is on
0x03 firmud Start...\nErase User Program Area\n (END) This will brick your SYSCON if you don't feed it any argument or feed to it the wrong argument!
0x04 bsn bsn\nNANNNNNNNNNA\n (END) N is digit and A is char (removed for privacy)
0x05 halt halt\n (END)
0x06 cp ready cp ready\nCP READY: OK\n (END)
0x07 cp busy cp ready\nCP BUSY: OK\n (END) STATUS light blinks forever
0x08 cp reset No response Should reset CP to factory settings
0x09 bestat (PowerOff State)\n (END)
0x0A powersw (END)
0x0B resetsw (END)
0x0C bootbeep stat BOOT BEEP: ON\n (END) when it's off BOOT BEEP status changes to OFF
0x0D bootbeep on BOOT BEEP ON: DONE\n (END)
0x0E bootbeep off BOOT BEEP OFF: DONE\n (END)
0x0F Reset syscon
0x10 xdrdiag info 32\n (END)
0x11 xdrdiag start DIAG START\n (END)
0x12 xdrdiag result XDR OK\n (END) will return ERROR NOT STARTED if xdrdiag start wasn't run previously
0x13 xiodiag 0 903\n (END)
0x14 fandiag ERROR FAN ACTIVE\n (END)
0x15 errlog ofst[ %d]:err_code:0x%08X, clock:0x%08X YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS bunch of error logs. ends with (END) once they're over
0x16 Read line
0x17 tmpforcp <zone ID>
0x20 cp beepremote (END)
0x21 cp beep2kn1n3 (END) sends a beep different than SYSCON beep :)
0x22 cp beep2kn2n3 (END) sends two beeps different than SYSCON beeps :)
?? csum Checksum: [027460C9] [68269779] [C19A855E]\n (END) displays 3 hexadecimal numbers inside rect parenthesis. the numbers are always the same, except when syscon version changes (v1.0.5_c1)
Checksum: [02746F91] [682F04DA] [27688CF5]\n (END) Another response (v1.0.4_c2)
Checksum: [0274C877] [684DA659] [EA426BB1]\n (END) Another response (v1.0.4_c1)
Checksum: [027B4064] [6B450C64] [4FBF6DA3]\n (END) Another response (v1.0.3_c1)
Checksum: [027E1B71] [6CDA9F25] [E0C67065]\n (END) Another response (v1.0.1_c1)
Checksum: [02812855] [6E83917C] [D40F70A5]\n (END) Another response (v0.9.14_c1)
Checksum: [02835059] [6FC5C632] [BB9BBEC3]\n (END) Another response (v0.9.9_c1)
Checksum: [026F7951] [66CB09FF] [4EA06B56]\n (END) Another response (v0.8.4_c8)
?? osbo done\n (END)
?? scopen SC_READY\nERROR 1\n\n*** Invalid Argument ***\n\n[mullion]$
?? scclose \n\n\nSC_SUCCESS\n\n[mullion]$

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Some commands are unavailable on earlier firmwares, for example, tmpforcp is only supported on 1.3.3+.
  • Some commands are divided into several strings, the first part (if exists) describes a command group, the second part describes the actual command and other parts describes command arguments.
  • Real syscon commands have an ASCII form (a bold text in the 2nd column) instead of bytes above.
  • Packet with ID *0x03* notifies syscon and calls SX program (based on ZMODEM protocol) to send firmware, syscon have custom or original implementation of RX program to receive firmware. An implementation of ZMODEM protocol used by Sony:

A start of syscon's update procedure:

  • A CP development tool includes several scripts which are participated in syscon update procedure. It starts after a CP update via perl script.
  • This script checks the current syscon's firmware version. If it is in mask rom then it skips an update procedure, if not it checks major/minor/release parts of both versions and if a new version is applicable then it launches scfirmup utility and pass the firmware file path as an argument.
  • scfirmup is a stupid tool which prepares a connection to SCUARTD and sends an update packet with a file path inside it. There is no need to comment it, here is reimplementation:

A syscon's update operation in SCUARTD consists of following steps:

  • 1. Check if SX program presents in /usr/bin/sx. It should be a regular file.
  • 2. Check if specified firmware file is a regular file.
  • 3. Halt syscon by sending command halt to UART, then wait some time until it prints HALT: OK.
  • 4. Reset syscon by sending byte 0x30 to GPIO register SC_PI0_DIPSW, byte 0x30 to GPIO register SC_RSTX, waiting 1 second and writing byte 0x31 to GPIO register SC_RSTX.
  • 5. Get current syscon's firmwave version by sending command version to UART. After receiving it, look for a character after the first _ (underscore) symbol from the left side of string and if it equals to the character b, then proceed to the next step, otherwise go to the (8) step. (It is possible to patch this step to allow upgrading or downgrading at will)
  • 6. Prepare syscon for an update by sending command firmud to UART, then fork the current process; the current process won't finish until a message Done from UART arrives (it is the end of update operation).
  • 7. In the forked process start SX program and pass firmware file path to it. SX program reads firmware file and transfer each chunk of it to syscon.
  • 8. After successful update operation reset syscon (a different way) by sending byte 0x31 to GPIO register SC_PI0_DIPSW, byte 0x30 to GPIO register SC_RSTX, waiting 1 second and writing byte 0x31 to GPIO register SC_RSTX.


  • It seems all scuartds checks firmware revision and probably syscon is updated only once (after factory).
  • To be able to reflash it you need to patch SCUARTD or do a manual update without the use of SCUARTD.
  • You need to patch a single byte in SCUARTD to be able to flash any firmware (for example, to downgrade your syscon).
.text:00403A94: /* scuartd from CP 1.3.3 */
lb      $v1, 1($v0)
li      $v0, "b" /* 62 00 02 24 -> 63 00 02 24 */
bne     $v1, $v0, loc_4039F4
move    $a0, $zero
  • An actual firmware update process (without halting and resetting steps) takes about 1 minute.
  • You cannot install a corrupted firmware with scfirmup unless you corrupt the header! It seems there is a hash of sorts (possibly of the plaintext) in the header preventing scfirmup from installing something corrupt
  • Updating SYSCON requires the DECR to be in standby mode! You cannot update it while it is on.
  • Corrupting the header and the body will make firmup install the SYSCON update anyways! be careful not to do it!
  • Should you brick SYSCON, here's a patch to "unbrick" it, do not use it unless you brick it though!
lw      $a0, 4($s4)
li      $a1, 0x400000
addiu   $a1, (aHalt - 0x400000)  # "halt"
la      $t9, scuartd_send_sccmd
jalr    $t9 ; scuartd_send_sccmd
lw      $gp, 0x1E8+var_1D8($sp)
bnez    $v0, loc_4039B4 /* 33 00 40 14 -> 33 00 40 10 */
li      $a0, 1

Syscon UART[edit | edit source]

BGA Name Description
P16 UART0_TxD Serial Transmit
P15 UART0_RxD Serial Receive

You can attach a 3.3v TTL cable (LV-TTL) to the UART on syscon (UART0_TxD, UART0_RxD). Baud rate is 57600. There is a simple plaintext protocol involved. This varies on different syscon models. Example:


Where the hash is the sum of command bytes & 0xFF.

You should terminate commands with \r\n, the syscon messages are only terminated with \n.

Samples[edit | edit source]

Here are some of the commands/messages encountered:


Power applied (standby mode)
OK 00000000:3A

Power on
# (PowerOn State):7F

Power off (Hard shutdown)
# (PowerOff State):DD

After Fan test:
# (PowerOff State) (Fatal):36

No text, invalid hash:
NG F0000002:4D


OK 00000000 S1E 00 00 065D:A4
OK 00000000 S1E 01 0B 00 0832:A3 (on DYN-001 board)
OK 00000000 S1E 02 03 00 0918:9A (on KTE-001 board)

OK 00000000:3A

NG F0000003:4E

E:4F:NG F0000004
E:50:NG F0000005 (in DIAG mode)

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

E:50:NG F0000005

<Important Note: 0x40 bytes>
E:5D:NG E00000C0

E:50:NG F0000005

See also Syscon commands.

Bruteforcing commands:


  • Max size of a command is 11 characters, 16 if you count with C:<hash>:
  • Sending a command with 11 chars results in NO OUTPUT
  • Sending a command with more than 11 chars results in NG F0000002
  • Max size of a command on DECR is 135, 140 if you count with C:<hash>:

Pinouts[edit | edit source]


BGA Name Description
F16 CSB Chip Select (needs to be low)
H16 DO Serial Data Output
G16 DI Serial Data Input
E16 SKB Serial Data Clock
J15 WCB Write Protect
J16 RBB Ready/Busy
G11 VDDep + 3.3V
Syscon BE SPI Bus
BGA Name Description
M2 BE_SPI_CS Chip Select
N2 BE_SPI_DO Serial Data Output
M1 BE_SPI_DI Serial Data Input
N1 BE_SPI_CLK Serial Data Clock
P2 BE_RESET CellBE Reset
P1 BE_POWGOOD CellBE PowerGood
T2 BE_INT CellBE Interrupt
Syscon RSX SPI Bus
BGA Name Description
E2 RSX_SPI_CS Chip Select
F2 RSX_SPI_DO Serial Data Output
F1 RSX_SPI_DI Serial Data Input
G1 RSX_SPI_CLK Serial Data Clock
J2 RSX_INT RSX Interrupt
Syscon SB SPI Bus
BGA Name Description
B9 SB_SPI_CS Chip Select
B8 SB_SPI_DO Serial Data Output
A9 SB_SPI_DI Serial Data Input
A8 SB_SPI_CLK Serial Data Clock
D9 SB_INT SB Interrupt
Syscon JTAG (disabled in factory after production on retail models)
BGA Name Description
L8 JRTCK Return Test Clock
K8 JTCK Test Clock
K9 JTDO Test Data Out
L9 JTMS Test Mode State / Test Mode Select
K7 JTDI Test Data In
L7 JNTRST Test Reset

Testpads and alternative solder points[edit | edit source]

  • The identification of the syscon UART testpads can be made by grouping the motherboard models in a similar way we was doing with the layouts of the hardware flashers, there are 7 retail testpads layouts:
    • Layout 1 = COK-001, COK-002 (fat, mullion, NAND)
    • Layout 2 = SEM-001 (fat, mullion, NAND)
    • Layout 3 = DIA-001, DIA-002 (fat, mullion, NOR)
    • Layout 4 = VER-001 (fat, sherwood, NOR)
    • Layout 5 = DYN-001 (slim, sherwood, NOR)
    • Layout 6 = SUR-001, JTP-001, JSD-001, KTE-001 (slim, sherwood, NOR)
    • Layout 7 = MSX-001, MPX-001, NPX-001, PPX-001, PQX-001, RTX-001, REX-001 (superslim, sherwood, NOR/eMMC)

DIA-001 and DIA-002[edit | edit source]

This points are availables to intercept signals by soldering wires, attaching probes, osciloscopes, etc... The photos are only orientatives to follow the traces, there's no need to remove the SYSCON to intercept this signals so can be done while its working

All this points has been hardware reverse engineered from a CECHH02/DIA-001 motherboard

Topside Pinout[edit | edit source]

Syscon Top Pinouts
Pin # Name Description
B3 SW_10 Unknown
C15 VSS Power Ground
B16 OSCOUT Goes to unpopulated crystal
C16 OSCIN From unpupulated crystal
B15 POW_FAIL Power Failure Signal
H1 PN5 Unknown
H2 PN6 Unknown
R1 PM7 Unknown
R2 PM6 Unknown
M4 SW9 Unknown
M10 XDR_FET_SCK Unknown

Bottomside Pinout[edit | edit source]

Syscon Bottom Pinouts

Syscon UART soldered
Pin # Name Description
R5 VDD +3.3v
R7 DVDD +1.8v
C15 VSS Power Ground
N16 DIAG_MODE Unknown
P16 UART0_TxD Serial
P15 UART0_RxD Serial
R9 PQ1 Unknown
B12 POW_SW Power Switch
A12 EJECT_SW Eject Switch
M6 SW_7_B Unknown
M8 FANPWM1 Unknown
E5 GX_VSRT Unknown
B5 DVE_RST Unknown
G4 HDMI_RST1 Unknown
D4 XDR_FET_RST Unknown