User talk:Sandungas

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Wiki hardware geek

My To Do wiki pages[edit source]

To fill (by me :P)... list of pages i started or i helped improving them but are not finished yet, with a temporal layout, needs a cleanup, or abandoned temporally for some reason.

PARAM.SFO[edit source]

Neverending oddisey

PARAM.PFD[edit source]

Dunno how

ETC...[edit source]

I will make a better list when i find some time, sorry

Lazy dog wiki tutorials[edit source]

How to upload and display images (drunk spainglish saturday night edition)[edit source]

The purpose of this step-by-step tutorial is to use a method to upload images and display them in wiki in the most simple and fast way without the need to remember any wiki trick code or anything, the point is to have a solid procedure to remember and use always (is brainless and the fastest way i know)

The upload of images is simple, and the display depends of what you want to do with the image, are explained below

Image upload[edit source]

  • Step 1 Prepare the images in your PC
    • Usually you need to upload several images to wiki custom made or found in internet, this explains the worst scenenario with multiple images and randon manes. Make a folder in your PC with any name is just temporal and in most cases is deleted at the end with all the images. Download the images in it and rename them conveniently. Is important to rename them at this point to simplify further steps
    • The naming convention needs to be something most simple posible but also very explicit and keeping in mind that other images for the same "stuff" could be added later, as example for a hardware part dont name the image simply as this part, add to it a tail like "bottom view" "top view" etc... this way if someone in the future wants to upload another image for the same component they can name it starting with the component name and another tail like "perspective view", "detailed view", etc...
    • This is also the time where you can crop the images (to keep only the interest area to make them smaller to improve wiki performance and display them better) rotate, or change the image format (.jpg preferibly, or .png if the images uses transparency) etc... even you can delete the EXIF information (usefull if you made the image from scratch to delete the track of the apps you used to create it). A great app for this small edition tasks is irfanview
    • Warning !!! For some hardware components where is needed a detailed view (to identify traces, etc...) is better to dont make any edition to the image that could reduce the quality (so scale, rotation, or image format conversion are not a good idea to use if what you want to achieve is good quality, all them applyes an image filter)
  • Step 2 Find an image in wiki that was uploaded before by another user and copy the footer
    • Copypasting is the secret golden rule of wiki gurus, here what we need is to keep the wiki standards used to categorize images, long explain short... we use some categories to index the images but is a pita to remember them and how the tags needs to be added to the bottom of the pages so the easy solution (brainless, no need to memorize anything) is to copypaste them from another similar image, basically in wiki we use 2 categories for images that are "hardware" and "software" (and other for templates... different story though but the trick is the same, copypaste ftw)
    • Personally what i do is to go to the main page, and take a look at the pages that appears in the main templates, you need to find one similar to the image you want to upload (and when clicking in it you need to be lucky for that page to use some image.... if not image is used then no luck and you need to try to find other)
    • My favourites are:
    • Go to one of that pages, click in one of the images (this makes your browser to jump to the image page), click in "edit" that page (you are not going to save the edit is for copypaste purposes), then copy the whole text, it will be something like: [[Category:Hardware]]PS3 - Motherboard - Multilayering (note how it starts with the categorizing)
    • Click in the navigation links at left, out of the edition area, where it says "Upload file". Your browser opens the upload page
  • Step 3 Upload the image, paste the footer and modify the description
    • In the "Upload file" page, the first thing you need to do is to paste the footer you copyed before (the point is to paste it as faster as posible to dont lose it, probably you are copypasting other texts in your pc, or links to pages so is easy to lose it). Dont edit the description yet, by now is ok, following the example i used before what i need to paste is [[Category:Hardware]]PS3 - Motherboard - Multilayering
    • Click in the "browse" button and select the first image (the image in my PC is named Panasonic MN864709 on a DYN-001 (perspective view).jpg)
    • The image is previewd in your browser (has not been saved yet to the server), and the "destination filename" is filled with the final image text. Copy this text
    • Paste the text at the right of the footer you pasted before, so you will have something like: [[Category:Hardware]]Panasonic_MN864709_on_a_DYN-001_(perspective_view).jpg
    • Restore the spaces, remove the file extension, so you will have something like: [[Category:Hardware]]Panasonic MN864709 on a DYN-001 (perspective view)
    • Thats all, click in the "Upload file" at bottom of the page, profit, the image is uploaded to wiki, is using a good name, and follows the wiki category standards
    • Repeat with the other images, remember, every time you want to upload a new image you need to copy the footer from another uploaded image to paste in the new one, this can be very confusing if done multiple times, it can be made fast but always keep an eye at the "summary" description it needs to match with the original name you used, also remove spaces and file extensions

Display mode gallery[edit source]

  • In wiki most of the times (most used as far i remember though im sure there are more) the images are displayed using 3 ways, as a "gallery" of images (used when is needed to display several images together), inside a <div> frame (used to display a single or couple of images in a bigger size displaced to right to serve as introduction to a page section or whole page), inside a table (for eyecandy, or to use the table contour as a frame limiter), or inside a template (to create wiki icons of small size)
  • For the example im using, im uploading two photos using the <gallery> display mode, there are really a lot of pages in wiki using it, but im going to copy it from COK-001 page (first hit in main page in one of the motherboard models)
  • Click in the COK-001 page, click in the "Edit" tab, scroll down to the edit area and copy one of the galleries completlly (all lines, lazy ass remember ?):
File:COK-001_TOP.JPG|COK-001 - top
File:COK-001_BOTTOM.JPG|COK-001 - bottom
  • Go to the page where you want to add your shiny new gallery, click in "edit" the new page and paste the whole gallery (dont save your changes to the page yet)
  • Now you need to replace the images by yours, go to the Special:RecentChanges page where you can see the links of the images you uploaded before, click in all them and open them in your browser in different tabs. In every image page, double click in the file name that appears on bold at top and copy (is the name with spaces, starting with File: and ending in the fileextension)
  • Paste the names in your gallery this way (is a double copypaste foe each image, and the most at right has been removed the File: and fileextension)
File:Panasonic MN864709 on a DYN-001 (top view).jpg|Panasonic MN864709 on a DYN-001 (top view)
File:Panasonic MN864709 on a DYN-001 (perspective view).jpg|Panasonic MN864709 on a DYN-001 (perspective view)

=Display mode <div> =[edit source]

  • This is used mostly with a single image (or a couple) that works as an introduction to a whole page or to a section of a page, because the text is aligned to left what we do is to align the image to right-top (either top of a page, or top of a section). This doesnt works very well in wiki because there is an overlapping of text when the page is rendered at different screen resolutions, keep this in mind, we dont use images bigger than 300 or 400 pixels for this display mode and there are some wiki editors that are stricts with this rule so try to dont abuse much of this display mode, it breaks small screens
  • The page i use to copypaste the code from is XMB (single image), PlayStation 3 Theme (P3T) (2 images horizontally), or Teensy++ 2.0 (several images vertically)
  • Click in any of those pages, and click in "edit" tab, copy the line with the <div> (from start to end), something like:
<div style="float:right">[[File:Tex_classic_theme.png|200px|thumb|left|XMB Classic theme]]</div>
  • Paste in your new page and edit it properlly, you need to replace the image path in the server, the description, and choose a size, so it becomes for my example:
<div style="float:right">[[File:Panasonic MN864709 on a DYN-001 (perspective view).jpg|200px|thumb|left|Panasonic MN864709 on a DYN-001 (perspective view)]]</div>
  • If you find some problem of overlapping of texts, sections horizontal line separators, or disalignments you can add an empty page divider at bottom with <div></div> that works as a "page break" (preferably), or one or several <br> that works as a line feed (not preferably, this is too dirty)

Display mode table[edit source]

  • This is a dirty trick to display several images in big size perfectlly aligned horizontally or vertically, keep in mind that this also breaks small screens resolutions (but sometimes this is the only way to do it, so is a price we need to pay to have a nice display). If you consider the table of images is too big you can use an <spoiler> before the table and a </spoiler> after the table
  • It works as a combination of a standard "wikitable" where you can choose to make the border lines transparent, use a font type, colors, etc... and inside each table cell is displayed an image with a defined size, you can see examples of this tables used at bottom of Motherboard Revisions page and some subsections of Teensy++ 2.0 page
  • Im not going to explain how to create them exactlly because are a bit experimental, just practise a bit with them and be creative, other wiki users will copypaste your ideas and/or will improve your experiments

Display mode icon[edit source]

  • Wiki icons are made by including an image inside a template. Im not going to explain how templates works here (for an icon are very basic but templates are very complicated up to a point that admits arguments where are called)
  • Basically you are going to create a very simple template that contains only two thing: the image itself, and a footer to categorize the page in wiki indexing, as before the first thing to do it to find a similar page to copypaste the footer, my favourite one (is the official Dr. frankenstein laboratory, feel free to use it to experiment) is TemplateTest, for this examples we are going to use the subsection about PS3 Buttons. the reason why using this section for the examples is because i created templates for the buttons in two different ways based on the size of the images
  • First, you need to decide if the icons you are creating are going to be used very frequentlly in a specific size, as example.... to be used inside text lines like this Dualshock PS button (note his size doesnt disalign previous or next text line). I decided to create specific templates to use dualshock button icons inside text lines to display button combos like in this page More System Information. The standard font size of webbrowsers is 23 pixels size, so i made a set of templates at 23 pixel heigh to simplify the usage, this way you can call the template directlly without the need to specify the size of the icon
  • Also, if you consider some other wiki editor eventually will need to display the icon at a different size, you can make another set of templates with the original size of the image (this works by not specifying the size when creating the template, it will be displayed as original size, not scaled)
  • Nowadays, after practising a bit with templates i realize the solution to use a single template to display an icon at different sizes is by using an argument when calling it, it can be fixed in the icons i made but has not been done yet, and what i just explained is good enought to create icons in a easy way, works fine and has been using for a long time without problems so play with it a bit

Online diagram services[edit source]

Dev_flash\vsh\resource[edit source]

Filename Version Size MD5 Remarks
01.png 01.png 3.40-4.92 46611 c08832aa1fdeecf8bf95986d22766a31
02.png 02.png 3.40-4.92 10766 35859247d2b3548c879d805e6d2b80e8
03.png 03.png 3.40-4.92 45806 9e0b454ee894bfe9052279f08e2c68c4
04.png 04.png 3.40-4.92 12972 098ee01d7a75c454349e649e954078b5
05.png 05.png 3.40-4.92 20260 0ab33e75f1bc9effdf9afbcfc0dee048
06.png 06.png 3.40-4.92 10045 d02dfdb83292014ac3a0fab819f3ef8d
07.png 07.png 3.40-4.92 21912 c7130cf54ccd5ec99c48923f60899f91
08.png 08.png 3.40-4.92 13720 b3615e8f13f1e8982508d53b07a1a4b6
09.png 09.png 3.40-4.92 21264 e536ea25f671416ba8863d7f5931c601
10.png 10.png 3.40-4.92 14383 14d88c0a31dd1247485d31885f60345b
11.png 11.png 3.40-4.92 21600 31d8666d65f21f96c47327a9ee8ecf96
Line.png line.png 3.40-4.92 12793 f8c8a41f6a1d751fb017dce627ea8383

Note: no variants

is not yet on an article page?

Filename Version Size MD5 Remarks
000.png 000.png 1.00-4.92 8732 782383150fe84e4860d26114bc84eac6
001.png 001.png 1.00-4.92 8692 89c5f403c53f58599c99b3fa8c09f0c5
002.png 002.png 1.00-4.92 8314 5e4d7d44fa2ac8f1467abdd01680beb5
003.png 003.png 1.00-4.92 7599 eb32cd2ec540958a809186e1dae626e8
004.png 004.png 1.00-4.92 9590 0dda6f66eb49006dda8d8b5f64721fd7
005.png 005.png 1.00-4.92 10141 a682913b618dfa18fa858e3220096189
006.png 006.png 1.00-4.92 9761 08d2e916bb6c3cf1131f5dc0db8bd873
007.png 007.png 1.00-4.92 10818 8c3fd52c7060cb9b7f1630e7a8244452
008.png 008.png 1.00-4.92 10013 ad647ab5f7a3a7654d69073d57e2df19
009.png 009.png 1.00-4.92 2297 2979b1a3f321453f8dd32b87d6af26ae
010.png 010.png 1.00-4.92 2784 97b1383a45b127f4b961a41e46725763
011.png 011.png 1.00-4.92 4138 3bbbf0ab68a1f6319a802f9c4413c3b8
012.png 012.png 1.00-4.92 3063 4c2a7f17c0ec6d5919168591a6ea6116
013.png 013.png 1.00-4.92 3489 e2a625b8e3229b4fd3d8cf98a4bd164b
014.png 014.png 1.00-4.92 3162 28ff7495ce9da4026766d88e9a9105da
015.png 015.png 1.00-4.92 3388 1cfac53ebec607ba2b559203f6d79eea
016.png 016.png 1.00-4.92 4305 3b7642247edcc4a1bc3ac999f20be729
017.png 017.png 1.00-4.92 3920 72ed5f6e7ad644fc26865dd589b71fa7
018.png 018.png 1.00-4.92 16597 267fc9f686987fb329c5494907941d8f
019.png 019.png 1.00-4.92 17617 0f9efaef8626de4baac4e850ff43e494
020.png 020.png 1.00-4.92 16912 91304828046ef81a769911417ef8de27
021.png 021.png 1.00-4.92 16595 37ca85996c2f0c3d9d4310882fb9f9bb
022.png 022.png 1.00-4.92 18742 0e801b22adc8e7e4262490c6f1a1eda4
023.png 023.png 1.00-4.92 18387 115cd081bea9622f1105210bf4857124
024.png 024.png 1.00-4.92 18016 9a2597dee82c144375ae95630c554fc3
025.png 025.png 1.00-4.92 18551 5d729a8ac9f052135393434cf5d16b70
026.png 026.png 1.00-4.92 17346 d72fd0c1a810ce6138e314010f15795b

Note: no variants

is not yet on an article page

Users suggestions, brainstormings, help, etc...[edit source]

HDD regions table[edit source]

ps3dd HDD region is between 8 sectors of padding, in the space leaved empty by resizing ps3da, see how:
The script is a facility to create a next region on free (from regions) space on HDD, with GameOS rights: same script for ALL models, it needs new drivers and new ps3sed.

ps3disk sb_03: accessible region 0 start 0 size 1250263728		//ps3da
ps3disk sb_03: accessible region 1 start 32 size 1212515008		//ps3db
ps3disk sb_03: accessible region 2 start 1212515040 size 4194296	//ps3dc
ps3disk sb_03: accessible region 3 start 1216709344 size 33554376	//ps3dd
ps3disk sb_03: ps3stor_probe_access:132: 4 accessible regions found

32 + 1212515008 = 1212515040		//ps3db end sector
1212515040 + 4194296 = 1216709336	//ps3dc end sector
1216709344 - 1216709336 = 8		//ps3dd begin pad
1216709344 + 33554376 = 1250263720	//ps3dd end sector
1250263728 - 1250263720 = 8		//ps3dd ending pad

note: no gap between GameOS regions
  • I added the padding you point of 0x8 sectors at the end of the table, and i also added some notes out of the table about the differences of padding between official layout and other methods (and maybe differences between NAND/NOR models)... is hard to know or represent in the table because there are differeces in the info people posted (included your displacement of 0x20 sectors before ps3db in your NAND console, that doesnt seems to match the total displacement of 0x18 sectors in graf NOR notes). By now for me this "small" problem with innacurate paddings in the table is fine (no idea if can be solved by modding an script of driver config), overall it looks the whole hdd is mapped so i finished with the table by now, the most important think to know about this areas out of the regions was to be sure if are padding (not other important data) --Sandungas (talk) 19:00, 1 April 2014 (EDT)

This table is copyed from: Hypervisor_Reverse_Engineering#HDD_device (i added the grey rows and usage column). The console was a NOR model (because it has vflash region) and in a firmware under 3.21 (because it has otheros region)

Region Index Start sector Number of sectors Usage
0 0x0 0x950F8B0 whole hdd
0x8 HDD Partition table
1 0x8 0x80000 vflash
0x10 Padding ? (0x80018 - 0x80000 - 0x8 = 0x10)
2 0x80018 0x7C8F898 gameos
0x8 Padding (0x7D0F8B8 - 0x7C8F898 - 0x80018 = 0x8)
3 0x7D0F8B8 0x3FFFF8 gameos cache
0x8 Padding (0x810F8B8 - 0x3FFFF8 - 0x7D0F8B8 = 0x8)
4 0x810F8B8 0x13FFFF8 otheros
5 - - -
6 - - -
7 - - -

Regarding Boxwarning[edit source]

I created a new one just for the RCOXML Objects page but you can edit the template if you need more lines etc. Roxanne 11:55, 19 November 2015 (GMT+1)

Thanks, the new template looks more scary and this is what i was trying to achieve. The broken templates (boxwarning and boxread variations, and maybe others) was made by me when i was learning how template works initially as experiments, but i made a few more that was working fine and i needed them for PARAM.SFO page (and later used in other pages)... so i forgot a bit about the broken ones but i guess at some point it will be needed to review and decide is fixing or deleting them --Sandungas (talk) 02:24, 20 November 2015 (UTC)

If it's about making things scary then next time we will use a dark red color :) - When I get my left hand back I will check out the templates. Roxanne 10:03, 20 November 2015 (GMT+1)
  • Does it worked?
    • No, i was trying to find the email of an user that forgot his account details to force a reset of his pass, but problem was solved anyway
      • Ok. Normally this isn't possible what you had done with your rights but this is probably because of the Database error on both PS3 and PS4 wiki, so we will keep this status.

Might be interesting for Dungas[edit source]

  • from vsh.self
GEXE - GameExec
GPS1 - PS1emu
GAME - unknown

Tests (temporal)[edit source]

If successful will be moved to other pages, if failed will be deleted or moved to TemplateTest

PS3Xploit stuff[edit source]

PS3 chasis familly PS3 model CFW compatible Flash Type Other info
(minver 3.56 or lower)
Slim CECH-20xxA/B
(minver 3.60 or higher)
SuperSlim CECH-40xxB/C

GECR-2500[edit source]

  • There's no GECR-2000: [1]
  • GECR numbers are derived from the prototype numbers, see the corresponding DECH ones (User_talk:M4j0r):
    • DEH-BH1100A = DECHB00A
    • DEH-FH1500A = DECHL00A
    • DEH-H2000A = DECHJ00A
    • DEH-H2500A = DECH-2000A
  • Fixed, there was a 357C listed in the arcade models wiki page with a slim motherboard and that was not posible (or highly unprobable). Now i restored it back to what we had before 2017-12-29 that was partially specilative but better. To know for sure which motherboard is inside a 357C we need photos of it, until that point the question mark that appears in that section is needed to keep