Syscon Thermal Configs/structs

From PS3 Developer wiki
Revision as of 06:52, 22 April 2022 by Sandungas (talk | contribs) (In mullion are named "tempu" & "tempd" but in sherwood are "tempru" & "temprd". Both styles are official codenames, i think is better to dont give preference to one of them and use more explicit names)
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This page is only intended to show some code samples, feel free to improve them, please provide a proof if an important change is made, and use the related Discussion page/s for the dicussions and speculations

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// CXR713F120A     | mullion_flash      | MPU-501, TMU-520, COOKIE-XX prototypes
// CXR713120-201GB | mullion_32KB       | COK-001
// CXR713120-202GB | mullion_32KB       | COK-002
// CXR713120-203GB | mullion_20KB       | SEM-001
// CXR714120-301GB | mullion_20KB       | DIA-001
// CXR714120-302GB | mullion_20KB       | DIA-002, DEB-001
// CXR714120-303GB | mullion_20KB       | COK-002 (Refurb 65nm RSX)
// CXR714120-304GB | mullion_20KB       | COK-001, DIA-001 (Refurbs 40nm RSX)
// SW-301          | sherwood           | VER-001
// SW-302          | sherwood           | VER-001
// SW2-301         | sherwood           | DYN-001
// SW2-302         | sherwood           | SUR-001
// SW2-303         | sherwood           | JTP-001, JSD-001
// SW3-301         | sherwood           | KTE-001
// SW3-302         | sherwood           | MSX-001, MPX-001, NPX-001
// SW3-303         | sherwood           | ?
// SW3-304         | sherwood           | PQX-001, PPX-001, RTX-001, REX-001

struct fancon_footer {
	u8 duty_min;              // Always 0x33 (mullions and sherwoods SW/SW2), or always 0x34 (sherwoods SW3)
	u8 duty_max;              // Always 0xFF
	u8 policy;                // 0x00=Full, 0x01=Auto, 0x02=Manual
	u8 select;                // 0x00=ROM, 0xFF=RAM
	u8 active;                // 0x00=Remove, 0xFF=Use

struct fancon_40 {
	u8  duty[0xA];
	u16 temp_up[0xA];
	u16 temp_down[0xA];
	u8 reserved[0x9];
}; // 0x40

struct fancon_80 {
	u8  duty[0x14];
	u16 temp_up[0x14];
	u16 temp_down[0x14];
	u8 reserved[0x17];
}; // 0x80

struct fancon_sw {
	u8  duty;
	u16 temp_up;
	u16 temp_down;

struct fancon_70 {
	u8 reserved[0x7];
}; // 0x70

struct config_footer_temps  {
	u16 trp;                  // Thermal Protection ?. Named "Alert Limits" in PS4
	u16 tshutdown;            // Thermal Shutdown. Named "CriticalTempr Limits" in PS4
	u16 hyst;                 // Hysteresis (always 2ºC). Named "Alert Hysteresis" in PS4

struct config_footer_unk_1  {
	u8 unk_1_cell;            // always 0xFF
	u8 unk_1_rsx;             // always 0xFF
	u8 unk_1_bevr;            // always 0xFF
	u8 unk_1_sb;              // always 0xFF
	u8 unk_1_eegs;            // always 0xFF

struct config_footer_unk_2  {
	u8 unk_2_cell;            // directly or indirectly related with cell revision
	u8 unk_2_rsx;             // directly or indirectly related with rsx revision
	u8 unk_2_bevr;            // directly or indirectly related with bevr revision
	u8 unk_2_sb;              // directly or indirectly related with sb revision
	u8 unk_2_eegs;            // directly or indirectly related with eegs revision

struct config_footer_unk_3  {
	u8 unk_3_cell;            // identical to unk_2_cell (only mullion, sherwood doesnt seems to use this area)
	u8 unk_3_rsx;             // identical to unk_2_rsx (only mullion, sherwood doesnt seems to use this area)
	u8 unk_3_bevr;            // always 0xFF, bevr fan table is not active (only mullion, sherwood doesnt seems to use this area)
	u8 unk_3_sb;              // identical to unk_2_sb (only mullion, sherwood doesnt seems to use this area)
	u8 unk_3_eegs;            // always 0xFF, eegs fan table is not active (only mullion, sherwood doesnt seems to use this area)
}; //

struct config_footer_mullionf {
	u8  use_eeprom_values;    // (00 = yes)
	u8  reserved;
	config_footer_temps cell;
	config_footer_temps rsx;
	config_footer_temps xdr;
	config_footer_temps intake;
	config_footer_temps gbe;
	config_footer_temps sb;
	u8  reserved[0xA];
	u16 tshutdown_time;       // TShutdown Time:%d[s](0x%04x)
	u8  unknown_0;            // related to thermal errors
	u8  fan_shutdown_time;
	u8  reserved[0xC];
	u8  rsx_thermal_limit_unk0;
	u8  rsx_thermal_limit_unk1;
	u8  rsx_thermal_limit_unk2;
	u8  rsx_thermal_limit_unk3;
	u8  rsx_thermal_limit_unk4;
	u8  rsx_thermal_limit_unk5;
	u8  reserved[0xA];
	u8  unknown_1;            // fan config
	u8  unknown_2;            // fan config
	u8  unknown_3;            // fan config
	u8  reserved[0xD];
	u8  unknown_4;            // fan config (set to 0xE0)
	u16 unknown_5;            // fan config
	u16 unknown_6;            // fan config
	u16 unknown_7;            // fan config
	u16 unknown_8;            // fan config
	u16 unknown_9;            // fan config
	u8  reserved[0x95];
}; // 0x100

struct config_footer_mullion {
	u16 tshutdown_time;       // TShutdown Time:%d[s](0x%04x), or TShutdown Time:%d[s](default tshutdown time). Always 0xFFFF
	u8  unk_00;               // Fan shutdown time ?
	u8  fan_initial_duty;     // Fan initial duty: %d%%(0x%02x). Always 0x4D (mullions)
	u8  fan_initial_time;     // Fan initial time: %d(ms), or Fan initial time: %d(ms) -> disable. Always 0x14
	u8  unk_FF;
	config_footer_temps cell;
	config_footer_temps rsx;
	config_footer_temps bevr;
	config_footer_temps sb;
	config_footer_temps eegs;
	u8  reserved[0x4B];
	u16 checksum;
}; // 0x80

struct config_footer_sherwood {
	u16 tshutdown_time;       // TShutdown Time:%d[s](0x%04x), or TShutdown Time:%d[s](default tshutdown time). Always 0xFFFF
	u16 unk_0000;             // Fan shutdown time ?, length increased to 2 bytes for sherwoods ?
	u8  fan_initial_duty;     // Fan initial duty: %d%%(0x%02x). Always 0x4D (sherwoods SW/SW2 with 65nm RSX), or 0x40 (sherwoods SW2 with 40nm RSX), or 0x41 (sherwoods SW3)
	u8  fan_initial_time;     // Fan initial time: %d(ms), or Fan initial time: %d(ms) -> disable. Always 0x14
	config_footer_temps cell;
	config_footer_temps rsx;
	u8  reserved[0x94];
}; // 0xB0

struct thermal_config {
#ifdef mullion_flash
	fancon_40 cell;           // FanconNo=0x00, TZoneNo=0x00 "1st BE Primary"
	fancon_40 rsx;            // FanconNo=0x01, TZoneNo=0x01 "RSX Primary"
	fancon_40 unk_z20;        // FanconNo=0x02, TZoneNo=0x20 unknown (BE VR ?)
	fancon_40 unk_z21;        // FanconNo=0x03, TZoneNo=0x21 unknown (RSX VR ?)
	fancon_40 xdr;            // FanconNo=0x04, TZoneNo=0x02 "XDR Primary"
	fancon_40 intake;         // FanconNo=0x07, TZoneNo=0x0A "Air Intake"
	fancon_40 gbe;            // FanconNo=0x06, TZoneNo=0x0F "GbE"
	fancon_40 sb;             // FanconNo=0x05, TZoneNo=0x14 "SB"
#ifdef mullion_32KB
	fancon_40 cell;           // FanconNo=0x00, TZoneNo=0x00 "1st BE Primary"
	fancon_40 rsx;            // FanconNo=0x01, TZoneNo=0x01 "RSX Primary"
	fancon_40 bevr;           // FanconNo=0x??, TZoneNo=0x03 "BE VR"
	fancon_40 sb;             // FanconNo=0x03, TZoneNo=0x14 "SB"
	fancon_40 eegs;           // FanconNo=0x??, TZoneNo=0x15 "EE+GS"
	fancon_40 reserved;
#ifdef mullion_20KB
	fancon_80 cell;           // FanconNo=0x00, TZoneNo=0x00 "1st BE Primary"
	fancon_80 rsx;            // FanconNo=0x01, TZoneNo=0x01 "RSX Primary"
	fancon_80 sb;             // FanconNo=0x02, TZoneNo=0x14 "SB"
#ifdef sherwood
	fancon_70 cell;           // FanconNo=0x00, TZoneNo=0x00 "1st BE Primary"
	fancon_70 rsx;            // FanconNo=0x01, TZoneNo=0x01 "RSX Primary"
	fancon_70 reserved;