DEX Options

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Comparison of functionality[edit | edit source]

Comparison table of functionality differences between Reference Tool/DECR, Debugging Station/DEX, Retail PS3/CEX, Demonstration/Kiosk, Arcade, AV Testing Tool & DTCP-IP Debugger Models.

Functionality Reference Tool Debugging Station Retail PS3 Kiosk PS3 Arcade PS3 AV Testing Tool DTCP-IP Debugger
Create new user Supported Supported Supported
Set automatic login Supported
Automatic log in always enabled
Supported Supported
Log out Supported Supported Supported
System update Supported Supported Supported
Chat settings Supported Supported Supported
System settings (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection)
Date and time settings Supported Supported Supported
Accessory settings Supported Supported Supported
Printer settings Supported Supported Supported
Display settings Supported
D-Sub (XGA/SXGA/WXGA) can be set
Supported Supported
Sound settings Supported Supported Supported
Security settings Supported Supported Supported
Remote Play settings Supported Supported Supported
Network settings Supported Supported Supported
Debug settings (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection) (See subsection)
Settings > System Settings
System name Supported Supported Supported
System language Supported Supported Supported
Character set Supported Supported Supported
Add/Edit term Supported Supported Supported
Delete predictive text dictionary Supported Supported Supported
Notification messages Supported Supported Supported
Disc auto-start Supported Supported Supported
Format utility Supported Supported Supported
Restore default settings Supported Supported Supported
Restore PS3 system Supported Supported Supported
Install other OS Unsupported Supported Supported
System information Supported Supported Supported
Settings > Debug Settings
O Button Behavior Supported Supported Unsupported
NP Environment Supported Supported Unsupported
Game Type (Debugger) Supported Supported Unsupported
Game Output Resolution (Debugger) Supported Supported Unsupported
Game Output Sound (Debugger) Supported Supported Unsupported
BGM Player (Debugger) Supported Supported Unsupported
GameContentUtil Boot Path (Debugger) Supported Supported Unsupported
GameContentUtil dirName (Debugger) Supported Supported Unsupported
GameContentUtil Boot Path (/app_home/PS3_GAME/) Supported Supported Unsupported
Region Settings Supported Supported Unsupported Supported
Fake Other Region Supported Supported Unsupported Supported
HDCP Supported Supported Unsupported Supported
Display HDD Free Space Supported Supported Unsupported
Fake Free Space Supported Supported Unsupported
Fake Limit Size Supported Supported Unsupported
Fake HDD Access Speed Supported Unsupported Unsupported
Fake Save Data Owner Supported Supported Unsupported
Format System Cache Supported Supported Unsupported
Release Check Mode Supported Supported Unsupported
Exception Handler Supported Supported Unsupported
NP Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
NPDRM Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
NPDRM Clock Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
In-Game Commerce Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
Service ID Supported Supported Unsupported
MsgDialogUtil Display Errorcode Supported Supported Unsupported
Format BD Emulator HDD Supported Supported Unsupported
Disable ExitGame Timeout Supported Supported Unsupported
Core Dump Supported Supported Unsupported
Crash Report Supported Supported Unsupported
Memory Access Trap Supported Unsupported Unsupported
PowerOnReset Supported Supported Unsupported
Boot Mode Supported Supported Unsupported
User Process Memory Size Supported Unsupported Unsupported
Blu-ray Disc Access Supported Supported Unsupported Supported
Transfer Rate Pacing for BD Emulator Supported Supported Unsupported
HOSTFS Network Supported Unsupported Unsupported
Network Settings for Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
Connection Status List for Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
Connection Setting for Debug (Dual Settings) Supported Supported Unsupported
Pad Auto Detect Supported Supported Unsupported
Initialize Boot Parameters Supported Supported Unsupported
Update Server URL Supported Supported Unsupported
Video Upload Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
Wake On LAN Supported Supported Unsupported
PlayStationStore Ad Clock Supported Supported Unsupported
Dummy XMB (in game) Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
Dummy BGM Player Debug Supported Supported Unsupported
TPPS Proxy Supported Supported Unsupported
GameUpdate Impose Test Supported Supported Unsupported
Network Emulation Setting Supported Supported Unsupported
Network Emulation Status Supported Supported Unsupported
NAT Traversal Information Supported Supported Unsupported
WLAN Device Supported Supported Unsupported
Disc Auto-Start at System Startup Supported Supported Unsupported
Fake NP SNS Throttle Supported Supported Unsupported
Super Audio CD playback Unsupported Unsupported Supported
Blu-ray Disc, DVD playback Unsupported Unsupported Supported Supported
/app_home/PS3_GAME/ startup Supported Supported Unsupported
Start up a disc boot game Supported Supported Supported
Start up a HDD boot game Supported Supported Supported
Quit game Supported Supported Supported
Game data management Supported Supported Supported
Save data management Supported Supported Supported
Trophy collection Supported Supported Supported
Install package file Supported Supported Unsupported
Check Content Information/program files Supported Supported Unsupported
Remote play Supported Supported Supported
PlayStation Network
Sign up / Sign in Supported Supported Supported
Account management Supported Supported Supported
Title Store Preview (In Game) / Title Store Preview (Store) Supported Supported Unsupported
Add a friend Supported Supported Supported
Presence information Supported Supported Supported
Message box Supported Supported Supported
Display block list Supported Supported Supported
Display players encountered Supported Supported Supported
Text chat Supported Supported Supported
AV chat Supported Supported Supported

Debug/DEX options[edit | edit source]

Here is some information around Debug option.

Original (French) Version Source Website :

0 Button Behavior:
Switch the assignment of the “O” button to “X” button (like for japans games/region settings).
“Enter” : assign the “Enter” function to “O” button
“Back” : assign the “Enter” function to “X” button.
NP Environment:
Edit the environment variable to connect to the network of your choice.
“np” : retail network.
“sp-int” : developers network.
“prod-qa” : production quality assurance network.
Note : There are other networks than debugs can access but only QA flagged consoles can connect to them (mgmt, rc, etc…)
Game Type (Debugger):
Set the game type of an application when this one is started from the debugger (usually, this information is read from PARAM.SFO).
“Disc Boot Game” : use application like a game disc.
“HDD Boot Game” : use application like a HDD boot game.
“Patch” : use application installed as a game patch.
“PARAM.SFO” : use the param.sfo directly from the application.
Game Output Resolution (Debugger):
Set the game output resolution of an application when this one is started from the debugger (usually, this information is read from PARAM.SFO).
“480 (4:3)”
“480 (16:9)”
“576 (4:3)”
“576 (16:9)”
“960 x 1080″
“1280 x 1080″
“1440 x 1080″
“1600 x 1080″
“1920 x 1080″
Game Output Sound (Debugger):
Set game output sound of an application when this one is started from the debugger (usually, this information is read from PARAM.SFO).
“Maximum Number of Channels Set on [ Sound Settings ] > [ Audio Output Settings ]“
“2 ch”
“2 ch (Downmix: 5.1 ch -> 2 ch)”
“2 ch (Downmix: 7.1 ch -> 2 ch)”
“5.1 ch”
“5.1 ch (Downmix: 7.1 ch -> 5.1 ch)”
“7.1 ch”
“Dolby Digital”
“Dolby Digital (Downmix: 7.1 ch -> 5.1 ch)”
“DTS (Downmix: 7.1 ch -> 5.1 ch)”
BGM Player (Debugger):
Set the activation of BGM playback when an application is started from the debugger (usually, this information is read from PARAM.SFO).
“Off” : deactivate the BGM Player.
“On” : activate the BGM Player.
GameContentUtil Boot Path (Debugger):
Change the game content boot path when an application is started from the debugger.
“For Development” : return the real path where the application is started.
“For Release” : return the path from “GameContentUtil dirName (Debugger)” setting
GameContentUtil dirName (Debugger):
Change the game content directory when an application is started from the debugger in release mode.
GameContentUtil Boot Path (/app_home/PS3_GAME/):
Change the game content boot path when an application is started from /app_home/PS3_GAME/.
“For Development” : return the real path where the application is started.
“For Release” : return the path from the PARAM.SFO settings.
Region Settings:
Change the console settings (system language, time, date, etc…) depending on which region are selected.
“North America”
“Southeast Asia”
“Hong Kong”
Fake Other Region:
Fake the license area of the console (“SCEE” for Europe, “SCEA” for America, etc…) to “Other”.
“Off” : the Fake Other Region setting is deactivated.
“On” : the license area is set to “Other”.
Note : Setting on that option is not saved after a console reboot.
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) is a form of digital copy protection developed by Intel Corporation to prevent copying of digital audio and video content as it travels across High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) connection. (
“Off” : the HDCP protection is deactivated.
“On” : the HDCP protection is activated
Display HDD Free Space:
Display the hard drive free space on the menu screen while an application is running
Fake Free Space:
Fake the amount of free space on the HDD, in “Fake Limit Size” function.
“Off” : deactivate Fake Free Space function.
“On” : activate Fake Free Space function.
“On (Ignored in NP Trophy)” : activate Fake Free Space function exept for trophy functions.
Fake Limit Size:
Set the amount of free space on the HDD in MB when the “Fake Free Space” function is activated.
Fake Save Data Owner:
Allows use of save data from other users and displays a warning message at every load/save during the game. Once a save data has been saved with this features activated, that save couldn’t be read with this function deactivated.
“Off” : deactivate the Fake Save Data Owner function.
“On” : activate the Fake Save Data Owner function.
Format System Cache:
Format the system cache area.
“Yes” : format the system cache.
“No” : cancel the system cache format.
Release Check Mode:
Check if /app_home is used in the application.
“Development Mode” : the application can used /app_home.
“Release Mode” : the application can’t use /app_home.
Exception Handler:
Handle PPU exceptions in order to debug an application.
“Off” : deactivate the exception handling.
“On” : activate the exception handling.
NP Debug:
When an application is started, Playstation Network information related to that application is displayed.
“Off” : deactivate the NP Debug function.
“On” : activate the NP Debug function.
NPDRM Debug:
Set and test the access rights to an application that use drm protection.
“Off” : deactivate the NPDRM Debug function.
“No Entitlement (80029513)” : return 80029513 error.
“Deactivated (80029514)” : return 80029514 error.
“Unexpected Error” : return unexpected error.
NPDRM Clock Debug:
Activate/deactivate the validity period of an application that use drm protection.
“Off” : deactivate the NPDRM Clock Debug function.
“On” : activate the NPDRM Clock Debug function.
Service ID:
Edit the Service ID of the content to access it on the Store.
Example : AB0000-ABCD12345_00
MsgDialogUtil Display Errorcode:
Display the error code of an application that uses the cellMsgDialogOpenErrorCode function in the notification window.
“Off” : deactivate the MsgDialogUtil Display Errorcode function.
“On” : activate the MsgDialogUtil Display Errorcode function.
Format BD Emulator HDD:
Format the external usb device (FAT32) for use it with the BD Emulator Function.
“Quick Format” : Make a quick device format.
“Full Format” : Make a full device format.
Disable ExitGame Timeout:
Disable the forced termination of an application due to a time out.
“Off” : do not disable the ExitGame Timeout function.
“On” : disable the ExitGame Timeout function.
Core Dump:
The Core Dump functions save and configure the output exceptions of applications in order to debug them.
“Copy” : Copy a core file.
“Delete” : Delete a core file.
“Option” :
[Option] > [★ Trigger Option]
“Disable PPU exception detection” : PPU exception are not includes in the core file.
“Disable SPU exception detection” : SPU exception are not includes in the core file.
“Disable RSX® exception detection” : RSX exception are not includes in the core file.
“Disable Foot Switch detection” : the foot switch detection is deactivated.
[★ Corefile Generation Option]
“Disable Memory Dump” : the memory dump is not include in the core file.
[★ Execution Control Option]
“Enable restart process and core dump function after core dumped” : After a core file dumped, the process will restart and the core dump function activated.
“Off” : deactivate the core dump function.
“On (Save to /app_home)” : activate the core dump function and save the core file to /app_home.
“On (Save to /dev_ms)” : activate the core dump function and save the core file to /dev_ms.
“On (Save to /dev_usb)” : activate the core dump function and save the core file to /dev_usb.
“On (Save to /dev_hdd0)” : activate the core dump function and save the core file to /dev_hdd0.
Crash Report:
When the console crashes, a report can be sent to Sony servers.
“Off” : deactivate the Crash Report function.
“On” : activate the Crash Report function.
The console is automatically turned on when the main power button is turned on.
“Off” : deactivate the PowerOnReset function.
“On” : activate the PowerOnReset function.
Boot Mode:
Choose which mode to boot the console.
“Debugger Mode” : boot on the debugger, for debugging purpose.
“System Software Mode” : boot on system software mode, for developing purpose.
“Release Mode” : boot on release mode, the same than retail console, for finals tests purpose.
Blu-ray Disc Access:
Choose the Blu-ray disc type of access.
“BD Emulator (DEV)” : Use the internal hdd for the BD-Emulator. (Reference Tools only)
“BD Emulator (USB)” : use an usb hdd formatted for the BD-Emulator.
“BD Drive” : use the Blu-Ray Disc drive.
Transfer Rate Pacing for BD Emulator:
When the BD Emulator function is activated, the transfer rate can be choose between two options.
“HDD Native” : maximum transfer rate.
“Equiv. to BD Drive” : same transfer rate than the BD Drive.
Network Settings for Debug:
Choose different network settings for the debugging than the settings used in usual settings.
“Single Settings” : use the same network settings for debugging than settings used in [Settings] > [Network Settings].
“Dual Settings” : use two different network settings.
Connection Status List for Debug:
Show the network information for the debugging.
Connection Settings for Debug (Dual Settings):
Choose network settings for the debugging.
Note : the “Network Settings for Debug” function have to be set on “Dual Settings”.
Pad Auto Detect:
This function allows the console to automatically detect a paddle connected by USB.
“Off” : deactivate the Pad Auto Detect function.
“On” : activate the Pad Auto Detect function.
Initialize Boot Parameters:
Reset boot parameters to their default value.
“Yes” : reset boot parameters.
“No” : do not reset boot parameters.
Update Server URL:
Choose the server of firmware updates when selecting [Settings] > [System Update].
Example :
Ps3updat.txt example :
Video Upload Debug:
When a video is uploaded on YouTube with the video upload function, the uploaded video is set to private.
“Off” : the Video Upload Debug function is deactivated.
“On” : the Video Upload Debug function is activated.
Wake On LAN:
Wake-on-LAN is an Ethernet computer networking standard that allows a computer to be turned on or woken up by a network message. The message is usually sent by a program executed on another computer on the same local area network. (
“Off” : deactivate the Wake On Lan function.
“On” : activate the Wake On Lan function, the console can be turned on by a network message.
PlayStation ®Store Ad Clock:
Change the clock time of the ★ Title Store Preview (Store).
“Off” : the PlayStation ®Store Ad Clock function is deactivated.
“On” : the PlayStation ®Store Ad Clock function is activated.
Dummy XMB™ (in game) Debug:
This function checks how applications react while the XMB™ in game is used. If the resources debits are not enough, a message will be display in the notification window.
“Off” : the Dummy XMB™ (in game) Debug function is deactivated.
“On” : the Dummy XMB™ (in game) Debug function is activated.
Dummy BGM Player Debug:
This function checks how applications react while the BGM Player is used. If the resources debits are not enough, a message will be display in the notification window.
“Off” : the Dummy BGM Player Debug function is deactivated.
“On” : the Dummy BGM Player) Debug function is activated.
GameUpdate Impose Test:
The application will find a fake patch in order to test how the application will react when a patch is found.
“Off” : deactivate the GameUpdate Impose Test function.
“On” : activate the GameUpdate Impose Test function.
Network Emulation Setting:'
Emulate the network in order to test how the application will react with networks troubles.
“Off” : the Network Emulation Setting function is deactivated.
“Option 1″ : the Network Emulation Setting function is activated (packet delay time : 100ms).
“Option 2″ : the Network Emulation Setting function is activated (bandwitch limitation : 132072 bps).
“Option 3″ : the Network Emulation Setting function is activated (send packet loss : 5%).
Network Emulation Status:
Show information of the Network Emulation Setting function. This information is also showed when selecting an option in Network Emulation Setting function.
MediatedServices: Mediator URL:
Set the mediator URL of Mediated Services.
MediatedServices: Provider Data:
Set the provider data of Mediated Services.
MediatedServices: Notifications:
Activate/deactivate the Mediated Services notifications.
“Off” : the MediatedServices Notifications function is deactivated.
“On” : the MediatedServices Notifications function is activated.
WLAN Device:
Activate/deactivate the wireless LAN device.
“Off” : deactivate the wireless LAN device.
“On” : activate the wireless LAN device.
Note : the wireless LAN device have to not be use to deactivate it.
NAT Traversal Information:
NAT traversal techniques are typically required for client-to-client networking applications, especially peer-to-peer and Voice-over-IP (VoIP) deployments. (
Adhoc SSID Prefix:
Set the prefix name of the Ad-hoc SSID’s. The default value is set for PSP devices.
Disc Auto-Start at System Startup:
Start the disc automatically when the system is turned on.
“Off” : deactivate the Disc Auto-Start at System Startup function.
“On” : activate the Disc Auto-Start at System Startup function.
Note : [System Settings] > [Disc Auto-Start] have to be turned on too.
3D Video Output:
Set the video output to 3D.
“Automatic” : video output settings are automatically set.
“On” : force the 3D video output.
Fake NP SNS Throttle:
Fake a throttling (a delay between information sends) into the social network service.
“Off (60 sec)” : the Fake NP SNS Throttle function is deactivated, the throttling is set to 60 seconds.
“On (0 sec)” : the Fake NP SNS Throttle function is activated, the throttling is set to 0 seconds.
“On (10 sec)” : the Fake NP SNS Throttle function is activated, the throttling is set to 10 seconds.
“On (120 sec)” : the Fake NP SNS Throttle function is activated, the throttling is set to 120 seconds.
“On (3600 sec)” : the Fake NP SNS Throttle function is activated, the throttling is set to 3600 seconds.
“On (Throttle Closed)” : the Fake NP SNS Throttle function is activated, the throttling is deactivated.
Fake Plus:
Fake the activation of PlayStation® Plus.
“Off” : the Fake Plus function is deactivated.
“On” : the Fake Plus function is activated.

Thanks to DrEB alias jerem73.