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This daughterboard is a part of the Bluray Drive model BD-400 used in CECHAxx, CECHBxx, CECHCxx, CECHExx, CECHGxx PS3 models.

There is an Infra red LED that lights on a phototransistor located on the opposite board BL1-001. It works as a disc presence detector at the disc slot border, and controlls the load/eject mechanical parts at top of the drive. SYSCON feeds this IR-LED through the Pin M16 DISC_PHOT_LED (Mullion) and then checks the signal from BL1-001 photo-transistor on Pin A2 DISC_IN (Mullion).

Retail Partnumber(s): 1-871-577-12



  • IR LED (CL-200IR-X-TU)
  • Resistor (220 Ohms)


long board edge:

  • 2-pin connector