Rec plugin

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Revision as of 21:35, 19 October 2014 by Mysis (talk | contribs) (→‎1 Interface)
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1 Identifiers:

  • 1

1 Interface

contains 8 subs:

0: 0 Parameter: - returns 0
1: start, 0 Parameter: - RecStart
2: stop, 0 Parameter: - RecStop
3: close, 1 Parameter: int isdiscard (0=save, 1=clear recorded movie)
4: geti, 1 Parameter: int giprm (must be 5 = Movie Time msec) - RecGetInfo
5: md, 2 Parameter: uint8_t mdarg[0x2C8], int (must be 0x2C8 = 712) - RecSetInfo (MetaData)
6: etis, 1 Parameter: int time - RecSetInfo (Movie start time msec)
7: etie, 1 Parameter: int time - RecSetInfo (Movie end time msec)


Load up parameters:

videoFmt = int
audioFmt = int
ppuPrio = int
spuPrio = int
container = int
bgCntnr = (Background Memory Container 4)
filename = char * [0x400]
notifyParam = int
optFlag1 = int 
ringSec = int
aMixVol = uint8_t
vInput = uint8_t
metaF = char * [0x400]
srate = uint8_t
capPrio = uint8_t