Hardware flashing

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Progskeet wired to NANDs of a COK-002 board (photo:idone)

Typical NOR flashing requires 16 Data wires, 23 Address wires and 3-4 control wires to the NOR pads (photo:defyboy)

intro[edit | edit source]

Before you think this is going to be easy, let me explain why not:

but even with that amazing number of possible variations, it all comes down to 2 seperate diagrams to use: NAND or NOR.

Hardware Flashers[edit | edit source]

Both early launch consoles which feature NAND flash memory (block devices, that interleave their data unlike NOR flash) and later consoles which feature NOR flash memory are able to be flashed.

Different Flashers[edit | edit source]

Infectus[edit | edit source]


Noraliser[edit | edit source]

Marcan has made a NOR flasher / address sniffer for his PS3 slim by re-purposing a FPGA board (Xilinx Spartan3E XC3S500E) made for Wii hacking. Noraliser is a git repo that contains the HDL (verilog) and associated host computer tools for flashing/sniffing. There are ~50 signals to solder.

NORway[edit | edit source]

Work has been underway to brink a low cost AVR (Atmel 90USB1286) based NOR flasher that is capable of reading and writing on all consoles by defyboy. This was opensourced and further enhanced, now known as NORway for Teensy++ 2.0 boards.

Progskeet[edit | edit source]

Other people haven't been sitting idle either: uf6667 and bmx have developed Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1, based on an Actel A3P125 FPGA for NAND and NOR based consoles (not only PS3, but also useable for Wii and Xbox360). Later followed up by Progskeet 1.2, which was anounced to get an open API. Although highly hyped/marketed as universal flasher, it is not the recommended end user choice: long history of issues, long time between fixes, no clear support path etc.

PNM[edit | edit source]

"No_One" has developed PNM - The PS3 NOR Manager is a custom board based on a FPGA (Altera Cyclone3 EP3C25) and 2 flash sockets. PNM is capable to handle the basic features like read/dump/update/copy but also to swap (hot swap or cold swap) the NOR used. It also enbles features to sniff bus activities, emulate NOR flash etc.

PIC32MX[edit | edit source]

PIC32MX is an opensource PIC based NOR flasher.

E3[edit | edit source]

The E3 is a China commercial developped PS3 only 'flasher'.
It uses MCU ARM 32BIT 256K FLASH 144LQFP - STM32F103ZCT6 controller to dump the NOR.

Comparison[edit | edit source]

Flash types and models used by PS3
Flash Type / Model PS3 Fat PS3 Slim PS3 SuperSlim notes
CECH-20xx CECH-21xx CECH-25xx CECH-25xx CECH-30xx CECH-40xxB/C CECH-40xxB/C CECH-40xxA
'12GB' noHDD
NAND 2x Samsung K9F1G08U0A-PIB0 Yes Yes Yes - No No No No No No No No No No No
2x Samsung K9F1G08U0B-PIB0 - - - Yes No No No No No No No No No No No
NOR 1x Spansion S29GL128N90TFIR2 No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes - - - - - - No
1x Samsung K8Q2815UQB-PI4B No No No No - - Yes Yes Yes - - - - - No
1x Spansion S29GL128P90TFIR2 No No No No - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
1x Macronix MX29GL128ELT2I-90G No No No No - - - Yes Yes Yes yes ? Yes No
1x Samsung K8P2716UZC-QI4D No No No No Yes - - - - Yes Yes Yes No
1x Macronix MX29GL128FLT2I-90G No No No No - - - - - - - - Yes Yes No
eMMC 1x Panasonic MN66840 +
1x Samsung KLMAG2GE4A-A001
No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes
connection type NAND layout 1 NOR layout 1 NOR layout 2 NOR layout 3 NOR layout 4 NOR layout 5 eMMC layout

PS3 Flashers compatibility
Flasher PS3 Fat PS3 Slim notes
CECH-20xx CECH-21xx CECH-25xx CECH-25xx CECH-30xx
Infectus Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No NAND only
Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues advertised Universal NAND + NOR + SPI
Progskeet 1.2 Issues Issues Issues Issues No No No No No No No No advertised Universal NAND + NOR + SPI
Progskeet 1.21 Issues Issues Issues Issues No No No No No No No No advertises Universal NAND + NOR + SPI
Teensy++ 2.0: NANDway / NORway Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes OpenSource / OpenHardware + works for NAND + NOR
PNM No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes OpenSource / OpenHardware
Noraliser No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not commercially avail.
PIC32MX No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes OpenSource / OpenHardware
E3 No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 console only (unless you use the Samsung multi console update)
connection type NAND layout 1 NOR layout 1 NOR layout 2 NOR layout 3 NOR layout 4
PS3 Flashers features
Feature Infectus PNM Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 Progskeet 1.2 / 1.21 Teensy++ 2.0
NANDway / NORway
PIC32MX E3 Remarks
Use CFI ? Yes Yes Yes No ? ? Common Flash Memory Interface writing strategies (Progkseet can dump CFI, but doesnt use it directly for writestrategy)
PS3 NAND Support
(see above table)
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes E3 supports NAND with later 'to be released' edition
PS3 NOR Support
(see above table)
No Yes Yes Issues Yes Yes Yes Users reporting NOR writing problems on Progskeet 1.2 / 1.21
Solderless No No Yes Yes No No Yes Solderless is optional for E3 (but still requires soldering tristate).

NOR/NAND solderless clip for Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 are already available now. Announced for PNM near future.

OpenSource No Yes No No Yes Yes No
OpenHardware No Yes No No Yes Yes No
Onboard Flash No Yes No No No No Yes Instant-on dual firmware for PNM using a jumper // E3 uses flash on driveboard, not internal
Dual Boot solution No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Real quick dualboot requires dual flash (and user to swap the harddrive)
File Transfer Protocol USB X-Modem USB USB USB
Mass Production No No Yes Yes No No Yes PNM V2 might be mass produced
X360 NAND Support Yes No Yes Yes No No No
Wii NAND Support Yes No Yes Yes No No No

Generic Warning[edit | edit source]

Generic Warning
Make sure you have several proper dumps of your flash before even trying writing to it! Use unpacking tools (e.g. Norunpack, Flowrebuilder, Norpatch etc.) and hexeditors (e.g. HxD) and use Flash page as reference.
  • CRC/MD5 is not a method to check your flash (if it is bad, you are only comparing if the other file is equally bad).
  • Also make sure you checked the content of the flash, Flowrebuilder, Norunpack only looks for image header and unpacks without warnings and without checking the content.

See also: Validating flash dumps

You cannot recover from bad flash without proper dumps (e.g. bricking the console beyond repair).

NAND Wiring[edit | edit source]

Flashers for NAND based consoles (CECHA/COK-001, CECHB/COK-001, CECHC/COK-002, CECHD/unreleased, CECHE/COK-002W, CECHF/unreleased, CECHG/SEM-001) are generaly wired directly to the pins of the NAND (you cannot use the testpoints!), plus ground and Vcc. For NAND pinouts see: Flash (Hardware) #NAND

There are 2 nands interleaved at the 512byte sectors level, giving a 1024 byte "interleaved sector". pages are 2kb on each nand.

Which NAND is low (NAND 0)/high (NAND 1)?[edit | edit source]

  • COK-001 :
    • IC3802 LOW (main componentside next to Starship2)
    • IC3803 HIGH (backside next to 60-pin BD ATA connector)
  • SEM-001 :
    • IC3802 LOW (backside)
    • IC3803 HIGH (main componentside with SATA connector, CELL BE, RSX etc.)

SMD parts connecting to the NANDs[edit | edit source]

  • NAND0:
    • R3841 : 2200 Ω (between SS2_XFRB0 / RB#-pin7 and +3.3_SB_VDDIO/VCC as pullup)
    • R3812 : xx (between SS2_XFWP0 and WP#-pin19)
    • R3813 : 0 Ω (between +3.3_SB_VDDIO and WP#-pin19 as always pulled up WP#)
    • C3823 : 0.1μF B 10V (between GND-pin13 and +3.3_SB_VDDIO/VCC-pin12 for filtering)
    • C3824 : 0.1μF B 10V (between GND-pin36 and +3.3_SB_VDDIO/VCC-pin37 for filtering)
  • NAND1:
    • R3840 : 2200 Ω (between SS2_XFRB1 / RB#-pin7 and +3.3_SB_VDDIO/VCC as pullup)
    • R3814 : xx (between SS2_XFWP1 and WP#-pin19)
    • R3815 : 0 Ω (between +3.3_SB_VDDIO and WP#-pin19 as always pulled up WP#)
    • C3825 : 0.1μF B 10V (between GND-pin13 and +3.3_SB_VDDIO/VCC-pin12 for filtering)
    • C3826 : 0.1μF B 10V (between GND-pin36 and +3.3_SB_VDDIO/VCC-pin37 for filtering)

Effect when lost:

  • Without RB# pullup parts (pin19) it cannot be read or written with adequate timings (only with a flasher can slow down writing and not by PS3)
  • Without WP# pullup parts (pin7) it cannot be written (only with a flasher that pullup WP# and not by PS3)
  • Without VCC filter parts (pins 12+37) it cannot be read nor written (only with a flasher that injects VCC and not by PS3)

Pinout Table[edit | edit source]

Dual NAND connection to Teensy++ 2.0 (NANDway) diagram

Dual NAND connection to Progskeet diagram

Dual NAND connection to Infectus diagram

NAND 360Clip pinout

Progskeet - Single-NAND - 360clip

Progskeet 1.2 - back
Chip/PIN Description NANDway Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 S-NAND Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 SL-NAND Progskeet 1.2 / 1.21 Infectus 360clip Description
0/1-6 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
0/7 R/B PB6 64 / rdy gp5 P02 U FRB1 Read/Busy Output
0/8 RE PB1 69 / oe gp1 P06 M RE Read Enable
0/9 CE PB0 60 / gp3 gp2 P05(p) CE_A / P03(s) CE_B N FCE1 Chip Enable
1/10+11 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
0/12 Vcc +3.3 +3.3 +3.3 NC Vcc Vcc (min 2.7V-max 3.6V / typ 3.3V)
0/13 Vss GND GND GND NC GND VSS - Ground
1/14+15 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
0/16 CLE PB2 63 / gp0 we P09 O CLE Command Latch Enable
0/17 ALE PB3 62 / gp1 rdy P08 P ALE Address Latch Enable
0/18 WE PB5 65 / we gp0 P07 Q WE Write Enable
0/19 WP PB4 61 / gp2 gp3 P04 T WP Write Protect
1/20-28 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
0/29 I/O-0 PF0 79 / dq0 79 / dq0 P34 D0 I/O0
0/30 I/O-1 PF1 80 / dq1 80 / dq1 P35 D1 I/O1
0/31 I/O-2 PF2 81 / dq2 81 / dq2 P36 D2 I/O2
0/32 I/O-3 PF3 82 / dq3 82 / dq3 P37 D3 I/O3
0/33-35 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
0/36 Vss GND GND GND NC GND VSS - Ground
0/37 Vcc +3.3 +3.3 +3.3 NC Vcc Vcc (min 2.7V-max 3.6V / typ 3.3V)
0/38-40 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
0/41 I/O-4 PF4 83 / dq4 83 / dq4 P38 D4 I/O4
0/42 I/O-5 PF5 84 / dq5 84 / dq5 P39 D5 I/O5
0/43 I/O-6 PF6 85 / dq6 85 / dq6 P40 D6 I/O6
0/44 I/O-7 PF7 86 / dq7 86 / dq7 P41 D7 I/O7
0/45-48 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
0/- NC NC NC NC NC NC PRE Not used
0/10 NC NC NC NC NC NC FCE2 Not used
0/6 NC NC NC NC NC NC FRB2 Not used
0/- NC NC NC NC NC NC RST Not used
1/1-6 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
1/7 R/B PD6 3 / gp13 a15 P26 A9 FRB1 Read/Busy Output
1/8 RE PD1 98 / gp15 a19 P30 A15 RE Read Enable
1/9 CE PD0 7 / gp9 a18 P29(p) CE_A / P27(s) CE_B A14 FCE1 Chip Enable
1/10+11 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
1/12 Vcc +3.3 +3.3 +3.3 NC Vcc Vcc (min 2.7V-max 3.6V / typ 3.3V)
1/13 Vss GND GND GND NC GND VSS - Ground
1/14+15 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
1/16 CLE PD2 4 / gp12 a22 P33 A13 CLE Command Latch Enable
1/17 ALE PD3 5 / gp11 a21 P32 A12 ALE Address Latch Enable
1/18 WE PD5 2 / gp14 a20 P31 A11 WE Write Enable
1/19 WP PD4 6 / gp10 a17 P28 A10 WP Write Protect
1/20-28 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
1/- NC NC NC NC NC NC PRE Not used
1/10 NC NC NC NC NC NC FCE2 Not used
1/6 NC NC NC NC NC NC FRB2 Not used
1/- NC NC NC NC NC NC RST Not used
1/29 I/O-0 PC0 90 / dq8 90 / dq8 P42 A0 I/O0
1/30 I/O-1 PC1 91 / dq9 91 / dq9 P43 A1 I/O1
1/31 I/O-2 PC2 92 / dq10 92 / dq10 P44 A2 I/O2
1/32 I/O-3 PC3 93 / dq11 93 / dq11 P45 A3 I/O3
1/33-35 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
1/36 Vss GND GND GND NC GND VSS - Ground
1/37 Vcc +3.3 +3.3 +3.3 NC Vcc Vcc (min 2.7V-max 3.6V / typ 3.3V)
1/38-40 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
1/41 I/O-4 PC4 94 / dq12 94 / dq12 P46 A4 I/O4
1/42 I/O-5 PC5 95 / dq13 95 / dq13 P47 A5 I/O5
1/43 I/O-6 PC6 96 / dq14 96 / dq14 P48 A6 I/O6
1/44 I/O-7 PC7 97 / dq15 97 / dq15 P49 A7 I/O7
1/45-48 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC No Connection
Board trace / Other
+5VDC Vcc NC NC NC NC 5V NC Vcc from TH3401 (CECHA+CECHB/COK-001)
Vcc from TH3401 (CECHC+CECHE/COK-002)
Vcc from TH3280 (CECHG/SEM-001)
TRISTATE tri PB7 / PD7 NC NC NC NC NC Tristate pad on EBUS Testpoints
Chip/PIN Description NANDway Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 S-NAND Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 SL-NAND Progskeet 1.2 Infectus 360clip Description


  • Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 is feeded from NAND 3.3V
  • Infectus is feeded from +5V board trace.
  • NAND's are feeded in both cases by the console itself.

Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 Note: Some modification is needed for Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 to unbrick:

  • desolder R8 from the Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 PCB (to disable the connection from pad R8 to left pad R7)
  • left pin of toggle switch to left lead of R7, middle pin of toggle switch to right lead of R7
  • Vcc to +3.3 // put toggle switch in "OFF" (right) postion, power on the ps3, put the toggle switch in the "ON"/left position, it will be recognized by the PC, NAND is always on now, do everything as usual.

NAND + clips[edit | edit source]

First make sure everything is correct:

  • Connect the flasher to the "Y" NAND adapterboard and from there connect the NAND clips to the "Y" NAND adapterboard.
  • Install flasher application
  • Connect flasher to PC
  • Install drivers with zadig.exe (select winusb for latest Winskeet, libusb0 is only for older versions)
  • Use the "Check for Shorts" option in the flasherapplication.

Make sure the clips are fitted correctly over the NANDs:

  • note the markerdot for pin1 (both on clip and NAND package)
  • make sure all pins make contact
  • check if it is all the way down to the PCB evenly and no components surrounding the NAND are preventing it from going down proper (might need some filing to make room).
  • You can take the topcap off the clip if you need, and can use hotglue on the outsides to further fixate it.

Preparing console further:

  • Replace the thermalcompound (e.g. Arctic Cooling MX-4) for the heatsink : CELL BE and RSX and reassemble the heatsink+fan.
  • Connect the Power Supply, Harddrive and the power/resetbutton subboard
  • For dumping/reflashing it is not needed to connect the Bluray Drive or the Bluetooth+Wifi board (ofcourse you are going to need them when installing a firmware)

Usage after all is connected:

  • First connect flasher to pc
  • Use the PS3 to power the NANDs.

Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 specific:

  • On NAND tab, you click NAND 1 and select 'auto'
  • On NAND tab, you click NAND 2 and select 'auto'
  • If it fails, it means it is not connected correctly

Using NAND flashers[edit | edit source]

Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1[edit | edit source]

Method 1 (with R7 switch and R8 closed):

put switch in "OFF" (R7 is open) position so that Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 is not powered.
power on the ps3 and wait for 10-15 seconds (sometimes shorter time is needed),
put the switch in the "ON" (R7 closed) position, so Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 is powered and will be recognized by the PC.
NAND is always on now, do everything as usual
select Big Block
select Raw
Pages per block: 64
blocks: 1024
That will give you 132MB (138,412,032 bytes) per NAND (dump time ~ 00:02:40 per NAND)
For normal console operation (e.g. after you dumped, flashed/downgraded it):
you need switch to "on" (R7 closed) and Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 USB disconnected.

Method 2 (with R7 open / R8 closed):

1. Remove USB cable from your PC
2. Open up Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 flashing software (use latest) and on Common tab: select the flash you have @ Presets
3. Power on PS3 and wait 10-15 seconds (sometimes shorter time is needed),
4. Plug in the USB cable to your PC
5. Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 will be recognised and you can now go ahead and dump
For normal console operation (e.g. after you dumped, flashed/downgraded it):
you need to disconnect the USB cable to your PC
downloads[edit | edit source]

All current downloads are available here / all backup/mirror are here

Infectus[edit | edit source]

For Infectus don't use, as it removes dual NAND PS3 support :S If your board already came with this version or higher, use this: prepare_infectus_for_ps3.rar (5.53 MB) If it is done, it will show up as "2 NAND Programmer" in the bottom left. Dual NAND PS3 compatible version: Infectus_programmer_3.8_Beta_2.zip (4.02 MB)

Power the Infectus, it crashes the PS3 and leaves the NANDs in powered mode. Use the console to power the NANDs: power it up until the PS3 crashes and halts with red flashing LED, press power again to stop the flashing, but keeps the console powered on. The NANDs are not accessed by the PS3 in this way, so it doesn't matter if the NAND content is already messed up. After that, you can read/write the NANDs.

Dumping of single NAND should take about 15 minutes, 30 minutes for both.

Needed NAND tools[edit | edit source]

In case the flasher program doesnt understand dual NAND de/interleaving you'll need  : FlowRebuilder

Flowrebuilder options[edit | edit source]
  • (NAND only) Unscramble then interleave flashes into one unified dump : Makes a single dump.bin from 2 seperate NAND flash dumps.
    • In the second step it also extract the content of the unified dump. Make sure it extracts correctly (it will give no warning if it fails!) and all the needed files are there.
  • (NAND only) Re-scramble modified dump then de-interleave it into two new flashes : Splits the single dump.bin into 2 seperate NAND flash dumps.
  • Byte reverse and extract a NOR dump file : First byte reverse the single dump.bin then extract NOR content.
  • Extract a Byte reversed NOR dump or an interleaved and unscrambled NAND dump : Extract the single dump.bin
Extracted flash content files[edit | edit source]

(make sure they are all there, flowrebuilder will not give warning when it fails!):

  • bootloader_0
  • bootloader_1
  • cCSD
  • cISD
  • creserved_0
  • cvtrm
  • eEID
  • trvk_pkg
  • trvk_prg
  • \asecure_loader\metldr
  • \ros\[two seperate folders named to FW version]\CoreOS files (19 up to 25 files, depending the FW version)

Notes: if it only extracted bootloader_0 + bootloader_1, check that both NANDs are dumped correct (known error with flashers that has bug with second NAND channel to read),

Dump NAND from GameOS[edit | edit source]

USB Flash Dump // source/mirror: dump_flash.pkg
Make sure USB stick is FAT32 with enough free space (256MB per dump)

Dumping NAND from Linux[edit | edit source]

dd if=/dev/ps3flash of=NAND.BIN bs=1024


dd if=/dev/ps3vflasha of=NAND.BIN bs=1024

(needs unmasking first, see below)

Difference between hardware dumps and software dumps[edit | edit source]


hardware dumps[edit | edit source]

256 MB (268,435,456 bytes) bootldr is at 0x000000 on NAND (0xFC0000 on NOR)

software dumps[edit | edit source]

dump size = 239 MB (251,396,096 bytes)
bootldr not at 0x000000 on NAND :

00000000   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
00000010   00 00 00 00 0F AC E0 FF  00 00 00 00 DE AD BE EF   .....¬à ÿ....Þ­¾ï


addi    %r12, %r4, 0x200 # r4 = start sector

256MB NAND consoles have a hidden section of size 0x40000 (0x200 * 512 byte sector = 0x40000) hidden by the hv. The hv hides it at address 002786E8

Original code : 0x39840200f8010090
Change to : 0x39840000f8010090

as seen in unself'ed LV1.self (Hypervisor)[edit | edit source]
    Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
    00098D20                                      39 84 02 00              9„..
    00098D30  F8 01 00 90                                      ø...
    Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
    000986A0  39 84 02 00 F8 01 00 90                          9„..ø...
Brick warning - Peek/Poke only
#Brick warning

TCL: http://pastebin.com/Snh4ERQ6 (Don't use, BRICK RISK, see below)

Too dangerous to patch unless you peek/poke because obviously it messes with all the offsets

Guide to unbrick from above situation[edit | edit source]

Here's my guide http://www.mediafire.com/?76bw1vd1m65bkk4 . I haven't tested it yet, but it should work on COK-001

'NOR' Interface Testpoints on NAND consoles[edit | edit source]

Simular as on the NOR based consoles testpoints can be found on the back of the PCB. It seems these are from the bus between the South Bridge and the Starship2. Attempts have been made to document/trace these. Addresslines 0-17 and Datalines 0-15 as well as some controllines are documented but so far these could not be used to read/flash the console in a NOR fashion.

TriState on NAND consoles[edit | edit source]

using Starship2 to South Bridge BRDY /SS2_BRDY

NOR Interface Testpoints[edit | edit source]

Probably to aid in factory programming, Sony provides NOR testpoints on the bottomside of the motherboard. There are 16 data lines (Word access) and generally 23 Address lines. You will also need to control Chip Enable (#CE), Write Enable (#WE), Tristate (SB_DISABLE) and for some boards Write Protect (#WP)

Tristate[edit | edit source]

Tristate, or as it is referred to in the service manuals SB_DISABLE exists solely for the purpose of placing the South Bridge pins into high-impedance (aka the third state logic) so that we can access the flash without the South Bridge interfering.

When the southbridge pins are in tristate is like if southbridge (and all peripherals connected to it) where disconnected from the main circuit, the PS3 powers up normally (fans, etc) but it won't boot up to the XMB screen because some components of the motherboard are not found, it just sits there with a black screen

Because the tristate pin is not connected to the Flash TSOP package, but to the South Bridge BGA package, this makes tracing the pin quite difficult. One should be able to locate it by having the running you could ground out the unknown pins whilst checking the continuity of a known address or data line against ground. These should enter high-impedance or no-continuity when you ground out SB_DISABLE.

Connecting NOR pads to flasher[edit | edit source]

Teensy++ 2.0 connection diagram for PS3 NOR pads

Progskeet NAND/NOR flasher board, based on Actel MCU

Progskeet 1.1 NAND/NOR flasher board, with ZIF and dual voltage)

Progskeet 1.2 - back

PNM, based on Altera FPGA and 2x NOR sockets

NOR TSOP56 ZIF 360clip and solderboard

E3 Linker pads

Progskeet wired to NANDs of a COK-002 board, injecting 3.3V with external PSU (photo:mackarry)
NORpin PAD Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 Progskeet 1.2 Teensy++ 2.0
PNM E3 / E3 Linker NOR56 360clip Remark
31 A0 adr0 P11 F0 A0 A0 FA0
26 A1 adr1 P12 F1 A1 A1 FA1
25 A2 adr2 P13 F2 A2 A2 FA2
24 A3 adr3 P14 F3 A3 A3 FA3
23 A4 adr4 P15 F4 A4 A4 FA4
22 A5 adr5 P16 F5 A5 A5 FA5
21 A6 adr6 P17 F6 A6 A6 FA6
20 A7 adr7 P18 F7 A7 A7 FA7
10 A8 adr8 P19 PA0 A8 A8 FA8
9 A9 adr9 P20 PA1 A9 A9 FA9
8 A10 adr10 P21 PA2 A10 A10 FA10
7 A11 adr11 P22 PA3 A11 A11 FA11
6 A12 adr12 P23 PA4 A12 A12 FA12
5 A13 adr13 P24 PA5 A13 A13 FA13
4 A14 adr14 P25 PA6 A14 A14 FA14
3 A15 adr15 P26 PA7 A15 A15 FA15
54 A16 adr16 P27 B0 A16 A16 FA16
19 A17 adr17 P28 B1 A17 A17 FA17
18 A18 adr18 P29 B2 A18 A18 FA18
11 A19 adr19 P30 B3 A19 A19 FA19
12 A20 adr20 P31 B4 A20 A20 FA20
15 A21 adr21 P32 B5 A21 A21 FA21
1 A23 Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used FA23 pin unused for 128mbit and below
56 A24 Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used FA24 pin unused for 256mbit and below
2 A22 adr22 P33 B6 A22 A22 FA22
35 DQ0 dq0 P34 D0 DQ0 D0 AD0
37 DQ1 dq1 P35 D1 DQ1 D1 AD1
39 DQ2 dq2 P36 D2 DQ2 D2 AD2
41 DQ3 dq3 P37 D3 DQ3 D3 AD3
44 DQ4 dq4 P38 D4 DQ4 D4 AD4
46 DQ5 dq5 P39 D5 DQ5 D5 AD5
48 DQ6 dq6 P40 D6 DQ6 D6 AD6
50 DQ7 dq7 P41 D7 DQ7 D7 AD7
36 DQ8 dq8 P42 C0 DQ8 D8 AD8
38 DQ9 dq9 P43 C1 DQ9 D9 AD9
40 DQ10 dq10 P44 C2 DQ10 D10 AD10
42 DQ11 dq11 P45 C3 DQ11 D11 AD11
45 DQ12 dq12 P46 C4 DQ12 D12 AD12
47 DQ13 dq13 P47 C5 DQ13 D13 AD13
49 DQ14 dq14 P48 C6 DQ14 D14 AD14
51 DQ15 dq15 P49 C7 DQ15 D15 AD15
13 #WE we P09 E5 NWE NWE WE
32 CE# gp0 P07(p) CE_A / P02(s) CE_B E0 NCE CE to NOR
(SBCE from South Bridge)
16 WP# gp3 P04 Not Used NWPACC Not used WP# Is tied to Vcc by mobo
53 BYTE# Not Used Not used Not used Not used BVCC ? Is tied to Vcc by mobo
34 OE# oe P10 E1 NOE NOE OE
17 RY/BY# rdy (ánd gp4 for old bitstream) P08 E6 RYNBY NWAIT RDY JTAG updated progskeet can do without the progskeet:gp4 to progskeet:rdy bridge and use the PS3:RY/BY# to progskeet:rdy alone.
29, 43 VCC Not Used Not used Not used VCC ?
27, 28, 30, 55 NC Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used pins unused / Not Connected

Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 notes[edit | edit source]

Some modification is needed for Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 to unbrick:

  • desolder R8 from the Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 PCB
  • left pin of switch to left lead of R7, middle pin of switch to right lead of R7
  • Vcc to +3.3 // put switch in "OFF" (right) postion, power on the ps3, put the switch in the "ON"/left position, it will be recognized by the PC, NOR is always on now, do everything as usual.

PNM notes[edit | edit source]

  • PNM requires a +5V_EVER from the PS3 motherboard in "PS3 mode"
  • PNM requires a +5V from a USB port in "standalone mode". It then provides a +3.3V to the embedded NOR.

Teensy notes[edit | edit source]

E3 debricking notes[edit | edit source]

  • Requires soldering wire from SBE (solderpad on NOR flatcable) to TRISTATE (NORpoint on PS3 motherboard)
  • Make sure you have correct firmware on SD/TF card
  • E3 switches set as 1:Flash fun, 2: OFW, 3: Prog, 4: microSD, 5: PS3 Flash, 6: Lock with the console power disconnected.
  • Turn on console to restore (progress LEDs will light up one by one and blink if successfully).
  • Unplug powercable and set 1:Flash fun down to PS3 Mode and turn on the PS3, if everything went fine, it will now be debricked (remember: in case syscon has 3.56+ hashes, you need prepatched LV1, see downgrader guides).

Speed comparison NOR flashers[edit | edit source]

Speed comparison NOR flashers
Teensy++ 2.0
(NORway 0.1)
Teensy++ 2.0
(NORway 0.3)
Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 PNM
(X-Modem - 460800 baud)
 time (h:mm:ss)   speed (KB/sec)   time (h:mm:ss)   speed (KB/sec)   time (h:mm:ss)   speed (KB/sec)   time (h:mm:ss)   speed (KB/sec) 
Full dump/read (16 MB)    0:05:11   52,68 KB/s   0:00:45   364,08 KB/s   0:00:16   1024 KB/s   0:45:43   6,1 KB/s 
Per sector write(128 KB)    0:01:35   1,35 KB/s   0:00:05.351   23,92 KB/s   0:00:00.365   350,69 KB/s   0:00:16.12   7,90 KB/s 
Full dump/write (16 MB)    2:08:19   2,12 KB/s   0:08:19   32,83 KB/s   0:00:46.811   350,00 KB/s   0:34:56   7,90 KB/s 
Full CRC32 (16 MB)    0:01:30   182,04 KB/s 
Full copy NOR-NOR (16 MB)    0:04:59   54,61 KB/s 

Using NOR flashers[edit | edit source]

Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1[edit | edit source]

Method 1 (with R7 switch and R8 closed):

1. Unplug the PS3 powercable from the back
2. Open up Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 flashing software (use latest) and on Common tab: select the flash you have @ Presets
3. Set the R7 switch to "off"
4. Plug the PS3 powercable back in and Power on the PS3
5. Wait 10 seconds and set the R7 switch to "on" to power Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 (sometimes shorter time is needed)
6. Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 will be recognised and you can now go ahead and dump
For normal console operation (e.g. after you dumped, flashed/downgraded it):
you need switch to "on" (R7 closed) and Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 USB disconnected.

Method 2 (with R7 open / R8 closed):

1. Remove USB cable from your PC
2. Open up Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 flashing software (use latest) and on Common tab: select the flash you have @ Presets
3. Power on PS3 and wait 10 seconds (sometimes shorter time is needed)
4. Plug in the USB cable to your PC
5. Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 will be recognised and you can now go ahead and dump
For normal console operation (e.g. after you dumped, flashed/downgraded it):
you need to disconnect the USB cable to your PC

NORway[edit | edit source]

Usage: %s serialport [command] [filename] [address]
serialport  Name of serial port to open (eg. COM1, COM2, /dev/ttyACM0, etc)
command     dump       Reads entire NOR to [filename]
            erase      Erases one sector (128KB) at [address]
            write      Flashes (read-erase-modify-write-verify) [filename]
                       at [address] to NOR
            writeimg   Same as write, but prepend a 16-byte length header
                       [address] is required
            program    Flashes (erase-write-verify) [filename]
                       at [address] to NOR
            release    Releases NOR interface, so the PS3 can boot
filename    Filename for [dump|write|writeimg|program]
address     Address for [erase|write|writeimg|program]
            Default is 0x0, address must be aligned (multiple of 0x20000)

PNM[edit | edit source]

serialport  (COM1, COM2, etc) - 460800 baud - 8N1
X-Modem protocol for file transfers
            copy_memory             Copies entire NOR to another NOR
            read_memory             Reads 0x80 bytes from a specified offset
            dump_memory             Reads entire NOR to a file (byte swap "on the fly")
            update_memory           Flashes entire NOR from a file (byte swap "on the fly")
            display_memory_crc      Displays NOR CRC32
            display_memory_details  Displays NOR details (size, firmware version, etc) 
PNM uses the Common Flash Interface standard (almost all current flash can be dumped/updated)

Needed NOR tools[edit | edit source]

If your dump starts like this: http://pastebin.com/sS69Vhvf you'll need to use the option "¨Byte reverse and extract a NOR dump file" of Flowrebuilder, which will output a inputfile.REV file

Dump NOR from GameOS[edit | edit source]

dump_flash.pkg // backup/mirror: dump_flash.pkg (70.48 KB)
Make sure USB stick is FAT32 with enough free space (16MB per dump) Note: This application takes about 120 minutes to complete the dump, tested on a PS3 80GB CECHL04

Dumping NOR from Linux[edit | edit source]

dd if=/dev/ps3nflasha of=NOR.BIN bs=1024

Board Revisions[edit | edit source]

For overview of used types, see flashtypes table

NAND boards - COK-001, COK-002, COK-002W, SEM-001[edit | edit source]

These are the earliest revisions of the PS3 motherboards: CECHA/COK-001, CECHB/COK-001, CECHC/COK-002, CECHE/COK-002W, CECHG/SEM-001 and contain 2x NAND chips for a total of 256MB. These chips are interleaved which is controlled by a proprietary controller chip codenamed "Starship2" or SS2. This chip handles the interleaving and presents the NAND Chips to the South Bridge as a single large coherent flash over a proprietary EBUS.
Wiring: direct to NAND flash or using boardtraces to NANDs - don't use the testpoints.

NOR layout1 - DIA-001, DIA-002[edit | edit source]

DIA-001: These boards were the first to get single NOR flash] memory from the middle revisions of the PS3: CECHH/DIA-001, CECHK/DIA-002. Only a single 16MB NOR flash chip is used and the Starship2 chip has been completely removed. The 128N is JEDEC CFI compliant and organized as 8,388,608 words or 16,777,216 bytes, addressable as 16-bit words (PS3 modus operandi) and 8-bit / 1 byte when the BYTE# signal is logic zero.

DIA-002: the pinout is same as DIA-001, the only difference is that DIA-002 doesnt have a WP# testpoint but since it's connected to VCC it is not needed.

NOR layout2 - VER-001[edit | edit source]

Used in the last revisions of the fatter model PS3 (CECHL, CECHM, CECHP, CECHQ). Single 16MB NOR.

NOR layout3 - DYN-001[edit | edit source]

Used in CECH-20xx. The Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 and teensy pinouts match the teensy picture provided on this page even though it states it's the pinout for Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1. Single 16MB NOR.

NOR layout4 - SUR-001, JTP-001, JSD-001, KTE-001[edit | edit source]

SUR-001: Used in CECH-21xx. Some difference in components but the testpoints are the same for SUR-001, JTP-001, JSD-001, KTE-001

JTP-001: Used in CECH-25xx. Some difference in components but the testpoints are the same for SUR-001, JTP-001, JSD-001, KTE-001

JSD-001: This is the pinout originally supplied by Marcan for a CECH-2504A. Some difference in components but the testpoints are the same for SUR-001, JTP-001, JSD-001, KTE-001

KTE-001: Used in CECH-30xx. Some difference in components but the testpoints are the same for SUR-001, JTP-001, JSD-001, KTE-001

NOR layout5 - MSX-001, MPX-001, NPX-001, PPX-001 and PQX-001[edit | edit source]

MSX-001 and MPX-001: Used in CECH-40xx. Much difference in components positioning (main hearth of the board is 45 degrees rotated), but it still has testpoints.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Pinout Gallery[edit | edit source]

NAND[edit | edit source]

NOR[edit | edit source]

Other Gallery[edit | edit source]

Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 NAND Picture Guide[edit | edit source]

Full guide is here: Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1

Generic reference[edit | edit source]

Torx / Security Bits[edit | edit source]

Soldering Guide(s)[edit | edit source]

Soldering Irons/Stations[edit | edit source]

Stereo Microscopes[edit | edit source]

Things to look for:

  • Good solid mounting
  • More overhang to reach large boards
  • Ring macrolight
  • optional: T2 or otherwise adaptor for cameras

Tip: also available used

Soldering tips[edit | edit source]

  • Don't use >40W iron (we are not soldering copper pipes!)
  • Don't use leadfree solder (232'C @ SnSb)
  • Don't use silverbased solder
  • Don't use high tin alloy (e.g. 90/10: 300'C @ 97Sn 3Pb and 250'C @ 65Sn 35Pb)
  • Use 60/40 (374'F / 190'C) or 63/37 (364'F / 183'C) both have nice low melting point for PCBs

large list of solder alloys and meltingpoints: http://alasir.com/reference/solder_alloys/

Wire reference[edit | edit source]

TLDR  :  NOR: use AWG26 / NAND: use AWG28

For wiring, use 20-28 AWG. 18 can be too stiff while 30 is too fragile. 24-26 AWG works fine in most cases. The Grounds and VCC wires may ofcourse be thicker than the signal wires. Keep wires short, up to ~20cm max (longer gives errors). The shorter the better : 15cm and shorter mostly works fine with AWG26 on NOR.

For NOR wiring the solderarea (the NORpoints) is 10x larger than the solderarea used with NAND (pitch 0.5mm, just as NOR chips btw), so for NOR you have much more headroom (and also need!) to use thicker wires (for NAND you most likely want to use 28 AWG and cannot use much thicker)

Use caliper to measure unknown/unmarked wires and compare with table/listing.

Table: AWG (inch) / Euro (mm)[edit | edit source]

Diameter Cross
Diameter Cross
(AWG) d (inch) A (inch2) d (mm) A (mm2)
0000 (-3) 0,4600 0,1662 11,6839 107,2172
000 (-2) 0,4096 0,1318 10,4048 85,0279
00 (-1) 0,3648 0,1045 9,2658 67,4308
0 0,3249 0,0829 8,2515 53,4756
1 0,2893 0,0657 7,3482 42,4085
2 0,2576 0,0521 6,5438 33,6318
3 0,2294 0,0413 5,8275 26,6715
4 0,2043 0,0328 5,1895 21,1516
5 0,1819 0,0260 4,6214 16,7742
6 0,1620 0,0206 4,1155 13,3027
7 0,1443 0,0164 3,6650 10,5496
8 0,1285 0,0130 3,2638 8,3663
9 0,1144 0,0103 2,9065 6,6348
10 0,1019 0,0082 2,5883 5,2617
11 0,0907 0,0065 2,3050 4,1728
12 0,0808 0,0051 2,0527 3,3092
13 0,0720 0,0041 1,8279 2,6243
14 0,0641 0,0032 1,6278 2,0812
15 0,0571 0,0026 1,4496 1,6505
16 0,0508 0,0020 1,2910 1,3089
17 0,0453 0,0016 1,1496 1,0380
18 0,0403 0,0013 1,0238 0,8232
19 0,0359 0,0010 0,9117 0,6528
20 0,0320 0,0008 0,8119 0,5177
21 0,0285 0,0006 0,7230 0,4106
22 0,0253 0,0005 0,6439 0,3256
23 0,0226 0,0004 0,5734 0,2582
24 0,0201 0,0003 0,5106 0,2048
25 0,0179 0,0003 0,4547 0,1624
26 0,0159 0,0002 0,4049 0,1288 Best used for NOR consoles
27 0,0142 0,0002 0,3606 0,1021
28 0,0126 0,0001 0,3211 0,0810 Best used for NAND consoles
29 0.0113 0.286 0.064
30 0.0100 0.255 0.051
31 0.00893 0.227 0.040
32 0.00795 0.202 0.032
33 0.00708 0.180 0.025
34 0.00631 0.160 0.020
35 0.00562 0.143 0.016
36 0.00500 0.127 0.013
37 0.00445 0.113 0.010
38 0.00397 0.101 0.008
39 0.00353 0.0897 0.006
40 0.00314 0.0799 0.005

Alternative/cable comparison[edit | edit source]

   PATA/floppy 40-conductor cable - AWG28 (0.0126" / 0.321mm) with 0.0333" pitch +/- 0.002"
   PATA/floppy 40-conductor cable - AWG30 (0.0100" / 0.255mm) with 0.0333" pitch +/- 0.002"
   PATA 80-conductor cable - AWG30 (0.0100" / 0.255mm) with 0.025" pitch +/- 0.0016"
   PATA 80-conductor cable - AWG30 (0.0100" / 0.255mm) with 0.025" pitch +/- 0.002"
   PATA 80-conductor cable - AWG31 (0.00893" / 0.227mm) with 0.025" pitch +/- 0.002"
   PATA 80-conductor cable - AWG32 (0.00795" / 0.202mm) with 0.025" pitch +/- 0.002"
   Category 6 (ANSI/TIA-568-B.2-1) network cable: 4 twisted pairs of 22AWG (0.0253" / 0.644mm)
   Category 6 (ANSI/TIA-568-B.2-1) network cable: 4 twisted pairs of 23AWG (0.0226" / 0.573mm)
   Category 6 (ANSI/TIA-568-B.2-1) network cable: 4 twisted pairs of 24AWG (0.0201" / 0.511mm)
   Category 5/5e (TIA/EIA 568-5-A) network cable: 4 twisted pairs of 24AWG (0.0201" / 0.511mm)
   Category 5e patch (TIA/EIA 568-5-A) network cable: 4 twisted pairs of 26AWG (0.0159" / 0.405mm)
   SATA : solid 26 AWG - 0.0159" / 0.405mm
   SATA : solid 28 AWG - 0.0126" / 0.321mm
   SATA : solid 30 AWG - 0.0100" / 0.255mm

Resistor codes[edit | edit source]

Tapes[edit | edit source]

Used to isolate hardware parts that will be installed permanently internally (is the same tape used in pc laptops to isolate wifi/bt cards and ram modules). This tape resist up to 300º without deformation or burning, and is made of 100% non-conductive materials... the tape is cheap but be aware because there are lot of fakes, always reads the comments of other buyers or buy in a reputable shop

Generic unresolved issues[edit | edit source]

There is a table made on the talk page to chart dump/flashing issues (and sucesses). See: Testreport_table

Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 QA/problem solving[edit | edit source]

Generic advice[edit | edit source]

Updating Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 with Injectus[edit | edit source]

  1. connect injectus to Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1with very short wires (see File:Injectus_jtag_pinout.jpg File:Injectus-jtag-bottompads.png)
  2. power injectus with usb
  3. power Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 with its own usb too (do NOT power the Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 with the injectus!)
  4. run injectus programmer software
    1. click tools
    2. open infectus (at bottom of pulldown)
    3. load dat file
    4. click program

See also Programming the Bitstream

R7 / R8 explaination[edit | edit source]

R7 / R8 explaination in a sketch: File:Progskeet-R7-R8 explaination-sketch4.jpg

Be up to date[edit | edit source]

Always make sure you used the latest diagrams, drivers and flasher software from progskeet.com

Archive of old versions[edit | edit source]

Main folder: on psdevwiki/files

Diagrams[edit | edit source]
Driver[edit | edit source]
WinSkeet 111004 and older : use libusb0    Winskeet 111120 and newer: use WinUSB
zadig can be used as driver selector for both, make sure you select the right one.
Bitstream[edit | edit source]
Flasher[edit | edit source]

No shorts[edit | edit source]

Before doing anything, make 100% sure you wired up everything correct (no address/data IO lines mixed? all controllines hooked up? power/ground in order? etc.) and no shorts are made where there should not.

Error : libusb0.dll or libusb0.sys not found[edit | edit source]

The libusb-win32 Kernel Driver needed for the the flasher to get access to the USB port was not installed. Make sure you unpacked the drivers_xxxxxx file and installed the Progskeet driver (VendorID:1988 / ProductID:0001 in case you need it).

If problems with installing the driver, use manual mode from Device Manager and select the folder with ProgSkeet.inf ("ProgSkeet Install Disk") : http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Update-a-driver-for-hardware-that-isnt-working-properly

Error : side-by-side configuration is incorrect[edit | edit source]

In case of "the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect" make sure Microsoft Visual C 9.0 runtime is installed and "Windows Installer" is not disabled (set to manual or automatic) in Services.msc

Error : incorrect parameter[edit | edit source]

Make sure you selected the correct values for your NOR/NAND device. If there is a preset, use it

  • on Common tab: select the flash you have @ Presets

If not, e.g. :

  • NOR
    • Spansion S29GL128N90TFIR2 : 128KB sector, 128 sectors
    • Spansion S29GL128P90TFIR2 : 128KB sector, 128 sectors
    • Samsung K8Q2815UQB-PI4B : 4KB sector, 4096 sectors
    • Samsung K8P2716UZC-QI4D : 128KB sector, 128 sectors
    • Macronix MX29GL128ELT2I-90G : 128KB sector, 128 sectors
  • NAND: select Big Block, select Raw, Pages per block: 64, blocks: 1024

The application failed to initalize properly (0xc0000135)[edit | edit source]

You are missing either of these:

Error/crash on Windows 7 (and halting on 0x0)[edit | edit source]

  • Disable Aero (known to crash on Win7 Ultimate)
    • set display color to 256 colors will enforce Aero to disable too
  • Make sure you have enough (admin) rights
  • Consider disabling UAC (or re-educate it proper)
  • Try "Compatibility Mode" (e.g. Windows 2000 or Windows XP SP2)

Conclusion: 32bit mostly seem to work fine. 64-bit seems tricky/hairy to get working sometimes. Try on good ol' Windows XP 32bit or Linux/OSX to rule out 64bit/chipset responsible for problems.

Timing switching trick[edit | edit source]

Finally, after many struggles, the way to flash any NOR chip is discovered. Now, here's the method:

  • First of all note that when R7 is short - Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 takes supply from console itself, and when R8 is short - it is powered from USB. So then, whatever you'll do - make sure both R7 and R8 never shorted while console is powered on - this results in damaging mobo as well as console itself.

Preparations are the following: Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 soldered up correctly, no shorts or testpoints missing; Both R7 and R8 opened. (From now on, just forget about R8) Open Winskeet (Yaskeet, whatever else you got there), set up NOR type and switch to NOR menu. Connect Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 to PC, power up console. Wait at least 10 seconds then short R7 - Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 gets recognized by PC. Set up the following options - Single word programming, Static Timing. Now you're ready. Dump NOR several times, check it closely just to be sure it's correct. Prepare patched one then go ahead and write it back to NOR. Though it takes a little longer with mentioned settings, you'll be able to flash it almost correctly. At this point, look out for verification errors - there will be some with almost every NOR I've deal with. The key is that before flashing Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 reads the NOR and flash only those blocks that differs from desired file. Now, here's the trick itself - after flash process performed with several verification errors, flash back the same file again and again (up to 16 times in a row in several cases), untill number of errors reduces to minimum (three or four). At this point, writing the flash under these settings won't make any changes - this last "hard blocks" will always fail for verification, so just switch to USB Transfer Timing and flash it again. It will take your time around 2 minutes to flash every single block, but since their number were heavily reduced with previous actions, it won't take long in the end. Notice that no verification errors are occured. Now you're done, congratulations)

A/B Trick[edit | edit source]

The A/B trick is a solution found by DiGiTaLAnGeL to write his Macronix NOR (but can be tried on other NORs as well 1).
Some Sectors of his flash were "slow to write" and using the normal flashing procedure was resulting in a fail or in a freeze of the Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 Flasher.

Needed tools:

Step by step guide:

  • Shut Down your PS3 if not and be sure that the Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 USB Cable is not plugged in.
  • Put your R7 Switch in OFF Position.
  • Power on your PS3.
  • Wait 20 seconds.
  • Put your R7 Switch in ON Position (now Proskeet is recognized by Windows).
  • Open Flasher "A" and flash your file (remember to set up the NOR size/sectors!)
  • When it reaches 100% , check C:\Proskeet.log, if you found some sectors failed to write... continue to the next step.
  • Without powering off your PS3, unplug Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 USB Cable and Close Flasher "A"
  • Open Flasher "B" and replug your USB Cable.
  • Flash your file (remember to set up the NOR size/sectors!)
  • The Flasher will freeze on those "slow" sectors, just wait!
  • If after 1 minute your flasher is still stuck on that sector close the flasher.
  • Check again your log for sectors failed to write.

If you still have sectors that have failed to write, start again until they successfully write (Rember to check the Progskeet.log because reaching 100% doesn't mean that the sectors have successfully been written)

note: 1)
<DiGiAnGeL> if you successfully write at least one of the sectors you are having problem with, this trick work for you!
<DiGiAnGeL> (some sectors require even 5 minutes of trying before successfully writing them)

Irregular device disappering when reading/writing[edit | edit source]

<MrGBNC> I've had good dumps but sometimes when I click read Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 disappears from the Device Manager
<eussNL> hmm, sounds like voltage drop or usb connection fail
<MrGBNC> and last week was Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 no longer recognized by windows
<MrGBNC> unknown device
<Abkarino> you may have gnd problem
<eussNL> did you try manual removing the driver in safemode?
<Abkarino> try to remove r4 then try again
<Abkarino> i had the same problem before
<Abkarino> but uf6667 and ago told me to remove r4 and try again
<Abkarino> now Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1 work fine every time i plug it to my PC
<MrGBNC> I've also talked to Ago, he said that the resistance between GND and VCC is too small for my Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1
<Ago> well, you had voltage drops
<Ago> and a cap might be bad
<MrGBNC> that is why I try to exchange/warranty. I also couldn´t read a socket´ed NAND, only 30 in dump ;)