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Only one script can be stored inside an .rco file, is indexed in the embedded RCOXML code of the .rco container under the XML element VSMXFile. See Resource Container (RCO) and RCOXML Coding

Is written in PlayStation JavaScript code, and before stored inside the .rco is compiled in VSMX format

The code contains the functions that are available to use by the RCOXML Objects that triggers events with the attribute event:script:

It never was used on any PS3 firmware, none of the PS3 .rco files contains an vsmx script, the format is inherited from PSP so is supposed to work on PS3 too

General concepts

Reference loaders

RCO TOC reference types
reference_type pointer Method Loader Loads From Example (XML) Notes
0xFFFF0000 0xFFFFFFFF n/a All Nothing None <Entry reference="nothing"/>
0x04000000 relative event: RCOXML Objects
RCOXML Animations
Code function Associated .SPRX <Entry event="event:native:/runFuctionX"/>
ScriptTree/Script File inside RCO <Entry event="event:script:/main/runFuctionX"/>
0x04010000 # (0-based) text: RCOXML Objects
TextTree/Text Strings inside RCO <Entry text="text:msg_mytext"/>
0x04020000 absolute image: RCOXML Objects
ImageTree/Image File inside RCO <Entry image="image:tex_mytexture"/>
0x04030000 absolute model: RCOXML Objects ModelTree/Model File inside RCO <Entry model="model:mymodel"/>
0x04040000 absolute ? sound: ? associated .SPRX SoundTree/Sound File inside RCO <Entry sound="sound:mysound"/> ? speculation
0x04050000 absolute font: RCOXML Objects FontTree/Font File inside RCO ? <Entry font="font:fontstyle_sanserif"/>
0x04060000 absolute ? anim2: ? RCOXML Objects ? AnimTree/Animation ? RCOXML code ? <Entry anim2="anim2:myanimation"/> ? speculation
0x04070000 absolute object2: RCOXML Objects ObjectTree/Object RCOXML code <Entry object2="object2:plane_myplane"/>
0x04080000 absolute anim: RCOXML Animations AnimTree/Animation RCOXML code <Entry anim="anim:myanimation"/>
0x04090000 absolute object: RCOXML Animations ObjectTree/Object RCOXML code <Entry object="object:plane_myplane"/>
  • A reference attribute is composed by two values, the first is the reference_type that indicates the "tree" of the entry that is going to be loaded, and the second is a pointer to a text string with the label of the entry that is going to be loaded
  • The reference_type event doesnt loads an entry from a "tree" though, it runs a code function from either a .sprx (by storing the text native:/ as part of the text string inside the RCO) or from a VSMX script (by storing the text script:/ as part of the text string inside the RCO)
  • First two bytes are swapped based on architecture (PSP in little endian, PS3 in big endian). The table shows the values in big endian

Example from lftv_tuner_us_en.rco PSP firmware 6.61

This is how the script functions are triggered by the RCOXML Objects, this is a Plane object that has lot of brothers in the XML hierarchy that uses the same method, every event:script: triggers a different function from the VSMX file

Code Sample

And this is what the PlayStation JavaScript functions does

Code Sample