RCOXML Objects
RCOXML Objects are defined in the RCOXML Coding code embedded inside Resource Container (RCO) files, should be considered the "construction blocks" of the XMB
General concepts
Grid, camera, and anchor points
The grid is a 3D scene defined by the X, Y, Z axis, the camera (TV screen frame) is located in the vertical of Z axis, the world coordinates is located in the center of the screen (0, 0, 0)
- Anchor point
- Most of the items uses an anchor point because most of the objects uses the standard attributes and the list of standard attributes contains the AnchorMode attribute, is a value inherited by the children objects. The children objects uses the AnchorMode of his parent as the "world coordinates"
- Affects the position of the object and all transformations (resize, rotate, etc...), values found:
0x11 | 0x10 | 0x12 |
0x01 | 0x00 | 0x02 |
0x21 | 0x20 | 0x22 |
- In PSP 6.61 ofw has been found also the values (missing in the table above):
- 0x03, 0x13
- 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33
- 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43
Override attributes
- Screen resolution adaptative values (overrides)
Some of the values inside .rco files has been replaced by a pointer to the XMB Layouts files with the purpose of changing the values "on the fly" based in the screen resolution settings for the TV. The firmware loads the rco, calculates a reference to a line of the grid table, and loads the value from the grid table
The value in the rco is composed by: "grid line reference" (first 2 bytes swapped, then converted to decimal) + "unknown flags" (last 2 bytes swapped). The "unknown flags" maybe are related with the presence (or not) of a alternative value in the factor tables
rcomage is not able to extract the 2 values that composes each attribute separatedlly (it messes up both together, the "grid line reference" from the first 2 bytes, and the "unknown flags" from last 2 bytes), for this reason the better way to manage this data types with rcomage is as data type "unk" (for a raw value extraction)
The .rco format is inherited from PSP, but PSP only used 1 screen resolution so this feature of the .rco format was not used in PSP, is specific for PS3
Reference loaders
Template:RCOXML reference loaders
Standard attributes
- For a better understanding is posible to difference two groups of attributes based in how are used by the objects
- Standard attributes are used by all the objects except the main Page, some menu builders (XMList, XItem, MItem, LItem, IItem), and CheckboxItem
- Specific attributes are only used by a specific object, the only object that doesnt uses specific attributes is Group
- The names of the specific attributes starts with the objectname to make them unique (as example: the attribute pageOnInit belongs to the object "page")
- Attribute names that uses a set of non-intuitive predefined values ends with Mode (as example: the attribute pageResizeMode is an special mode of the object "page")
- Attribute names wich purpose is to override other attribute contains the name of the overrided attribute (as example: the attribute textPositionOverrideX overrides the value of the attribute "PositionX" from the object "text"
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Measure units and conversions
- XYZ Position, in pixels
- RGBA Color Scale in percentage in a scale from 0 up to 1, where 1 represents the max value posible of 255 (decimal value divided by 255 to get into this scale)
- XYZ Size, in pixels, negative numbers mirrors the image
- XYZ Size Scale, in percentage in a scale from 0 up to 1, negative numbers mirrors the image
- Time, in miliseconds, where 1000 is one second
- XYZ Angle, in radians with right-handed rule coordinates, where radians=(π*degrees)/180, and degrees=(180*radians)/π, as example for one turn of 360º degrees: radians=(3.141*360)/180=6.283 ...so... 360º degrees = 6.283 radians
- Float conversions
- Some of the values in the tables in frontpage (in the red marked rows as speculative) was dumped by rcomage as type "unk" but are "floats", for this reason rcomage didnt made the float-to-decimal conversion and appears as a hexidecimal value with the endianess swapped (bytes reversed) and the starting zeroes removed. To make the decimal conversion you can use this web http://www.h-schmidt.net/FloatConverter/IEEE754.html Example, a value 0xa0c0 was extracted by using the type "unk". After changing endianess manually the value is 0xc0a00000. And after the decimal conversion the result is -5
Every one of this objects is given an ID number when the RCO is created, the object names are lost and is stored only the ID, this ID's was given by the people that created the RCO format and its order is confusing (doesnt seems to follow any rule). Programs like Rcomage in his settings file objattribdef-ps3.ini uses the same order than sony for better understanding of the format
But for wiki purposes (better understanding of what every object does, and for comparison of objects) is better to order them in a different way based in his purpose, however in this wiki page appears the object name and his ID... as example, the object Page has 0x01 ID
PSP can use the objects from 0x01 up to 0x1A, and PS3 up to 0x1F
Hierarchy builders
(0x01) Page
A page is the most important object, is at top of the "ObjectTree" and all the other objects are his childrens (or childrens of his childrens). Doesnt uses the "standard object attributes" (only uses "specific object attributes") and the first attribute pageMode is the most important of all the attributes of all objects. Though the purpose of pageMode is unknown in this page in wiki has been given a name (not an unknown like all the others unknowns) to call attention of his importance
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
pageMode | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x111 0x1101 |
Unknown. Used 699 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x111" Unknown. Used 1174 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x1101" |
pageOnInit | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnControlPanelButtonInit | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
pageOnCancel | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnControlPanelButtonCancel | |
pageOnContext | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnControlPanelButtonContextMenu | |
pageOnActivate | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnControlPanelButtonActivate |
- pageMode speculation
- Related with firmware/vsh/sprx execution/loading/visibility modes ?...
- The data type has been changed to "unk" to allow a raw extraction of the value (that looks like flags)
(0x02) Plane
A plane is the second most important object, it can be located inmediatlly under a page (and also in lower levels of the hierarchy, as example: a plane inside a group, inside another plane, inside a page)
The only other object that can be located inmediatlly under a page is a group. In this sense a plane and a group are similar, the bigger difference is a plane uses "standard object attributes" + "specific object attributes" and a group only uses "specific object attributes"
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
planeImage | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_indi_message | Loads a image from ImageTree |
planeResizeMode | int | Yes | Yes | 0x3 | Unknown. used 1963 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (1069 times), "0x10000" (23 times), "0x30000" (428 times), "0x3ffff" (18 times), "0xffff" (425 times) Unknown. used 2599 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (2426 times), "0x1" (38 times), "0x3" (123 times), "0xffff0000" (12 times) |
The value is an special data type, composed by 2 fileds of 2 bytes each, note the value "0x3ffff" found in PSP is a combination of 0x0003 (first 2 bytes) and 0xffff (last 2 bytes)
value (2 bytes) | Resize method |
0x0000 | do nothing ? |
0xffff | apply value to childrens ? |
value (2 bytes) | Resize method |
0x0000 | no resize ? |
0x0001 | X related ? |
0x0002 | Y related ? |
0x0003 | Z related ? |
"displaymode" seems to be predefined resize modes, the purpose is to override the size values of the "standard attribute" group
A "plane" object is defined by the "standard attributes" + a reference to an image (with any size) + the resize mode for that image
The different resize modes preserves overrides the size values of "X", "Y", "both", or "none" from the "standard attributes" by the values from the real image (because a plane is a 2 dimensional object it seems "Z" is not involved in this resize transformation...or it is ?, there are 5 posible values and matches fine with: 0=none, 1=X, 2=Y, 3=Z, ffff=all)
- This attribute seems to use the same format and valid values than:
- "text" object attribute "textUnknown55"
- Others ?
(0x12) Group
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
- objecttree
- page
- group
- plane1
- plane2
- plane3
- etc...
- group
- page
Menu lists
(0x04) XMenu
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
xmenuItemsCount | int | Yes | Yes | 0xa | Number of main items of XMB Menu |
xmenuOnPush | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Bar::onPush | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
xmenuOnContext | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Bar::onContextMenu | |
xmenuOnCursorMove | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Bar::onCursorMove | |
xmenuOnScrollIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Bar::onScrollIn | |
xmenuOnScrollOut | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Bar::onScrollOut |
(0x06) XList
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
xlistUnknownInt23 | int | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 48 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 18 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
xlistOnCursorMove | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/XmbMenu::OnCursorMoveXmList | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
xlistOnScrollIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/XmbMenu::OnScrollInXmList | |
xlistOnScrollOut | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnScrollOut_VmcAppearSettingList | |
xlistOnPush | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnPush_VmcAppearSettingList | |
xlistOnContext | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnContextMenuContentListFirstListPage | |
xlistOnFocusLeft | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/XmbMenu::OnFocusLeftXmList | |
xlistOnFocusRight | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusRightContentListFirstListPage |
- On XMB vertical lists, when clicking left is using a "onCancel" because moves 1 level up in the hierarchy (used around 14 times on PS3 firmware this way), but is replacing the event "onFocusLeft" (used only 1 time in PS3 firmware this way, but this is the correct one)
(0x09) MList
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
mlistItemsCount | int | Yes | Yes | 0x15 | Number of items in the list |
mlistUnknown24 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 184 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 409 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
mlistItemDefault | int | Yes | Yes | 0xffffffff | See below. (on objattribdef-psp.ini is named initTopPadding, the initial position of the cursor) |
mlistUnknownInt26 | int | Yes | Yes | 0x2 | Unknown. Used 184 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (180 times), "0x1" (2 times), "0x2" (2 times) Unknown. Used 409 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (395 times), "0x1" (10 times), "0x2" (4 times) |
mlistItemSpacing | float | Yes | Yes | 24 | See below |
mlistOverrideUnknown28 | unk | No | Yes | Used 409 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: see below (mlistOverridePositionX with values from XMB Layouts ?) | |
mlistOverrideUnknown29 | unk | No | Yes | Used 409 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: see below (mlistOverridePositionY with values from XMB Layouts ?) | |
mlistOverrideUnknown30 | unk | No | Yes | Used 409 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: see below (mlistOverridePositionZ with values from XMB Layouts ?) | |
mlistImageFocus | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_default_text_focus | Loads a image from ImageTree |
mlistOnPush | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnSettingPagePushList | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
mlistOnCursorMove | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnSettingPageCursorMoveList | |
mlistOnFocusIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Bookmark::onBookmarkListFocusIn | |
mlistOnFocusOut | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Menu::cbFocusOut | |
mlistOnFocusLeft | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Menu::cbFocusLeft | |
mlistOnFocusRight | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Menu::cbFocusRight | |
mlistOnFocusUp | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/Menu::cbFocusUp | |
mlistOnFocusDown | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/cbFocusDown | |
mlistOnScrollIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/cbScrollIn | |
mlistOnScrollOut | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/cbScrollOut |
- mlistItemsCount (extracted as data type "unk")
- Used 409 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: 0x17000000 (1 time), 0x16000000 (1 time), 0x15000000 (127 times), 0x12000000 (14 times), 0x10000000 (4 times), 0xe000000 (31 times), 0xc000000 (5 times), 0xa000000 (2 times), 0x9000000 (5 times), 0x8000000 (6 times), 0x7000000 (20 times), 0x6000000 (104 times), 0x5000000 (3 times), 0x4000000 (9 times), 0x3000000 (13 times), 0x2000000 (39 times), 0x1000000 (20 times), 0x0 (5 times)
- mlistItemDefault (extracted as data type "int")
- mlistItemSpacing (extracted as data type "float")
- mlistOverrideUnknown28 (extracted as data type "unk")
- "0x0" (333 times), "0x4c090100" (6 times), "0x7f090100" (1 times), "0x1f070100" (8 times), "0x1f070000" (14 times), "0x69070000" (39 times), "0xc4040000" (8 times)
- mlistOverrideUnknown29 (extracted as data type "unk")
- "0x0" (208 times), "0x95080000" (1 time), "0xdc050000" (1 time), "0xe7050000" (2 times), "0xe0050000" (1 time), "0x3a040000" (4 times), "0x83040000" (2 times), "0x7f030000" (125 times), "0x87040000" (2 times), "0xc7020000" (1 time), "0xfc010000" (15 times), "0x21030000" (2 times), "0x1e030000" (5 times), "0x3f040000" (2 times), "0x20070000" (4 times), "0x63070000" (31 times), "0xbf070000" (2 times), "0x8f030000" (1 time)
- mlistOverrideUnknown30 (extracted as data type "unk")
- "0x0" (282 times), "0xe8050000" (2 times), "0x80030000" (125 times)
(0x13) LList
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
llistUnknownInt23 | int | Yes | Yes | 0x6 | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x2" (5 times), "0x5" (3 times) Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x6" (llistItemsCount ?) |
llistUnknown24 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
llistUnknownFloat25 | float | Yes | Yes | 42 | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0" (1 time), "24" (3 times), "42" (4 times) Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0" |
llistUnknown26 | unk | No | Yes | Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" (llistOverrideSomething with values from XMB Layouts ?) | |
llistOverrideUnknown27 | unk | No | Yes | Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x3a040000" (llistOverrideSomething with values from XMB Layouts ?) | |
llistUnknownEvent28 | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusIn ?) | |
llistUnknownEvent30 | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusOut ?) | |
llistUnknownEvent32 | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusLeft ?) | |
llistUnknownEvent34 | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusRight ?) | |
llistUnknownEvent36 | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusUp ?) | |
llistUnknownEvent38 | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusDown ?) | |
llistOnScrollIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/LD event:native:/OnScrollInListEdyViewer |
Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
llistUnknownRef42 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 1 time in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" (llistOnScrollOut ?) |
(0x17) IList
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
ilistUnknownFloat23 | float | Yes | Yes | 24 | Unknown. Used 41 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0" (30 times), "20" (6 times), "24" (5 times) Unknown. Used 54 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
ilistOverrideUnknown24 | unk | No | Yes | Used 54 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (53 times), or "0x80090100" (1 time) (ilistOverrideSomething ?) | |
ilistUnknownRef25 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 41 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 54 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (on objattribdef-psp.ini is named OnFocusIn) | |
ilistUnknownRef27 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 41 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 54 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (on objattribdef-psp.ini is named OnFocusOut) | |
ilistOnFocusLeft | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusLeftFirstConfig event:native:/EulaLicensingWizard::onFocusLeft |
Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
ilistOnFocusRight | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/NY event:native:/EulaLicensingWizard::onFocusRight | |
ilistUnknownRef33 | ref | No | Yes | Used 54 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (ilistOnFocusUp ?) | |
ilistOnFocusDown | event | No | Yes | event:native:/ConsoleAutoPowerOffPage::OnFocusDownIlist | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
ilistOnPush | event | No | Yes | event:native:/OnPushIlistBtDeviceManager | maybe OnPush is replacing an event here |
- PS3 has 4 more attributes than PSP, one seems to be a XMB Layouts override but the others are not so obvious where are located, the PSP "IList" specific attributes are copyed below for comparison purposes
unknownFloat16 = float onFocusIn = event onFocusOut = event onFocusLeft = event onFocusRight = event
(0x1C) CheckboxGroup
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | Research notes (partially speculative) | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | ||||
checkboxgroupUnknownInt23 | int | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (1 time), "0x1" (11 times), "0x2" (2 times), "0x6" (1 time), "0xa" (7 times), "0x14" (1 time). (checkboxgroupItemsCount ?) | |
checkboxgroupUnknown24 | unk | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (all) | |
checkboxgroupUnknown25 | unk | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0xffffffff" (all) | |
checkboxgroupUnknown26 | unk | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (all) | |
checkboxgroupUnknown27 | unk | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (all) | |
checkboxgroupUnknown28 | unk | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (all) | |
checkboxgroupUnknown29 | unk | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (16 times), "0x17040000" (7 times). (checkboxgroupOverrideSomething) | |
checkboxgroupUnknown30 | unk | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (all) | |
checkboxgroupUnknownRef31 | ref | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "nothing" (all). (probably another event) | |
checkboxgroupOnPush | event | No | Yes | event:native:/VideoEditorUpload::ServiceLogin::OnPushSavePassword | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding | |
checkboxgroupOnCursorMove | event | No | Yes | event:native:/OnCursorMoveClistCoreDumpUtility | ||
checkboxgroupOnFocusIn | event | No | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusInClistRegPSVitaConfig | ||
checkboxgroupOnFocusOut | event | No | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusOutClistRegPSVitaConfig | ||
checkboxgroupOnFocusLeft | event | No | Yes | event:native:/onFocusLeftUpdaterSelectList | ||
checkboxgroupOnFocusRight | event | No | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusRightClistDisplayOutputConfig | ||
checkboxgroupOnFocusUp | event | No | Yes | event:native:/onFocusUpUpdaterSelectList | ||
checkboxgroupOnFocusDown | event | No | Yes | event:native:/UIManager::OnFocusDownCBListShareTrophies | ||
checkboxgroupOnScrollIn | event | No | Yes | event:native:/OnScrollInClistDisplayOutputConfig | ||
checkboxgroupUnknownRef51 | ref | No | Yes | ? | Used 23 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "nothing" (all). (checkboxgroupOnScrollOut ?) |
- OnPush usually is doubtfull because replaces other events, but the attribute named checkboxgroupOnPush seems to be an OnPush for sure
- checkboxgroupOverrideUnknown29 is too long name, it generates a broken rcoxml with the next attribute overlapped like this: checkboxgroupOverrideUnknown29checkboxgroupUnknown30="0x0"
Menu items
(0x05) XMList
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
xmlistUnknown0 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 8 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 20 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
xmlistImage | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_game | Loads a image from ImageTree |
xmlistText | text | Yes | Yes | text:msg_game | Loads a text from TextTree |
(0x0C) XItem
(0x0A) MItem
(0x14) LItem
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
litemText | text | Yes | Yes | text:msg_wifi_sp_pswd | Loads a text from TextTree |
litemUnknownRef2 | ref | Yes | Yes | Used 15 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 ofw | |
litemUnknownRef4 | ref | Yes | Yes | Used 15 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 ofw |
(0x18) IItem
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
iitemUnknown1 | unk | No | Yes | 0x0 | Used 136 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
iitemText | text | Yes | Yes | text:msgupdater_dot text:msg_edy_driver_version |
Loads a text from TextTree |
iitemTextAlt | text | Yes | Yes | text:msglftv_settings_easy_start2 text:msg_info_none |
(0x1D) CheckboxItem
(0x19) Icon
Object not used in PS3 firmware
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
iconImage | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_album_icon | Loads a image from ImageTree |
iconShadow | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_album_icon_shadow | |
iconUnknownImage27 | image | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 ofw (iconFocus ?) |
Text based
(0x0D) Text
Some of the "specific object attributes" from text seems to be similar than the "standard object attributes" (color scalers)
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
textMessage | text | Yes | Yes | text:msg_pw_changed | Loads a text from TextTree |
textFontstyle | font | Yes | Yes | font:fontstyle_light | Loads a font from FontTree |
textUnknown27 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x1010101 | See below |
textUnknown29 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x1 | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (871 times), "0x1" (486 times) Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (30 times), "0x1" (1275 times) |
textFontSize | float | Yes | Yes | 10 | Font Y size in pixels, values found in PS3 4.76 ofw: "0", "7.605", "8.19", "10" |
textTopColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | 1 | Text top, color channels scaler (scale 0-1), values found in PS3 4.76 ofw: "0", "0.5", "1" |
textTopColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | 1 | |
textTopColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | 1 | |
textBottomColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | 0.5 | Text bottom, color channels scaler (scale 0-1), values found in PS3 4.76 ofw: "0", "0.5", "1" |
textBottomColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | 0.5 | |
textBottomColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | 0.5 | |
textSpacingHorizontal | float | Yes | Yes | 0 | in pixels, line spacing margin of ? (bad google translation). (textSpacingX ?) |
textUnknown37 | unk | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0". (somethingX or somethingRed ?) | |
textUnknown38 | unk | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0". (somethingY or somethingGreen ?) | |
textUnknown39 | unk | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0". (somethingZ or somethingBlue ?) | |
textSpacingVertical | float | Yes | Yes | 2 | in pixels, values found in PS3 4.76 ofw: "0", "2", margin between character ? (bad google translation). (textSpacingY ?) |
textShadowOffsetX | float | Yes | Yes | 4 | Text shadow effect displacement, in pixels, values found in PS3 4.76 ofw: "0", "4", "-5" |
textShadowOffsetY | float | Yes | Yes | -5 | |
textShadowOffsetZ | float | Yes | Yes | 0 | |
textShadowColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | 0.25 | Text shadow effect color channels scaler (scale 0-1), in pixels, values found in PS3 4.76 ofw: "0", "0.25", "0.9", "1" |
textShadowColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | 0.25 | |
textShadowColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | 0.25 | |
textShadowColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | 1 | |
textUnknown48 | unk | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0". (textFocusOffsetX with data type "float" ?) | |
textUnknown49 | unk | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0". (textFocusOffsetY with data type "float" ?) | |
textUnknown50 | unk | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0". (textFocusOffsetZ with data type "float" ?) | |
textUnknownFloat51 | float | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "1" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "1". (textFocusColorScaleR ?) | |
textUnknownFloat52 | float | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "1" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "1". (textFocusColorScaleG ?) | |
textUnknownFloat53 | float | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "1" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "1". (textFocusColorScaleB ?) | |
textUnknownFloat54 | float | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "1" Unknown. Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "1". (textFocusColorScaleA ?) | |
textResizeMode | int | Yes | Yes | See below | |
textOverrideUnknown56 | unk | No | Yes | Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: more info below the table (textOverridePositionX ?. Overrides stdPositionX value with a XMB Layouts reference ?) | |
textOverrideUnknown57 | unk | No | Yes | Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: more info below the table (textOverridePositionY ?. Overrides stdPositionY value with a XMB Layouts reference ?) | |
textOverrideUnknown58 | unk | No | Yes | Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values "0x0" (all). (textOverridePositionZ ?. Overrides stdPositionZ value with a XMB Layouts reference ?) |
- PS3 texts has a "tilt" effect that increases and decreases the light reflect every 2 seconds or so... probably this tilt effect is defined by one of the "unknowns", and/or maybe the 7 unknowns labeled as "focus" are actually the "shining glow effects" (offset, and color scaler)
- textUnknown27 valid values extracted as data type "unk", found in PS3 4.76 ofw (looks like textFontstyleMode for italic, bold, underlined, etc... ?). It seems there is a total of 12 posible values, the byte most at left is always 1, the byte most at right allows for 3 values: 0,1,2 and the others are flags
- Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values:
- "0x1000000" (351 times)
- "0x1000001" (384 times)
- "0x1000100" (246 times)
- "0x1000101" (148 times)
- "0x1010000" (3 times)
- "0x1010001" (70 times)
- "0x1010101" (3 times)
- "0x1000002" (96 times)
- "0x1000102" (4 times)
- Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values:
- "0x1000000" (415 times)
- "0x1000001" (240 times)
- "0x1000100" (27 times)
- "0x1000101" (325 times)
- "0x1010000" (19 times)
- "0x1010001" (279 times)
- "0x1010101" (14 times)
- "0x1000002" (21 times)
- "0x1000102" (14 times)
- "0x1010002" (3 times)
- Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values:
- textResizeMode
- Seems to use the same "ResizeMode" than "plane" object, By return, 0x0 is width, height dependent, 0xffffffff size ignored (bad google translation)
- Used 1305 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0xffffffff" (719 times), "0x0" (586 times)
- Used 1357 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0xffffffff" (600 times), "0x0" (757 times)
- textOverrideUnknown56 valid values extracted as data type "int", found in PS3 4.76 ofw (valid but pointless because needs to be extracted as "unk" and i dont care in converting them, was just random examples)
- "0x3", "0x13", "0x14", "0x15", "0x17", "0x10013", "0x10014", "0x10015", "0x10016", "0x5f2", "0x5f5", "0x6bd", "0x6d7", etc...
- textOverrideUnknown57 valid values extracted as data type "int", found in PS3 4.76 ofw (valid but pointless because needs to be extracted as "unk" and i dont care in converting them, was just random examples)
- 0x3" (1235 times), "0x1be" (2 times), "0x1039a" (19 times), "0x10b48" (4 times), "0x10f77" (2 times), etc...
(0x1F) EditBox
It seems "EditBox" object uses the same attributes than "Text" object + 2 images + 7 events. For this reason the info about "EditBox" object in this wiki page is abandoned by now
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
(0x10) Action
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | Research notes (partially speculative) | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | ||||
actionText | text | Yes | Yes | text:msg_on |
(0x03) Button
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
buttonImage | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_cp_volume | Loads a image from ImageTree |
buttonShadow | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_cp_volume_shadow | |
buttonFocus | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_cp_volume_focus | |
buttonText | text | Yes | Yes | text:msg_ok | Loads a text from TextTree |
buttonOnPush | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnVolumeButtonPush | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
buttonOnFocusIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnViewControlPanelButtonFocusIn | |
buttonOnFocusOut | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnViewControlPanelButtonFocusOut | |
buttonOnFocusLeft | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnControlPanelButtonFocusNaviLeft | |
buttonOnFocusRight | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnControlPanelButtonFocusNaviRight | |
buttonOnFocusUp | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnControlPanelButtonFocusNaviUp | |
buttonOnFocusDown | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnControlPanelButtonFocusNaviDown | |
buttonOnContext | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/VideoEditorUpload::ServiceSelect::OnContextMenuButton1 | |
buttonUnknownInt47 | int | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 738 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (572 times), or "0xffffffff" (166 times) Unknown. Used 624 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (560 times), or "0xffffffff" (64 times) |
- buttonUnknownInt47
- In PSP 6.61 the file lftv_tuner_jp_jp.rco is made with only 3 kind of objects: "page", "plane" and "button" (there are actually 98 button objects), all the buttons loads an "event:script:" from the VSMX script inside the .rco and are using the same exact names than the "event:native:" in all other objects (so follows the standard names). But inside the script there is an event named "onTimerFadeButtonTexture" that doesnt appears anywhere so maybe the buttonUnknownInt47 is an buttonTimer
(0x1A) UButton
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
(0x07) Progress
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
progressUnknownFloat23 | float | Yes | Yes | 100 | Unknown. Used 17 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "100" (16 times), "1" (1 time) Unknown. Used 52 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "100" (50 times), "1" (2 times) |
progressUnknownFloat24 | float | Yes | Yes | 1 | Unknown. Used 17 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0" Unknown. Used 52 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0" |
progressImageBarBase | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_progress_bar image:tex_default_progress_base |
Loads a image from ImageTree |
progressImageBarSlider | image | Yes | Yes | image:tex_progress_bar_in image:tex_default_progress_slider | |
progressImageBarBaseShadow | image | Yes | Yes | Used 17 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Used 52 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" |
- progressUnknown24
- "1" is a valid value (with data type "float"), found in sysconf_plugin.rco from PS3 firmware 1.02
(0x08) Scroll
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
scrollUnknownFloat23 | float | Yes | Yes | 100 | Unknown. Used 70 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "100" Unknown. Used 88 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "100" |
scrollUnknownFloat24 | float | Yes | Yes | 100 | Unknown. Used 70 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "100" Unknown. Used 88 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "100" |
scrollUnknown25 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 70 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 88 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
scrollImageBase | image | Yes | Yes | image:scroll_base | Loads a image from ImageTree |
scrollImageSlider | image | Yes | Yes | image:scroll_slider | |
scrollImageArrowUp | image | Yes | Yes | image:scroll_arrow_up | |
scrollImageBaseShadow | image | Yes | Yes | image:scroll_base_shadow | |
scrollImageArrowUpShadow | image | Yes | Yes | image:scroll_arrow_up_shadow |
(0x0F) Spin
Most attributes from "Spin" object are similar than "ItemSpin" object
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
spinUnknown23 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 20 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 13 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
spinUnknown24 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x1 | Unknown. Used 20 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (9 times), "0x1" (11 times) Unknown. Used 13 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (10 times), "0x1" (1 time), "0x100" (2 times) |
spinUnknownImage25 | image | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 20 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 13 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (spinImageArrow ?) | |
spinUnknownImage27 | image | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 20 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 13 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "nothing". (spinImageArrowShadow ?) | |
spinOnDecide | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnDecideCaptionDuration | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
spinOnCancel | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnCancelCaptionDuration | |
spinOnRollIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnRollInSpinHdmiDetect | |
spinUnknownRef35 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 20 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 13 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "nothing". (spinOnCursorMove ?) | |
spinOnFocusIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/onFocusIn_premo_settings_connection_spin | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
spinOnFocusOut | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/onFocusOut_premo_settings_connection_spin | |
spinOnFocusLeft | event | Yes | Yes | object2:lftv_page212_group000_ispin000 | |
spinOnFocusRight | event | Yes | Yes | object2:lftv_page212_group000_ispin001 | |
spinUnknown45 | unk | No | Yes | object2:bdpui_imagequalistcontrol_fnr_spin | Used 13 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "nothing" (all). (spinOnFocusUp ?) |
spinUnknown47 | unk | No | Yes | object2:bdpui_imagequalistcontrol_bnr_spin | Used 13 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "nothing" (all). (spinOnFocusDown ?) |
(0x11) ItemSpin
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
itemspinUnknownInt23 | int | Yes | Yes | 0x1 | Unknown. Used 29 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (23 times), "0x1" (6 times) Unknown. Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (11 times), "0x1" (5 times), "0x240" (1 time) |
itemspinUnknownInt24 | int | Yes | Yes | 0x5dc | See below |
itemspinUnknownInt25 | int | Yes | Yes | 0x3 | Unknown. Used 29 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (5 times), "0x1" (4 times), "0x2" (16 times), "0x3" (1 time), "0x4" (1 times), "0x6" (2 times) Unknown. Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (4 times), "0x1" (5 times), "0x2" (7 times), "0x3" (1 time) |
itemspinUnknownInt26 | int | Yes | Yes | 0x5dc | See below |
itemspinUnknown27 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x101 | Unknown. Used 29 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (3 times), "0x1" (20 times), "0x101" (6 times) Unknown. Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x1" (2 times), "0x100" (11 times), "0x101" (4 times) |
itemspinUnknownFloat28 | float | Yes | Yes | 32 | Unknown. Used 29 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0" (4 times), "9" (5 times), "11" (19 times), "13" (1 time) Unknown. Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0" (7 times), "11" (5 times), "13" (1 time), "16" (1 time), "32" (3 times) |
itemspinUnknownImage29 | image | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 29 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (itemspinImageArrow ?) | |
itemspinUnknownImage31 | image | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 29 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (itemspinImageArrowShadow ?) | |
itemspinOnDecide | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnTitleJumpSpinDecide | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
itemspinOnCancel | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnTitleJumpSpinCancel | |
itemspinOnRollIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnRollInSpinSecurityConfigPassword | |
itemspinUnknownRef39 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 29 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (itemspinOnCursorMove ?) | |
itemspinOnFocusIn | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnPageVideoPlayerTimeJumpFocusIn | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
itemspinOnFocusOut | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnPageVideoPlayerTimeJumpFocusOut | |
itemspinOnFocusLeft | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusLeftNumSpinWizardEventHandler object2:hour_spin | |
itemspinOnFocusRight | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusRightNumSpinWizardEventHandler object2:second_spin | |
itemspinUnknown49 | unk | No | Yes | Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (itemspinOnFocusUp ?) | |
itemspinUnknown51 | unk | No | Yes | Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "nothing". (itemspinOnFocusDown ?) |
- itemspinUnknownInt24. The number that can be selected (bad google translation)
- Unknown. Used 17 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x7" (1 time), "0x9" (4 times), "0xa" (1 time), "0x3b" (2 times), "0x63" (4 times), "0xfe" (1 time), "0x3e7" (1 time), "0x3e8" (2 times), "0x5dc" (1 time)
- Unknown. Used 29 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x9" (4 times), "0xc" (2 times), "0x17" (4 times), "0x1f" (2 times), "0x3b" (8 times), "0x63" (4 times), "0x3e7" (1 time), "0x270f" (2 times), "0x36ee7f" (2 times)
- itemspinUnknownInt26
- The value 0x5dc has been found in PS3 4.76 ofw used by UnknownInt24 and UnknownInt26. this seems to be a coincidence, but it means both are storing the value in the same format. 0x5dc converted to decimal = 1500. And 0x3e8 = 1000. Coincidence ? (it could be time meassure units in miliseconds)
(0x0E) ModelObject
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
modelobjectName | model | Yes | Yes | model:mdl_bg | Loads a .gmo model from ModelTree |
- modelobjectName
- Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 ofw
- Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw by:
- opening_plugin.rco (coldboot)
- system_plugin_bg.rco (internal theme)
- visualizer_plugin.rco (external theme)
(0x15) Edit
The "image" and "event" attributes from "edit object" seems to be the same than "clock object"
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
editUnknown23 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
editUnknown24 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
editUnknown25 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
editUnknown26 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x0 | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "0x0" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "0x0" |
editUnknownImage27 | image | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (editImageFrame ?) | |
editUnknownImage29 | image | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (editImageArrow ?) | |
editOnDecide | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/onDecide_ipaddr_NetworkAddressSetIpaddress | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
editOnCancel | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/onCancel_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting | |
editOnFocusIn | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" | |
editOnFocusOut | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" | |
editOnFocusLeft | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/onFocusLeft_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
editOnFocusRight | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/onFocusRight_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting | |
editOnFocusUp | event | Yes | Yes | object2:ipaddr_network_address_setting_ipaddress | "object2" is replacing the event editOnFocusUp |
editOnFocusDown | event | Yes | Yes | object2:ipaddr_network_address_setting_defaultrooter | "object2" is replacing the event editOnFocusDown |
editOnTick | event | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 7 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 9 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing" |
(0x16) Clock
The "image" and "event" attributes from "edit object" seems to be the same than "clock object"
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
clockUnknown23 | unk | Yes | Yes | 0x1 | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "0x0" (2 times), "0x1" (1 time) Unknown. Used 5 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "0x0" (3 times), "0x1" (1 time), "0x2" (1 time) |
clockUnknownFloat24 | float | Yes | Yes | 200 | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with values: "100" (1 time), "200" (2 times) Unknown. Used 5 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with values: "100" (4 times), "200" (1 time) |
clockTextAm | text | Yes | Yes | text:msg_am | |
clockTextPm | text | Yes | Yes | text:msg_pm | |
clockUnknownRef29 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 5 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (clockImageFrame ?) | |
clockUnknownImage31 | image | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 5 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (clockImageArrow ?) | |
clockOnDecide | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnDecideClockToolConfig | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
clockOnCancel | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnCancelClockToolConfig | |
clockUnknownRef37 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 5 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusIn) | |
clockUnknownRef39 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 5 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusOut) | |
clockOnFocusLeft | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusLeftFirstConfig | Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
clockOnFocusRight | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnFocusRightFirstConfig | |
clockUnknownRef45 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 5 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusUp) | |
clockUnknownRef47 | ref | Yes | Yes | Unknown. Used 3 times in PSP 6.61 ofw with value: "nothing" Unknown. Used 5 times in PS3 4.76 ofw with value: "nothing". (on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusDown) | |
clockOnTick | event | Yes | Yes | event:native:/OnTickClockFirstConfigSetDateTime event:native:/OnTickClockFirstConfig |
Triggers an event, see RCOXML Coding |
- clockUnknownFloat24
- This attribute is the most notable difference between "clock object" and "edit object" ("clock" uses it but "edit" doesnt), looks like a time gap in miliseconds (100 miliseconds = 1/10 seconds)
(0x1E) Meter
Is the volume bar for media players (videoplayer_plugin.rco, sacd_plugin.rco, bdp_plugin.rco, audioplayer_plugin.rco)
Attribute | How it works | ||||
Name | Type | Examples | |||
PositionX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Position, in pixels | |
PositionY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
PositionZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleR | float | Yes | Yes | RGBA Color Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
ColorScaleG | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleB | float | Yes | Yes | ||
ColorScaleA | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size, in pixels | |
SizeY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleX | float | Yes | Yes | XYZ Size Scale (multiplyer, 1 original, smaller than 1 reduced, bigger than 1 increased) | |
SizeScaleY | float | Yes | Yes | ||
SizeScaleZ | float | Yes | Yes | ||
AnchorMode | int | Yes | Yes | Partially unknown | |
OnInit | event | Yes | Yes | Triggers an event | |
PositionOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Position Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
PositionOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
PositionOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideX | unk | No | Yes | XYZ Size Override with values from XMB Layouts | |
SizeOverrideY | unk | No | Yes | ||
SizeOverrideZ | unk | No | Yes |
- First and third attributes uses the weird value 0xfcffffff that could be an integer (and looks like flags), after reversing the bytes is 0xfffffffc, and after converted to binary = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100
- meterUnknown23 valid values found in PS3 firmware 1.02
- 0xfeffffff
- meterUnknownInt24 valid values found in PS3 firmware 1.02
- 0x2
- meterUnknown25 valid values found in PS3 firmware 1.02
- 0xfeffffff
- meterUnknown28 valid values found in PS3 firmware 1.02
- 0xffff
- meterUnknown30 valid values found in PS3 firmware 1.02
- 0xffffffff
- meterUnknown32 valid values found in PS3 firmware 1.02
- 0xffff
- meterUnknown34 valid values found in PS3 firmware 1.02
- 0xffffffff
(0x0B) ObjUnknown0xB
(0x1B) ObjUnknown0x1B