RCOXML Objects

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Revision as of 06:31, 7 December 2015 by Sandungas (talk | contribs) (→‎Plane)
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RCOXML Objects are defined in the XML code embedded inside Resource Container (RCO) files, should be considered the "construction blocks" of the XMB

Standard object attributes are repeated in several objects and shares the same names
Specific object attributes listed here has been given an unique name to allow a better identification
The order of objects listed here follows the same order than Rcomage objattribdef-ps3.ini to dont break compatibility with it
For more info about how to use and combine objects to create things with them see: RCOXML Structure and RCOXML Examples



Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: No
Specific object attributes: Yes
specific object attributes (Page)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
pageUnknownInt0 int Yes Yes 0x1110000 ? used 1174 times in retail firmware 4.76 all them with value: 0x1110000
pageOnInit event Yes Yes event:native:/OnControlPanelButtonInit
pageOnCancel event Yes Yes event:native:/OnControlPanelButtonCancel
pageOnContext event Yes Yes event:native:/OnControlPanelButtonContextMenu
pageOnActivate event Yes Yes event:native:/OnControlPanelButtonActivate


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Plane)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
planeImage image Yes Yes image:tex_indi_message Loads a image from ImageTree
planeDisplayMode int Yes Yes 0x3 used 2599 times in firmware 4.76 with values: "0x0" (2426 times), "0x1" (38 times), "0x3" (123 times), "0xffff0000" (12 times)
  • planeDisplayMode indicates a quality of the previous attribute planeImage
value Display mode
0x0 width, with reference to the height display (bad google translation)
0x1 Displayed in the same size as the image, scaling the left and right width while maintaining the size (bad google translation)
0x2 Displayed in the same size as the image, scaling up and down in height while maintaining a size (bad google translation)
0x3 Displayed in the same size as the image, scale the vertical and horizontal directions while keeping the size of width, in height (bad google translation)
0xffff0000 Displayed in the same size as the image (bad google translation)
  • Speculation (based in the info posted here and here)

"displaymode" seems to be predefined resize modes, the purpose is to override the size values of the "standard attribute" group

A "plane" object is defined by the "standard attributes" + a reference to an image (with any size) + the resize mode for that image

The different resize modes preserves either the original size values of "X", "Y", "both", or "none" of the real image (because a plane is a 2 dimensional object it seems "Z" is not involved in this resize transformation)


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Button)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
buttonImage image Yes Yes image:tex_cp_volume Loads a image from ImageTree
buttonShadow image Yes Yes image:tex_cp_volume_shadow Loads a image from ImageTree
buttonFocus image Yes Yes image:tex_cp_volume_focus Loads a image from ImageTree
buttonText text Yes Yes text:msg_ok Loads a text from TextTree
buttonOnPush event Yes Yes event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnVolumeButtonPush
buttonOnFocusIn event Yes Yes event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnViewControlPanelButtonFocusIn
buttonOnFocusOut event Yes Yes event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnViewControlPanelButtonFocusOut
buttonOnFocusLeft event Yes Yes event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnControlPanelButtonFocusNaviLeft
buttonOnFocusRight event Yes Yes event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnControlPanelButtonFocusNaviRight
buttonOnFocusUp event Yes Yes event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnControlPanelButtonFocusNaviUp
buttonOnFocusDown event Yes Yes event:native:/AudioPlayerPlugin::OnControlPanelButtonFocusNaviDown
buttonOnContext event Yes Yes event:native:/VideoEditorUpload::ServiceSelect::OnContextMenuButton1
buttonUnknownInt47 int Yes Yes 0x0
? used 624 times in firmware 4.76 with values: "0x0" (560 times), or "0xffffffff" (64 times)


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (XMenu)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
xmenuMenus int Yes Yes 0xa number of main icons of XMB (10 categories) (on objattribdef-psp.ini is named itemsCount)
xmenuOnPush event Yes Yes event:native:/Bar::onPush
xmenuOnContext event Yes Yes event:native:/Bar::onContextMenu
xmenuOnCursorMove event Yes Yes event:native:/Bar::onCursorMove
xmenuOnScrollIn event Yes Yes event:native:/Bar::onScrollIn
xmenuOnScrollOut event Yes Yes event:native:/Bar::onScrollOut


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: No
Specific object attributes: Yes
specific object attributes (XMList)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
xmlistUnknown0 unk Yes Yes 0x0 ? used 20 times in firmware 4.76 all them with value "0x0"
xmlistImage image Yes Yes image:tex_game Loads a image from ImageTree
xmlistText text Yes Yes text:msg_game Loads a text from TextTree


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (XList)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
xlistUnknownInt23 int Yes Yes 0x0 ? used 18 times in firmware 4.76 all them with value "0x0"
xlistOnCursorMove event Yes Yes event:native:/XmbMenu::OnCursorMoveXmList
xlistOnScrollIn event Yes Yes event:native:/XmbMenu::OnScrollInXmList
xlistOnScrollOut event Yes Yes event:native:/OnScrollOut_VmcAppearSettingList
xlistOnPush event Yes Yes event:native:/OnPush_VmcAppearSettingList
xlistOnContext event Yes Yes used 18 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
xlistOnCancel event Yes Yes event:native:/OnCancelMenuGameConfig on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusLeft
xlistUnknownEvent36 event Yes Yes nothing ? used 18 times in firmware 4.76 all them with value "nothing"
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusRight)
  • On XMB vertical lists, when clicking left is using a "onCancel" because moves 1 level up in the hierarchy, but seems to be actually an "onFocusLeft"


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Progress)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
progressUnknownFloat23 float Yes Yes 100
? used 52 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "100" (50 times), "1" (2 times)
progressUnknown24 unk Yes Yes ? used 52 times in 4.76 firmware all them wit value "0x0"
progressImage image Yes Yes image:tex_progress_bar empty progress bar. (aka: Bar)
progressImage2 image Yes Yes image:tex_progress_bar_in filled progress bar. (aka: Roll)
progressUnknownImage29 image Yes Yes ? used 52 times in 4.76 firmware all them wit value "nothing". (aka: Bar shadow of)


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Scroll)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
scrollUnknownFloat23 float Yes Yes ? used 88 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "100"
scrollUnknownFloat24 float Yes Yes ? used 88 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "100"
scrollUnknown25 unk Yes Yes ? used 88 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
scrollUnknownImage26 image Yes Yes ? used 88 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
bar ?
scrollUnknownImage28 image Yes Yes ? used 88 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
roll ?
scrollUnknownImage30 image Yes Yes ? used 88 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
Arrow ?
scrollUnknownImage32 image Yes Yes ? used 88 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
Bar shadow of ?
scrollUnknownImage34 image Yes Yes ? used 88 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
Arrow shadow of ?


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (MList)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
mlistUnknown23 unk Yes Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware with values: 0x17000000 (1 time), 0x16000000 (1 time), 0x15000000 (127 times), 0x12000000 (14 times), 0x10000000 (4 times), 0xe000000 (31 times), 0xc000000 (5 times), 0xa000000 (2 times), 0x9000000 (5 times), 0x8000000 (6 times), 0x7000000 (20 times), 0x6000000 (104 times), 0x5000000 (3 times), 0x4000000 (9 times), 0x3000000 (13 times), 0x2000000 (39 times), 0x1000000 (20 times), 0x0 (5 times)
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named numVisibleElements)
mlistUnknown24 unk Yes Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
mlistUnknown25 unk Yes Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware with values: 0x0 (7 times), 0x1 (7 times), 0x2 (8 times), 0x3 (6 times), 0x4 (4 times), 0x5 (6 times), 0x6 (2 times), 0xa (2 times), 0xb (2 times), 0xd (2 times), 0xffffffff (363 times)
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named initTopPadding, the initial position of the cursor)
mlistUnknown26 unk Yes Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware with values: 0x0 (395 times), 0x1000000 (10 times), 0x2000000 (4 times)
mlistUnknown27 unk Yes Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named itemSpacing)
mlistUnknown28 unk No Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware with values: 0x0 (333 times), 0x4c090100 (6 times), 0x7f090100 (1 times), 0x1f070100 (8 times), 0x1f070000 (14 times), 0x69070000 (39 times), 0xc4040000 (8 times)
(gridRefPositionX ?)
mlistUnknown29 unk No Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware with values: 0x0 (208 times), 0x95080000 (1 time), 0xdc050000 (1 time), 0xe7050000 (2 times), 0xe0050000 (1 time), 0x3a040000 (4 times), 0x83040000 (2 times), 0x7f030000 (125 times), 0x87040000 (2 times), 0xc7020000 (1 time), 0xfc010000 (15 times), 0x21030000 (2 times), 0x1e030000 (5 times), 0x3f040000 (2 times), 0x20070000 (4 times), 0x63070000 (31 times), 0xbf070000 (2 times), 0x8f030000 (1 time)
(gridRefPositionY ?)
mlistUnknown30 unk No Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware with values: 0x0 (282 times), 0xe8050000 (2 times), 0x80030000 (125 times)
(gridRefPositionZ ?)
mlistUnknownRef32 ref Yes Yes ? used 409 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (probably is an event)
mlistOnPush event Yes Yes event:native:/OnSettingPagePushList
mlistOnCursorMove event Yes Yes event:native:/OnSettingPageCursorMoveList
mlistOnFocusIn event Yes Yes event:native:/Bookmark::onBookmarkListFocusIn
mlistOnFocusOut event Yes Yes event:native:/Menu::cbFocusOut
mlistOnFocusLeft event Yes Yes event:native:/Menu::cbFocusLeft
mlistOnFocusRight event Yes Yes event:native:/Menu::cbFocusRight
mlistOnFocusUp event Yes Yes event:native:/Menu::cbFocusUp
mlistOnFocusDown event Yes Yes event:native:/cbFocusDown
mlistOnScrollIn event Yes Yes event:native:/cbScrollIn
mlistOnScrollOut event Yes Yes event:native:/cbScrollOut


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: No
Specific object attributes: Yes
specific object attributes (MItem)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
mitemTextOrImage1 text Yes Yes text:msg_latin2_852
weird, in videoeditor_plugin.rco is an image (used 5 times), but in the others is a text (used 1053 times), or "nothing" (used 68 times)
mitemTextOrImage2 text Yes Yes text:msg_centraleurope_1250
weird, in webbrowser_plugin.rco is used as an image
mitemTextOrImage3 text Yes Yes text:msg_none
? weird, used 1126 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "nothing" (1093 times), with an "image" (32 times), or with a text (1 time)


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Unknown
Specific object attributes: Unknown

Unknown object. Not used in PS3 firmware


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: No
Specific object attributes: Yes
specific object attributes (XItem)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
xitemImage image Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
xitemText text Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
xitemUnknownRef4 ref Yes Yes ? Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Text)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
textText text Yes Yes text:msg_pw_changed
textFont ref Yes Yes font:fontstyle_light
textUnknownInt27 int Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x1" (351 times), "0x101" (3 times), "0x10001" (246 times), "0x1000101" (70 times), "0x1010001" (148 times), "0x1010101" (3 times), "0x1000001" (384 times), "0x2000001" (96 times), "0x2010001" (4 times)
Font typography flags ? (italic, bold, underlined, etc... by using cummulative and unique bit switches)
textUnknownInt29 int Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x1000000" (1275 times) or "0x0" (30 times)
textSize float Yes Yes 10
textTopR float Yes Yes 1
textTopG float Yes Yes
textTopB float Yes Yes
textBottomR float Yes Yes
textBottomG float Yes Yes
textBottomB float Yes Yes
textSpacingHorizontal float Yes Yes 0 in pixels, line spacing margin of ? (bad google translation)
textUnknown37 unk Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (somethingX or somethingRed ?)
textUnknown38 unk Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (somethingY or somethingGreen ?)
textUnknown39 unk Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (somethingZ or somethingBlue ?)
textSpacingVertical float Yes Yes 0
in pixels, margin between character ? (bad google translation)
textShadowX float Yes Yes 0
textShadowY float Yes Yes 0
textShadowZ float Yes Yes 0
textShadowR float Yes Yes 0
textShadowG float Yes Yes
textShadowB float Yes Yes
textShadowA float Yes Yes 1
textUnknown48 unk Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (textFocusX ?)
textUnknown49 unk Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (textFocusY ?)
textUnknown50 unk Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (textFocusZ ?)
textUnknownFloat51 float Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (textFocusR ?)
textUnknownFloat52 float Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (textFocusG ?)
textUnknownFloat53 float Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (textFocusB ?)
textUnknownFloat54 float Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (textFocusA ?)
textUnknown55 unk Yes Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0xffffffff" (719 times) or "0x0" (586 times)
By return, 0x0 is width, height dependent, 0xffffffff size ignored (bad google translation)
textUnknownInt56 int No Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x3", "0x13", "0x14", "0x15", "0x17", "0x10013", "0x10014", "0x10015", "0x10016", "0x5f2", "0x5f5", "0x6bd", "0x6d7", etc... (gridRefsomething)
textUnknownInt57 int No Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x3" (1235 times), "0x1be" (2 times), "0x1039a" (19 times), "0x10b48" (4 times), "0x10f77" (2 times), etc... (gridRefsomething)
textUnknown58 unk No Yes ? used 1305 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (gridRefsomething)
  • PS3 texts has a "tilt" effect that increases and decreases the light reflect every 2 seconds or so... probably this tilt effect is defined by one of the "unknowns"


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (ModelObject)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
modelobjectModel model Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Spin)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
spinUnknown23 unk Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
spinUnknownInt24 int Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (10 times), "0x10000" (2 times), "0x1000000" (1 time)
Folded at the end. "0x0" invalid, "0x1 effective" "0x101" effective (it is not aligned with the number of digits) (bad gogle translation)
spinUnknownImage25 image Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (Up and down arrows)
spinUnknownImage27 image Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (Arrow shadow of)
spinOnDecide event Yes Yes event:native:/OnDecideCaptionDuration
spinOnCancel event Yes Yes event:native:/OnCancelCaptionDuration
spinOnRollIn event Yes Yes event:native:/OnRollInSpinHdmiDetect
spinUnknownEvent35 event Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (onCursorMove ?)
spinUnknownEvent37 event Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (onFocusIn ?)
spinUnknownEvent39 event Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (onFocusOut ?)
spinUnknownEvent41 event Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (onFocusLeft ?)
spinUnknownEvent43 event Yes Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (onFocusRight ?)
spinUnknownRef45 ref No Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
spinUnknownRef47 ref No Yes ? used 13 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Action)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
actionText text Yes Yes text:msg_on


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (ItemSpin)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
itemspinUnknownInt23 int Yes Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (11 times), "0x1" (5 times), "0x240" (1 time)
itemspinUnknownInt24 int Yes Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x7" (1 time), "0x9" (4 times), "0xa" (1 time), "0x3b" (2 times), "0x63" (4 times), "0xfe" (1 time), "0x3e7" (1 time), "0x3e8" (2 times), "0x5dc" (1 time)
The number that can be selected (bad google translation)
itemspinUnknownInt25 int Yes Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (4 times), "0x1" (5 times), "0x2" (7 times), "0x3" (1 time)
itemspinUnknownInt26 int Yes Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (7 times), "0x1" (2 times), "0x5dc" (1 time), "0xffffffff" (7 times)
itemspinUnknownInt27 int Yes Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x10000" (2 times), "0x1000000" (11 times), "0x1010000" (4 times)
Folded at the end, "0x0" invalid, "0x1 effective" "0x101" effective (it is not aligned with the number of digits) (bad google translation)
itemspinUnknownFloat28 float Yes Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0" (7 times), "11" (5 times), "13" (1 time), "16" (1 time), "32" (3 times)
itemspinUnknownImage29 image Yes Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (Up and down arrows ?)
itemspinUnknownImage31 image Yes Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (Arrow shadow of ?)
itemspinOnDecide event Yes Yes event:native:/OnTitleJumpSpinDecide
itemspinOnCancel event Yes Yes event:native:/OnTitleJumpSpinCancel
itemspinUnknownRef37 ref No Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
itemspinUnknownRef39 ref No Yes ? used 17 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
itemspinOnFocusIn event Yes Yes event:native:/OnPageVideoPlayerTimeJumpFocusIn
itemspinOnFocusOut event Yes Yes event:native:/OnPageVideoPlayerTimeJumpFocusOut
itemspinOnFocusLeft event Yes Yes event:native:/OnFocusLeftNumSpinWizardEventHandler
itemspinOnFocusRight event Yes Yes event:native:/OnFocusRightNumSpinWizardEventHandler
itemspinObjPrev object Yes Yes used 17 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing". The object seems to be replacing itemspinOnFocusUp
itemspinObjNext object Yes Yes used 17 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing". The object seems to be replacing itemspinOnFocusDown
  • The value 0x5dc has been found used by UnknownInt24 and UnknownInt26. this seems to be a coincidence, but it means both are storing the value in the same format. Also probably UnknownInt25 uses the same format too because is in between them


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: No



Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (LList)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
llistUnknownInt23 int Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "0x6"
llistUnknown24 unk Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "0x0"
llistUnknownFloat25 float Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "0"
llistUnknownUnk26 unk No Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "0x0" (gridRefSomething ?)
llistUnknownUnk27 unk No Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "0x3a040000" (gridRefSomething ?)
llistUnknownEvent28 event Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusIn ?)
llistUnknownEvent30 event Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusOut ?)
llistUnknownEvent32 event Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusLeft ?)
llistUnknownEvent34 event Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusRight ?)
llistUnknownEvent36 event Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusUp ?)
llistUnknownEvent38 event Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "nothing" (llistOnFocusDown ?)
llistOnScrollIn event Yes Yes event:native:/OnScrollInListEdyViewer ?
llistUnknownRef42 ref Yes Yes ? used 1 time in 4.76 firmware with value: "nothing" (llistOnScrollOut ?)


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: No
Specific object attributes: Yes
specific object attributes (LItem)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
litemText text Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
litemUnknownRef2 ref Yes Yes ? Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
litemUnknownRef4 ref Yes Yes ? Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Edit)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
editUnknown23 unk Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
editUnknown24 unk Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
editUnknown25 unk Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
editUnknown26 unk Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
editUnknownImage27 image Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (Selection border ?)
editUnknownImage29 image Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (Up and down arrows ?)
editOnDecide event Yes Yes event:native:/onDecide_ipaddr_NetworkAddressSetIpaddress
editOnCancel event Yes Yes event:native:/onCancel_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting
editOnFocusIn event Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
editOnFocusOut event Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
editOnFocusLeft event Yes Yes event:native:/onFocusLeft_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting
editOnFocusRight event Yes Yes event:native:/onFocusRight_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting
editOnFocusUp event Yes Yes object2:ipaddr_network_address_setting_ipaddress ? "object2" is replacing the event editOnFocusUp
editOnFocusDown event Yes Yes object2:ipaddr_network_address_setting_defaultrooter ? "object2" is replacing the event editOnFocusDown
editOnTickClock event Yes Yes ? used 9 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (in PSP onDigitSwitch)


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Clock)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
clockUnknownInt23 int Yes Yes ? used 5 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (3 times), "0x1000000" (1 time), "0x2000000" (1 time)
clockUnknownFloat24 float Yes Yes ? used 5 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x100" (4 times), or "0x200" (1 time)
clockText text Yes Yes text:msg_am
clockTextAlt text Yes Yes text:msg_pm
clockUnknownRef29 ref Yes Yes ? used 5 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
clockUnknownImage31 image Yes Yes ? used 5 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (Up and down arrows ?)
clockOnDecide event Yes Yes event:native:/OnDecideClockToolConfig
clockOnCancel event Yes Yes event:native:/OnCancelClockToolConfig
clockUnknownRef37 ref Yes Yes ? used 5 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusIn)
clockUnknownRef39 ref Yes Yes ? used 5 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusOut)
clockOnFocusLeft event Yes Yes event:native:/OnFocusLeftFirstConfig
clockOnFocusRight event Yes Yes event:native:/OnFocusRightFirstConfig
clockUnknownRef45 ref Yes Yes ? used 5 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusUp)
clockUnknownRef47 ref Yes Yes ? used 5 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onFocusDown)
clockOnTickClock event Yes Yes event:native:/OnTickClockFirstConfig
(on objattribdef-psp.ini is named onDigitSwitch)


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (IList)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
ilistUnknown23 unk Yes Yes ? used 54 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
ilistUnknown24 unk No Yes ? used 54 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (53 times), or "0x80090100" (1 time) (a gridRefSomething ?... if this one is gridRefX, then next 2 unknowns are Y and Z)
ilistUnknownRef25 ref Yes Yes ? used 54 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (ilistOnFocusIn ?)
ilistUnknownRef27 ref Yes Yes ? used 54 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (ilistOnFocusOut ?)
ilistOnFocusLeft event Yes Yes event:native:/EulaLicensingWizard::onFocusLeft
ilistOnFocusRight event Yes Yes event:native:/EulaLicensingWizard::onFocusRight
ilistUnknownRef33 ref No ? Yes ? used 54 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (ilistOnFocusUp ?)
ilistOnFocusDown event No ? Yes event:native:/ConsoleAutoPowerOffPage::OnFocusDownIlist
ilistOnPush event No ? Yes event:native:/OnPushIlistBtDeviceManager maybe OnPush is replacing an event here
  • PS3 has 4 more attributes than PSP, one seems to be a grid reference but this needs further analisys, the PSP attributes are copyed below for comparison purposes
unknownFloat16 = float
onFocusIn = event
onFocusOut = event
onFocusLeft = event
onFocusRight = event


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: No
Specific object attributes: Yes
specific object attributes (IItem)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
iitemUnknown1 unk No Yes 0x0 ? used 136 times in firmware 4.76 all them with value "0x0"
iitemText text Yes Yes text:msg_edy_driver_version
iitemTextAlt text Yes Yes text:msg_info_none


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes

Object not used in PS3 firmware


specific object attributes (Icon)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
iconImage image Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
iconShadow image Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
iconUnknownImage27 image Yes Yes ? Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware (iconFocus ?)


Console support: PSP icon PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (UButton)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
ubuttonImage image Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
ubuttonOnPush event Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
ubuttonOnFocusIn event Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
ubuttonOnFocusOut event Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
ubuttonOnFocusLeft event Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
ubuttonOnFocusRight event Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
ubuttonOnFocusUp event Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
ubuttonOnFocusDown event Yes Yes Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware
ubuttonUnknownInt39 int Yes Yes ? Used 0 times in PS3 4.76 firmware


Console support: PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Unknown
Specific object attributes: Unknown

Unknown object. Not used in PS3 firmware


Console support: PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (CheckboxGroup)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
checkboxgroupUnknown23 unk No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (1 time), "0x2000000" (2 times), "0x6000000" (1 time), "0xa000000" (7 times), "0x1000000" (11 times), "0x14000000" (1 time)
checkboxgroupUnknown24 unk No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
checkboxgroupUnknown25 unk No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0xffffffff"
checkboxgroupUnknown26 unk No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
checkboxgroupUnknown27 unk No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
checkboxgroupUnknown28 unk No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
checkboxgroupUnknown29 unk No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (16 times), "0x17040000" (7 times). (gridRefSomething ?)
checkboxgroupUnknown30 unk No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware ll them with value "0x0"
checkboxgroupUnknownRef31 ref No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (probably another event)
checkboxgroupOnPush event No Yes event:native:/VideoEditorUpload::ServiceLogin::OnPushSavePassword OnPush usually is doubtfull because replaces other events, but this one seems to be OnPush for sure
checkboxgroupOnCursorMove event No Yes event:native:/OnCursorMoveClistCoreDumpUtility
checkboxgroupOnFocusIn event No Yes event:native:/OnFocusInClistRegPSVitaConfig
checkboxgroupOnFocusOut event No Yes event:native:/OnFocusOutClistRegPSVitaConfig
checkboxgroupOnFocusLeft event No Yes event:native:/onFocusLeftUpdaterSelectList
checkboxgroupOnFocusRight event No Yes event:native:/OnFocusRightClistDisplayOutputConfig
checkboxgroupOnFocusUp event No Yes event:native:/onFocusUpUpdaterSelectList
checkboxgroupOnFocusDown event No Yes event:native:/UIManager::OnFocusDownCBListShareTrophies
checkboxgroupOnScrollIn event No Yes event:native:/OnScrollInClistDisplayOutputConfig
checkboxgroupUnknownRef51 ref No Yes ? used 23 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (checkboxgroupOnScrollOut ?)


Console support: PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: No
Specific object attributes: Yes
specific object attributes (CheckboxItem)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
checkboxitemText text No Yes
checkboxitemUnknownRef3 ref No Yes nothing ? used 2 times in 4.76 firmware, all them with the value "nothing"
checkboxitemUnknownRef5 ref No Yes nothing ? used 2 times in 4.76 firmware, all them with the value "nothing"


Console support: PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes


specific object attributes (Meter)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
meterUnknown23 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (2 times), "0xfcffffff" (6 times)
meterUnknown24 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x4000000", (6 times), "0x7000000" (2 times)
meterUnknown25 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (5 times), "0x3000000" (2 times), "0xfcffffff" (1 time)
meterUnknown26 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x4" (6 times), "0xffff" (2 times)
meterUnknown27 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0xc060000" (1 time), "0xa4020000" (1 time), "0xd4020000" (1 time), "0x40040000" (1 time), "0x1c050000" (1 time), "0xd8000000" (1 time), "0xffffffff" (2 times). (gridRefSomething ?)
meterUnknownRef28 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
meterUnknownRef30 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
meterUnknownRef32 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"
meterUnknownRef34 unk No Yes ? used 8 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing"


Console support: PS3 icon
Standard object attributes: Yes
Specific object attributes: Yes

It seems "EditBox" object uses the same attributes than "Text" object + 2 images + 7 events. For this reason the info about "EditBox" object in this wiki page is abandoned by now


specific object attributes (EditBox)
Attribute How it works Research notes (partially speculative)
Name Type PSP icon PS3 icon Examples
editboxText text No Yes text:msg_playlist_pane
editboxUnknownRef25 ref No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "nothing" (maybe editboxTextFont ?)
editboxUnknown27 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x1000000" (2 times), "0x1000001" (25 times), "0x1000101" (7 times), "0x1010001" (40 times)
Font typography flags ? (italic, bold, underlined, etc... by using cummulative and unique bit switches)
editboxUnknown28 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x0" (37 times) or "0x1" (37 times)
editboxUnknownFloat29 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "10" (editboxSomethingSize ?)
editboxUnknownFloat30 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingTopRed ?)
editboxUnknownFloat31 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingTopGreen ?)
editboxUnknownFloat32 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingTopBlue ?)
editboxUnknownFloat33 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingBottomRed ?)
editboxUnknownFloat34 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingBottomGreen ?)
editboxUnknownFloat35 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingBottomBlue ?)
editboxUnknownFloat36 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (editboxSomethingSpacingHorizontal ?)
editboxUnknown37 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
editboxUnknown38 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
editboxUnknown39 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
editboxUnknownFloat40 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (editboxSomethingSpacingVertical ?)
editboxUnknownFloat41 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "4" (editboxSomethingShadowX ?)
editboxUnknownFloat42 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "-5" (editboxSomethingShadowY ?)
editboxUnknownFloat43 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0" (editboxSomethingShadowZ ?)
editboxUnknownFloat44 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0.25" (editboxSomethingShadowRed ?)
editboxUnknownFloat45 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0.25" (editboxSomethingShadowGreen ?)
editboxUnknownFloat46 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0.25" (editboxSomethingShadowBlue ?)
editboxUnknownFloat47 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingShadowAlpha ?)
editboxUnknown48 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (editboxSomethingFocusX ?)
editboxUnknown49 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (editboxSomethingFocusY ?)
editboxUnknown50 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0" (editboxSomethingFocusZ ?)
editboxUnknownFloat51 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingFocusRed ?)
editboxUnknownFloat52 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingFocusGreen ?)
editboxUnknownFloat53 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingFocusBlue ?)
editboxUnknownFloat54 float No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "1" (editboxSomethingFocusAlpha ?)
editboxUnknown55 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
editboxUnknown56 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x3000000" (2 times), "0x13000000" (1 time), "0x13000100" (2 times), "0x14000100" (69 times)
(gridRefPositionX ?)
editboxUnknown57 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware with values: "0x3000000" (68 times), "0x52090100" (6 times)
(gridRefPositionY ?)
editboxUnknown58 unk No Yes ? used 74 times in 4.76 firmware all them with value "0x0"
(gridRefPositionZ ?)
editboxImage image No Yes image:avc2_main_back_paper
editboxImage2 image No Yes image:avc2_main_back_paper name is too generic, is better a more explicit name (editboxFocus or editboxShadow ?)
editboxOnPush event No Yes event:native:/OnPushEditUsername
editboxOnFocusIn event No Yes event:native:/OnFocusInEdit
editboxOnFocusOut event No Yes event:native:/DialogController::onEditBottonFocusOut
editboxOnFocusLeft event No Yes event:native:/OnFocusLeftEditConnectionSettingsforDebug
editboxOnFocusRight event No Yes event:native:/OnFocusRightEditConnectionSettingsforDebug
editboxOnFocusUp event No Yes event:native:/OnFocusUpButtonWordRegistrationWizard
editboxOnFocusDown event No Yes event:native:/OnFocusDownEditBoxPassword

Object examples

Changing color, size & shadow of TEXTS

Tutorial link: Changing the XMB Colour

Located into .xml files of .rco files, scale R G B α colors go between 0 to 1.

e.g.: Decimal value divided by 255 to get into this scale.