PlayStation Plus

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Revision as of 01:09, 17 December 2013 by Euss (talk | contribs)
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PlayStation Plus

Required subscription for online play

Comparison Table

Service Without PS+ Remarks
Background downloading updates Automatically download game updates while the console is suspended only with PlayStation PlusPS+ (please confirm)
Free content No
PSN Online Gaming Partial Online gaming requires PlayStation PlusPS+ with exception of titles that allow it (e.g. DC Universe Online, Warframe, and Blacklight Retribution)
PSN Store Partial Store is acessable, not all items available without PlayStation PlusPS+
Crossplatform Integration
PlayStation Mobile
Media Services Yes Netflix etc. should also work without PlayStation PlusPS+. You may need a seperate subscription for each mediaservice however
Cloud Services No 1GB of cloud saves only with PlayStation PlusPS+
Share Yes Ustream, Twitch, Facebook work without PlayStation PlusPS+