EDAT files

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Info on the talk page

Info on the talk page: please digest the info and move it here

The info on this page is an extract of conversations, forum posts and from the talk page.

EDAT Decryption

EDAT decryption requires a key, the klicensee. Depending on the license type, klicensee is got in different ways:

  • License type Local: act.dat + rif + idps combo
  • License type Free: constant npdrm1 klicensee (see NPDRM Keys and appldr keys)
Structure (Encrypted Format)
Offset Name Size Type Notes
0x00 Magic 4 char[4] "NPD\0" (4E 50 44 00)
0x04 Version 4 uint32_t ex: 1, 2, 3, 4. See Footer for the precise packager version.
0x08 License Type 4 uint32_t For PS2 EDAT, PS3 FW requires it to be with activation (also a.k.a. Paid content paired with your individual data) for PS1 PKG, PS3 FW 4.00 introduced some changes for installing them with regard to the EDAT license type.
0x0C Application Type 4 uint32_t
0x10 CONTENT ID 0x30 uint8_t[0x30] Content ID (with padding to fit 48 bytes)
0x40 Digest 0x10 uint8[0x10] QA digest (seems like to be a SHA-1 hash of the non-finalized file): hash of the original data which is unknown until the whole file is read, so it cannot be used as a check, however it can be used as watermark or zeroed on forged file.
0x50 NPD CID-FN Hash 0x10 uint8_t[0x10] CID-FN hash. AES-CMAC hash of concatenation of Content ID (48 bytes) and EDAT file name (eg MINIS.EDAT) using the third NPDRM OMAC key as AES-CMAC key. Example: aes_cmac(55 50 30 35 37 36 2D 4E 50 55 5A 30 30 31 34 39 5F 30 30 2D 56 41 4E 47 55 41 52 44 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4D 49 4E 49 53 2E 45 44 41 54, npd_cid_fn_hash_omac_key).
0x60 NPD Header hash 0x10 uint8_t[0x10] Header hash. AES CMAC hash of the 0x60 bytes from the beginning of the file using (klicensee XOR second NPDRM OMAC key as AES-CMAC key.
0x70 Activation time 8 ?64-bit time or 32-bit padding? Start of the validity period, filled with 00 if not used.
0x78 Expiration time 8 ?64-bit time or 32-bit padding? End of the validity period, filled with 00 if not used.
0x80 NPD type 1 ?uint8_t? (separated from Metadata type for wiki format)
  • 00: Finalized EDAT
  • 01: Finalized SDAT
  • 80: Non Finalized EDAT
  • 81: Non Finalized SDAT
0x81 Metadata type 3 ?uint8_t[3]? (Outdated Flags description from talk page)
  • 00
  • 01: Compressed?
  • 02: Plain text?
  • 03: Compressed plain text?
  • 05: Compressed?
  • 06: Plain text?
  • 07: Compressed plain text?
  • 0C: ?
  • 0D: Compressed data?
  • 3C: Data/misc?
0x84 Segment size 4 uint32_t Default block is 16 KB (16384 bytes) = 0x4000, max is 0x8000.
0x88 Data size 8 uint64_t Decoded data size.
0x90 Meta data sections hash 0x10 uint8_t[0x10]
0xA0 Extended header hash 0x10 uint8_t[0x10] AES-CMAC hash of 160 bytes from the beginning of file. It uses the hash key as AES-CMAC key and it depends on the file flags and keys. ?What does this mean?
0xB0 ECDSA Metadata signature 0x28 uint8_t[0x28] Can be zeroed on forged file. curve_type is vsh type 0x02, pub is vsh public key,
0xD8 ECDSA Header signature 0x28) uint8_t[0x28] Enabled (only?) for PS2 classic: all PS3 CFWs are patched to skip the ECDSA check. Can be zeroed on forged file. curve_type is vsh type 2, pub is vsh public key.
0x100 Encrypted file Variable uint8_t[variable] The file is encrypted using an AES algorithm in CBC mode.
0x** Padding Variable uint8_t[variable] Aligned on ?? bytes.
Footer Structure (Encrypted Format)
Description Size Notes
Name 5 "EDATA" or "SDATA"
Space character 1 ' ' = 0x20
Packager Version 8
  • Version 1: "packager"
  • Version 2: "2.4.0.L "
  • Version 2: "2.4.0.W "
  • Version 2: "2.7.0.L "
  • Version 3: "3.1.0.W "
  • Version 3: "3.3.0.L "
  • Version 3: "3.3.0.W "
  • Version 4: "4.0.0.L "
  • Version 4: "4.0.0.W "
Padding 2 00 00