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Templates[edit | edit source]

Tables[edit | edit source]

Table Test 1[edit | edit source]

Item Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Notes
Item0 Pending Pending Pending Pending N / A All types pending
Item1 OK - OK Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item2 OK OK OK Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item3 Yes No - Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item4 Y N - Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item5 OK - OK Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item6 OK OK - Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item7 OK OK - Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item8 OK OK - Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item9 - - - Partial N / A Type4 needs option X disabled
Item10 OK OK - Fail N / A Type4 fails even with option X disabled
Item11 OK - - Fail N / A Type4 fails even with option X disabled
Item12 Fail Fail Fail Fail N / A All types fail

Table Test 2[edit | edit source]

Item 1 2 3 4 5 Notes
Item0 Pe Pe Pe Pe na icon resized to 10 pixels height PS4 icon
Item1 Y - Y Pa na icon resized to 11 pixels height PS4 icon
Item2 Y Y Y Pa na icon resized to 12 pixels height PS4 icon
Item3 Y Y - Pa na icon resized to 13 pixels height PS4 icon
Item4 Y Y - Pa na icon resized to 14 pixels height PS4 icon
Item5 Y - Y Pa na icon resized to 15 pixels height PS4 icon
Item6 Y Y - Pa na icon resized to 16 pixels height PS4 icon
Item7 Y Y - Pa na icon resized to 17 pixels height PS4 icon
Item8 Y Y - Pa na icon resized to 18 pixels height PS4 icon
Item9 - - - Pa na icon resized to 19 pixels height PS4 icon
Item10 Y Y - F na icon resized to 20 pixels height PS4 icon
Item11 Y - - F na icon resized to 21 pixels height PS4 icon
Item12 F F F F na icon resized to 22 pixels height PS4 icon
Item13 F F F F na icon with original size 23 pixels height PS4 icon (no resize)
Item14 F F F F na icon resized to 150 pixels width PS4 icon

Table Test 3[edit | edit source]

Type Result Effect Method
Lazy Cat 23px text Opt
Lazy Cat 25px PS3 icon No Opt
Lazy Cat 24px PS3 icon No Opt
Lazy Cat 23px PS3 icon No Opt
Lazy Cat 22px PS3 icon No Opt
Lazy Cat 21px PS3 icon No Opt
Lazy Cat 20px PS3 icon No Opt
Early Bird No Opt Yes

Table Test 4[edit | edit source]

cell text
cell text
cell text
cell text
in RGB
only background (in lightgrey intended for disabled/unused cells)
no colors specifyed, default
usable in full rows too

Table Test 5[edit | edit source]

Informational Tip
Using nested tables while playing with the fontsize can evoke varying viewpoints on the page for each user using a different Browser application, different Screen Resolution etc.
It seems that the Internet Explorer (Version 11) isn't affected with displaying the correct horizontal allignment for each table (as you can test it here).
But other Browser applications like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox shows several different viewpoints showing the horizontal allignment for each table incorrect (check the Talk page for more information).
Items Numbers Letters
item1 1 a
item2 2 b
Items Numbers Letters
item1 1 a
item2 2 b
Items Numbers Letters
item1 1 a
item2 2 b

Table Test 6[edit | edit source]

Backup of some experiments that was made while testing different ideas for the "game compatibility list" pages

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Jump to TOP of the page
Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J
Jump to TOP of the page
Game Name 1 Minor Issues Major Issues Unplayable Game 1 compatibility notes ⇑ ▲
Game Name 2 Not Available Playable Game 2 compatibility notes
./# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Jump to TOP of the page
./# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z Back to top
./# -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z
./# · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W ·· Y · Z
./#  ·  A  ·  B  ·  C  ·  D  ·  E  ·  F  ·  G  ·  H  ·  I  ·  J  ·  K  ·  L  ·  M  ·  N  ·  O  ·  P  ·  Q  ·  R  ·  S  ·  T  ·  U  ·  V  ·  W  ·  X  ·  Y  ·  Z
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Table Legend 1[edit | edit source]

Jump to letter: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (on PS3)  · PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (on PS4)
{{playable}} Playable The Game works perfect without any noticable errors.
It works exactly like when you play it on real PS2 Hardware.
{{minorissues}} Minor Issues The Game has some small issues like small flickering, frame drops or glitching graphics.
But the Game itself works fine and you are able to complete the Game successfully without any huge disadvantages for your in-game-progress.
{{majorissues}} Major Issues The Game has several stronger issues like stronger flickering, massive frame drops and not only the graphics are glitching, but the Game itself too.
It's playable, but it will be a pain for both of your Gaming experience, as probably for the PS3 itself.
{{unplayable}} Unplayable The Game crashes after some in-game-progress (randomly), you can't create a save file, the screen keeps black or you can't even start the Game at all.
You can't complete the Game successfully to the end even when the Graphics and Framerates works fine and/or the PS3 will freeze/shutdown by itself.
{{notavailable}} Not Available Only for those Game Titles, which weren't released in certain Regions (for example: Games for the Japanese Market, which didn't had a "Western Release").
{{ps2classic}} PS2 Classic The Game has been released as a official "PS2 Classics on PS4" Title from Sony available at the PlayStation Store.
Jump to letter: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (on PS3)  · PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List (on PS4)

Table Legend 2[edit | edit source]

Tiny legend centered at bottom

Name in bold aligned to center Column 1 Column 2 with abbr Notes
Scene paf::PhScene::WidgetType(void) Page ?
Plane paf::PhPlane::WidgetType(void) Plane
PlaneDiv paf::PhPlaneDiv::WidgetType(void) Group
Plane paf::PhPlane::WidgetType(void) Plane
Color legend:
Red The Game works perfect without any noticable errors
Green The Game has some small issues like small flickering
Blue The Game has several stronger issues like stronger flickering
Yellow The Game crashes after some in-game-progress (randomly)

Generic Tables[edit | edit source]

The purpose of this tables is to reuse the style in other wiki pages

  • PS3 models and motherboards, by PS3 model
Table Name
PS3 Model Mother Board col_1
CECHAxx COK-001 row_1
CECH-20xx DYN-001
CECH-21xx SUR-001
CECH-25xx JTP-001
CECH-30xx KTE-001
CECH-40xx ?
CECH-42xx ?
CECH-43xx ?
  • PS3 models and motherboards, by motherboard model
Table Name
PS3 Model Mother Board col_1
CECHAxx COK-001 row_1
CECH-20xx DYN-001
CECH-21xx SUR-001
CECH-25xx JTP-001
CECH-25xx JSD-001
CECH-30xx KTE-001
? MSX-001
? MPX-001
? NPX-001
? PPX-001
? PQX-001
? RTX-001
? REX-001
  • A merging of the previous tables added PS3 model type value
Table Name
PS3 Model Mother Board PS3 model type
(IDPS bytes 7 & 8)
Other info
CECHAxx COK-001 0x0001
CECHBxx 0x0002
CECHCxx COK-002 0x0003
CECHExx 0x0004
CECHGxx SEM-001 0x0005
CECHHxx DIA-001 0x0006
CECHJxx DIA-002 0x0007
CECHLxx VER-001 0x0008
CECH-20xxA/B DYN-001 0x0009
CECH-21xxA/B SUR-001 0x000A
CECH-25xxA/B JTP-001 0x000B
CECH-30xxA/B KTE-001 0x000C
CECH-40xxB/C v1 ? 0x000D
CECH-40xxA v1 ? 0x000E
CECH-40xxB/C v2 ? 0x000F
CECH-40xxA v2 ? 0x0010
CECH-42xxB/C ? 0x0011
CECH-42xxA ? 0x0012
CECH-43xxB/C ? 0x0013
CECH-43xxA ? 0x0014

A more updated version

Table Name
PS3 Model Motherboard Platform
Sub Code
DECR-1000 TMU-520 Cyt3.2 0x0001 Stuff
CECHAxx COK-001 Cok14 Stuff
CECHBxx 0x0002 Stuff
CECHCxx COK-002 CokB10 0x0003 Stuff
CECHExx 0x0004 Stuff
CECHGxx SEM-001 CokC12 0x0005 Stuff
CECHHxx DIA-001 CokD10 0x0006 Stuff
CECHJxx DIA-002 CokE10 0x0007 Stuff
CECHKxx Stuff
CECHLxx VER-001 CokF10 0x0008 Stuff
CECHMxx Stuff
CECHPxx Stuff
CECHQxx Stuff
DECR-1400 DEB-001 Deb01 0x0009 Stuff
CECH-20xxA/B DYN-001 CokG11 Stuff
CECH-21xxA/B SUR-001 CokH11 0x000A Stuff
CECH-25xxA/B JTP-001 CokJ13 0x000B Stuff
JSD-001 CokJ20 Stuff
CECH-30xxA/B KTE-001 CokK10 0x000C Stuff
CECH-40xxB/C MPX-001 (NOR) CokM10 0x000D Stuff
MSX-001 (NOR) CokM20 Stuff
CECH-40xxA MPX-001 (eMMC) CokM30 0x000E Stuff
MSX-001 (eMMC) CokM40 Stuff
CECH-40xxB/C NPX-001 (NOR) CokN10 0x000F Stuff
CECH-40xxA NPX-001 (eMMC) CokN30 0x0010 Stuff
CECH-42xxB/C PQX-001 (NOR) CokP10 0x0011 Stuff
PPX-001 (NOR) CokP20 Stuff
CECH-42xxA PQX-001 (eMMC) CokP30 0x0012 Stuff
PPX-001 (eMMC) CokP40 Stuff
CECH-43xxB/C RTX-001 (NOR) CokR10 0x0013 Stuff
REX-001 (NOR) CokR20 Stuff
CECH-43xxA RTX-001 (eMMC) CokR30 0x0014 Stuff
REX-001 (eMMC) CokR40 Stuff
  • File versions "by firmware"

This was an experiment inspired by the table style used in coldboot sounds and syscon packages, this one was a bit more complex and was working fine initially but at some point it was obvious the amount of firmwares needed to display at header in columns was too big so the table was replaced, now is moved here to keep a record of it and for experiments

PS1 Emulators versions
File Name Size
Firmware Emulator info Notes, notable changes, etc...
1.00 1.02 1.10~1.60 1.70 1.80~2.01 2.10 2.16~4.11 4.15~4.80 4.81 Revision Contents Others
10.296.408 C5FE03742A951194C336EE33783F5CD6 No Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? No v1
2.765.616 2123E3D6A8E81647CB41F51AFEE6CCD6 No ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes
? ? No Yes ? ? ? ? No v1
2.913.656 8765A00EE467B8635A13ECCBB1F85B89 No ? ? ? ? Yes
? ? No Yes ? ? No v1
2.649.272 0C76DE974439B12546EA494639C8EE9A No ? ? Yes
? ? No Yes ? No v1
524.288 81BBE60BA7A3D1CEA1D48C14CBCC647B No ? Yes

PlayStation console logos[edit | edit source]

Logo PS5.png Logo PS4.png Logo PS3.png Logo PS2.png Logo PS1.png Logo PSV.png Logo PSP.png

XMB Category Icons[edit | edit source]

  • Templates 60 pixels width (resized)

Users Settings Photo Music Video TV/Video Services Game Network PlayStation Network Friends

  • Templates 23 pixels heigth (default)

Users Settings Photo Music Video TV/Video Services Game Network PlayStation Network Friends

  • Templates 18 pixels heigth (resized)

Users Settings Photo Music Video TV/Video Services Game Network PlayStation Network Friends

PS3 Buttons[edit | edit source]

Images (real size 46x46 pixels)[edit | edit source]

Dualshock select button Dualshock PS button Dualshock start button
Dualshock triangle button Dualshock circle button Dualshock cross button Dualshock square button
Dualshock D-Pad up button Dualshock D-Pad right button Dualshock D-Pad down button Dualshock D-Pad left button Dualshock D-Pad
Left stick move up Left stick move right Left stick move down Left stick move left Dualshock Left stick Dualshock Left stick X axis Dualshock Left stick Y axis Dualshock L3 button
Right stick move up Right stick move right Right stick move down Right stick move left Right stick Dualshock Right stick X axis Dualshock Right stick Y axis Dualshock R3 button
Dualshock L1 button Dualshock R1 button
Dualshock L2 button Dualshock R2 button
Move button Move trigger button
PS3 power button PS3 eject button

Templates (scaled 23x23 pixels)[edit | edit source]

Dualshock select button Dualshock PS button Dualshock start button

Dualshock triangle button Dualshock circle button Dualshock cross button Dualshock square button

D-Pad UP Button D-Pad RIGHT Button D-Pad DOWN Button D-Pad LEFT Button D-Pad

Stick Left - Move up Stick Left - Move right Stick Left - Move down Stick Left - Move left Dualshock Left stick Left Stick, X axis Left Stick, Y axis Dualshock L3 button

Stick Right - Move up Stick Right - Move right Stick Right - Move down Stick Right - Move left Dualshock Right stick Right Stick, X axis Right Stick, Y axis Dualshock R3 button

Dualshock L1 button Dualshock R1 button

Dualshock L2 button Dualshock R2 button

Move button Move trigger button

PS3 power button PS3 eject button

ASCII[edit | edit source]

△ triangle, ○ circle, × cross, □ square

PSP Buttons[edit | edit source]

Images (real size 46x46 pixels)[edit | edit source]

PSP Left Trigger PSP Right Trigger

Templates (scaled 23x23 pixels)[edit | edit source]

PSP Left Trigger PSP Right Trigger

PS4 Buttons[edit | edit source]

Images (real size 46x46 pixels)[edit | edit source]

Dualshock option button Dualshock share button

Templates (scaled 23x23 pixels)[edit | edit source]

Dualshock option button Dualshock share button

Arrows[edit | edit source]

Images (real size 46x46 pixels)[edit | edit source]

D-Pad up button D-Pad right button D-Pad down button D-Pad left button

Templates (scaled 23x23 pixels)[edit | edit source]

D-Pad up button D-Pad right button D-Pad down button D-Pad left button

ASCII[edit | edit source]

↑ up, → right, ↓ down, ← left

Trophy[edit | edit source]

Trophy platinum Trophy gold Trophy silver Trophy bronze

Content Type[edit | edit source]

  • Templates 100 pixels width (resized)

PS1 icon PS2 icon PS3 icon PSP icon PSP Minis icon PSP Remaster icon PSvita icon NeoGeo icon PCEngine icon PS4 icon PS3 theme icon

Download Content Package Content Store Content Theme Content Video Content Web Content

  • Templates 23 pixels heigth (default)

PS1 icon PS2 icon PS3 icon PSP icon PSP Minis icon PSP Remaster icon PSvita icon NeoGeo icon PCEngine icon PS4 icon PS3 theme icon

Download Content Package Content Store Content Theme Content Video Content Web Content

  • Templates 18 pixels heigth (resized)

PS1 icon PS2 icon PS3 icon PSP icon PSP Minis icon PSP Remaster icon PSvita icon NeoGeo icon PCEngine icon PS4 icon PS3 theme icon

Download Content Package Content Store Content Theme Content Video Content Web Content

Media type[edit | edit source]

  • Templates 75 pixels width (resized)

PS3 Blu-ray Disc PS3 Blu-ray Disc (installable contents) PS3 Blu-ray Disc (video contents) PS1 Compact Disc PS2 Compact Disc PS2 DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) PSP UMD (Universal Media Disc) Data Compact Disc Super Audio Compact Disc Data DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) Unknown Disc Broken Disc Install Package Preinstall Package PS2 Virtual HDD

  • Templates 23 pixels heigth (default)

PS3 Blu-ray Disc PS3 Blu-ray Disc (installable contents) PS3 Blu-ray Disc (video contents) PS1 Compact Disc PS2 Compact Disc PS2 DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) PSP UMD (Universal Media Disc) Data Compact Disc Super Audio Compact Disc Data DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) Unknown Disc Broken Disc Install Package Preinstall Package PS2 Virtual HDD

  • Templates 18 pixels heigth (resized)

PS3 Blu-ray Disc PS3 Blu-ray Disc (installable contents) PS3 Blu-ray Disc (video contents) PS1 Compact Disc PS2 Compact Disc PS2 DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) PSP UMD (Universal Media Disc) Data Compact Disc Super Audio Compact Disc Data DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) Unknown Disc Broken Disc Install Package Preinstall Package PS2 Virtual HDD

  • Others (16px ultrasmall)
PS1CD icon


PS2CD icon


PS2DVD icon


Unsupported Data icon

{{Unsupported data}}

PS2HDD icon


Compatibility lists dependencies[edit | edit source]

Compatibility lists dependencies
Counters {{PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List Counter}} {{PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List Counter}} {{PSP Emulator Compatibility List Counter}}
Legends {{PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List Legend}} {{PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List Legend}} {{PSP Emulator Compatibility List Legend}}
Headers {{PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List Headers}} {{PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List Headers}} {{PSP Emulator Compatibility List Headers}}
Rules {{PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List Rules}} {{PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List Rules}} {{PSP Emulator Compatibility List Rules}}
Tags (table) {{ps1classic}}{{ps2classic}}{{playable}}{{minorissues}}{{majorissues}}{{unplayable}}{{available}}{{notavailable}}
Tags (inline) {{ps1classicinline}}{{ps2classicinline}}{{playableinline}}{{minorissuesinline}}{{majorissuesinline}}{{unplayableinline}}{{availableinline}}{{notavailableinline}}
Misc. {{tagtexts}}{{jumptoletter}}{{altnames}}{{notes}}{{works}}{{yt}}
Compatibility tags colorset
  • GOOD compatibility Tags: PSone Classic  PS2 Classic  Playable  Minor Issues
    • Colors
      • The colors of {{ps1classic}} and {{ps2classic}} are inspired by the official style used in PSN store, PlayStation console boxes, etc..., white text/logo on top of a blue background
      • The font color of {{playable}} and {{minorissues}} is derived from the background color of {{ps1classic}} and {{ps2classic}}
    • 3D effects
      • Inline Mode: "bump", common for all tags
      • Table Mode: "bump"
  • BAD compatibility Tags: Major Issues  Unplayable
    • Colors
      • Backgrounds in orange/red tones
      • Shared font color in a red tone darker than the backgrounds
    • 3D effects
      • Inline Mode: "bump", common for all tags
      • Table Mode: "hollow"
  • UNDEFINED compatibility Tags: Available  Not Available
    • Colors
      • Backgrounds in gray tones, {{notavailable}} have the brighter background color because represents the worst compatibility
      • Shared font color in a gray tone darker than the backgrounds
    • 3D effects
      • Inline Mode: "bump", common for all tags
      • Table Mode: "flat"

boxrendering & wikicode[edit | edit source]

PRE[edit | edit source]

Typical on-screen message:

“Copying stopped. This content is protected by Cinavia™
and is not authorized for copying from this device.
For more information, see http://www.cinavia.com”
Typical front panel message:

“Cinavia™ copy restriction (4)”

The audio track of the video that you are copying contains a Cinavia code indicating that it is an unauthorized copy of professionally produced content.


If the video that you are copying is a professionally produced video (such as a movie or television show), you should obtain a copy that was made with the permission of the copyright owner.

If the video that you are copying is a home movie or other personal recording that includes some professionally produced material (including the audio track of a professionally produced movie or television show), in order to make a copy without interruption you will need to either copy only those parts of the recording that do not include professionally produced content or else you may create or obtain a version of the video that does not include this protected material.

For information on how this professionally produced material can be included in your home movies or other personal recordings in a way that will not be limited by Blu-ray Disc players, see Guidelines for Use of Content in Home Movies.

CODE[edit | edit source]

Typical on-screen message:

“Copying stopped. This content is protected by Cinavia™ and is not authorized for copying from this device. For more information, see http://www.cinavia.com” Typical front panel message:

“Cinavia™ copy restriction (4)”

Explanation The audio track of the video that you are copying contains a Cinavia code indicating that it is an unauthorized copy of professionally produced content.


If the video that you are copying is a professionally produced video (such as a movie or television show), you should obtain a copy that was made with the permission of the copyright owner.

If the video that you are copying is a home movie or other personal recording that includes some professionally produced material (including the audio track of a professionally produced movie or television show), in order to make a copy without interruption you will need to either copy only those parts of the recording that do not include professionally produced content or else you may create or obtain a version of the video that does not include this protected material.

For information on how this professionally produced material can be included in your home movies or other personal recordings in a way that will not be limited by Blu-ray Disc players, see Guidelines for Use of Content in Home Movies.

DIV CSS[edit | edit source]

Typical on-screen message:

“Copying stopped. This content is protected by Cinavia™ and is not authorized for copying from this device. For more information, see http://www.cinavia.com” Typical front panel message:

“Cinavia™ copy restriction (4)”

Explanation The audio track of the video that you are copying contains a Cinavia code indicating that it is an unauthorized copy of professionally produced content.


If the video that you are copying is a professionally produced video (such as a movie or television show), you should obtain a copy that was made with the permission of the copyright owner.

If the video that you are copying is a home movie or other personal recording that includes some professionally produced material (including the audio track of a professionally produced movie or television show), in order to make a copy without interruption you will need to either copy only those parts of the recording that do not include professionally produced content or else you may create or obtain a version of the video that does not include this protected material.

For information on how this professionally produced material can be included in your home movies or other personal recordings in a way that will not be limited by Blu-ray Disc players, see Guidelines for Use of Content in Home Movies.

Table[edit | edit source]

Typical on-screen message:
“Copying stopped. This content is protected by Cinavia™

and is not authorized for copying from this device. For more information, see http://www.cinavia.com” Typical front panel message:

“Cinavia™ copy restriction (4)”

Explanation The audio track of the video that you are copying contains a Cinavia code indicating that it is an unauthorized copy of professionally produced content.


If the video that you are copying is a professionally produced video (such as a movie or television show), you should obtain a copy that was made with the permission of the copyright owner.

If the video that you are copying is a home movie or other personal recording that includes some professionally produced material (including the audio track of a professionally produced movie or television show), in order to make a copy without interruption you will need to either copy only those parts of the recording that do not include professionally produced content or else you may create or obtain a version of the video that does not include this protected material.

For information on how this professionally produced material can be included in your home movies or other personal recordings in a way that will not be limited by Blu-ray Disc players, see Guidelines for Use of Content in Home Movies.

Boxes[edit | edit source]

Horizontal separators[edit | edit source]

info[edit | edit source]

Informational Tip
Info remarks here

keyboard[edit | edit source]

Type This
Sample of keyboard input here

warning[edit | edit source]

Warning message here

boxtests[edit | edit source]

These are box tests that maybe will be converted to templates later

boxnotice[edit | edit source]

  • {{Boxnotice1|content=line 1}}
line 1
  • {{Boxnotice2|content=line 1<br />line 2}}
line 1
line 2
  • {{Boxnotice3|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3

boxtip[edit | edit source]

  • {{Boxtip1|content=line 1}}
line 1
  • {{Boxtip2|content=line 1<br />line 2}}
line 1
line 2
  • {{Boxtip3|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3

boxinfo[edit | edit source]

  • {{Boxinfo1|content=line 1}}
line 1
  • {{Boxinfo2|content=line 1<br />line 2}}
line 1
line 2
  • {{Boxinfo3|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3

boxframe[edit | edit source]

  • {{Boxframe0|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3
  • {{Boxframe1|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3
  • {{Boxframe2|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3
  • {{Boxframe3|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3
  • {{Boxframe4|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3
  • {{Boxframe5|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 1
line 2
line 3

boxwarning[edit | edit source]

  • {{Boxwarning1|content=line 1}}
  • {{Boxwarning2|content=line 1<br />line 2}}
line 2
  • {{Boxwarning3|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 2
line 3

boxread[edit | edit source]

  • {{Boxread1|content=line 1}}
  • {{Boxread2|content=line 1<br />line 2}}
line 2
  • {{Boxread3|content=line 1<br />line 2<br />line 3}}
line 2
line 3

boxkitty[edit | edit source]

  • {{boxkitty2|content=line 1<br />line 2}}
Do it :'(
Do it :'(
line 2

boxcomm[edit | edit source]

  • {{Boxcomm|id=0x35|name=Unknown|data=1 * int32}}
0x35 Command Name: Unknown
Command Data: 1 * int32

mbox[edit | edit source]

ambox[edit | edit source]

mbox[edit | edit source]

example 0 - notype[edit | edit source]

example 1 - speedy[edit | edit source]

example 2 - delete[edit | edit source]

example 3 - content[edit | edit source]

example 4 - style[edit | edit source]

example 5 - notice[edit | edit source]

example 6 - move[edit | edit source]

example 7 - protection[edit | edit source]

ambox[edit | edit source]

example 0 - notype[edit | edit source]

example 1 - speedy[edit | edit source]

example 2 - delete[edit | edit source]

example 3 - content[edit | edit source]

example 4 - style[edit | edit source]

example 5 - notice[edit | edit source]

example 6 - move[edit | edit source]

example 7 - protection[edit | edit source]

asbox[edit | edit source]

example 0 - notype[edit | edit source]

cmbox[edit | edit source]

example 0 - notype[edit | edit source]

example 1 - speedy[edit | edit source]

example 2 - delete[edit | edit source]

example 3 - content[edit | edit source]

example 4 - style[edit | edit source]

example 5 - notice[edit | edit source]

example 6 - move[edit | edit source]

example 7 - protection[edit | edit source]

fmbox[edit | edit source]

example 0 - notype[edit | edit source]

imbox[edit | edit source]

example 0 - notype[edit | edit source]

example 1 - speedy[edit | edit source]

example 2 - delete[edit | edit source]

example 3 - content[edit | edit source]

example 4 - style[edit | edit source]

example 5 - notice[edit | edit source]

example 6 - move[edit | edit source]

example 7 - protection[edit | edit source]

example 8 - license[edit | edit source]

example 9 - featured[edit | edit source]

ombox[edit | edit source]

example 0 - notype[edit | edit source]

example 1 - speedy[edit | edit source]

example 2 - delete[edit | edit source]

example 3 - content[edit | edit source]

example 4 - style[edit | edit source]

example 5 - notice[edit | edit source]

example 6 - move[edit | edit source]

example 7 - protection[edit | edit source]

tmbox[edit | edit source]

example 0 - notype[edit | edit source]

example 1 - speedy[edit | edit source]

example 2 - delete[edit | edit source]

example 3 - content[edit | edit source]

example 4 - style[edit | edit source]

example 5 - notice[edit | edit source]

example 6 - move[edit | edit source]

example 7 - protection[edit | edit source]

fmbox[edit | edit source]

plainlinks ambox[edit | edit source]

boxcode[edit | edit source]

{{boxcode|title=Custom Title|code=<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
line 1
line 2
line 3

Custom Title
Edit-copy purple.svg.png
line 1
line 2
line 3

boxcodelite[edit | edit source]

{{boxcodelite|title=Custom Title|code=
line 1
line 2
line 3

Custom Title
line 1
line 2
line 3

Product Code[edit | edit source]


Chips Pinouts[edit | edit source]

This templates are intended to be used inside wiki tables

Default wiki table
Icon Syntax Size Description
Not Connected
{{pinnc}} 24x16 By default this templates scales the icons to 24x16 pixels
{{pinio|32px}} 32x21 32 pixels width (height is calculated dinamically)
{{pinio|x26px}} 39x26 26 pixels height (width is calculated dinamically)

Custom sizes wiki table (line-height:1em; font-size:0.9em)
Icon Syntax Size Description
Not Connected
{{pinnc}} 24x16 By default this templates scales the icons to 24x16 pixels
{{pin}} 24x16 By default this templates scales the icons to 24x16 pixels
{{pini}} 24x16 By default this templates scales the icons to 24x16 pixels
{{pino}} 24x16 By default this templates scales the icons to 24x16 pixels
{{pinio}} 24x16 By default this templates scales the icons to 24x16 pixels

Previewonly (tests)[edit | edit source]








This text line should be visible only when clicking in "Show preview" button, and hidden when clicking in "Save changes" button
