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Macronix MX25L1006E

3V 1M-BIT [x 1/x 2] CMOS SERIAL FLASH$File/MX25L1006E,%203V,%201Mb,%20v1.2.pdf

Current photos are a but too grainy, but there are 2 of these on the board. One near the SATA on the back of the board (colored blue @ ifixit) and one near the front USB.


MX25L1006E Pinout
Pin 1x I/O 2x I/O Description
1 CS# CS# Chip Select
2 SO SIO1 Serial Data Output (for 1 x I/O) or Serial Data Input & Output (for 2x I/O)
3 WP# WP# Write Protection: connect to GND
4 GND GND Ground
5 SI SIO0 Serial Data Input (for 1 x I/O) or Serial Data Input & Output (for 2x I/O)
6 SCLK SCLK Clock Input
7 HOLD# HOLD# Hold, to pause the device without deselecting the device
8 VCC VCCS +3V DC Power Supply