Motherboard Components

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88W8797 based wireless Wifi/BT moduleAPU CXD90026GK4G41325FC-HC03 GDDR5 Main RAMK4G41325FC-HC03 GDDR5 Main RAMK4B2G1646E-BCK0 DDR3 RAMCXD90025G SouthbridgeMX25L25635FMI-10G Main Serial FlashMB86C311B USB 3.0 / SATA bridge LSIMX25L1006E USB Hub serial flash1327KM449 UncategorisedMarvell Avastar 88EC060-NN82 GbLANMN86471A HDMI transmitter inside shieldingTOSLINK ConnectorTOSLINK ConnectorHDMI ConnectorHDMI ConnectorGbLAN ConnectorGbLAN ConnectorAux ConnectorAux ConnectorIDT6V41265NLG clock synthesizerUSB 3.0 Front ConnectorsUSB 3.0 Front Connectorspiezo electric buzzerSAA-001 board

SAA-001 diagram[edit | edit source]

 <marshallh> (marshallh! :: diagram is wrong
 <eussNL> actually that is same, just different placement