4.30 CEX

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Released: October 24, 2012



Changes in lv0

  • .Boot_Cell_OS.init_load_elf , sub_8007530 , .authenticate_lv1
  • .authenticate_lv1 - added additional argument
  • .Boot_Cell_OS.init_load_elf - added additional argument
  • this argument is retval of the get_component(lv1.self)
  • it is just stopcode

Changed files compared to 4.25


* emer_init.self
* hdd_copy.self
* lv0
* lv0.2
* lv1.self
* lv2_kernel.self
* sv_iso_for_ps2emu.self
* sv_iso_for_module.self



* bdp_BDMV.self
* bdp_BDVD.self


* ps1_emu.self
* ps1_netemu.self
* ps1_newemu.self


* ps2_emu.self
* ps2_gxemu.self
* ps2_netemu.self


* psp_emulator.self
* psp_translator.self


* adhoc_vshlib.sprx
* audio.sprx
* emulator_api.sprx
* emulator_drm.sprx
* PEmuCoreLib.sprx
* pspnet.sprx
* pspnet_adhoc_matching.sprx
* wlan.sprx


* libadec.sprx
* libadec2.sprx
* libadec_internal.sprx
* libbeisobmf.sprx
* libbemp2sys.sprx
* libfiber.sprx
* libgcm_sys.sprx
* libhttp.sprx
* libjpgdec.sprx
* libkey2char.sprx
* liblv2coredump.sprx
* libmedi.sprx
* libmp4.sprx
* libnetctl.sprx
* librudp.sprx
* libsail.sprx
* libsail_avi.sprx
* libsail_rec.sprx
* libspurs_jq.sprx
* libsre.sprx
* libssl.sprx
* libsync2.sprx
* libsysmodule.sprx
* libsysutil.sprx
* libsysutil_dtcp_ip.sprx
* libsysutil_game.sprx
* libsysutil_np.sprx
* libsysutil_np2.sprx
* libsysutil_np_clans.sprx
* libsysutil_np_commerce2.sprx
* libsysutil_np_installer.sprx
* libsysutil_np_sns.sprx
* libsysutil_savedata.sprx
* libsysutil_savedata_psp.sprx
* libusbd.sprx
* libvdec.sprx


* libdtshddec.sprx
* libtiffdec.sprx
* sys_audio.self
* sys_audio.sprx
* sys_init_osd.self


* audioplayer_plugin.sprx
* audioplayer_plugin_mini.sprx
* auth_plugin.sprx
* autodownload_plugin.sprx
* autoupdateconf_plugin.sprx
* avc2_game_video_plugin.sprx
* avc2_text_plugin.sprx
* avc_plugin.sprx
* avc_util.sprx
* basic_plugins.sprx
* bdp_plugin.sprx
* category_setting_plugin.sprx
* custom_render_plugin.sprx
* deviceconf_plugin.sprx
* dlna_plugin.sprx
* download_plugin.sprx
* dtcpip_util.sprx
* edy_plugin.sprx
* esehttp.sprx
* eula_cddb_plugin.sprx
* eula_hcopy_plugin.sprx
* eula_net_plugin.sprx
* explore_category_friend.sprx
* explore_category_game.sprx
* explore_category_music.sprx
* explore_category_network.sprx
* explore_category_photo.sprx
* explore_category_psn.sprx
* explore_category_sysconf.sprx
* explore_category_tv.sprx
* explore_category_user.sprx
* explore_category_video.sprx
* explore_plugin.sprx
* explore_plugin_ft.sprx
* explore_plugin_game.sprx
* explore_plugin_np.sprx
* filecopy_plugin.sprx
* friendim_plugin.sprx
* friendml_plugin.sprx
* friendtrophy_plugin.sprx
* game_ext_plugin.sprx
* game_indicator_plugin.sprx
* gameupdate_plugin.sprx
* hknw_plugin.sprx
* idle_plugin.sprx
* ime.sprx
* ingame_manual_plugin.sprx
* libmtp.sprx
* libvideoSubsystem.sprx
* mms.sprx
* mms_cls.sprx
* mms_ext_full.sprx
* mms_maintenance.sprx
* mms_minimdimp_dir_gamehdd.sprx
* mms_minimdimp_media_gamedisc.sprx
* mms_minimdimp_msv.sprx
* msmw1.sprx
* msmw1_aaconly.sprx
* msmw2.sprx
* mtpinitiator_plugin.sprx
* nas_plugin.sprx
* netconf_plugin.sprx
* newstore_effect.sprx
* newstore_plugin.sprx
* np_eula_plugin.sprx
* np_multisignin_plugin.sprx
* np_sns_plugin.sprx
* np_trophy_ingame.sprx
* np_trophy_plugin.sprx
* np_trophy_util.sprx
* npsignin_plugin.sprx
* osk_plugin.sprx
* oskfullkeypanel_plugin.sprx
* oskpanel_plugin.sprx
* paf_ext.sprx
* paf_psjs.sprx
* paf_web.sprx
* pesm_plugin.sprx
* photo_network_sharing_plugin.sprx
* photoupload_plugin.sprx
* photoviewer_plugin.sprx
* playlist_plugin.sprx
* podl_plugin.sprx
* poweroff_plugin.sprx
* premo_game_plugin.sprx
* premo_plugin.sprx
* print_dlna_library.sprx
* print_plugin.sprx
* profile_plugin.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin_game.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin_game_mini.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin_psp.sprx
* qgl_canyon_app.sprx
* qgl_gaia_app.sprx
* qglbase.sprx
* raf.sprx
* rec_plugin.sprx
* regcam_plugin.sprx
* sacd_plugin.sprx
* scenefolder_plugin.sprx
* silk.sprx
* silk_base.sprx


PUP hashes

MD5::7E99B978582026DF83AD7224FFA8C8D0 | SHA1::94CC788EACD8A944E2F86553866B4AF4F138A021 | CRC32::CCFA5FBD | CRC16::06CE | HMAC_SHA1::0x206E551C531948BA3B24E28E44A53F255BE9B9AE

PUP Information

PUP file information
Package version: 1
Image version: 59178
File count: 9
Header length: 656
Data length: 201652196
PUP file hash : 206E551C531948BA3B24E28E44A53F255BE9B9AE
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File hash : 1E49F1F42C18AC829E29A1CABA8404073A8631FE
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	Data length: 320151
File hash : 3A831128945E5935EDAF010EAD357BCE07C1DF3E
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File hash : FD7C893936FDFC668922BE6D119A462111B2BBDB
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File hash : 2D739B9F470548F8194F743AC85C50FA76063C11
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File hash : D9B66E0D2845D71A67D76E7907AB06368CE61E08
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File hash : 1AA4749D0EE0D0AE937FBF73BC4B9ACD352F732A
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File hash : B93A412A035916AF2CB0EF7E77B80BB950694E6F
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File hash : F3FC45D00437F82760F9AFF2BF169BD88EF133C2
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	Data offset: 0xBAE77D4
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File hash : CA451F307C8C0CEC5403793A2496E393ADD5CE20

CoreOS Filehashes

4.30 C7398C79576A90888DE0887DB9B5FA46
creserved_0 - 09A1D434DBD7197E7C3AF8A7C28CA38B
sdk_version - 5658FE830DD262D5692FE7F3DC3D723A
spu_pkg_rvk_verifier.self - 797B68E5694EB2072CC944D6F072A961
spu_token_processor.self - 05F02ECA781C7462870E4A80A13E6A76
spu_utoken_processor.self - 20054C84A4BF7E1237FDAF645101EF74
sc_iso.self - 5A6AFCCA39BED9E979B2EADD46D516E1
aim_spu_module.self - 667FC8DB8E5519CACBF8F9F2AF2E0B08
spp_verifier.self - FC0D132FAEE4585963887860C33807F1
mc_iso_spu_module.self - 2CB801DBF76FD3C83DFE01D6FF99E824
me_iso_spu_module.self - 0E6248204D381BE2C21B0630AA7A432D
sv_iso_spu_module.self - B95D9A045A89DC1CBCA94FD3BB6E91F1
sb_iso_spu_module.self - 13E53D2EC13F91B3C5B0ACFD076C5391
me_iso_for_ps2emu.self - C79E5C952D4BF8208668788AB85A019F
sv_iso_for_ps2emu.self - 8073E364721EBEC9AF8082C9A12FF796
default.spp - 5CBF8D6FA103C32E8EA94E841D908A13
lv1.self - ABA5830829EBD635E664AFC1516D060A
lv0 - 21F4C35B7EB584CD3F36AE04E6A4854C
lv0.2 - 6557DF35F9A5446C4340815F45C67CC7
lv2_kernel.self - DE15FF24BA24A4D00554B8EA874A1882
eurus_fw.bin - B5F54D9A11D1EAE71F35B5907C6B9D3A
emer_init.self - 3E9606F2312708E179BC9FABD4824746
hdd_copy.self - 26B786C982FF62686E0F5D0BEBE4BA85