4.20 CEX

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Released: June 25, 2012


Settings changes
  • Users can now set the amount of time that the system will wait before turning itself off automatically for [Video/TV/Music/Photo] and for [Game/Other Features]. The default setting is one hour.
  • Under [Date and Time Settings] → [Time Zone], Samoa Islands has been changed to American Samoa and Independent State of Samoa.
Media changes
  • The encryption key has been renewed for AACS, the copy protection system for Blu-ray Disc video content.
Game changes
  • Users can now select multiple saved game data files to copy or delete.
System changes
  • The sidetoning feature of the Wireless Stereo Headset, introduced in system software update 4.10, has been improved: users can now select one out of five microphone levels, or turn the feature off completely.
  • Virtual surround sound functionality has been added to the Wireless Stereo Headset when viewing Blu-Ray or DVD movies.
  • The [Eject Disc] function has been renamed to [Remove Disc].
  • [Hard Disk] has been renamed to [System Storage].
Network changes
  • When a message with no subject is received, that message's subject line now displays the entire text from the message.
  • Users are now only asked once per session if they want to run plugins when using the [Internet Browser].

Changed files compared to 4.11


* aim_spu_module.self
* emer_init.self
* hdd_copy.self
* lv0
* lv1.self
* lv2_kernel.self
* manu_info_spu_module.self
* spp_verifier.self
* spu_pkg_rvk_verifier.self
* spu_token_processor.self
* spu_utoken_processor.self



* AacsModule.spu.isoself
* bdj.self
* bdp_BDMV.self
* bdp_BDVD.self
* CprmModule.spu.isoself
* CssModule.spu.isoself


* ps1_emu.self
* ps1_netemu.self
* ps1_newemu.self


* ps2_emu.self
* ps2_gxemu.self
* ps2_netemu.self


* psp_emulator.self
* psp_translator.self


* adhoc_vshlib.sprx
* audio.sprx
* ctrl.sprx
* emulator_api.sprx
* emulator_drm.sprx
* g729.sprx
* ifhandle.sprx
* iofilemgr.sprx
* iofilemgr_iso.sprx
* isofs.sprx
* libaac.sprx
* libhttp.sprx
* libmp3.sprx
* libmp4.sprx
* libparse_http.sprx
* libparse_uri.sprx
* libssl.sprx
* mediaman.sprx
* np.sprx
* np_auth.sprx
* np_service.sprx
* PEmuCoreLib.sprx
* pspnet.sprx
* pspnet_adhoc.sprx
* pspnet_adhoc_auth.sprx
* pspnet_adhoc_discover.sprx
* pspnet_adhoc_matching.sprx
* pspnet_adhocctl.sprx
* pspnet_apctl.sprx
* pspnet_inet.sprx
* pspnet_resolver.sprx
* rtc.sprx
* sascore.sprx
* threadman.sprx
* umd9660.sprx
* umdcache.sprx
* umdman.sprx
* vaudio.sprx
* wlan.sprx


* libac3dec.sprx
* libac3dec2.sprx
* libadec.sprx
* libadec2.sprx
* libadec_internal.sprx
* libavcdec.sprx
* libavcenc.sprx
* libavcenc_small.sprx
* libavchatjpgdec.sprx
* libcelp8dec.sprx
* libcelp8enc.sprx
* libcelpdec.sprx
* libcelpenc.sprx
* libddpdec.sprx
* libfiber.sprx
* libfreetype.sprx
* libfreetypeTT.sprx
* libfs.sprx
* libgcm_sys.sprx
* libgem.sprx
* libgifdec.sprx
* libhttp.sprx
* libio.sprx
* libjpgdec.sprx
* libjpgenc.sprx
* liblv2coredump.sprx
* libm2bcdec.sprx
* libm4aacdec.sprx
* libm4aacdec2ch.sprx
* libmedi.sprx
* libmp3dec.sprx
* libmp4.sprx
* libmpl1dec.sprx
* libmvcdec.sprx
* libpngdec.sprx
* libpngenc.sprx
* libsail.sprx
* libsail_rec.sprx
* libsjvtd.sprx
* libsmvd2.sprx
* libsmvd4.sprx
* libspurs_jq.sprx
* libsre.sprx
* libsvc1d.sprx
* libsync2.sprx
* libsysmodule.sprx
* libsysutil.sprx
* libsysutil_avconf_ext.sprx
* libsysutil_game.sprx
* libsysutil_np.sprx
* libsysutil_np2.sprx
* libsysutil_np_clans.sprx
* libsysutil_np_commerce2.sprx
* libsysutil_np_installer.sprx
* libsysutil_pesm.sprx
* libsysutil_photo_export2.sprx
* libsysutil_remoteplay.sprx
* libsysutil_savedata.sprx
* libsysutil_savedata_psp.sprx
* libsysutil_search.sprx
* libvdec.sprx
* libvoice.sprx


* libat3enc.sprx
* libat3enc_spurs.sprx
* libatxenc.sprx
* libchnnlsv.sprx
* libddlenc2.sprx
* libdtsenc2.sprx
* libdtshddec.sprx
* libdtslbrdec.sprx
* libfs_utility.sprx
* libfs_utility_full.sprx
* libfs_utility_init.sprx
* libft2d.sprx
* libm2aacdec.sprx
* libm4aacdec2chmod.sprx
* libm4aacdec2chmod2.sprx
* libmp3enc.sprx
* libmp3sdec.sprx
* libtiffdec.sprx
* libtrhddec.sprx
* libvoice_internal.sprx
* sys_audio.self
* sys_audio.sprx
* sys_init_osd.self


* audioplayer_plugin.sprx
* audioplayer_plugin_mini.sprx
* autodownload_plugin.sprx
* autoupdateconf_plugin.sprx
* avc2_game_plugin.sprx
* avc2_game_video_plugin.sprx
* avc2_text_plugin.sprx
* avc_plugin.sprx
* avc_util.sprx
* basic_plugins.sprx
* bdp_plugin.sprx
* custom_render_plugin.sprx
* deviceconf_plugin.sprx
* dlna_plugin.sprx
* download_plugin.sprx
* dtcpip_util.sprx
* edy_plugin.sprx
* esehttp.sprx
* eula_cddb_plugin.sprx
* eula_hcopy_plugin.sprx
* eula_net_plugin.sprx
* explore_category_friend.sprx
* explore_category_game.sprx
* explore_category_music.sprx
* explore_category_network.sprx
* explore_category_photo.sprx
* explore_category_psn.sprx
* explore_category_sysconf.sprx
* explore_category_tv.sprx
* explore_category_user.sprx
* explore_category_video.sprx
* explore_plugin.sprx
* explore_plugin_ft.sprx
* explore_plugin_game.sprx
* explore_plugin_np.sprx
* filecopy_plugin.sprx
* friendim_plugin.sprx
* friendml_plugin.sprx
* friendtrophy_plugin.sprx
* game_ext_plugin.sprx
* game_indicator_plugin.sprx
* gameupdate_plugin.sprx
* hknw_plugin.sprx
* ime.sprx
* ingame_manual_plugin.sprx
* libmtp.sprx
* libvideoSubsystem.sprx
* mintx_client.sprx
* mms_minimdimp_dir_gamehdd.sprx
* mms_minimdimp_media_gamedisc.sprx
* mms_minimdimp_mpeg.sprx
* msmw1.sprx
* msmw1_aaconly.sprx
* msmw2.sprx
* mtpinitiator_plugin.sprx
* musicbrowser_plugin.sprx
* nas_plugin.sprx
* netconf_plugin.sprx
* newstore_effect.sprx
* newstore_plugin.sprx
* np_eula_plugin.sprx
* np_multisignin_plugin.sprx
* np_sns_plugin.sprx
* np_trophy_ingame.sprx
* np_trophy_plugin.sprx
* np_trophy_util.sprx
* npsignin_plugin.sprx
* osk_plugin.sprx
* oskfullkeypanel_plugin.sprx
* oskpanel_plugin.sprx
* paf_ext.sprx
* paf_web.sprx
* pesm_plugin.sprx
* photo_network_sharing_plugin.sprx
* photoupload_plugin.sprx
* photoviewer_plugin.sprx
* playlist_plugin.sprx
* podl_plugin.sprx
* poweroff_plugin.sprx
* premo_game_plugin.sprx
* premo_plugin.sprx
* print_dlna_library.sprx
* print_plugin.sprx
* profile_plugin.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin_game.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin_game_mini.sprx
* ps3_savedata_plugin_psp.sprx
* qgl_canyon_app.sprx
* qgl_gaia_app.sprx
* qglbase.sprx
* raf.sprx
* rec_plugin.sprx
* regcam_plugin.sprx
* sacd_plugin.sprx
* SACModule.spu.isoself
* scenefolder_plugin.sprx
* silk.sprx
* silk_base.sprx
* silk_mrcommon.sprx
* silk_mrserver.sprx
* silk_nas.sprx
* silk_npflashplayer.sprx
* silk_npflashplayer9.sprx
* silk_webkit.sprx
* silk_wk.sprx
* simple_music2_decode_plugin.sprx
* software_update_plugin.sprx
* soundvisualizer_plugin.sprx
* strviewer_plugin.sprx
* swagner.self
* swreset.self
* sysconf_plugin.sprx
* thumthum_plugin.sprx
* upload_util.sprx
* videodownloader_plugin.sprx
* videoeditor_plugin.sprx
* videoplayer_plugin.sprx
* videoplayer_util.sprx
* vmc_savedata_plugin.sprx
* vsh.self
* vshmain_ext.sprx
* vshmain_util.sprx
* webbrowser_plugin.sprx
* webrender_plugin.sprx
* x3_mdimp1.sprx
* x3_mdimp10.sprx
* x3_mdimp6.sprx
* x3_mdimp7.sprx
* x3_mdimp9.sprx
* xcbplugin1.sprx
* xmb_plugin.sprx
* ycon_manual_plugin.sprx


PUP hashes

MD5::10C273D5390AA318986E81C6F3746B27 | SHA1::9D0CBD8B41EA91E839792547831ABA9CBCC60072 | CRC32::A48E53AD | CRC16::3177 | HMAC_SHA1::0xEA8B66F2E3687EE1B44B452F1D357F1A057F4DFC

PUP Information

PUP file information
Package version: 1
Image version: 57923
File count: 9
Header length: 656
Data length: 201527591
PUP file hash : EA8B66F2E3687EE1B44B452F1D357F1A057F4DFC
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File hash : 829F176F60D092A08E262ADA2ABD28DC60124810
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File hash : FD7C893936FDFC668922BE6D119A462111B2BBDB
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File hash : 5F851359551A35470DCF8D9381177F88808EFE01
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File hash : D9B66E0D2845D71A67D76E7907AB06368CE61E08
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File hash : 1AA4749D0EE0D0AE937FBF73BC4B9ACD352F732A
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File hash : 87C285D6C95FEFDAA593C92AF7502DC58B239F7A
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File hash : BB97081BC77E39FE5149FCCEB2972CB5B7F08526
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File hash : 9AE411D066AE6E0E2F85CB5DFBA9FFA76E151AD4

CoreOS Filehashes

4.20 6ABEC8C997E6CBDB6B07A31CEBB15128
creserved_0 - 09A1D434DBD7197E7C3AF8A7C28CA38B
sdk_version - 6061903C18588CC21378E51EEB2486E3
spu_pkg_rvk_verifier.self - B37640A823BF99A3D8ED8648ED794775
spu_token_processor.self - FB24D926795BD6699F4BE223503584C8
spu_utoken_processor.self - C9941767FB71452CC0938176551D093B
sc_iso.self - 10B2B7605A12FC6B3484610A4C69B088
aim_spu_module.self - E636C4B8C3D651E1EB6DA12AEA36719B
spp_verifier.self - 46583EB70BF1D74BA9814B509909578C
mc_iso_spu_module.self - 347291873B2ABB08BEFF50029E168A62
me_iso_spu_module.self - BB3D836ABF3326ECFEF4AC3A508995EB
sv_iso_spu_module.self - ED014C7FD47946CB41ACE5687E4D4E63
sb_iso_spu_module.self - A8D6110CBBBE9B5818A1CA1A29D3E4D2
me_iso_for_ps2emu.self - 64BB4664DE4FEDB65F2CD1A1D4110372
sv_iso_for_ps2emu.self - B5461EABCA41F893D172F86A3207BC26
default.spp - F309CA445EDE1618A3CEA90212EE9556
lv1.self - E6C23FF9FC968339588B3EF92458D9A5
lv0 - 169DECC996EFA6E43444FEFCC9A14741
lv0.2 - 59FD7F5325C91EEC8BB48FDB1CEA769F
lv2_kernel.self - 31B94D71ACF15A6BDB5859D20E2E1CAD
eurus_fw.bin - B5F54D9A11D1EAE71F35B5907C6B9D3A
emer_init.self - 6516D84D687B937A11903819DB0FE20F
hdd_copy.self - 79AAD3B730273C13B576AF900745A9CB