4.40 CEX
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Released: March 21, 2013
- System changes
- Added support for the Sony RC-S380 (PaSoRi) NFC contactless IC cards reader
- Gives users the possibility to download content automaticly that has been bought on the Playstation webstore. This feature is not enabled yet, but will be activated in may 2013
- Wireless stereo headset (CECHYA-0080/CECHYA-0086) and stereo headset (CECHYA-0088) support now Playstation 2 classics that has been downloaded from Playstation store.
- System stability has been improved.
- Game Changes
- Issues with some games have been fixed
- You can now view trophies by original game or addon when viewing offline trophy mode when in a game.
Changed files compared to 4.31
- emer_init.self
- hdd_copy.self
- lv0
- lv1.self
- lv2_kernel.self
- me_iso_spu_module.self
- me_iso_for_ps2emu.self
* bdp_BDMV.self * bdp_BDVD.self
* ps1_emu.self * ps1_netemu.self * ps1_newemu.self
* ps2_emu.self * ps2_gxemu.self * ps2_netemu.self
* psp_emulator.self * psp_translator.self
* adhoc_vshlib.sprx * audio.sprx * emulator_api.sprx * iofilemgr.sprx * iofilemgr_iso.sprx * libmp4.sprx * mpeg.sprx * PEmuCoreLib.sprx * pspnet.sprx * pspnet_adhocctl.sprx * sascore.sprx * sysmem.sprx * threadman.sprx * umdcache.sprx
* libadec.sprx * libadec2.sprx * libadec_internal.sprx * libbeisobmf.sprx * libbemp2sys.sprx * libfiber.sprx * libgem.sprx * libhttp.sprx * liblv2coredump.sprx * libmedi.sprx * libmp4.sprx * libsail.sprx * libsail_avi.sprx * libsail_rec.sprx * libspurs_jq.sprx * libsre.sprx * libssl.sprx * libsync2.sprx * libsysmodule.sprx * libsysutil.sprx * libsysutil_dec_psnvideo.sprx * libsysutil_np.sprx * libsysutil_np2.sprx * libsysutil_np_clans.sprx * libsysutil_np_commerce2.sprx * libsysutil_np_tus.sprx * libsysutil_savedata_psp.sprx * libvdec.sprx
* libfs_utility.sprx * libfs_utility_init.sprx * libtiffdec.sprx * sys_audio.self * sys_audio.sprx * sys_init_osd.self
* audioplayer_plugin.sprx * audioplayer_plugin_mini.sprx * autodownload_plugin.sprx * autoupdateconf_plugin.sprx * avc2_game_video_plugin.sprx * avc2_text_plugin.sprx * avc_plugin.sprx * avc_util.sprx * basic_plugins.sprx * bdp_disccheck_plugin.sprx * bdp_plugin.sprx * category_setting_plugin.sprx * custom_render_plugin.sprx * data_copy_plugin.sprx * deviceconf_plugin.sprx * download_plugin.sprx * dtcpip_util.sprx * edy_plugin.sprx * esehttp.sprx * eula_cddb_plugin.sprx * eula_hcopy_plugin.sprx * eula_net_plugin.sprx * explore_category_friend.sprx * explore_category_game.sprx * explore_category_music.sprx * explore_category_network.sprx * explore_category_photo.sprx * explore_category_psn.sprx * explore_category_sysconf.sprx * explore_category_tv.sprx * explore_category_user.sprx * explore_category_video.sprx * explore_plugin.sprx * explore_plugin_ft.sprx * explore_plugin_game.sprx * explore_plugin_np.sprx * friendim_plugin.sprx * friendml_plugin.sprx * friendtrophy_plugin.sprx * game_ext_plugin.sprx * hknw_plugin.sprx * ime.sprx * libmtp.sprx * libvideoSubsystem.sprx * mms_cls.sprx * msmw1.sprx * msmw1_atraconly.sprx * msmw2.sprx * mtpinitiator_plugin.sprx * nas_plugin.sprx * newstore_effect.sprx * newstore_plugin.sprx * np_eula_plugin.sprx * np_sns_plugin.sprx * np_trophy_plugin.sprx * np_trophy_util.sprx * npsignin_plugin.sprx * osk_plugin.sprx * oskfullkeypanel_plugin.sprx * paf_ext.sprx * paf_psjs.sprx * paf_web.sprx * photo_network_sharing_plugin.sprx * photoupload_plugin.sprx * photoviewer_plugin.sprx * playlist_plugin.sprx * podl_plugin.sprx * print_plugin.sprx * profile_plugin.sprx * ps3_savedata_plugin.sprx * ps3_savedata_plugin_game.sprx * ps3_savedata_plugin_game_mini.sprx * ps3_savedata_plugin_psp.sprx * qgl_canyon_app.sprx * qgl_gaia_app.sprx * qglbase.sprx * raf.sprx * rec_plugin.sprx * regcam_plugin.sprx * silk_wk.sprx * simple_music2_decode_plugin.sprx * software_update_plugin.sprx * soundvisualizer_plugin.sprx * sysconf_plugin.sprx * thumthum_plugin.sprx * upload_util.sprx * videodownloader_plugin.sprx * videoeditor_plugin.sprx * videoplayer_plugin.sprx * videoplayer_util.sprx * vmc_savedata_plugin.sprx * vsh.self * webbrowser_plugin.sprx * webrender_plugin.sprx * x3_amgsdk.sprx * x3_mdimp10.sprx * x3_mdimp5.sprx * x3_mdimp6.sprx * x3_mdimp7.sprx * xcbplugin1.sprx * xmb_plugin.sprx * ycon_manual_plugin.sprx
- http://dus01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/us/2013_0321_1b6a1cb5a909325a7f5ed949e8cc57cb/PS3UPDAT.PUP
- http://www.ps3devwiki.com/files/firmware/OFW-CEX/4.40/PS3UPDAT.PUP
PUP hashes
MD5::1B6A1CB5A909325A7F5ED949E8CC57CB | SHA1::28654CC99E9B1D696E27180288B6598D926CA833 | CRC32::12609A18 | CRC16::D8E3 | HMAC_SHA1::0xFC368A7682C989B56F1DD33238E0F331467FE8B0
PUP Information
PUP file information Package version: 1 Image version: 60156 File count: 9 Header length: 656 Data length: 203607159 PUP file hash : FC368A7682C989B56F1DD33238E0F331467FE8B0 File 0 Entry id: 0x100 Filename : version.txt Data offset: 0x290 Data length: 5 File hash : D873D1B2ED0989D160F930F3E693F60A38484305 File 1 Entry id: 0x101 Filename : license.xml Data offset: 0x295 Data length: 308970 File hash : 5003EBF1548E8F002545561B74BBF5C470EE92C7 File 2 Entry id: 0x103 Filename : update_flags.txt Data offset: 0x4B97F Data length: 5 File hash : FD7C893936FDFC668922BE6D119A462111B2BBDB File 3 Entry id: 0x200 Filename : ps3swu.self Data offset: 0x4B984 Data length: 5669568 File hash : A9A3884C16DA47A50858E1531FC0821D6B2052DD File 4 Entry id: 0x201 Filename : vsh.tar Data offset: 0x5B3C44 Data length: 10240 File hash : D9B66E0D2845D71A67D76E7907AB06368CE61E08 File 5 Entry id: 0x202 Filename : dots.txt Data offset: 0x5B6444 Data length: 3 File hash : 1AA4749D0EE0D0AE937FBF73BC4B9ACD352F732A File 6 Entry id: 0x300 Filename : update_files.tar Data offset: 0x5B6447 Data length: 191866880 File hash : 5522F2D7B8204059DDDBF14AD0B95C7C0B7A51DF File 7 Entry id: 0x501 Filename : spkg_hdr.tar Data offset: 0xBCB0C47 Data length: 81920 File hash : 097A07CAB9276EBB0BB275CB229F5BACA541F24E File 8 Entry id: 0x601 Filename : ps3swu2.self Data offset: 0xBCC4C47 Data length: 5669568 File hash : 05F191C9B1DE7680572B0AF0A26A0D6A7E5B0FBE