Alphabetical order of the table rows in the compatibility lists[edit source]
Since some months ago, the tables used in the compatibility lists uses the "sortable" feature (see 1 and 2) and is relativelly easy to find the game names incorrectly ordered. The proceure to check if the order is right is:
- ) Reload the page (just incase you had the page already loaded and you was clicking in the sorting arrows, by reloading the page we are resetting all he columns sortings to defaults)
- ) Click in the arrow at top of the "Name" column and see if some of the horizontal rows have moved. If one or more rows was moved it means that rows are incorrectly ordered
The procedure to fix it is pretty much the same, the trick is to keep attention at how mediawiki is reordering them when we click in the arrows:
- ) Click in "edit" in one of the page sections
- ) Click in the arrow at top of the "Name" column
- ) Move the problematic rows up/down by copypasting them
- ) Update the sortings by clicking in "show preview"
In the long tables (bigger than your vertical screen size) is needed to repeat it a few times to realize which row is the culprit and where needs to be relocated. The final confirmation that all the rows has been correctly ordered is if we click in the "Name" arrow and all the rows stays in his position (this means the order how are written in the page matches with the sorting methods used internally by mediawiki software)--Sandungas (talk) 12:53, 13 August 2022 (UTC)
Discussion, ideas, brainstormings goes here[edit source]
No hurry this rebuilding take days, weeks or more in the way i see, at this day (october 7 2017) the emulation frontpage and talk pages has been splitted and cleaned up completly, the reason for this carnage is because i think is better to start from scratch without any restriction in how are going to look and his purposes, there are a lot fo details needed to be mentioned but this is just an introductory explain of the discussion that goes under this line, feel free to join the party by giving your ideas and oppinions and help to solve the problems
Bringing back some moved texts[edit source]
Probably there are lot of small sentences or sections that has been moved to the other pages... but could fit well here because are general concepts or could work as an introduction... the rule of gold now is this page is "noob oriented" and the others are "technically oriented", im not experienced in emulators so much to make this changes rewriting and moving texts back and forth and i fear to "break" something though--Sandungas (talk) 13:58, 7 October 2017 (UTC)
[edit source]
- ps1_emu.self
- available for PS3 models - all
- available in firmwares - since 1.02
- game format - original CD inserted in the drive
- savedata format (hdd) - dev_hdd0/savedata/vmc/<virtual_memcard>.VM1
- savedata format (usb) - dev_usb0/PS3/EXPORT/PSV/<Save_ID>.PSV
- savedata format (mc) - mc_root/ (by using a memory card adapter)
- technical page - PS1 Emulation
- game compatibility list - NEEDED
- ps1_netemu.self
- available for PS3 models - all (PS1 classics)
- available in firmwares - since 1.70
- game format - ISO.BIN.EDAT (officially), BIN/CUE (unofficially)
- savedata format (hdd) - ?
- savedata format (usb) - dev_usb0/PSP/SAVEDATA/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/SCEVMC0.VMP
- savedata format (mc) - allowed ?
- technical page - PS1 Emulation
- game compatibility list - PS1 Classics Emulator Compatibility List
- ps1_newemu.self
- available for PS3 models - ?
- available in firmwares - since 2.10
- game format - ?
- savedata format/path - ?
- technical page - PS1 Emulation
- game compatibility list - needed ?
- ps2_emu.self
- available for PS3 models - CECHA and CECHB (COK-001)
- available in firmwares - since 1.02
- game format - original CD/DVD inserted in the drive
- savedata format (hdd) - dev_hdd0/savedata/vmc/<virtual_memcard>.VM2
- savedata format (usb) - dev_usb0/PS3/EXPORT/PSV/<Save_ID>.PSV
- savedata format (mc) - mc_root/ (by using a memory card adapter)
- game install - yes (only few games, by using a PS2 virtual hdd IMAGE.DAT)
- savedata format/path - ?
- technical page - PS2 Emulation
- game compatibility list -
- ps2_gxemu.self
- available for PS3 models - CECHC (COK-002)
- available in firmwares - since 1.50
- game format - original CD/DVD inserted in the drive
- game install - yes (only few games, by using a PS2 virtual hdd IMAGE.DAT)
- savedata format/path - ?
- technical page - PS2 Emulation
- game compatibility list -
- ps2_softemu.self
- available for PS3 models - fats/slim newer than CECHC
- available in firmwares - since 1.90 then blocked in 3.50 and removed in 4.21 ?
- game format - original CD/DVD inserted in the drive
- savedata format/path - ?
- technical page - PS2 Emulation
- game compatibility list - not needed (abandoned officially and superseded by netemu)
- ps2_netemu.self
- available for PS3 models - all (PS2 classics)
- available in firmwares - since 3.70
- game format - ISO.BIN.EDAT ISO.BIN.ENC (officially), BIN CUE (unofficially)
- settings - by using CONFIG files
- technical page - PS2 Emulation
- game compatibility list - PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List
- psp_emulator.elf
- available for PS3 models - all but CECHB ? (PSP Remasters ?)
- available in firmwares - since 3.15
- savedata format (hdd) - dev_hdd0/home/<userid>/minis_savedata/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/Files
- savedata format (usb) - dev_usb0/PSP/SAVEDATA/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/Files
- savedata format/path - ?
- technical page - PSP Emulation
- game compatibility list - PSP Classics Emulator Compatibility List
- psp_translator.elf
- available for PS3 models - all but CECHB ? (PSP Minis ?)
- available in firmwares - since 3.15
- game format - ?
- savedata format/path - ?
- technical page - PSP Emulation
- game compatibility list - Needed ? (for minis ?)
PS2 Config Commands splitting[edit source]
I think is about time to split the PS2 Emulation#Config Commands (currently a page section) into a dedicated page named PS2 Config Commands that could be included in Template:Reverse engineering (next to PS2 Emulation). The Template:Boxcomm used currently was a temporal visual fix to avoid a massive TOC in PS2 Emulation but in the dedicated page we will not need it (there is another named Template:Boxtip1 Template:Boxtip2 Template:Boxtip3 more handy to include some "noob friendly" descriptions), every command will be a page section (and we will be able to read the complete list of comand names in the TOC, edit them individually, and see the changelog in the "recent changes" page indiividually too). The new page doesnt needs to be composed as a single list of commands only (page sections), we can create many other sections as example to prepare some kind of intro/tutorial of related stuf (even the tools used to dissasembly, or the tricks used to debug in PC emulators), or use other alternative names for the page name like "The PS2 Config Workshop", comment below with your suggestions. This splitting also implyes we need to move the speculative/unconfirmed info from the old talk page to the new talk page --Sandungas (talk) 08:34, 25 September 2022 (UTC)
PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List[edit source]
I'm posting here as Talk:PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List is not open for new topics.
Anyhow, PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List's categories of ((ps2classic)) and ((playable)) say **It works exactly like when you play it on a real PS2 Console**, but this is absolutely not true. There are bugs in several official netemu games, bugs that are even noted on the compatibility list. Furthermore, the netemu doesn't even support mipmaps, which means any games using mipmaps by definition cannot work exactly as on a real PS2. Currently, 11.67% of PS2 games are marked as ((minorissues)), but with more serious scrutiny this figure should be higher.
Here is how I would rewrite the senior two categories:
Released for the PS3 in the PlayStation Store, the compatibility is certified by Sony.
Generally, it works exactly like when you play it on a real PS2 Console.
Works perfect without any noticeable error.
It works exactly like when you play it on a real PS2 Console, the compatibility is at least as good as ((ps2classic))
- Hi, this has been brought up several times in the past by other people. It does not make logical sense to have such strict conditions on compatibility. For example, Silent Hill 2 *without* config would most definitely qualify for ((minorissues)) due to continual character flickering, graphical errors, math inaccuracies, etc. The config fixes all of these issues. Switching it to ((minorissues)) due to one door's graphical glitch in a room in the middle of the game would just not make sense. Additionally, GTA:SA's custom config only adds the pressure sensitive buttons. It does not change anything else, so the glitches you are stating would be version agnostic and not directly relating to the custom config. For GTA III, an additional config command was taken from the ps2_gxemu config to fix some text flashing as the US PS2 Classic already has an issue related to this, so this may cause the game to work a little differently for sure. Which version of GTA III did you test with the custom config? --Mrjaredbeta (talk) 15:19, 29 September 2024 (CEST)
- Hello. In my testing, the San Fierro fog issue and tree transparency issue did not appear with the stock config; this could of course entirely be the renderer being picky with the time of day. Additionally, based on YouTube footage uploaded by SuperMegaGta, the San Andreas graphical bugs (sans the polygon gaps) do not appear on the PSN version, which makes it possible that the PSN ISO was modified by Sony/Rockstar to accommodate the netemu (the hash is certainly different from my own BIN.ENC's). There is an additional graphical bug in my testing that does not appear on the PSN version: colour banding. I experienced heavy colour banding, which was especially noticeable on helicopter searchlights and the night sky. As for GTA III, I used the NTSC v1.40 ISO. - Editor 1 14:03, 29 September 2024 (GMT) EDIT: I have now installed the PSN version and tested it, and I encountered the San Fierro fog issue during the morning. I did not encounter the tree transparency issue. I have confirmed that the colour banding issue I mentioned before affects the PSN version as well; does the netemu support dithering? San Andreas originally ran in a low colour depth on PS2 and required dithering to smooth the gradients out.