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Revision as of 16:13, 25 September 2016 by Cfwprophet (talk | contribs) (→‎Kaku)
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Int32 bug

WebKit/536.26 exploit on System Firmware 1.760.000 and lower (patched in 2.000.000)

CVE 2014-1303

WebKit/537.73 exploit on System Firmware 2.040.000 and lower (patched in 2.508.000)


WebKit/??? exploit on System Firmware 3.550.000 and lower (patched in 4.000.000)

Kernel Sploits

DynamicalLibraryPepareClose (dlclose)

BadIntegerReturn (badIRET)

First Steps


A possible exploit has been found in VidNow App in the Playstation Store App .

PATCHED: Sony has hotfixed this exploit via content hashing the file while in transit.

UPDATE: Some have managed to reverse the hotfix but the method is not known - the PS4 checks the content

        hash HTTP header from the HMAC header.


A possible exploit has been found in the SnagFilms App in the Playstation Store App.

Arbitrary code execution in memory has been demonstrated, although so far the system will throw an exception in the programs memory before the payload finishes loading.

If you craft a small enough payload and/or a payload that load's without causing an exception in program memory you can most likely get code execution working.