Sega Saturn Emulator Compatibility List

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Jump to letter: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sega Saturn Emulator Compatibility List
{{playable}} Playable The game works perfect, lacking any noticeable errors.
It runs in a manner indistinguishable from real Sega Saturn hardware.
{{minorissues}} Minor Issues The game has some small issues like small flickering, frame drops or glitching graphics.
But the game itself works fine and you are able to complete the game successfully without any huge disadvantages for your in-game-progress.
{{majorissues}} Major Issues The game has several impactful issues like stronger flickering, massive frame drops, glitching graphics and/or gameplay.
Essentially, it works, but it will probably be a pain for both your gaming experience, and your PS4.
{{unplayable}} Unplayable The game crashes after some in-game-progress (randomly). You can't change Discs when prompted, the screen keeps turning black or you can't even start the game at all.
You can't complete the game successfully to the end even when both graphics and framerates work fine and/or the PS4 will freeze/shutdown by itself.
{{notavailable}} Not Available Only for those game titles, which weren't released in certain regions (for example: Games for the Japanese Market [NTSC-J], which didn't see a "Western Release").
{{officialsega}} Official The game has been released from Sony available at the PlayStation Store using the "Sega Saturn SSF Emulator" as a base.
Emulation (talk) Sega Saturn Emulation (talk) [list]
Total Games = 91: 42 Games are "Playable" · 18 Games have "Minor Issues" · 15 Games have "Major Issues" · 13 Games are "Unplayable" · 3 Games are "officially emulated by Sony"

#[edit | edit source]

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A[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean
アルバートオデッセイ外伝 ~レジェンド オブ エルディーン~
Not Available Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Alien Trilogy Playable ? ? As tested by @retropierdolnik [1]
Arcade Gears Vol. 1: Pu·Li·Ru·La
AGアーケード・ギアーズ ブリルラ
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Arcade Gears Vol. 2: Gun Frontier
AGアーケード・ギアーズ ガン・フロンティア
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Arcade Gears Vol. 3: Wonder 3
AGアーケード・ギアーズ ワンダー3
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Arcade Gears Vol. 4: ImageFight & XMultiply
AGアーケード・ギアーズ イメージファイト&エックスマルチプライ
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Asuka 120% Limited Burning Fest. Limited
あすか120%リミテッド BURNING Fest. LIMITED
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly! Used the English patch.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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B[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Not Available Not Available Minor Issues Bottom half of the screen has a habit of tearing that is noticeable when moving backwards, but it's not bad to the point the game becomes painful to play. Used the English patch.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Bulk Slash
バルク スラッシュ
Not Available Not Available Unplayable Freezes on loading screen.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Burning Rangers
? Major Issues ? The texture flickering in the stages & screen tearing from the camera trying to keep up with the ranger combined makes a very bad experience for this game. Audio is fine.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition
Puzzle Bobble 2X
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Bust-A-Move 3
Puzzle Bobble 3
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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C[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Capcom Generation 1: The Era of Flying Aces
カプコンジェネレーション第1集 撃墜王の時代
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Capcom Generation 2: The Demon World and the Knight
カプコンジェネレーション第2集 魔界と騎士
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Capcom Generation 3: History Begins Here
カプコンジェネレーション第3集 ここに歴史はじまる
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Capcom Generation 4: Lone Hero
カプコン ジェネレーション 第4集 孤高の英雄
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Capcom Generation 5: The Fighters
カプコン ジェネレーション 第5集 格闘家たち
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
悪魔城ドラキュラX 月下の夜想曲
Not Available Not Available Minor Issues The screen is glitching a bit in some rooms (only available in Japan for the SEGA Saturn version; for "Western Releases", please refer to the PS1 version).
College Slam Not Available Major Issues Not Available Loud sound corruption happens at the announcer reading the team names for the matches. Gameplay also suffers from very fast speed that makes keeping up with the CPUs & other players difficult to near-impossible.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

COTTOn Boomerang
コットン ブーメラン
Official Official Official Also bundled within the "Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute" physical Release (PLJM-16874)
Official Official Official Also bundled within the "Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute" physical Release (PLJM-16874)
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D[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Daytona USA ? Minor Issues ? Some of the voice lines stop suddenly near their last second, but gameplay & music are great!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition ? Playable Not Available Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Dead or Alive
デッド オア アライブ
Not Available Not Available Unplayable Boots to a black screen upon loading it.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Die Hard Arcade
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Doom ? Minor Issues ? There are some drops in framerate that is noticeable when moving, but gameplay & audio are great. Using the Roland Sound Canvas mod, the music tracks played nicely without fuss.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Dragon Force II: The Godforsaken Land
ドラゴンフォースⅡ 神去りし大地に
Not Available Not Available Unplayable As soon as the battle started, the game freezes at a black screen. Music also plays faster than it should.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Duke Nukem 3D ? Unplayable Not Available Played up to the Red Light District level. No issue with audio and gameplay seemed fine at first until the game crashed into an error screen at the fight with the Assault Trooper inside the store. Not sure what caused it to happen.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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E[edit | edit source]

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F[edit | edit source]

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G[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Golden Axe: The Duel
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Guardian Force Official Official Official Also bundled within the "Cotton Guardian Force Saturn Tribute" physical Release (PLJM-16874)
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H[edit | edit source]

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I[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Remix
アイドル雀士スーチーパイ Remix
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Special
アイドル雀士スーチーパイ Special
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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J[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
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K[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Keio Flying Squadron 2
慶応遊撃隊活劇編, Keiō Yūgekitai: Katsugeki-hen
Playable Not Available Playable Both PAL & NTSC-J versions of the game works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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L[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Lunar: Silver Star Story
ルナ シルバースターストーリー
Not Available Not Available Unplayable Game is stuck on the introduction of the protagonist.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
ルナ シルバースターストーリー MPEG版
Not Available Not Available Unplayable Game will require the user to have the Video CD Card, which cannot be emulated as of this time of writing in 2023.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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M[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Magic Knight Rayearth
Not Available Minor Issues ? Played up to the nightmare battles. Some music tracks played faster than they should & there were some split-second minor sprite corruptions of Fuu's character portraits when they changed to reflect her dialogue, but they then went back to normal. Beyond those minor issues, the cutscenes, gameplay, & the rest of the audio work great!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Marvel Super Heroes
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly! Played with the Saturn 4MB Memory enabled.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter
マーヴル・スーパーヒーローズ VS. ストリートファイター
Not Available Not Available Major Issues Suffers from slowdowns even with game speed set to the maximum value. While character sprites & text are fine, the background sprites in the character selection screen & stages are missing. Requires 4MB Saturn Memory to be enabled & run.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Mega Man 8
RockMan 8: Metal Heroes
Not Available Minor Issues ? Finished the Clown man stage & got up to the first half of Tengu Man. Music plays faster than it should, but gameplay & everything else works great!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Mega Man X3
RockMan X3
Playable Not Available ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Mega Man X4
RockMan X4
Not Available Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001
Not Available Not Available Minor Issues There some minor glitches on the result screens, but the rest of the game is playable. Played with the Saturn 4MB Memory enabled.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy ? Playable Not Available Tested on PS4 Slim FW 9.00.
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N[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
NBA Action 98 ? Minor Issues Not Available There is no announcer commentary or noise from the crowd. The framerate seems to be a little slower than normal during gameplay, but you can change the game speed to 'Fast' as a little remedy. Rest of the game works.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

NBA Jam Extreme
NBA JAM エクストリーム
? Major Issues ? While the music tracks & announcer are fine, the crowd noise is corrupted. Gameplay suffers from a lower framerate. Was able to complete a quick match without crashes.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

NBA Jam: Tournament Edition
NBA JAM トーナメントエディション
? Major Issues ? Half of the main menu is corrupted along with a part of attract mode that shows the basketball players starring in the game, where the 'RRING' in 'STARRING' flickers. There are also parts of the option menu that are missing their text, so it will be difficult to configure settings. In spite of those major issues, I was able to complete a quick match without any other problems that affect gameplay.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

NBA Live 98 ? Unplayable Not Available Intro videos had some sound & graphic issues. Game will crash to PS4 error screen before a match is loaded.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

NHL 98 ? Major Issues Not Available Intro videos had some sound & graphic issues. A quick match can be played, but the audience in the stadium will keep flickering. Gameplay speed & the announcers' commentary are unaffected.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

NiGHTS into Dreams...
? Unplayable ? Got to finish the first Claris level, then out of nowhere during the next level the game randomly crashed to the PS4 error screen. Trying the second Claris level again, the game still crashed at random. Could not complete the first Elliot level either as it also resulted in a random crash. When it was working, the graphics & gameplay had no problems but the stage music played faster than it should.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
ヴァンパイア ハンター Darkstalkers' Revenge
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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O[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
. ? ? ?
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P[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Playboy: Karaoke Collection Volume 1
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Playboy: Karaoke Collection Volume 2
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Primal Rage
? Minor Issues ? There were a few occurrences of the narrator's lines before the start of a match being cut off & the videos being stuck in a freeze frame. Thankfully they can be skipped by the press of a button & the fights will start. Chaos & Diablo have minor sprite corruptions. Beyond those issues, game works great!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Pocket Fighter
Not Available Not Available Minor Issues The song that plays before the match begins plays fine but gets abruptly cut in the end of it, leaving a moment of awkward silence before the loading screen appears. Thankfully it can be bypassed by pressing the buttons to skip to the loading screen. Other than that hiccup, the rest of the audio & game-play is perfect!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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Q[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Quake ? Minor Issues Not Available There is just a very tiny amount of flickering in the top left corner of the loading screen. Beyond that, everything else works great!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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R[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Rampage: World Tour ? Playable Not Available Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Resident Evil
Bio Hazard
? Unplayable Unplayable Intro video loads, then freezes at the title screen.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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S[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Sakura Wars (1996) Not Available Not Available Unplayable Black Screen after first battle
Samurai Spirits: Amakusa Kourin
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Samurai Spirits: Zankuro Musouken
Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood
Not Available Not Available Minor Issues Every time one of the fighters is in the air such as when they jump, the ground becomes invisible & then returns back to normal once they land back on the floor. Annoying to have happen, but the game still works great in spite of that issue! Played with the Saturn 4MB Memory enabled.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Saturn Bomberman
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

SEGA Rally Championship Minor Issues ? ? As tested by @retropierdolnik [2]
Sega Rally Championship Plus NetLink Edition Not Available Playable Not Available Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

SimCity 2000
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island
Sonic 3D Blast
? Unplayable ? does not work. After the initial cutscene it just freezes to black screen.
Sonic Jam
ソニック ジャム
? Unplayable ? Intro video plays & then crashes to the PS4 error screen.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Sonic R
Playable Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Space Jam
? Unplayable ? When the first quarter of the match ended, the game froze. The announcer's lines also didn't play.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Stakes Winner
ステークスウィナー: GI完全制覇への道
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Stakes Winner 2
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
Street Fighter Zero
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Street Fighter Alpha 2
Street Fighter Zero 2
? ? Major Issues crashes upon a quick save(you can still rewind), forgets saved button configuration. Just play the 30th year anniversary collection. Also known as alpha 2 gold and alpha 2 prime in the us and eu home versions and arcades and also zero 2 alpha in the jp arcades.
Street Fighter Zero 3
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Not Available Not Available Minor Issues Intro audio goes out of sync & some of the music tracks play faster than they should such as the character select screen. However, the rest of the audio & gameplay work great! Requires Saturn 4MB Memory to be enabled.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Super Puzzle Fighter II X
? Minor Issues ? Sometimes the announcer's lines don't play, most notably during the start of the round and/or the player's victory/defeat, but it's a very minor hiccup that can be overlooked. Gameplay-wise, it plays great with no problems. Since the NTSC-U version of this game on PS1 has issues as of 2023, this is the best way of playing it on the PS4.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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T[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
The King of Fighters '96 Not Available Not Available Minor Issues At the start of the match, the announcer's line gets cut off once one of the fighters start talking, but it will still announce normally. Character lines sometimes also get cut off once the announcer declares the victor of the match. Beyond those two hiccups, the rest of the audio & game-play is perfect.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

The King of Fighters '97 Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly! Requires 4MB Saturn Memory to be enabled.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Time Gal
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Twinkle Star Sprites
Not Available Not Available Minor Issues There are some character lines that stop suddenly before they get to finish them, but gameplay & music are great!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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U[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 ? Major Issues Not Available Sprites for the text, UI, & character portraits in towers are corrupted. You can still choose a fighter & play the game, but it will be difficult to know who your next opponent is & navigating the menu if you desire to change the configurations. Sprites for the stages & health bars are thankfully not butchered, but this isn't an ideal way of playing MK3.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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V[edit | edit source]

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Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
ヴァンパイア セイヴァー The Lord of Vampire
Not Available Not Available Major Issues Music on the character select screen & the victory quote play faster than they should be. No issues with sprites & game-play speed is acceptable, but it suffers from screen tearing on the bottom half. Better off with playing Darkstalkers 3 on the PS1 instead . Requires 4MB Saturn Memory to be enabled.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Virtua Fighter
? Major Issues ? Gameplay suffers from slower speed & had many occurrences of ring outs happen by one of the fighters being teleported away. Not sure what causes it to happen. Audio & music played fine.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Virtua Fighter 2
? Minor Issues ? Unlike the original Virtua Fighter & Virtua Fighter Remix, gameplay didn't suffer from slower speed. However, there is no audio for the fighters during the match or sound effects for the punches & kicks. Music played fine.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Virtua Fighter Kids
バーチャファイター キッズ
? Major Issues ? Gameplay suffers from slowdowns that also affected the music tracks. Rest of the audio played fine.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Virtua Fighter Remix
? Major Issues ? Gameplay suffers from slower speed & had many occurrences of ring outs happen by one of the fighters being teleported away. Not sure what causes it to happen. Audio & music played fine.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Virtual-On: Cyber Troopers
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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W[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
Waku Waku 7
Not Available Not Available Major Issues At the first the menu works fine, but once a game mode is chosen there is no way of knowing what fighter to select because they do not show up at all. Even if one manages to know where their favorite is & pick them, it will be difficult to complete a match as both fighters have very bad flickering that makes landing hits very difficult.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

World Heroes Perfect
Not Available Not Available Playable Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

World Series Baseball '98
プロ野球 グレイテストナイン'97, Pro Yakyū GREATEST NINE '97
Not Available Major Issues ? The only game mode that was playable is Home Run Derby. Every other game mode tried results in freezing on a black screen.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

Worldwide Soccer '98
Sega Worldwide Soccer 98: Club Edition
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.2.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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X[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
X-Men: Children of the Atom
エックス・メン チルドレン オブ ジ アトム
? Playable ? Works & plays perfectly!

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

X-Men vs. Street Fighter Not Available Not Available Major Issues On the surface it plays better than Marvel vs. Street Fighter with no major slowdowns or missing sprites. However, the bigger issue lies in the audio as it will play the sounds fine at first (with some popping) but it eventually glitches out. No idea what causes it to happen, but it occurs at any given moment in the game. Your mileage may vary with this problem. Requires 4MB Saturn Memory to be enabled.

Converted with Saturn2PS4 v1.1 by Markus95 & tested on the Original PS4 FW 9.00.

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Y[edit | edit source]

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. ? ? ?
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Z[edit | edit source]

Name Europe.png PAL United States.png NTSC-U/C Japan.png NTSC-J Notes
. ? ? ?
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