Rights Information Files: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 04:21, 7 June 2024

Can be found in:

  • /user/license/*.rif, /user/license/*.idx
  • /user/home/*/license/*.rif, /user/home/*/license/*.idx
  • /mnt/disc/license/rif
  • /preinst2/app/CUSA00001/app.rif
  • Sc0/license.dat (in PKG entries)

Sample rif files.

Rights Information Files[edit | edit source]

For a rif file that is paired with an idx file, see RIFA file.

RIF[edit | edit source]

Fields are big-endian.

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Signature 0x000 4 52 49 46 00 ('RIF\0')
Version 0x004 2 00 01 See Type
Unknown 0x006 2 FF FF
PSN Account ID 0x008 8 AB CD EF 01 02 34 78 91 0 if not KDS RIF
Start Timestamp 0x010 8 00 00 00 00 52 85 64 00 Start timestamp (unix/epoch)
End Timestamp 0x018 8 7F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF End timestamp (unix/epoch), typically INT64_MAX
Content ID 0x020 48 IP9100-CUSA00001_00-PLAYROOM00000000
Type 0x050 2 01 01 See Type
DRM Type 0x052 2 00 0F Same as PKG DRM Type, PS5 Uses 00 10
Content Type 0x054 2 00 1A Same as PKG Content Type, PS5 Uses 00 20
SKU Flag 0x056 2 00 01 Not Bootable 0 Trial 1 Full Game 3
Extra Flags 0x058 4 00 00 00 00
Unknown 0x060 4 00 02 00 00 PS5 Uses 00 00 00 00
Unknown 0x064 4 00 00 00 01
Unknown 0x068 3 -
Unknown 0x06B 1 - 02 on old rifs (3.55), 03 on new rifs (5.00)
Unknown 0x06C 468 -
Disc Key 0x240 32 -
Secret Encryption IV 0x260 16 - At least on debug/fake RIFs, this is the first 16 bytes of the SHA-256 hash of the Content ID (all 48 bytes including nulls)
Encrypted Secret 0x270 144 - See Secret for when decrypted. On debug/fake rifs, the decrypted secret is empty except the first 16 bytes, which are the second 16 bytes of the Content ID hash.
RSA Signature 0x300 256 - Verified using public key depending on type

Type[edit | edit source]

Type FW Type Min Ver Max Ver Name Description Remarks
0x000 All 1 1 KDS (NPDRM) Used for digital content Revoked in at least 4.05
0x001 All 2 2
0x002 All 3 3
0x101 All 1 1 Isolated (Free,Kiosk) Used for truly free content (Playroom, Vue, Spotify)
0x102 All 1 1 Disc Used for Blu-ray content
0x200 DEX/TEST 1 1 Fake/Debug Used for testing/debugging
0x303 CEX 1 1 ?
0x304 ? (not CEX) 1 1 ?
0x305 DEX/TEST 1 1 ?

Secret[edit | edit source]

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Unknown 0x00 16 - Random 16 bytes of unknown purpose
Padding 0x10 32 - Zero byte padding (32 bytes)
Content Key Seed 0x30 16 - Used to generate PFS key
SELF Key Seed 0x40 16 - Used to generate SELF key
Unknown 0x50 16 - Random 16 bytes of unknown purpose
Unknown 0x60 16 - Random 16 bytes of unknown purpose
Entitlement Key 0x70 16 - Usually all zeroes. Used on Additional Content
Padding 0x80 16 - Zero byte padding (16 bytes)

RIFA File[edit | edit source]

See also RIDX structure for the paired idx file.

When in this form, a RIFA header is present, followed by sequential rifs.

RIFA Header[edit | edit source]

Fields are big-endian.

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Signature 0x000 4 52 49 46 00 ('RIF\0')
Service ID 0x004 48 IP9100-CUSA00001_00 Size assumed
Unknown 0x034 972 -

RIDX File[edit | edit source]

RIDX Header[edit | edit source]

Fields are little-endian.

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Signature 0x00 4 78 64 69 72 ('xdir')
RIF Count 0x04 4 01 00 00 00
Version 0x08 1 01 1 (current)
Service ID 0x09 19 IP9100-CUSA00001_00
Unknown 0x1C 4 01 00 00 00
Entries 0x20 48 * RIF Count - See RIDX entry

RIDX Entry[edit | edit source]

Fields are little-endian.

Name Offset Size Example Remark
Entitlement label 0x00 16 PLAYROOM00000000
RIF Offset 0x10 8 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 Offset into RIFA file
RIF Size 0x18 8 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
Unknown 0x20 1 01
Unknown 0x21 1 00
RIF HMAC 0x22 8 - First 8 bytes of HMACSHA256 of RIF data using per-console data as key
Unknown 0x2A 6 -