DualShock 4

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See also https://github.com/anonymousps4/ds4blog.

See also Discussion page

Blue WaveJet BlackRed Magma
DualShock 4 colorway

Controller[edit | edit source]

Product code Name description EAN TweakersID
CUH-ZCT1 (CUH-ZCT1U, CUH-ZCT1E, CUH-ZCT1J, CUH-ZCT1K, CUH-ZCT1H, CUH-ZCT1M) JetBlack.jpg Jet Black 0711719211983 346381
CUH-ZCT1 01 (CUH-ZCT1U01, CUH-ZCT1E01, CUH-ZCT1J01, CUH-ZCT1K01, CUH-ZCT1H01, CUH-ZCT1M01) MagmaRed.jpg Magma Red 0711719200994 362174
CUH-ZCT1 02 (CUH-ZCT1U02, CUH-ZCT1E02, CUH-ZCT1J02, CUH-ZCT1K02, CUH-ZCT1H02, CUH-ZCT1M02) WaveBlue.jpg Wave Blue 0711719201397 362175
CUH-ZCT1 03 (CUH-ZCT1U03, CUH-ZCT1E03, CUH-ZCT1J03, CUH-ZCT1K03, CUH-ZCT1H03, CUH-ZCT1M03) GlacierWhite.jpg Glacier White 0711719453116 411162
CUH-ZCT1 04 (CUH-ZCT1U04, CUH-ZCT1E04, CUH-ZCT1J04, CUH-ZCT1K04, CUH-ZCT1H04, CUH-ZCT1M04) UrbanCamouflage.jpg Urban Camouflage 0711719453512
CUH-ZCT1 05 (CUH-ZCT1U05, CUH-ZCT1E05, CUH-ZCT1J05, CUH-ZCT1K05, CUH-ZCT1H05, CUH-ZCT1M05) Grey? 0711719818847 450482
CUH-ZCT1 06 CUH-ZCT1E06, CUH-ZCT1J06 Gold 0711719803348
CUH-ZCT1 07 CUH-ZCT1E07, CUH-ZCT1J07 Silver 0711719822943
CUH-ZCT1 08 CUH-ZCT1J08 Steel Black
CUH-ZCT1 09 CUH-ZCT1J09 Crystal
CUH-ZCT2 E Purple
CUH-ZCT2 U Black

Note: Release Date was same as console in each subregion countries, e.g. North America : November 15, 2013, Europe (first batch of countries) : November 29, 2013 etc ... Japan : February 22, 2014

hardware version : 0x3100 (CUH-ZCT1x series same as CAP-ZCT1x series)

For limited edition colours, see the Colours page

Regulatory filings[edit | edit source]



MIC listing:

RRA filing: http://rra.go.kr/board/device/view.jsp?app_no=201317100000127829 30 July 2013


Factorycode[edit | edit source]

location: on sticker with modelnumber, productcode etc.

  • G = GoerTek
  • F1 = Foxconn Yantai
  • F2 = Foxconn Guiyang

Specifications[edit | edit source]

Overview of Technical Specifications
External Dimension approximately 162mm x 52mm x 98mm (width x depth x height)
Weight approximately 210g
Rechargeable battery Lithium-ion rechargeable battery 3.65 V DC / 1000 mAh
wireless communications Bluetooth Bluetooth: 2.1 +EDR
Connection Type USB 2.0 (charging and/or communication - micro-B female), Extension port, jack

(for Stereo headset / Earset)

Speaker Built-in mono speaker
Motion Controller / Detection
(three-axis gyroscope, 
three-axis accelerometer)
  • Lightbar (Move):
User / player 1 is blue 
User / player 2 is red  
User / player 3 is green
User / player 4 is pink 

Settings menu (since FW 1.70) is allowing you to change it to Bright, Medium or Dim.

If you disconnect your DualShock 4 and for some reason the light turns white, 
hold the PS button for 15 seconds and the controller will reset.

The PS4 can use the light bar for determining where the player is located.

Games can feedback information via the light bar (and should not turn off it).

Feedback Vibration (max time for vibration is 2.5 seconds)
GamePad buttons

52mmx23mm (external approximately) with resolution:

CUH-ZCT1x series (Retail) 1920x943 (44.86 dots/mm)
CAP-ZCT1x series (NonRetail) 1920x943
JDX-1000x series (NonRetail) 1920x754

Gallery[edit | edit source]

See also Components page

Pre E3 pictures

Post E3 pictures

Colorway & Layout

Mouseover for different colorway.

Front Front Front Lateral Lateral
Magma Red
Wave Blue
Batman Arkham Knight
Final Fantasy Type-0
Dragon Quest
Magma Red
Wave Blue
Glacier White
Urban Camouflage

Teardown[edit | edit source]

See also Discussion page

Repair, Charging port fix, battery replacement. Complete Tear down

Board: JDM-001 New/current-> JDM-011 (no image available currently) JDM-020 (No image available currently) JDM-040 (image available )

Productcode: 1-889-300-11

Pinout[edit | edit source]

3.5mm earset connector + EXT connector[edit | edit source]

first 5 pins + pins 6-13

Pin Usage Remark
1 Microphone
2 Right Speaker
3 Left Speaker
4 Headset Detect Connects to Ground when Headset is plugged in
5 Ground
6 Ground
7 Ground
8 EXT Detect Pulled Hi internally with 10k
9 SCL Pulled up internally with 4.7k
10 N/C Not Connected to anything in the JDM-055. It is connected to the MCU thru a 33ohm on the JDM-001.
11 SDA Pulled up internally with 4.7k
12 5v Input External 5v Input, used for charging
13 3.2v
10 pin board connector to touch pad[edit | edit source]
Pin Usage Remark
14 Pin flat ribbon connector Mainbord to MicroUSB \ LED board[edit | edit source]
Pin Usage Remark
1 Ground Thru 0ohm Resistor
2 Blue- Blue LED Ground
3 Red- Red LED Ground
4 Green- Green LED Ground
5 LED+ Power for LEDs, 4.25v
6 USB 5v
7 USB 5v
8 USB 5v
9 Ground
10 USB D-
11 Ground
12 USB D+
13 Ground
14 Ground Thru 0ohm Resistor

12 Pin flat ribbon connector Mainbord to MicroUSB \ LED board

Pin Usage Remark
1 USB +5V
2 USB +5V
3 LED+ Power for LEDs
4 Blue - Blue LED Ground
5 Red- Red LED Ground
6 Green- Green LED Ground
7 Ground
8 Ground
9 USB D -
10 USB D +
11 Ground
12 Ground

depends on model, has different number of pins

JDS-001 - 14 Pin

JDS-011 - 12 Pin

JDS-030 - 12 Pin

JDS-040 - 12 Pin

JDS-055 - 12 Pin

skewed button connector[edit | edit source]
Pin Usage Remark
1 Dualshock L2 button-common oscillating between 0 and 3.2V
2 Dualshock L1 button active High
3 Dualshock L1 button-common fixed at 3.2V
4 Dualshock L2 button voltage divider output, active low
5 D-Pad right button active low
6 D-Pad up button active low
7 D-Pad left button active low
8 D-Pad down button active low
9 Common ground
10 Dualshock PS button active low
11 Dualshock cross button active low
12 Dualshock circle button active low
13 Dualshock triangle button active low
14 Dualshock square button active low
15 Dualshock R2 button-common oscillating between 0 and 3.2V
16 Dualshock R1 button active high
17 Dualshock R1 button-common fixed at 3.2V
18 Dualshock R2 button voltage divider output, active low
battery connector[edit | edit source]
Pin Usage Remark
1 Ground
2 Battery + Silk on PCB is 1, so it's backwards

Analysis[edit | edit source]

Mods[edit | edit source]

  • See also DS4_Mods page (Replacing battery in DS4, Replace Thumbsticks in DS4, ...)

Projects[edit | edit source]

UsbXlater[edit | edit source]

A project by Frank Zhao of eleccelerator.com to allow use of mouse/keyboard on systems designed for gamepad only.

Source: http://eleccelerator.com/keyboard-and-mouse-for-playstation-4-games-second-prototype/

GIMX[edit | edit source]

Control a video game console with a PC

Source: http://blog.gimx.fr/

DS4 on PS3 PS3 Slim.png[edit | edit source]

Use your DS4 on PS3 by OsirisX

Source: http://www.ps3hax.net/2015/08/release-ps3xpad-plugin-v0-5/

DS4 on PS2 PS2.png[edit | edit source]

Use your DS4 on PS2 by Xerpi

Source: https://github.com/xerpi/libds4ps2

DS4 on WII Wii Drawing.png[edit | edit source]

Use your DS4 on WII by Xerpi

USB: https://github.com/xerpi/ds4wii_gyro_test

Bluetooth: https://github.com/xerpi/ds4wiibt

Forum: http://playstationhax.it/forums/topic/718-working-poc-ds4wiibt-connection-between-dualshock4-and-wii-through-bluetooth/

Carbon Project[edit | edit source]

(Video DS4 wired to keyboard & mouse)

Source: http://www.softfactory.com.br/index.php/blog/entry/carbon-project-hardware-stuff

DS4 To X-Input Wrapper[edit | edit source]

DS4 to XInput Wrapper

(DS4 to Xinput Mapping tool (Play any game with DS4 on PC))

Source: http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-DS4-To-XInput-Wrapper


PS4PC[edit | edit source]

PS4 Controller touchpad to mouse adapter.

Source: http://www.ishgard.com/ps4pc

Arduino library (with USB Host Shield)[edit | edit source]

Source: http://blog.tkjelectronics.dk/2014/01/ps4-controller-now-supported-by-the-usb-host-library/#more-4247

Controllers for All[edit | edit source]

DS3 / DS4 on iOS

(Video Play iOS games with Sony PlayStation Dual Shock 4 controller)

Forum: http://www.ps3hax.net/showthread.php?t=69603

Android[edit | edit source]

DS4 on Android

disable leds[edit | edit source]


End-user products[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]

PS3 compatibility[edit | edit source]

Unless stated otherwise, any game working with DualShock 3 and not relying on functions of buttons only available on the DualShock 3, vibration or wireless, should be compatible.

Incompatible games (and buttons) should works with a DS4 emulated as a DS3 (e.g.: using GIMX)

Wireless[edit | edit source]

  1. Connect DS4 with wire to PS3 then turn on.
  2. Go to Accessory settings.
  3. Select Manage Bluetooth Devices, and scan for device.
  4. While scanning hold the PS & Share buttons on the DS4.
  5. Select Wireless Controller. The DS4 light should now be white.
  6. Unplug wire and test it out.

Note: The DualShock 4 isn’t fully supported on PS3 so features such as vibrate, Six Axis and PS Button will not function.

Source: http://www.psu.com/a023889/How-to-use-the-DualShock-4-PS4-controller-wirelessly-on-PS3

Incompatible games[edit | edit source]

  • Gran Turismo 5
  • Gran Turismo 6
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Jak and Daxter HD Collection (only the analog sticks work)
  • Metal Gear Solid HD Collecion (Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker works)
  • Resistance 3
  • Double Dragon Neon

Controller Translation[edit | edit source]

PSVita Rear Touch Pad Sections L2/R2/L3/R3
DualShock 4 DualShock 3 PSVita Vita TV / Playstation TV
D-Pad left button D-Pad right button D-Pad up button D-Pad down button D-Pad left button D-Pad right button D-Pad up button D-Pad down button D-Pad left button D-Pad right button D-Pad up button D-Pad down button
Dualshock cross button Dualshock square button Dualshock circle button Dualshock triangle button Dualshock cross button Dualshock square button Dualshock circle button Dualshock triangle button Dualshock cross button Dualshock square button Dualshock circle button Dualshock triangle button
Stick Left - Move left Stick Left - Move right Stick Left - Move up Stick Left - Move down Dualshock Left stick Stick Left - Move left Stick Left - Move right Stick Left - Move up Stick Left - Move down Dualshock Left stick Stick Left - Move left Stick Left - Move right Stick Left - Move up Stick Left - Move down Dualshock Left stick
Stick Right - Move left Stick Right - Move right Stick Right - Move up Stick Right - Move down Dualshock Right stick Stick Right - Move left Stick Right - Move right Stick Right - Move up Stick Right - Move down Dualshock Right stick Stick Right - Move left Stick Right - Move right Stick Right - Move up Stick Right - Move down Dualshock Right stick
Dualshock L3 button/Dualshock R3 button Dualshock L3 button/Dualshock R3 button rear touch pad section
Dualshock L1 button/Dualshock R1 button Dualshock L1 button/Dualshock R1 button L/R button
Dualshock L2 button/Dualshock R2 button (analog) Dualshock L2 button/Dualshock R2 button (analog) rear touch pad section (digital)
Dualshock option button Dualshock start button Dualshock start button
Dualshock share button Dualshock select button touchscreen menu section
Dualshock PS button NA touchscreen menu section
NA Dualshock PS button touchscreen menu section
Motion sensors Motion sensors Motion sensors
Touchpad NA rear touch pad section
Vibration Vibration NA
Light bar NA NA

For DS3/DS4 on PS TV: http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/pstv/game/touchpointer.html

Web Browser[edit | edit source]

DS4 layout web browser

Despite having a whopping great trackpad on the new PS4 controller, it can't be used in the browser, so you're stuck with the thumbsticks and d-pad.

The touchpad has also been updated (FW 1.70), allowing you to navigate the on-screen keyboard using the DUALSHOCK 4 touchpad.

When the on-screen keyboard is open, pushing in the right thumbstick puts it into a motion-based mode where you can select keys by tilting the controller. This can be surprisingly accurate.

Pushing in The D-pad acts like the TAB key on a keyboard, focusing on links.

The browser can be used while a game is in progress.

Generic[edit | edit source]

Game system and game controller (sensor unit detects vibration caused by the vibrator)

US008368753B2 / Controller with an integrated depth camera