Template:DSW-001 pinout

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DSW-001 Pinout
Pin Signal/Connected to Description
On Motherboard On Switch board
1 Syscon SW2-30x, pin 13 Pogo Pin Only This line have pogo pin @ switchboard, seems that it is a service pin.
2 Syscon SW2-30x, pin 12 4x CONTOUR LEDs Not used by default.
On Switch board is connected to a transistor driving 3 LEDs TWO BLUE AND ONE RED.
3 Syscon SW2-30x, pin 11 2x WHITE LEDs, ground pins Inner LEDs for EJECT button backlight, with a currentlimitor resistor of 910 Ω
2x WHITE LEDs, ground pins Inner LEDs for POWER button backlight, with a currentlimitor resistor of 1K Ω
4 Syscon SW2-30x, pin 110 POWER switch Sink to ground to activate. PS3 power button
5 Syscon SW2-30x, pin 111 EJECT switch Sink to ground to activate. PS3 eject button
6 Syscon SW2-30x, pin 5 GREEN led Connects to bottom-left corner pin (green gnd) of dual red/green LED over power switch.
7 Syscon SW2-30x, pin 6 RED led Connects to top-left corner pin (red gnd) of dual red/green LED over power switch.
8 BD_Connector, pin 13 BLUE led Connects to blue LED over eject switch.
9 GND GND Ground
10 CN101 Power Supply, pin1 ? VCC +5V DC VCC
  • above top panel view port behind pcb. resistors was not tested.