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Prototype PS3 models

  • Does not include Reference Tool (DEH-R10XX) or Cell Evaluation (CEB) models.
Prototype SKU
Board Corresponding
mass-produced Model
other than the ones listed in the linked pages
CBEH-1000-D July/Aug, 2006 ? COOKIE-13? CECHA00 ?
CBEH-1004-G 2006 ? CECHA04 ?
CBEH-B1004-A ?2007? ? ? ?
CBEH-B1104-B 2007 ? CECHC04 ?
CBEH-1401 Jan, 2008 ? CECHJ01 ?
CBEH-F1501-B 2008 ? CECHL01 ?
CBEH-2001(B) Mar, 2009 ? CECH-2001(B) ?
CBEH-H2001(B) Dec, 2009 SURTEES-03 CECH-2101(B) BD drive: [1]
CBEH-H2004(B) Dec, 2009 SURTEES-03 CECH-2104(B) ?
CBEH-J2008-E 2010 ? CECH-2508 ?
DEH-Z1010 2006 ?TMU-510? ?DECR-1000[A/J]? based on DEH-R1010
DEH-H1001-D June, 2006 COOKIE-13 DECHA00A DEH-H1000A-D, different versions available
DEH-H1000[A,J](S)-E August, 2006 COK-001 (Prototype) DECHA00[A,J](S) non-show model has also no TEST label
DEH-BH1100A(Z)-B 2007 ? DECHC00A ?
DEH-H2000A(S) Jan, 2008 ? DECHJ00A(S) ?
DEH-S2000A Jan, 2008 ? DECHSJ00A ?
DEH-FH1500J-A Apr, 2008 VERTIGO-02 DECHL00J prototype BD drive
DEH-FH1500J-B 2008 ? DECHL00J ?
DEH-R1400A Dec, 2008 ? DECR-1400A ?
DEH-GH2000JS-D ?2009? ? DECH-2000JS ?
DEH-H2500A(S) Mar, 2009 ? DECH-2000A(S) ?
DEH-ML00AK-G 2012 ? ?DECH-4000AA? already final DECH-4000A hardware (excluding the case)

Model name

Group - Chassis Type Model Region Region Special - Revision

Part Explanation
Group CBEH: Consumer
DEH: Developer
Region CBEH:
see SKU Regioning
DEH: always 00
Region only DEH
A: America
J: Japan
Revision A: First Revision
G: later revision
Chassis Explanation
B ?B-chassis (Fat 11)?
C C-chassis (Fat 12)
D D-chassis (Fat 13)
E E-chassis (Fat 14)
F F-chassis (Fat 15)
G G-chassis (Slim 20)
H H-Chassis (Slim 21)
J J-Chassis (Slim 25)
Type Explanation
B ?Adv QA flagged?
only DEH
H Debugging Station
R Reference Tool
S AV Tool
Z System Debugger
Special Explanation Restriction
A Small storage capacity only Slim 20 and later
B Medium storage capacity only Slim 20 and later
B BD drive installed only DEH-R10xx and DEH-Z10xx
C Big storage capacity only Slim 40 and later
K ?
S Exhibition (no TEST logo) only DEH-H
Z ?SD Features? only DEH-H
(More than one allowed)

Example: DEH-GH2000JS-D

Note: Early prototypes (e.g. CEB) used GX or RX (where X is a positive, small number) instead of the - Revision suffix.