XMB In-game background music

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Revision as of 18:13, 30 January 2014 by Sandungas (talk | contribs) (moved from PARAM.SFO talk page)
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XMB In-Game Background Music was implemented in firmware 2.40

Activated by a flag in the ATTRIBUTE of PARAM.SFO inside the game disc or inside the .pkg installation folder, see PARAM.SFO

Alternative enabling methods

Enabling the flag in PARAM.SFO

See: PARAM.SFO#Replacing_a_PARAM.SFO_manually

  • Limitations:

After editing the SFO, you should not have anymore the XMB message saying "Music content cannot be played during use of this game" and you ll be able to listen to your music. However you can also have a message will start later, in this case,the utility might not work correctly.

  • Reasons (speculation):

Conflict with others system utility (E.G.:system chat voice, recording utility used on fews titles such PAIN, ), Network/Trophy ID (i.e. NPRWRTBOX_00) needed maybe, eboot compiled with old SDK or others restrictions (?)

  • Enabled Homebrew

MultiMan and Rebug Toolbox both have in game music with sfo attributes A5 00 00 00 retroarch also works after adding these attributes.

Other: On PS Vita PKG:

Facebook (gdc):
00 80 00 00
LiveTweet (gdc):
00 80 00 00
Skype (gdc):
00 80 04 00
Musicunlimited (gdc):
88 90 0E 00
Torne (gdc)
00 00 80 81
For Torne: http://www.vitadevwiki.com/index.php?title=System_File_Object_(SFO)_(PSF)

Note: for Torne, it could have been a typo from the source.

VSH Patch


Game Compatibility
