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==PSP Emulator Types and Revisions==
= PSP emulator_api ad hoc play connection errors =
    psp_emulator.elf (decrypted), size=419.520 bytes, MD5=7CAB26645B1A85CEE42FA09017F93737, used in firmwares: 4.81 (and others ?)
    psp_translator.elf (decrypted), size=283.120 bytes, MD5=9B4BDB209B5C82A0DF5E885AE03F7F5A, used in firmwares: 4.81 (and others ?)
<div style="float:top; text-align:center;">'''PS1 Emulators Types and Revisions'''</div>
<div style="float:left; width:33%;">
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:xx-small;"
|+ psp_emulator.elf (decrypted)
! Firmware !! Bytes !! MD5 !! <abbr title="Revision">Rev</abbr> !! Notes
! [[1.02_CEX|1.02]] ~ [[1.90_CEX|1.90]]
| colspan="4" {{no}}
! ?
| ? || ? || ? || ?
! [[3.70_CEX|3.70]]
| rowspan="3" | 419.176 || 0F6F1D92D045A86565DF705276776A41 || ? || rowspan="3" | same
! ~
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center; background-color:#ddddff;" | ''Any''
! [[3.74_CEX|3.74]]
| DC8C67FEEB605D73D073BBCAD8F17E6A || ?
! [[4.00_CEX|4.00]]
| ? || ? || ? || ?
! ?
| ? || ? || ? || ?
! ?
| ? || ? || ? || ?
! ?
| ? || ? || ? || ?
! ?
| ? || ? || ? || ?
<div style="float:left; width:33%;">
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:xx-small;"
|+ psp_translator.elf (decrypted)
! Firmware !! Bytes !! MD5 !! <abbr title="Revision">Rev</abbr> !! Notes
! [[1.02_CEX|1.02]] ~ [[1.90_CEX|1.90]]
| colspan="4" {{no}}
! ?
| ? || ? || ? || ?
! [[3.70_CEX|3.70]]
| ? || ? || ? || ?
! ?
| ? || ? || ? || ?
<br style="clear: both;" />

== Playstation Portable ==
Translations from Japanese error messages:
00010000 Scratchpad
04000000 VRAM
08800000 User memory
08804000 Default load address
88000000 Kernel memory

B0000000 Default load address
   0002 This channel did not have any room playing the same game
   1005 Upon your use of this application, you will need to agree to the Terms of Use
=== Crypto ===
   2001 Network connection has expired. You will return to the title screen
   2002 Network connection has expired. You will return to the title screen
Supported Kirk Crypto ? (1,4,7,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19)
   2007 You cannot connect to ad hoc. Please check the information page
   3001 You cannot connect to the network. Please check the information page
=== emulator_api errors ===
Google translations from japanese error messages:
   0002 This world did not have a room that are playing the same game
   1005 Upon your use of this application, you'll need to agree to the Terms of Use
   2001 Network connection it has expired. It will return to the title screen
   2002 Network connection it has expired. It will return to the title screen
   2007 You can not connect to ad hoc. Please check the information page
   3001 You can not connect to the network. Please check the information page
   3003 There is no possible connection server
   3003 There is no possible connection server
   4001 You can not connect to the network. Please check information page
   4001 You cannot connect to the network. Please check information page
   4001 You can not connect to the network. Please check information page
   4001 You cannot connect to the network. Please check information page
   4004 We will not exceed the number that can be created room
   4004 You have exceeded the number of created rooms
   4005 We have exceeded the maximum number of bookmarks. Please register again by removing unnecessary bookmark
   4005 You have exceeded the maximum number of bookmarks. Please register again by removing unnecessary bookmark
   4006 The lobby is a registered
   4006 The lobby is a registered
   4007 It will return to the title for a certain period of time operation is not performed
   4007 You will return to the title screen because no operation has been performed for a certain period of time
   5002 This room is taking entry limit
   5002 This room is taking entry limit
   5005 Because the connection type of network is different, you can not play in this room. Please check the manual
   5005 Because the connection type of network is different, you cannot play in this room. Please check the manual
   5006 It is during the transmission of comments
   5006 Transmission of comments
   6001 You can not change the wallpaper for the free capacity of the HDD is insufficient. To make the change of wallpaper you need free space of more than 17MB.
   6001 You cannot change the wallpaper as the HDD free capacity is insufficient. To make the change of wallpaper you need free space of more than 17MB.
   6002 The size of the image can not be specified in the wallpaper. Please check the information page
   6002 The size of the image cannot be specified in the wallpaper. Please check the information page
   6003 It does not support the file format of the image. Please check the information page
   6003 Unsupported image file format. Please check the information page
  10001 Not available, because 20GB model (CECHB00) is not equipped with wireless LAN feature.
  10001 Not available, because 20GB model (CECHB00) is not equipped with wireless LAN feature.
  10002 PlayStation®3, please use it to connect to the broadband network in a wired.
  10002 Please use a wire to connect the PlayStation®3 to the broadband network.
  10003 A system error has occurred.
  10003 A system error has occurred.
  10004 It is connected. Please be patient. Channel 1
  10004 Connection established. Please be patient. Channel 1
  10005 It is connected. Please be patient. Channel 6
  10005 Connection established. Please be patient. Channel 6
  10006 It is connected. Please be patient. Channel 11
  10006 Connection established. Please be patient. Channel 11
  10007 It is connected. Please be patient. Channel automatic
  10007 Connection established. Please be patient. Channel automatic
  10008 Not available in the sub-account that is limiting the use of chat. administrator of n master account (such as parents) Please use after receiving the permission of chat use to.
  10008 Not available in the sub-account that is limiting the use of chat. Please use after receiving the permission of Administrator of a master account (such as parents)
  10009 Upon your use of ad-hoc party, you should be asked to agree to the Terms of Service.
  10009 Upon your use of ad-hoc party, you should be asked to agree to the Terms of Service.
  10010 You need to sign up to PlayStation®Network.
  10010 You need to sign up to PlayStation®Network.
  10011 I signed out from PlayStation®Network. You exit. / Please use it to enable the Internet connection.
  10011 You are signed out from PlayStation®Network. Please sign in to enable connection.
  10012 It is in a location other than the lobby.
  10012 Location other than the lobby.
  30002 In order to start the ad-hoc party, System software update is required.
  30002 In order to start the ad-hoc party, System Software update is required.
  30003 Ad-hoc party is not installed. Please download the ad-hoc party (free of charge) from PlayStation®Store.
  30003 Ad-hoc party is not installed. Please download the ad-hoc party (free of charge) from PlayStation®Store.
  30004 Ad-hoc party has been updated. If you play the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) Remaster is. Restart from the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) Remaster icon.
  30004 Ad-hoc party has been updated. If you play the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) Remaster, restart from the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) Remaster icon.
  30005 You can not connect to PlayStation®Network. Please check the configuration of the body.
  30005 You cannot connect to PlayStation®Network. Please check the configuration.
  30006 Are you sure that you want to move to the ad-hoc party? Please check the save data.
  30006 Are you sure that you want to move to the ad-hoc party? Please check the save data.
  30007 We were leaving from the room.
  30007 You are going to leave the room.
  30008 We left the room
  30008 You left the room.
  30009 You can not connect to the network. Please confirm information page.
  30009 You cannot connect to the network. Please check information page.
  30010 Room of the password is incorrect.
  30010 Room password is incorrect.
  30011 This room is taking entry limit.
  30011 This room is taking entry limit.
  30012 This room can not enter because of the packed.
  30012 This room can not enter because of the packed.
  30013 We were leaving from the room.
  30013 You are going to leave the room.
  30014 Are you sure that you want to leave the room? Data when you leave the room not been saved will be lost.
  30014 Are you sure that you want to leave the room? Data when you leave the room not been saved will be lost.
  30015 Are you sure that you want to leave the room?
  30015 Are you sure that you want to leave the room?
  30016 Are you sure that you want to move to end the game to the ad-hoc party? What you do not save will be lost.
  30016 Are you sure that you want to move to end the game to the ad-hoc party? What you do not save will be lost.
  30017 We did not put in a room.
  30017 You have not been put in a room.
  30018 This PSP®Remaster title in eight room is not supported.
  30018 This PSP®Remaster title in eight room is not supported.
  30019 You can not connect to PlayStation®Network. Please check the information page.  
  30019 You cannot connect to PlayStation®Network. Please check the information page.  
  30020 We were leaving from the room. Are you sure that you want to move to the ad-hoc party without saving the game?
  30020 You are going to leave the room. Are you sure that you want to move to the ad-hoc party without saving the game?
  30021 The selected lobby is packed.
  30021 The selected lobby is packed.
  H8001 I could not connect.
  H8001 Connection failed.
  H8002 I could not connect.
  H8002 Connection failed.
  H8003 I could not connect.
  H8003 Connection failed.
  H8004 I could not connect.
  H8004 Connection failed.
  H8005 I could not connect.
  H8005 Connection failed.
  H8006 I could not connect.
  H8006 Connection failed.
  S7001 I could not connect.
  S7001 Connection failed.
  S7002 I could not connect.
  S7002 Connection failed.
  S7003 I could not connect.
  S7003 Connection failed.
  S7004 We were leaving from the room.
  S7004 You are going to leave the room.
=== 4.46 nid table ===
nid | offset | relative offset to 2nd segment | name
Library: GprofManStub
0x6A05A80D 0x0021DE58 0x0006DE58 sceGprofSetProfil
0x799D0A67 0x0021DE50 0x0006DE50 sceGprofFreeProfil

Library: GprofManWeak
= PSP Emulator patches =
0x6A05A80D 0x0021DF98 0x0006DF98 sceGprofSetProfil_Weak
0x799D0A67 0x0021DF90 0x0006DF90 sceGprofFreeProfil_Weak

Library: InterruptManager
These patches are intended to be applied to the official PSP emulator of the PS3.
0x5CB5A78B 0x0021E028 0x0006E028 sceKernelSuspendSubIntr
0x7860E0DC 0x0021E020 0x0006E020 sceKernelResumeSubIntr
0x8A389411 0x0021E018 0x0006E018 sceKernelDisableSubIntr
0xCA04A2B9 0x0021E010 0x0006E010 sceKernelRegisterSubIntrHandler
0xD61E6961 0x0021E008 0x0006E008 sceKernelReleaseSubIntrHandler
0xEEE43F47 0x0021E000 0x0006E000 sceKernelRegisterUserSpaceIntrStack
0xFB8E22EC 0x0021DFF8 0x0006DFF8 sceKernelEnableSubIntr
0xFC4374B8 0x0021DFF0 0x0006DFF0 sceKernelIsSubInterruptOccurred

Library: IoFileMgrForUser
= Patch to redirect unsupported commands (experimental) =
0x06A70004 0x0021E1E8 0x0006E1E8 sceIoMkdir
0x08BD7374 0x0021E1E0 0x0006E1E0 sceIoGetDevType
0x0FACAB19 0x0021E1D8 0x0006E1D8 sceIoWriteAsync
0x109F50BC 0x0021E268 0x0006E268 sceIoOpen
0x1117C65F 0x0021E260 0x0006E260 sceIoRmdir
0x1B385D8F 0x0021E1D0 0x0006E1D0 sceIoLseek32Async
0x27EB27B8 0x0021E1C8 0x0006E1C8 sceIoLseek
0x3251EA56 0x0021E270 0x0006E270 sceIoPollAsync
0x35DBD746 0x0021E258 0x0006E258 sceIoWaitAsyncCB
0x42EC03AC 0x0021E250 0x0006E250 sceIoWrite
0x54F5FB11 0x0021E248 0x0006E248 sceIoDevctl
0x55F4717D 0x0021E240 0x0006E240 sceIoChdir
0x5C2BE2CC 0x0021E288 0x0006E288 sceIoGetFdList
0x63632449 0x0021E238 0x0006E238 sceIoIoctl
0x68963324 0x0021E1C0 0x0006E1C0 sceIoLseek32
0x6A638D83 0x0021E230 0x0006E230 sceIoRead
0x6D08A871 0x0021E170 0x0006E170 sceIoUnassign
0x71B19E77 0x0021E1B8 0x0006E1B8 sceIoLseekAsync
0x779103A0 0x0021E228 0x0006E228 sceIoRename
0x810C4BC3 0x0021E1B0 0x0006E1B0 sceIoClose
0x89AA9906 0x0021E220 0x0006E220 sceIoOpenAsync
0xA0B5A7C2 0x0021E218 0x0006E218 sceIoReadAsync
0xA12A0514 0x0021E1A8 0x0006E1A8 sceIoSetAsyncCallback
0xAB96437F 0x0021E210 0x0006E210 sceIoSync
0xACE946E8 0x0021E298 0x0006E298 sceIoGetstat
0xB293727F 0x0021E1A0 0x0006E1A0 sceIoChangeAsyncPriority
0xB29DDF9C 0x0021E208 0x0006E208 sceIoDopen
0xB2A628C1 0x0021E178 0x0006E178 sceIoAssign
0xB8A740F4 0x0021E278 0x0006E278 sceIoChstat
0xCB05F8D6 0x0021E290 0x0006E290 sceIoGetAsyncStat
0xE23EEC33 0x0021E200 0x0006E200 sceIoWaitAsync
0xE3EB004C 0x0021E280 0x0006E280 sceIoDread
0xE8BC6571 0x0021E198 0x0006E198 sceIoCancel
0xE95A012B 0x0021E1F8 0x0006E1F8 sceIoIoctlAsync
0xEB092469 0x0021E190 0x0006E190 sceIoDclose
0xF27A9C51 0x0021E1F0 0x0006E1F0 sceIoRemove
0xFF5940B6 0x0021E188 0x0006E188 sceIoCloseAsync

Library: Kernel_Library
This ugly and highly experimental PoC code simply redirects unsupported commands to 0x01010005 (Seek Begin) and probably breaks other commands.
0x092968F4 0x0021E4E0 0x0006E4E0 sceKernelCpuSuspendIntr
0x15B6446B 0x0021E4D8 0x0006E4D8 sceKernelUnlockLwMutex
0x1839852A 0x0021E4E8 0x0006E4E8 sceKernelMemcpy
0x1FC64E09 0x0021E500 0x0006E500 sceKernelLockLwMutexCB
0x293B45B8 0x0021E4D0 0x0006E4D0 sceKernelGetThreadId_kernel
0x37431849 0x0021E498 0x0006E498 sceKernelTryLockLwMutex_600
0x3B84732D 0x0021E4C8 0x0006E4C8 sceKernelCpuResumeIntrWithSync
0x47A0B729 0x0021E4C0 0x0006E4C0 sceKernelIsCpuIntrSuspended
0x5F10D406 0x0021E4B8 0x0006E4B8 sceKernelCpuResumeIntr
0xA089ECA4 0x0021E4F8 0x0006E4F8 sceKernelMemset
0xB55249D2 0x0021E4B0 0x0006E4B0 sceKernelIsCpuIntrEnable
0xBEA46419 0x0021E4F0 0x0006E4F0 sceKernelLockLwMutex
0xC1734599 0x0021E4A8 0x0006E4A8 sceKernelReferLwMutexStatus
0xD13BDE95 0x0021E4A0 0x0006E4A0 sceKernelCheckThreadStack_user
0xDC692EE3 0x0021E490 0x0006E490 sceKernelTryLockLwMutex
0xFA835CDE 0x0021E488 0x0006E488 sceKernelGetTlsAddr

Library: LoadExecForUser
{{boxcode|float=left|width=50%|title=Original|code=<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
0x05572A5F 0x0021E578 0x0006E578 sceKernelExitGame
0x2AC9954B 0x0021E550 0x0006E550 sceKernelExitGameWithStatus
0x362A956B 0x0021E570 0x0006E570 sceKernelSafetyCheck1
0x4AC57943 0x0021E568 0x0006E568 sceKernelRegisterExitCallback
0x8ADA38D3 0x0021E558 0x0006E558 sceKernelLoadExecNpDrm
0xBD2F1094 0x0021E560 0x0006E560 sceKernelLoadExec
Library: ModuleMgrForUser
0x2E0911AA 0x0021E638 0x0006E638 sceKernelUnloadModule
0x50F0C1EC 0x0021E640 0x0006E640 sceKernelStartModule
0x644395E2 0x0021E668 0x0006E668 sceKernelGetModuleIdList
0x748CBED9 0x0021E660 0x0006E660 sceKernelQueryModuleInfo
0x8F2DF740 0x0021E670 0x0006E670 sceKernelStopUnloadSelfModuleWithStatus
0x977DE386 0x0021E658 0x0006E658 sceKernelLoadModule
0xB7F46618 0x0021E650 0x0006E650 sceKernelLoadModuleByID
0xCC1D3699 0x0021E690 0x0006E690 sceKernelStopUnloadSelfModule
0xCDE1C1FE 0x0021E630 0x0006E630 sceKernelCheckTextSegment
0xD1FF982A 0x0021E648 0x0006E648 sceKernelStopModule
0xD2FBC957 0x0021E688 0x0006E688 sceKernelGetModuleGPByAddress
0xD675EBB8 0x0021E628 0x0006E628 sceKernelSelfStopUnloadModule
0xD8B73127 0x0021E620 0x0006E620 sceKernelGetModuleIdByAddress
0xE4C4211C 0x0021E680 0x0006E680 sceKernelLoadModuleWithBlockOffset
0xF0A26395 0x0021E618 0x0006E618 sceKernelGetModuleId
0xF2D8D1B4 0x0021E600 0x0006E600 sceKernelLoadModuleNpDrm
0xF9275D98 0x0021E678 0x0006E678 sceKernelLoadModuleBufferUsbWlan
0xFBE27467 0x0021E610 0x0006E610 sceKernelLoadModuleByIDWithBlockOffset
0xFEF27DC1 0x0021E608 0x0006E608 sceKernelLoadModuleDNAS
Library: StdioForUser
0x0CBB0571 0x0021E790 0x0006E790 sceKernelStdioLseek
0x172D316E 0x0021E7E0 0x0006E7E0 sceKernelStdin
0x3054D478 0x0021E798 0x0006E798 sceKernelStdioRead
0x432D8F5C 0x0021E7D8 0x0006E7D8 sceKernelRegisterStdoutPipe
0x6F797E03 0x0021E7D0 0x0006E7D0 sceKernelRegisterStderrPipe
0x924ABA61 0x0021E7A0 0x0006E7A0 sceKernelStdioOpen
0x9D061C19 0x0021E7A8 0x0006E7A8 sceKernelStdioClose
0xA3B931DB 0x0021E7B0 0x0006E7B0 sceKernelStdioWrite
0xA46785C9 0x0021E7B8 0x0006E7B8 sceKernelStdioSendChar
0xA6BAB2E9 0x0021E7C8 0x0006E7C8 sceKernelStdout
0xF78BA90A 0x0021E7C0 0x0006E7C0 sceKernelStderr
Library: SysMemUserForUser
0x13A5ABEF 0x0021E8F0 0x0006E8F0 sceKernelPrintf
0x1B4217BC 0x0021E8D0 0x0006E8D0 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion630
0x237DBD4F 0x0021E8E0 0x0006E8E0 sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory
0x315AD3A0 0x0021E898 0x0006E898 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion380_390
0x342061E5 0x0021E8B0 0x0006E8B0 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion370
0x35669D4C 0x0021E8A8 0x0006E8A8 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion600_620
0x358CA1BB 0x0021E8A0 0x0006E8A0 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion660
0x50F61D8A 0x0021E888 0x0006E888 sceKernelFreeMemoryBlock
0x7591C7DB 0x0021E8C8 0x0006E8C8 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion100
0x7893F79A 0x0021E8C0 0x0006E8C0 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion570_570
0x91DE343C 0x0021E8B8 0x0006E8B8 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion500_550
0x9D9A5BA1 0x0021E880 0x0006E880 sceKernelGetBlockHeadAddr
0xA291F107 0x0021E878 0x0006E878 sceKernelMaxFreeMemSize
0xB6D61D02 0x0021E870 0x0006E870 sceKernelFreePartitionMemory
0xD8DE5C1E 0x0021E868 0x0006E868 sceKernelSafetyCheck0
0xDB83A952 0x0021E8E8 0x0006E8E8 sceKernelGetMemoryBlockAddr
0xEBD5C3E6 0x0021E890 0x0006E890 sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion395_405
0xF77D77CB 0x0021E860 0x0006E860 sceKernelSetCompilerVersion
0xF919F628 0x0021E858 0x0006E858 sceKernelTotalFreeMemSize
0xFC114573 0x0021E850 0x0006E850 sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion
0xFE707FDF 0x0021E8D8 0x0006E8D8 sceKernelAllocMemoryBlock
Library: ThreadManForUser
0x034A921F 0x0021ED58 0x0006ED58 sceKernelGetVTimerTime
0x0C106E53 0x0021EC40 0x0006EC40 sceKernelRegisterThreadEventHandler
0x0D81716A 0x0021EC38 0x0006EC38 sceKernelPollMbx
0x0DDCD2C9 0x0021EC30 0x0006EC30 sceKernelTryLockMutex
0x110DEC9A 0x0021EDA8 0x0006EDA8 sceKernelUSec2SysClock
0x1181E963 0x0021E9E0 0x0006E9E0 sceKernelDelaySysClockThreadCB
0x17C1684E 0x0021EDA0 0x0006EDA0 sceKernelReferThreadStatus
0x18260574 0x0021EC28 0x0006EC28 sceKernelReceiveMbx
0x19CFF145 0x0021ED50 0x0006ED50 sceKernelCreateLwMutex
0x1AF94D03 0x0021EC20 0x0006EC20 sceKernelDonateWakeupThread
0x1D371B8A 0x0021EDF8 0x0006EDF8 sceKernelCancelVpl
0x1FB15A32 0x0021EC18 0x0006EC18 sceKernelSetEventFlag
0x20FFF560 0x0021ED48 0x0006ED48 sceKernelCreateVTimer
0x278C0DF5 0x0021ED40 0x0006ED40 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd
0x27E22EC2 0x0021EC10 0x0006EC10 sceKernelResumeDispatchThread
0x28B6489C 0x0021EC08 0x0006EC08 sceKernelDeleteSema
0x293B45B8 0x0021EC00 0x0006EC00 sceKernelGetThreadId
0x2A3D44FF 0x0021EBF8 0x0006EBF8 sceKernelGetCallbackCount
0x2C34E053 0x0021EBF0 0x0006EBF0 sceKernelReleaseWaitThread
0x30FD48F0 0x0021ED98 0x0006ED98 sceKernelPollEventFlag
0x328C546A 0x0021ED38 0x0006ED38 sceKernelWaitEventFlagCB
0x328F9E52 0x0021EBE8 0x0006EBE8 sceKernelDeleteVTimer
0x32BF938E 0x0021EBE0 0x0006EBE0 sceKernelDeleteTlspl
0x33BE4024 0x0021ED90 0x0006ED90 sceKernelReferMsgPipeStatus
0x349B864D 0x0021EE00 0x0006EE00 sceKernelCancelMsgPipe
0x349D6D6C 0x0021EBD8 0x0006EBD8 sceKernelCheckCallback
0x369ED59D 0x0021E9F8 0x0006E9F8 sceKernelGetSystemTimeLow
0x369EEB6B 0x0021EBD0 0x0006EBD0 sceKernelReferThreadEventHandlerStatus
0x383F7BCC 0x0021EBC8 0x0006EBC8 sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread
0x39810265 0x0021ED88 0x0006ED88 sceKernelReferVplStatus
0x3AD58B8C 0x0021EBC0 0x0006EBC0 sceKernelSuspendDispatchThread
0x3B183E26 0x0021EBB8 0x0006EBB8 sceKernelGetThreadExitStatus
0x3F53E640 0x0021EBB0 0x0006EBB0 sceKernelSignalSema
0x402FCF22 0x0021ED30 0x0006ED30 sceKernelWaitEventFlag
0x446D8DE6 0x0021ED28 0x0006ED28 sceKernelCreateThread
0x4A719FB2 0x0021EBA8 0x0006EBA8 sceKernelFreeTlspl
0x4C145944 0x0021ED80 0x0006ED80 sceKernelReferLwMutexStatusByID
0x4E3A1105 0x0021ED20 0x0006ED20 sceKernelWaitSema
0x52089CA1 0x0021EBA0 0x0006EBA0 sceKernelGetThreadStackFreeSize
0x532A522E 0x0021EB98 0x0006EB98 _sceKernelExitThread
0x53B00E9A 0x0021EB90 0x0006EB90 sceKernelSetVTimerHandlerWide
0x542AD630 0x0021ED78 0x0006ED78 sceKernelSetVTimerTime
0x55C20A00 0x0021ED18 0x0006ED18 sceKernelCreateEventFlag
0x56C039B5 0x0021ED10 0x0006ED10 sceKernelCreateVpl
0x57CF62DD 0x0021EB88 0x0006EB88 sceKernelGetThreadmanIdType
0x58B1F937 0x0021EB80 0x0006EB80 sceKernelPollSema
0x5BF4DD27 0x0021ED08 0x0006ED08 sceKernelLockMutexCB
0x5F32BEAA 0x0021EB78 0x0006EB78 sceKernelReferVTimerStatus
0x60107536 0x0021EB70 0x0006EB70 sceKernelDeleteLwMutex
0x616403BA 0x0021EB68 0x0006EB68 sceKernelTerminateThread
0x623AE665 0x0021ED00 0x0006ED00 sceKernelTryAllocateFpl
0x627E6F3A 0x0021ED70 0x0006ED70 sceKernelReferSystemStatus
0x64D4540E 0x0021EB60 0x0006EB60 sceKernelReferThreadProfiler
0x65F54FFB 0x0021ECF8 0x0006ECF8 _sceKernelAllocateTlspl
0x6652B8CA 0x0021EB58 0x0006EB58 sceKernelSetAlarm
0x68DA9E36 0x0021E9D0 0x0006E9D0 sceKernelDelayThreadCB
0x6B30100F 0x0021EB50 0x0006EB50 sceKernelUnlockMutex
0x6D212BAC 0x0021ECF0 0x0006ECF0 sceKernelWaitSemaCB
0x6E9EA350 0x0021EB48 0x0006EB48 _sceKernelReturnFromCallback
0x71BC9871 0x0021EB40 0x0006EB40 sceKernelChangeThreadPriority
0x721067F3 0x0021ED68 0x0006ED68 sceKernelReferTlsplStatus
0x72F3C145 0x0021EB38 0x0006EB38 sceKernelReleaseThreadEventHandler
0x730ED8BC 0x0021ED60 0x0006ED60 sceKernelReferCallbackStatus
0x74829B76 0x0021ECE8 0x0006ECE8 sceKernelReceiveMsgPipe
0x75156E8F 0x0021EB30 0x0006EB30 sceKernelResumeThread
0x7C0DC2A0 0x0021ECE0 0x0006ECE0 sceKernelCreateMsgPipe
0x7C41F2C2 0x0021ECD8 0x0006ECD8 sceKernelSendMsgPipeCB
0x7E65B999 0x0021EB28 0x0006EB28 sceKernelCancelAlarm
0x809CE29B 0x0021EB20 0x0006EB20 sceKernelExitDeleteThread
0x812346E4 0x0021EB18 0x0006EB18 sceKernelClearEventFlag
0x8125221D 0x0021ECD0 0x0006ECD0 sceKernelCreateMbx
0x8218B4DD 0x0021EB10 0x0006EB10 sceKernelReferGlobalProfiler
0x82826F70 0x0021EB08 0x0006EB08 sceKernelSleepThreadCB
0x82BC5777 0x0021EA00 0x0006EA00 sceKernelGetSystemTimeWide
0x840E8133 0x0021ECC8 0x0006ECC8 sceKernelWaitThreadEndCB
0x86255ADA 0x0021EB00 0x0006EB00 sceKernelDeleteMbx
0x876DBFAD 0x0021ECC0 0x0006ECC0 sceKernelSendMsgPipe
0x87D4DD36 0x0021EE20 0x0006EE20 sceKernelCancelReceiveMbx
0x87D9223C 0x0021EE18 0x0006EE18 sceKernelCancelMutex
0x884C9F90 0x0021ECB8 0x0006ECB8 sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe
0x89B3D48C 0x0021EAF8 0x0006EAF8 sceKernelDeleteVpl
0x8DAFF657 0x0021ECB0 0x0006ECB0 sceKernelCreateTlspl
0x8FFDF9A2 0x0021EE10 0x0006EE10 sceKernelCancelSema
0x912354A7 0x0021EAF0 0x0006EAF0 sceKernelRotateThreadReadyQueue
0x94416130 0x0021EE08 0x0006EE08 sceKernelGetThreadmanIdList
0x94AA61EE 0x0021EAE8 0x0006EAE8 sceKernelGetThreadCurrentPriority
0x9944F31F 0x0021EAE0 0x0006EAE0 sceKernelSuspendThread
0x9ACE131E 0x0021EAD8 0x0006EAD8 sceKernelSleepThread
0x9FA03CD3 0x0021EAD0 0x0006EAD0 sceKernelDeleteThread
0xA1F78052 0x0021EAC8 0x0006EAC8 _sceKernelReturnFromChangeStack
0xA66B0120 0x0021EDF0 0x0006EDF0 sceKernelReferEventFlagStatus
0xA8AA591F 0x0021EE40 0x0006EE40 sceKernelCancelFpl
0xA8E8C846 0x0021EDE8 0x0006EDE8 sceKernelReferMbxStatus
0xA9C2CB9A 0x0021EDE0 0x0006EDE0 sceKernelReferMutexStatus
0xAA73C935 0x0021EAC0 0x0006EAC0 sceKernelExitThread
0xAF36D708 0x0021ECA8 0x0006ECA8 sceKernelTryAllocateVpl
0xB011B11F 0x0021ECA0 0x0006ECA0 sceKernelLockMutex
0xB2C25152 0x0021EAB8 0x0006EAB8 sceKernelSetSysClockAlarm
0xB3A59970 0x0021EDD8 0x0006EDD8 sceKernelGetVTimerBase
0xB736E9FF 0x0021EAB0 0x0006EAB0 sceKernelFreeVpl
0xB7C18B77 0x0021EAA8 0x0006EAA8 sceKernelGetVTimerBaseWide
0xB7D098C6 0x0021EC98 0x0006EC98 sceKernelCreateMutex
0xBA4051D6 0x0021EAA0 0x0006EAA0 sceKernelCancelCallback
0xBA6B92E2 0x0021EE30 0x0006EE30 sceKernelSysClock2USec
0xBC6FEBC5 0x0021EDD0 0x0006EDD0 sceKernelReferSemaStatus
0xBC80EC7C 0x0021E9F0 0x0006E9F0 sceKernelExtendThreadStack
0xBD123D9E 0x0021E9E8 0x0006E9E8 sceKernelDelaySysClockThread
0xBED27435 0x0021EC90 0x0006EC90 sceKernelAllocateVpl
0xC07BB470 0x0021EC88 0x0006EC88 sceKernelCreateFpl
0xC0B3FFD2 0x0021EA98 0x0006EA98 sceKernelGetVTimerTimeWide
0xC11BA8C4 0x0021EA90 0x0006EA90 sceKernelNotifyCallback
0xC68D9437 0x0021EA88 0x0006EA88 sceKernelStartVTimer
0xC8CD158C 0x0021E9C8 0x0006E9C8 sceKernelUSec2SysClockWide
0xCD203292 0x0021EE38 0x0006EE38 sceKernelCancelEventFlag
0xCEADEB47 0x0021E9D8 0x0006E9D8 sceKernelDelayThread
0xD0AEEE87 0x0021EA80 0x0006EA80 sceKernelStopVTimer
0xD13BDE95 0x0021EA78 0x0006EA78 sceKernelCheckThreadStack
0xD2D615EF 0x0021EA70 0x0006EA70 sceKernelCancelVTimerHandler
0xD59EAD2F 0x0021EA68 0x0006EA68 sceKernelWakeupThread
0xD6DA4BA1 0x0021EC80 0x0006EC80 sceKernelCreateSema
0xD8199E4C 0x0021EDC8 0x0006EDC8 sceKernelReferFplStatus
0xD8B299AE 0x0021EA60 0x0006EA60 sceKernelSetVTimerHandler
0xD979E9BF 0x0021EC78 0x0006EC78 sceKernelAllocateFpl
0xDAA3F564 0x0021EDC0 0x0006EDC0 sceKernelReferAlarmStatus
0xDB738F35 0x0021EDB0 0x0006EDB0 sceKernelGetSystemTime
0xDF52098F 0x0021EC70 0x0006EC70 sceKernelTryReceiveMsgPipe
0xE1619D7C 0x0021EE28 0x0006EE28 sceKernelSysClock2USecWide
0xE7282CB6 0x0021EC68 0x0006EC68 sceKernelAllocateFplCB
0xE81CAF8F 0x0021EC60 0x0006EC60 sceKernelCreateCallback
0xE9B3061E 0x0021EA58 0x0006EA58 sceKernelSendMbx
0xEA748E31 0x0021EA50 0x0006EA50 sceKernelChangeCurrentThreadAttr
0xEC0A693F 0x0021EC58 0x0006EC58 sceKernelAllocateVplCB
0xED1410E0 0x0021EA48 0x0006EA48 sceKernelDeleteFpl
0xEDBA5844 0x0021EA40 0x0006EA40 sceKernelDeleteCallback
0xEF9E4C70 0x0021EA38 0x0006EA38 sceKernelDeleteEventFlag
0xF0B7DA1C 0x0021EA30 0x0006EA30 sceKernelDeleteMsgPipe
0xF3986382 0x0021EC50 0x0006EC50 sceKernelReceiveMbxCB
0xF475845D 0x0021EA28 0x0006EA28 sceKernelStartThread
0xF6414A71 0x0021EA20 0x0006EA20 sceKernelFreeFpl
0xF8170FBE 0x0021EA18 0x0006EA18 sceKernelDeleteMutex
0xFB6425C3 0x0021EA10 0x0006EA10 sceKernelSetVTimerTimeWide
0xFBFA697D 0x0021EC48 0x0006EC48 sceKernelReceiveMsgPipeCB
0xFCCFAD26 0x0021EA08 0x0006EA08 sceKernelCancelWakeupThread
0xFFC36A14 0x0021EDB8 0x0006EDB8 sceKernelReferThreadRunStatus
Library: ThreadMonForUser
0x13BA4700 0x0021EF10 0x0006EF10 sceKernelThreadMonStart
0xAC447E49 0x0021EF08 0x0006EF08 sceKernelThreadMonStop
0xBA56557C 0x0021EF00 0x0006EF00 sceKernelThreadMonSetBuffer
0xCE710A2C 0x0021EEF8 0x0006EEF8 sceKernelThreadMonReset
Library: UtilsForUser
0x06FB8A63 0x0021EFD8 0x0006EFD8 sceKernelUtilsMt19937UInt
0x16641D70 0x0021EFD0 0x0006EFD0 sceKernelDcacheReadTag
0x27CC57F0 0x0021F008 0x0006F008 sceKernelLibcTime
0x346F6DA8 0x0021F000 0x0006F000 sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockUpdate
0x34B9FA9E 0x0021F060 0x0006F060 sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateRange
0x37FB5C42 0x0021EFC8 0x0006EFC8 sceKernelGetGPI
0x3EE30821 0x0021F058 0x0006F058 sceKernelDcacheWritebackRange
0x43C9A8DB 0x0021EF60 0x0006EF60 sceKernelL1IcacheInvalidateRange
0x4FD31C9D 0x0021F050 0x0006F050 sceKernelIcacheProbe
0x585F1C09 0x0021F048 0x0006F048 sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockResult
0x61E1E525 0x0021F040 0x0006F040 sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockUpdate
0x6AD345D7 0x0021EFC0 0x0006EFC0 sceKernelSetGPO
0x71EC4271 0x0021EFF8 0x0006EFF8 sceKernelLibcGettimeofday
0x77DFF087 0x0021F038 0x0006F038 sceKernelDcacheProbeRange
0x79D1C3FA 0x0021EFB8 0x0006EFB8 sceKernelDcacheWritebackAll
0x80001C4C 0x0021F030 0x0006F030 sceKernelDcacheProbe
0x840259F1 0x0021F028 0x0006F028 sceKernelUtilsSha1Digest
0x87E81561 0x0021EFB0 0x0006EFB0 sceKernelPutUserLog
0x91E4F6A7 0x0021EFA8 0x0006EFA8 sceKernelLibcClock
0x920F104A 0x0021EFA0 0x0006EFA0 sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll
0x9E5C5086 0x0021EFF0 0x0006EFF0 sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockInit
0xB435DEC5 0x0021EF98 0x0006EF98 sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll
0xB8D24E78 0x0021F020 0x0006F020 sceKernelUtilsMd5BlockResult
0xBFA98062 0x0021F018 0x0006F018 sceKernelDcacheInvalidateRange
0xC2DF770E 0x0021EF90 0x0006EF90 sceKernelIcacheInvalidateRange
0xC8186A58 0x0021F010 0x0006F010 sceKernelUtilsMd5Digest
0xE860E75E 0x0021EFE8 0x0006EFE8 sceKernelUtilsMt19937Init
0xF8FCD5BA 0x0021EFE0 0x0006EFE0 sceKernelUtilsSha1BlockInit
0xFB05FAD0 0x0021EF68 0x0006EF68 sceKernelIcacheReadTag
Library: deflt
0x0BA3B9CC 0x0021F138 0x0006F138 sceGzipGetCompressedData_deflt
0x106A3552 0x0021F130 0x0006F130 sceGzipGetName_deflt
0x1B5B82BC 0x0021F128 0x0006F128 sceGzipIsValid_deflt
0x2EE39A64 0x0021F120 0x0006F120 sceZlibAdler32_deflt
0x44054E03 0x0021F118 0x0006F118 sceDeflateDecompress_deflt
0x6A548477 0x0021F110 0x0006F110 sceZlibGetCompressedData_deflt
0x6DBCF897 0x0021F108 0x0006F108 sceGzipDecompress_deflt
0x8AA82C92 0x0021F100 0x0006F100 sceGzipGetInfo_deflt
0xA9E4FB28 0x0021F0F8 0x0006F0F8 sceZlibDecompress_deflt
0xAFE01FD3 0x0021F0F0 0x0006F0F0 sceZlibGetInfo_deflt
0xB767F9A0 0x0021F0E8 0x0006F0E8 sceGzipGetComment_deflt
0xE46EB986 0x0021F0E0 0x0006F0E0 sceZlibIsValid_deflt
Library: sceAac
0x02098C69 0x0021F1F8 0x0006F1F8 sceAacGetInfoToAddStreamData
0x23D35CAE 0x0021F1F0 0x0006F1F0 sceAacTermResource
0x33B8C009 0x0021F1E8 0x0006F1E8 sceAacExit
0x506BF66C 0x0021F1E0 0x0006F1E0 sceAacGetSumDecodedSample
0x523347D9 0x0021F1D8 0x0006F1D8 sceAacGetLoopNum
0x5CFFC57C 0x0021F1D0 0x0006F1D0 sceAacInitResource
0x61AA43C9 0x0021F1C8 0x0006F1C8 sceAacEndEntry
0x6C05813B 0x0021F208 0x0006F208 sceAacStartEntry
0x6DC7758A 0x0021F188 0x0006F188 sceAacGetMaxOutputSample
0x7E4CFEE4 0x0021F180 0x0006F180 sceAacDecode
0xAC6DCBE3 0x0021F1A8 0x0006F1A8 sceAacNotifyAddStreamData
0xBBDD6403 0x0021F1A0 0x0006F1A0 sceAacSetLoopNum
0xD2DA2BBA 0x0021F198 0x0006F198 sceAacResetPlayPosition
0xD7C51541 0x0021F190 0x0006F190 sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded
0xE0C89ACA 0x0021F178 0x0006F178 sceAacInit
Library: sceAdler
0x9702EF11 0x0021F330 0x0006F330 sceAdler32
Library: sceAtrac3plus
0x0C116E1B 0x0021F420 0x0006F420 sceAtracLowLevelDecode
0x0E2A73AB 0x0021F4E8 0x0006F4E8 sceAtracSetData
0x0FAE370E 0x0021F4E0 0x0006F4E0 sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID
0x132F1ECA 0x0021F458 0x0006F458 sceAtracReinit
0x1575D64B 0x0021F418 0x0006F418 sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder
0x231FC6B7 0x0021F450 0x0006F450 _sceAtracGetContextAddress
0x2DD3E298 0x0021F460 0x0006F460 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting
0x31668BAA 0x0021F498 0x0006F498 sceAtracGetChannel
0x36FAABFB 0x0021F490 0x0006F490 sceAtracGetNextSample
0x3F6E26B5 0x0021F4D8 0x0006F4D8 sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer
0x5622B7C1 0x0021F410 0x0006F410 sceAtracSetAA3DataAndGetID
0x5CF9D852 0x0021F408 0x0006F408 sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBuffer
0x5D268707 0x0021F528 0x0006F528 sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo
0x5DD66588 0x0021F4C0 0x0006F4C0 sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID
0x61EB33F5 0x0021F400 0x0006F400 sceAtracReleaseAtracID
0x644E5607 0x0021F440 0x0006F440 sceAtracResetPlayPosition
0x6A8C3CD5 0x0021F3F8 0x0006F3F8 sceAtracDecodeData
0x780F88D1 0x0021F438 0x0006F438 sceAtracGetAtracID
0x7A20E7AF 0x0021F3F0 0x0006F3F0 sceAtracSetDataAndGetID
0x7DB31251 0x0021F430 0x0006F430 sceAtracAddStreamData
0x83BF7AFD 0x0021F4B0 0x0006F4B0 sceAtracSetSecondBuffer
0x83E85EA0 0x0021F488 0x0006F488 sceAtracGetSecondBufferInfo
0x868120B5 0x0021F428 0x0006F428 sceAtracSetLoopNum
0x9AE849A7 0x0021F500 0x0006F500 sceAtracGetRemainFrame
0x9CD7DE03 0x0021F3E8 0x0006F3E8 sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBufferAndGetID
0xA2BBA8BE 0x0021F518 0x0006F518 sceAtracGetSoundSample
0xA554A158 0x0021F480 0x0006F480 sceAtracGetBitrate
0xB3B5D042 0x0021F478 0x0006F478 sceAtracGetOutputChannel
0xCA3CA3D2 0x0021F3C0 0x0006F3C0 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting
0xD1F59FDB 0x0021F3C8 0x0006F3C8 sceAtracStartEntry
0xD5C28CC0 0x0021F3D0 0x0006F3D0 sceAtracEndEntry
0xD6A5F2F7 0x0021F470 0x0006F470 sceAtracGetMaxSample
0xE23E3A35 0x0021F468 0x0006F468 sceAtracGetNextDecodePosition
0xE88F759B 0x0021F510 0x0006F510 sceAtracGetInternalErrorInfo
0xECA32A99 0x0021F3D8 0x0006F3D8 sceAtracIsSecondBufferNeeded
0xFAA4F89B 0x0021F508 0x0006F508 sceAtracGetLoopStatus
Library: sceAudio
0x01562BA3 0x0021F600 0x0006F600 sceAudioOutput2Reserve
0x086E5895 0x0021F608 0x0006F608 sceAudioInputBlocking
0x136CAF51 0x0021F5F8 0x0006F5F8 sceAudioOutputBlocking
0x13F592BC 0x0021F630 0x0006F630 sceAudioOutputPannedBlocking
0x2D53F36E 0x0021F628 0x0006F628 sceAudioOutput2OutputBlocking
0x41EFADE7 0x0021F578 0x0006F578 sceAudioOneshotOutput
0x43196845 0x0021F5F0 0x0006F5F0 sceAudioOutput2Release
0x5EC81C55 0x0021F5E8 0x0006F5E8 sceAudioChReserve
0x63F2889C 0x0021F5E0 0x0006F5E0 sceAudioOutput2ChangeLength
0x647CEF33 0x0021F5D8 0x0006F5D8 sceAudioOutput2GetRestSample
0x6D4BEC68 0x0021F620 0x0006F620 sceAudioInput
0x6FC46853 0x0021F5D0 0x0006F5D0 sceAudioChRelease
0x7DE61688 0x0021F5C8 0x0006F5C8 sceAudioInputInit
0x87B2E651 0x0021F5C0 0x0006F5C0 sceAudioWaitInputEnd
0x8C1009B2 0x0021F618 0x0006F618 sceAudioOutput
0x95FD0C2D 0x0021F5B8 0x0006F5B8 sceAudioChangeChannelConfig
0xA633048E 0x0021F5B0 0x0006F5B0 sceAudioPollInputEnd
0xA708C6A6 0x0021F5A8 0x0006F5A8 sceAudioGetInputLength
0xB011922F 0x0021F5A0 0x0006F5A0 sceAudioGetChannelRestLength
0xB7E1D8E7 0x0021F598 0x0006F598 sceAudioChangeChannelVolume
0xCB2E439E 0x0021F590 0x0006F590 sceAudioSetChannelDataLen
0xE2D56B2D 0x0021F610 0x0006F610 sceAudioOutputPanned
0xE926D3FB 0x0021F588 0x0006F588 sceAudioInputInitEx
0xE9D97901 0x0021F580 0x0006F580 sceAudioGetChannelRestLen
Library: sceAudioRouting
0x28235C56 0x0021F698 0x0006F698 sceAudioRoutingGetVolumeMode
0x36FD8AA9 0x0021F690 0x0006F690 sceAudioRoutingSetMode
0x39240E7D 0x0021F688 0x0006F688 sceAudioRoutingGetMode
0xBB548475 0x0021F680 0x0006F680 sceAudioRoutingSetVolumeMode
Library: sceBase16
0x7AD4677A 0x0021F6F0 0x0006F6F0 sceBase16Encoder
0xFF021EBB 0x0021F6F8 0x0006F6F8 sceBase16Decoder
Library: sceBase32
0x1D2F25FE 0x0021F8C8 0x0006F8C8 sceBase32Encoder
0x79AE12DD 0x0021F8E0 0x0006F8E0 sceBase32HexEncoder
0xC593B079 0x0021F8D8 0x0006F8D8 sceBase32HexDecoder
0xD5A58F29 0x0021F8D0 0x0006F8D0 sceBase32Decoder
Library: sceBase64
0x3AE99AAF 0x0021FA00 0x0006FA00 sceBase64Decoder
0x43543731 0x0021FA08 0x0006FA08 sceBase64Encoder
Library: sceCcc
0x00D1378F 0x0021FAF8 0x0006FAF8 sceCccUTF8toUTF16
0x068C4320 0x0021FB48 0x0006FB48 sceCccEncodeSJIS
0x17E1D813 0x0021FAF0 0x0006FAF0 sceCccSetErrorCharUTF8
0x41B724A5 0x0021FB40 0x0006FB40 sceCccUTF16toUTF8
0x4BDEB2A8 0x0021FB38 0x0006FB38 sceCccStrlenUTF16
0x67BF0D19 0x0021FAE8 0x0006FAE8 sceCccIsValidSJIS
0x6F82EE03 0x0021FB30 0x0006FB30 sceCccUTF8toSJIS
0x70ECAA10 0x0021FAE0 0x0006FAE0 sceCccUCStoJIS
0x76E33E9C 0x0021FAD8 0x0006FAD8 sceCccIsValidUCS2
0x8406F469 0x0021FB70 0x0006FB70 sceCccEncodeUTF16
0x90521AC5 0x0021FAD0 0x0006FAD0 sceCccIsValidUTF8
0x92C05851 0x0021FB68 0x0006FB68 sceCccEncodeUTF8
0x953E6C10 0x0021FB60 0x0006FB60 sceCccDecodeSJIS
0xA2D5D209 0x0021FAC8 0x0006FAC8 sceCccIsValidJIS
0xA62E6E80 0x0021FB28 0x0006FB28 sceCccSJIStoUTF8
0xB4D1CBBF 0x0021FB20 0x0006FB20 sceCccSetTable
0xB7D3C112 0x0021FB18 0x0006FB18 sceCccStrlenUTF8
0xB8476CF4 0x0021FAC0 0x0006FAC0 sceCccSetErrorCharUTF16
0xBD11EEF3 0x0021FAB8 0x0006FAB8 sceCccIsValidUnicode
0xBEB47224 0x0021FB10 0x0006FB10 sceCccSJIStoUTF16
0xC56949AD 0x0021FAB0 0x0006FAB0 sceCccSetErrorCharSJIS
0xC6A8BEE2 0x0021FB58 0x0006FB58 sceCccDecodeUTF8
0xCC0A8BDA 0x0021FAA8 0x0006FAA8 sceCccIsValidUTF16
0xD2B18485 0x0021FAA0 0x0006FAA0 sceCccIsValidUCS4
0xD9392CCB 0x0021FB08 0x0006FB08 sceCccStrlenSJIS
0xE0CF8091 0x0021FB50 0x0006FB50 sceCccDecodeUTF16
0xF1B73D12 0x0021FB00 0x0006FB00 sceCccUTF16toSJIS
0xFB7846E2 0x0021FA98 0x0006FA98 sceCccJIStoUCS
Library: sceCtrl
0x02BAAD91 0x0021FC30 0x0006FC30 sceCtrlGetSamplingCycle
0x0B588501 0x0021FC28 0x0006FC28 sceCtrlReadLatch
0x1F4011E6 0x0021FC20 0x0006FC20 sceCtrlSetSamplingMode
0x1F803938 0x0021FC18 0x0006FC18 sceCtrlReadBufferPositive
0x3A622550 0x0021FC40 0x0006FC40 sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive
0x60B81F86 0x0021FC10 0x0006FC10 sceCtrlReadBufferNegative
0x6841BE1A 0x0021FC08 0x0006FC08 sceCtrlSetRapidFire
0x687660FA 0x0021FC48 0x0006FC48 sceCtrlGetIdleCancelThreshold
0x6A2774F3 0x0021FC00 0x0006FC00 sceCtrlSetSamplingCycle
0xA68FD260 0x0021FBF8 0x0006FBF8 sceCtrlClearRapidFire
0xA7144800 0x0021FBF0 0x0006FBF0 sceCtrlSetIdleCancelThreshold
0xB1D0E5CD 0x0021FBE8 0x0006FBE8 sceCtrlPeekLatch
0xC152080A 0x0021FC38 0x0006FC38 sceCtrlPeekBufferNegative
0xDA6B76A1 0x0021FC50 0x0006FC50 sceCtrlGetSamplingMode
Library: sceDeci2pForUser
0x46588220 0x0021FC88 0x0006FC88 sceKernelDeci2pOpen
0x5947AE64 0x0021FC80 0x0006FC80 sceKernelDeci2pClose
0x6E2E0BF3 0x0021FC98 0x0006FC98 sceKernelDeci2pWrite
0x9736CCD5 0x0021FC90 0x0006FC90 sceKernelDeci2pRead
0xA9542A53 0x0021FC78 0x0006FC78 sceKernelDeci2pRegisterCallback
Library: sceDeflt
0x0BA3B9CC 0x0021FE78 0x0006FE78 sceGzipGetCompressedData
0x106A3552 0x0021FE48 0x0006FE48 sceGzipGetName
0x1B5B82BC 0x0021FE68 0x0006FE68 sceGzipIsValid
0x2EE39A64 0x0021FE60 0x0006FE60 sceZlibAdler32
0x44054E03 0x0021FEA0 0x0006FEA0 sceDeflateDecompress
0x6A548477 0x0021FE98 0x0006FE98 sceZlibGetCompressedData
0x6DBCF897 0x0021FE70 0x0006FE70 sceGzipDecompress
0x8AA82C92 0x0021FE90 0x0006FE90 sceGzipGetInfo
0xA9E4FB28 0x0021FE58 0x0006FE58 sceZlibDecompress
0xAFE01FD3 0x0021FE88 0x0006FE88 sceZlibGetInfo
0xB767F9A0 0x0021FE80 0x0006FE80 sceGzipGetComment
0xE46EB986 0x0021FE50 0x0006FE50 sceZlibIsValid
Library: sceDisplay
0x0E20F177 0x00220008 0x00070008 sceDisplaySetMode
0x210EAB3A 0x00220000 0x00070000 sceDisplayGetAccumulatedHcount
0x289D82FE 0x0021FFF8 0x0006FFF8 sceDisplaySetFrameBuf
0x36CDFADE 0x0021FFF0 0x0006FFF0 sceDisplayWaitVblank
0x40F1469C 0x0021FFE8 0x0006FFE8 sceDisplayWaitVblankStartMulti
0x46F186C3 0x0021FFE0 0x0006FFE0 sceDisplayWaitVblankStartCB
0x4D4E10EC 0x0021FFD8 0x0006FFD8 sceDisplayIsVblank
0x773DD3A3 0x0021FFD0 0x0006FFD0 sceDisplayGetCurrentHcount
0x77ED8B3A 0x0021FFC8 0x0006FFC8 sceDisplayWaitVblankStartMultiCB
0x7ED59BC4 0x0021FFC0 0x0006FFC0 sceDisplaySetHoldMode
0x8EB9EC49 0x0021FFB8 0x0006FFB8 sceDisplayWaitVblankCB
0x984C27E7 0x0021FFB0 0x0006FFB0 sceDisplayWaitVblankStart
0x9C6EAAD7 0x0021FFA8 0x0006FFA8 sceDisplayGetVcount
0xB4F378FA 0x0021FFA0 0x0006FFA0 sceDisplayIsForeground
0xDBA6C4C4 0x0021FF98 0x0006FF98 sceDisplayGetFramePerSec
0xDEA197D4 0x00220018 0x00070018 sceDisplayGetMode
0xEEDA2E54 0x00220010 0x00070010 sceDisplayGetFrameBuf
Library: sceDmac
0x617F3FE6 0x00220168 0x00070168 sceDmacMemcpy
Library: sceG729
0x13F1028A 0x002205C0 0x000705C0 sceG729DecodeExit
0x17C11696 0x002205B8 0x000705B8 sceG729DecodeInitResource
0x3489D1F3 0x002205C8 0x000705C8 sceG729DecodeCore
0x55E14F75 0x002205B0 0x000705B0 sceG729DecodeInit
0x5A409D1B 0x002205A8 0x000705A8 sceG729EncodeExit
0x74804D93 0x002205A0 0x000705A0 sceG729DecodeReset
0x890B86AE 0x00220598 0x00070598 sceG729DecodeTermResource
0x8C87A2CA 0x00220590 0x00070590 sceG729EncodeReset
0x94714D50 0x00220588 0x00070588 sceG729EncodeTermResource
0xAA1E5462 0x00220580 0x00070580 sceG729EncodeInitResource
0xCFCD367C 0x00220578 0x00070578 sceG729EncodeInit
0xDB7259D5 0x002205D0 0x000705D0 sceG729EncodeCore
Library: sceGameUpdate
0x596AD78C 0x00220CD0 0x00070CD0 sceGameUpdateRun
0x5F5D98A6 0x00220CD8 0x00070CD8 sceGameUpdateAbort
0xBB4B68DE 0x00220CE0 0x00070CE0 sceGameUpdateTerm
0xCBE69FB3 0x00220CE8 0x00070CE8 sceGameUpdateInit
Library: sceGe_user
0x03444EB4 0x00220680 0x00070680 sceGeListSync
0x05DB22CE 0x00220678 0x00070678 sceGeUnsetCallback
0x0BF608FB 0x00220670 0x00070670 sceGeRestoreContext
0x1C0D95A6 0x00220688 0x00070688 sceGeListEnQueueHead
0x1F6752AD 0x00220668 0x00070668 sceGeEdramGetSize
0x438A385A 0x00220660 0x00070660 sceGeSaveContext
0x4C06E472 0x00220658 0x00070658 sceGeContinue
0x57C8945B 0x00220650 0x00070650 sceGeGetMtx
0x5FB86AB0 0x00220648 0x00070648 sceGeListDeQueue
0xA4FC06A4 0x00220640 0x00070640 sceGeSetCallback
0xAB49E76A 0x00220690 0x00070690 sceGeListEnQueue
0xB287BD61 0x00220638 0x00070638 sceGeDrawSync
0xB448EC0D 0x00220630 0x00070630 sceGeBreak
0xB77905EA 0x00220628 0x00070628 sceGeEdramSetAddrTranslation
0xDC93CFEF 0x00220620 0x00070620 sceGeGetCmd
0xE0D68148 0x00220618 0x00070618 sceGeListUpdateStallAddr
0xE47E40E4 0x00220610 0x00070610 sceGeEdramGetAddr
Library: sceHeap
0x0E875980 0x002206A8 0x000706A8 sceHeapReallocHeapMemory
0x1C84B58D 0x002206B0 0x000706B0 sceHeapReallocHeapMemoryWithOption
0x2A0C2009 0x002206B8 0x000706B8 sceHeapGetMallinfo
0x2ABADC63 0x002206D8 0x000706D8 sceHeapFreeHeapMemory
0x2B7299D8 0x002206F0 0x000706F0 sceHeapAllocHeapMemoryWithOption
0x4929B40D 0x002206D0 0x000706D0 sceHeapGetTotalFreeSize
0x7012BBDD 0x002206C8 0x000706C8 sceHeapIsAllocatedHeapMemory
0x70210B73 0x002206C0 0x000706C0 sceHeapDeleteHeap
0x7DE281C2 0x002206E8 0x000706E8 sceHeapCreateHeap
0xA8E102A0 0x002206E0 0x000706E0 sceHeapAllocHeapMemory
Library: sceHprm
0x208DB1BD 0x002207D0 0x000707D0 sceHprmIsRemoteExist
0x219C58F1 0x002207C8 0x000707C8 sceHprmIsMicrophoneExist
0x2BCEC83E 0x002207D8 0x000707D8 sceHprmPeekLatch
0x40D2F9F0 0x002207C0 0x000707C0 sceHprmReadLatch
0x444ED0B7 0x002207A0 0x000707A0 sceHprmUnregitserCallback
0x7E69EDA4 0x002207B8 0x000707B8 sceHprmIsHeadphoneExist
0xC7154136 0x002207B0 0x000707B0 sceHprmRegisterCallback
0xFD7DE6CD 0x002207A8 0x000707A8 sceHprmUnregisterCallback
Library: sceHttp
0x0282A3BD 0x00220B20 0x00070B20 sceHttpGetContentLength
0x03D9526F 0x00220A88 0x00070A88 sceHttpSetResolveRetry
0x06488A1C 0x00220A90 0x00070A90 sceHttpSetCookieSendCallback
0x0809C831 0x00220A80 0x00070A80 sceHttpEnableRedirect
0x0B12ABFB 0x00220A78 0x00070A78 sceHttpDisableCookie
0x0DAFA58F 0x00220A70 0x00070A70 sceHttpEnableCookie
0x15540184 0x00220A68 0x00070A68 sceHttpDeleteHeader
0x1A0EBB69 0x00220A60 0x00070A60 sceHttpDisableRedirect
0x1CEDB9D4 0x00220A58 0x00070A58 sceHttpFlushCache
0x1F0FC3E3 0x00220A50 0x00070A50 sceHttpSetRecvTimeOut
0x2255551E 0x00220B58 0x00070B58 sceHttpGetNetworkPspError
0x267618F4 0x00220B18 0x00070B18 sceHttpSetAuthInfoCallback
0x2A6C3296 0x00220958 0x00070958 sceHttpSetAuthInfoCB
0x2C3C82CF 0x00220A48 0x00070A48 sceHttpFlushAuthList
0x3A67F306 0x00220B10 0x00070B10 sceHttpSetCookieRecvCallback
0x3EABA285 0x00220B08 0x00070B08 sceHttpAddExtraHeader
0x47347B50 0x00220B00 0x00070B00 sceHttpCreateRequest
0x47940436 0x00220A40 0x00070A40 sceHttpSetResolveTimeOut
0x4CC7D78F 0x00220B40 0x00070B40 sceHttpGetStatusCode
0x5152773B 0x00220A38 0x00070A38 sceHttpDeleteConnection
0x54E7DF75 0x00220AF8 0x00070AF8 sceHttpIsRequestInCache
0x569A1481 0x00220AA0 0x00070AA0 sceHttpsSetSslCallback
0x59E6D16F 0x00220A30 0x00070A30 sceHttpEnableCache
0x68AB0F86 0x00220960 0x00070960 sceHttpsInitWithPath
0x76D1363B 0x00220A28 0x00070A28 sceHttpSaveSystemCookie
0x7774BF4C 0x00220AF0 0x00070AF0 sceHttpAddCookie
0x78A0D3EC 0x00220A20 0x00070A20 sceHttpEnableKeepAlive
0x78B54C09 0x00220A18 0x00070A18 sceHttpEndCache
0x87797BDD 0x00220988 0x00070988 sceHttpsLoadDefaultCert
0x8ACD1F73 0x00220A10 0x00070A10 sceHttpSetConnectTimeOut
0x8EEFD953 0x00220AE8 0x00070AE8 sceHttpCreateConnection
0x9668864C 0x00220A08 0x00070A08 sceHttpSetRecvBlockSize
0x96F16D3E 0x00220B50 0x00070B50 sceHttpGetCookie
0x9988172D 0x00220A00 0x00070A00 sceHttpSetSendTimeOut
0x9AFC98B2 0x00220AE0 0x00070AE0 sceHttpSendRequestInCacheFirstMode
0x9B1F1F36 0x00220AD8 0x00070AD8 sceHttpCreateTemplate
0x9FC5F10D 0x002209F8 0x000709F8 sceHttpEnableAuth
0xA4496DE5 0x00220AD0 0x00070AD0 sceHttpSetRedirectCallback
0xA5512E01 0x002209F0 0x000709F0 sceHttpDeleteRequest
0xA6800C34 0x002209E8 0x000709E8 sceHttpInitCache
0xAB1540D5 0x00220B30 0x00070B30 sceHttpsGetSslError
0xAB1ABE07 0x002209E0 0x000709E0 sceHttpInit
0xAE948FEE 0x002209D8 0x000709D8 sceHttpDisableAuth
0xB0C34B1D 0x002209D0 0x000709D0 sceHttpSetCacheContentLengthMaxSize
0xB3FAF831 0x00220980 0x00070980 sceHttpsDisableOption
0xB509B09E 0x00220AC8 0x00070AC8 sceHttpCreateRequestWithURL
0xBAC31BF1 0x00220978 0x00070978 sceHttpsEnableOption
0xBB70706F 0x00220AC0 0x00070AC0 sceHttpSendRequest
0xC10B6BD9 0x002209C8 0x000709C8 sceHttpAbortRequest
0xC6330B0D 0x00220968 0x00070968 sceHttpChangeHttpVersion
0xC7EF2559 0x002209C0 0x000709C0 sceHttpDisableKeepAlive
0xC98CBBA7 0x002209B8 0x000709B8 sceHttpSetResHeaderMaxSize
0xCCBD167A 0x002209B0 0x000709B0 sceHttpDisableCache
0xCDF8ECB9 0x00220AB8 0x00070AB8 sceHttpCreateConnectionWithURL
0xD081EC8F 0x00220B28 0x00070B28 sceHttpGetNetworkErrno
0xD11DAB01 0x00220B48 0x00070B48 sceHttpsGetCaList
0xD1C8945E 0x002209A8 0x000709A8 sceHttpEnd
0xD70D4847 0x00220B38 0x00070B38 sceHttpGetProxy
0xDB266CCF 0x00220B60 0x00070B60 sceHttpGetAllHeader
0xE4D21302 0x00220A98 0x00070A98 sceHttpsInit
0xEDEEB999 0x00220AB0 0x00070AB0 sceHttpReadData
0xF0F46C62 0x00220AA8 0x00070AA8 sceHttpSetProxy
0xF1657B22 0x002209A0 0x000709A0 sceHttpLoadSystemCookie
0xF49934F6 0x00220998 0x00070998 sceHttpSetMallocFunction
0xF9D8EB63 0x00220970 0x00070970 sceHttpsEnd
0xFCF8C055 0x00220990 0x00070990 sceHttpDeleteTemplate
Library: sceImpose
0x24FD7BCF 0x00220C90 0x00070C90 sceImposeGetLanguageMode
0x36AA6E91 0x00220C88 0x00070C88 sceImposeSetLanguageMode
0x72189C48 0x00220C80 0x00070C80 sceImposeSetUMDPopup
0x8C943191 0x00220C98 0x00070C98 sceImposeGetBatteryIconStatus
0x8F6E3518 0x00220C78 0x00070C78 sceImposeGetBacklightOffTime
0x967F6D4A 0x00220C70 0x00070C70 sceImposeSetBacklightOffTime
0xE0887BC8 0x00220C68 0x00070C68 sceImposeGetUMDPopup
Library: sceJpeg
0x04B5AE02 0x0021DDE0 0x0006DDE0 sceJpegMJpegCsc
0x04B93CEF 0x0021DE18 0x0006DE18 sceJpegDecodeMJpeg
0x227662D7 0x0021DE10 0x0006DE10 sceJpegDecodeMJpegYCbCrSuccessively
0x48B602B7 0x0021DDD8 0x0006DDD8 sceJpegDeleteMJpeg
0x64B6F978 0x0021DE08 0x0006DE08 sceJpegDecodeMJpegSuccessively
0x67F0ED84 0x0021DE00 0x0006DE00 sceJpegCsc
0x7D2F3D7F 0x0021DDD0 0x0006DDD0 sceJpegFinishMJpeg
0x8F2BB012 0x0021DDF8 0x0006DDF8 sceJpegGetOutputInfo
0x91EED83C 0x0021DDF0 0x0006DDF0 sceJpegDecodeMJpegYCbCr
0x9D47469C 0x0021DDC8 0x0006DDC8 sceJpegCreateMJpeg
0xA06A75C4 0x0021DDE8 0x0006DDE8 sceJpegMJpegCscWithColorOption
0xAC9E70E6 0x0021DDC0 0x0006DDC0 sceJpegInitMJpeg
Library: sceMd5
0x19884A15 0x0021DFA0 0x0006DFA0 sceMd5BlockInit
0x4876AFFF 0x0021DFB8 0x0006DFB8 sceMd5BlockResult
0x98E31A9E 0x0021DFB0 0x0006DFB0 sceMd5Digest
0xA30206C2 0x0021DFA8 0x0006DFA8 sceMd5BlockUpdate
Library: sceMp3
0x07EC321A 0x0021E090 0x0006E090 sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle
0x0840E808 0x0021E118 0x0006E118 sceMp3ResetPlayPositionByFrame
0x0DB149F4 0x0021E110 0x0006E110 sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData
0x1B839B83 0x0021E088 0x0006E088 sceMp3LowLevelInit
0x2A368661 0x0021E100 0x0006E100 sceMp3ResetPlayPosition
0x3548AEC8 0x0021E0F8 0x0006E0F8 sceMp3GetFrameNum
0x354D27EA 0x0021E0F0 0x0006E0F0 sceMp3GetSumDecodedSample
0x35750070 0x0021E080 0x0006E080 sceMp3InitResource
0x3C2FA058 0x0021E078 0x0006E078 sceMp3TermResource
0x3CEF484F 0x0021E0D8 0x0006E0D8 sceMp3SetLoopNum
0x44E07129 0x0021E070 0x0006E070 sceMp3Init
0x732B042A 0x0021E038 0x0006E038 sceMp3EndEntry
0x7F696782 0x0021E0C8 0x0006E0C8 sceMp3GetMp3ChannelNum
0x87677E40 0x0021E0C0 0x0006E0C0 sceMp3GetBitRate
0x87C263D1 0x0021E0B8 0x0006E0B8 sceMp3GetMaxOutputSample
0x8AB81558 0x0021E030 0x0006E030 sceMp3StartEntry
0x8F450998 0x0021E0B0 0x0006E0B0 sceMp3GetSamplingRate
0xA703FE0F 0x0021E130 0x0006E130 sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData
0xAE6D2027 0x0021E0A8 0x0006E0A8 sceMp3GetMPEGVersion
0xD021C0FB 0x0021E068 0x0006E068 sceMp3Decode
0xD0A56296 0x0021E0A0 0x0006E0A0 sceMp3CheckStreamDataNeeded
0xD8F54A51 0x0021E098 0x0006E098 sceMp3GetLoopNum
0xE3EE2C81 0x0021E060 0x0006E060 sceMp3LowLevelDecode
0xF5478233 0x0021E058 0x0006E058 sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle
Library: sceMp4
0x01C76489 0x00220E50 0x00070E50 sceMp4TrackSampleBufDestruct
0x0F0187D2 0x00220ED0 0x00070ED0 sceMp4GetAvcTrackInfoData
0x10EE0D2C 0x00220EE8 0x00070EE8 sceMp4AacDecodeInit
0x113E9E7B 0x00220EC8 0x00070EC8 sceMp4GetNumberOfMetaData
0x131BDE57 0x00220EE0 0x00070EE0 sceMp4InitAu
0x17EAA97D 0x00220ED8 0x00070ED8 sceMp4GetAvcAuWithoutSampleBuf
0x28CCB940 0x00220EC0 0x00070EC0 sceMp4GetTrackEditList
0x3069C2B5 0x00220EB8 0x00070EB8 sceMp4GetAvcParamSet
0x31BCD7E0 0x00220EB0 0x00070EB0 sceMp4TrackSampleBufPut
0x427BEF7F 0x00220EA8 0x00070EA8 sceMp4GetTrackNumOfEditList
0x496E8A65 0x00220EA0 0x00070EA0 sceMp4TrackSampleBufFlush
0x4ED4AB1E 0x00220E48 0x00070E48 sceMp4AacDecodeInitResource
0x4FB5B756 0x00220F40 0x00070F40 sceMp4GetMetaDataInfo
0x503A3CBA 0x00220F38 0x00070F38 sceMp4GetAvcAu
0x532029B8 0x00220F30 0x00070F30 sceMp4GetAacAuWithoutSampleBuf
0x538C2057 0x00220E98 0x00070E98 sceMp4Delete
0x5601A6F0 0x00220F28 0x00070F28 sceMp4GetAacAu
0x5D72B333 0x00220F20 0x00070F20 sceMp4AacDecodeExit
0x5EB65F26 0x00220E90 0x00070E90 sceMp4GetNumberOfSpecificTrack
0x6710FE77 0x00220E88 0x00070E88 sceMp4UnregistTrack
0x68651CBC 0x00220E40 0x00070E40 sceMp4Init
0x7443AF1D 0x00220E80 0x00070E80 sceMp4GetMovieInfo
0x74A1CA3E 0x00220E78 0x00070E78 sceMp4SearchSyncSampleNum
0x7663CB5C 0x00220E38 0x00070E38 sceMp4AacDecode
0x7ADFD01C 0x00220F10 0x00070F10 sceMp4RegistTrack
0x7D332394 0x00220E30 0x00070E30 sceMp4AacDecodeTermResource
0x8754ECB8 0x00220F48 0x00070F48 sceMp4TrackSampleBufAvailableSize
0x9042B257 0x00220E28 0x00070E28 sceMp4Finish
0x9C8F4FC1 0x00220E70 0x00070E70 sceMp4TrackSampleBufConstruct
0x9CE6F5CF 0x00220F08 0x00070F08 sceMp4GetAacTrackInfoData
0xA6C724DC 0x00220E68 0x00070E68 sceMp4GetSampleNum
0xB1221EE7 0x00220F00 0x00070F00 sceMp4Create
0xB4B400D1 0x00220EF8 0x00070EF8 sceMp4GetSampleNumWithTimeStamp
0xBCA9389C 0x00220E20 0x00070E20 sceMp4TrackSampleBufQueryMemSize
0xD2AC9A7E 0x00220E60 0x00070E60 sceMp4GetMetaData
0xD8250B75 0x00220E58 0x00070E58 sceMp4PutSampleNum
0xF7C51EC1 0x00220EF0 0x00070EF0 sceMp4GetSampleInfo
Library: sceMpeg
0x01977054 0x0021E3C8 0x0006E3C8 sceMpegGetUserdataAu
0x0558B075 0x0021E3B0 0x0006E3B0 sceMpegAvcCopyYCbCr
0x0E3C2E9D 0x0021E3C0 0x0006E3C0 sceMpegAvcDecode
0x0F6C18D7 0x0021E3B8 0x0006E3B8 sceMpegAvcDecodeDetail
0x11F95CF1 0x0021E400 0x0006E400 sceMpegGetAvcNalAu
0x13407F13 0x0021E3A8 0x0006E3A8 sceMpegRingbufferDestruct
0x167AFD9E 0x0021E3F8 0x0006E3F8 sceMpegInitAu
0x211A057C 0x0021E418 0x0006E418 sceMpegAvcQueryYCbCrSize
0x21FF80E4 0x0021E3F0 0x0006E3F0 sceMpegQueryStreamOffset
0x234586AE 0x0021E310 0x0006E310 sceMpegChangeGetAvcAuMode
0x31BD0272 0x0021E3E8 0x0006E3E8 sceMpegAvcCsc
0x37295ED8 0x0021E3A0 0x0006E3A0 sceMpegRingbufferConstruct
0x3C37A7A6 0x0021E398 0x0006E398 sceMpegNextAvcRpAu
0x42560F23 0x0021E390 0x0006E390 sceMpegRegistStream
0x4571CC64 0x0021E388 0x0006E388 sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush
0x500F0429 0x0021E380 0x0006E380 sceMpegFlushStream
0x591A4AA2 0x0021E378 0x0006E378 sceMpegUnRegistStream
0x606A4649 0x0021E370 0x0006E370 sceMpegDelete
0x611E9E11 0x0021E440 0x0006E440 sceMpegQueryStreamSize
0x63B9536A 0x0021E308 0x0006E308 sceMpegAvcResourceGetAvcDecTopAddr
0x67179B1B 0x0021E368 0x0006E368 sceMpegAvcInitYCbCr
0x682A619B 0x0021E300 0x0006E300 sceMpegInit
0x707B7629 0x0021E360 0x0006E360 sceMpegFlushAllStream
0x740FCCD1 0x0021E358 0x0006E358 sceMpegAvcDecodeStop
0x769BEBB6 0x0021E2F8 0x0006E2F8 sceMpegRingbufferQueryPackNum
0x800C44DF 0x0021E3E0 0x0006E3E0 sceMpegAtracDecode
0x8160A2FE 0x0021E2F0 0x0006E2F0 sceMpegAvcResourceFinish
0x874624D6 0x0021E2E8 0x0006E2E8 sceMpegFinish
0x8C1E027D 0x0021E3D8 0x0006E3D8 sceMpegGetPcmAu
0x921FCCCF 0x0021E3D0 0x0006E3D0 sceMpegGetAvcEsAu
0x9DCFB7EA 0x0021E350 0x0006E350 sceMpegChangeGetAuMode
0xA11C7026 0x0021E348 0x0006E348 sceMpegAvcDecodeMode
0xA780CF7E 0x0021E450 0x0006E450 sceMpegMallocAvcEsBuf
0xAB0E9556 0x0021E410 0x0006E410 sceMpegAvcDecodeDetailIndex
0xAF26BB01 0x0021E2D8 0x0006E2D8 sceMpegAvcResourceGetAvcEsBuf
0xB240A59E 0x0021E340 0x0006E340 sceMpegRingbufferPut
0xB5F6DC87 0x0021E338 0x0006E338 sceMpegRingbufferAvailableSize
0xC02CF6B5 0x0021E438 0x0006E438 sceMpegQueryPcmEsSize
0xC132E22F 0x0021E2D0 0x0006E2D0 sceMpegQueryMemSize
0xC45C99CC 0x0021E430 0x0006E430 sceMpegQueryUserdataEsSize
0xCEB870B1 0x0021E330 0x0006E330 sceMpegFreeAvcEsBuf
0xD7A29F46 0x0021E2C8 0x0006E2C8 sceMpegRingbufferQueryMemSize
0xD8C5F121 0x0021E328 0x0006E328 sceMpegCreate
0xE1CE83A7 0x0021E448 0x0006E448 sceMpegGetAtracAu
0xF0EB1125 0x0021E408 0x0006E408 sceMpegAvcDecodeYCbCr
0xF2930C9C 0x0021E320 0x0006E320 sceMpegAvcDecodeStopYCbCr
0xF5E7EA31 0x0021E318 0x0006E318 sceMpegAvcConvertToYuv420
0xF8DCB679 0x0021E428 0x0006E428 sceMpegQueryAtracEsSize
0xFCBDB5AD 0x0021E2C0 0x0006E2C0 sceMpegAvcResourceInit
0xFE246728 0x0021E420 0x0006E420 sceMpegGetAvcAu
Library: sceMt19937
0xECF5D379 0x0021E518 0x0006E518 sceMt19937Init
0xF40C98E6 0x0021E510 0x0006E510 sceMt19937UInt
Library: sceNet
0x0BF0A3AE 0x0021E5A8 0x0006E5A8 sceNetGetLocalEtherAddr
0x281928A9 0x0021E5A0 0x0006E5A0 sceNetTerm
0x39AF39A6 0x0021E598 0x0006E598 sceNetInit
0x50647530 0x0021E590 0x0006E590 sceNetFreeThreadinfo
0x89360950 0x0021E5B8 0x0006E5B8 sceNetEtherNtostr
0xAD6844C6 0x0021E588 0x0006E588 sceNetThreadAbort
0xCC393E48 0x0021E580 0x0006E580 sceNetGetMallocStat
0xD27961C9 0x0021E5B0 0x0006E5B0 sceNetEtherStrton
Library: sceNetAdhoc
0x0B2228E9 0x0021E6E0 0x0006E6E0 sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteReplica
0x157E6225 0x0021E6D8 0x0006E6D8 sceNetAdhocPtpClose
0x3278AB0C 0x0021E730 0x0006E730 sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateReplica
0x4D2CE199 0x0021E6E8 0x0006E6E8 sceNetAdhocGetSocketAlert
0x4DA4C788 0x0021E750 0x0006E750 sceNetAdhocPtpSend
0x6F92741B 0x0021E728 0x0006E728 sceNetAdhocPdpCreate
0x73BFD52D 0x0021E6D0 0x0006E6D0 sceNetAdhocSetSocketAlert
0x7A662D6B 0x0021E720 0x0006E720 sceNetAdhocPollSocket
0x7F27BB5E 0x0021E6C8 0x0006E6C8 sceNetAdhocPdpDelete
0x7F75C338 0x0021E718 0x0006E718 sceNetAdhocGameModeCreateMaster
0x877F6D66 0x0021E710 0x0006E710 sceNetAdhocPtpOpen
0x8BEA2B3E 0x0021E748 0x0006E748 sceNetAdhocPtpRecv
0x98C204C8 0x0021E6C0 0x0006E6C0 sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateMaster
0x9AC2EEAC 0x0021E6B8 0x0006E6B8 sceNetAdhocPtpFlush
0x9DF81198 0x0021E708 0x0006E708 sceNetAdhocPtpAccept
0xA0229362 0x0021E6B0 0x0006E6B0 sceNetAdhocGameModeDeleteMaster
0xA62C6F57 0x0021E6A8 0x0006E6A8 sceNetAdhocTerm
0xABED3790 0x0021E700 0x0006E700 sceNetAdhocPdpSend
0xB9685118 0x0021E740 0x0006E740 sceNetAdhocGetPtpStat
0xC7C1FC57 0x0021E738 0x0006E738 sceNetAdhocGetPdpStat
0xDFE53E03 0x0021E758 0x0006E758 sceNetAdhocPdpRecv
0xE08BDAC1 0x0021E6F8 0x0006E6F8 sceNetAdhocPtpListen
0xE1D621D7 0x0021E6A0 0x0006E6A0 sceNetAdhocInit
0xFA324B4E 0x0021E6F0 0x0006E6F0 sceNetAdhocGameModeUpdateReplica
0xFC6FC07B 0x0021E698 0x0006E698 sceNetAdhocPtpConnect
Library: sceNetAdhocDiscover
0x52DE1B97 0x0021E808 0x0006E808 sceNetAdhocDiscoverUpdate
0x941B3877 0x0021E810 0x0006E810 sceNetAdhocDiscoverInitStart
0x944DDBC6 0x0021E800 0x0006E800 sceNetAdhocDiscoverGetStatus
0xA2246614 0x0021E7F8 0x0006E7F8 sceNetAdhocDiscoverTerm
0xA423A21B 0x0021E7F0 0x0006E7F0 sceNetAdhocDiscoverRequestSuspend
0xF7D13214 0x0021E7E8 0x0006E7E8 sceNetAdhocDiscoverStop
Library: sceNetAdhocMatching
0x2A2A1E07 0x0021E918 0x0006E918 sceNetAdhocMatchingInit
0x32B156B3 0x0021E910 0x0006E910 sceNetAdhocMatchingStop
0x40F8F435 0x0021E908 0x0006E908 sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolMaxAlloc
0x5E3D4B79 0x0021E920 0x0006E920 sceNetAdhocMatchingSelectTarget
0x7945ECDA 0x0021E900 0x0006E900 sceNetAdhocMatchingTerm
0x8F58BEDF 0x0021E950 0x0006E950 sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTargetWithOpt
0x93EF3843 0x0021E948 0x0006E948 sceNetAdhocMatchingStart
0x9C5CFB7D 0x0021E960 0x0006E960 sceNetAdhocMatchingGetPoolStat
0xB58E61B7 0x0021E940 0x0006E940 sceNetAdhocMatchingSetHelloOpt
0xB5D96C2A 0x0021E958 0x0006E958 sceNetAdhocMatchingGetHelloOpt
0xC58BCD9E 0x0021E970 0x0006E970 sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers
0xCA5EDA6F 0x0021E968 0x0006E968 sceNetAdhocMatchingCreate
0xEA3C6108 0x0021E938 0x0006E938 sceNetAdhocMatchingCancelTarget
0xEC19337D 0x0021E930 0x0006E930 sceNetAdhocMatchingAbortSendData
0xF16EAF4F 0x0021E8F8 0x0006E8F8 sceNetAdhocMatchingDelete
0xF79472D7 0x0021E928 0x0006E928 sceNetAdhocMatchingSendData
Library: sceNetAdhocctl
0x08FFF7A0 0x0021EE78 0x0006EE78 sceNetAdhocctlScan
0x0AD043ED 0x0021EE70 0x0006EE70 sceNetAdhocctlConnect
0x1FF89745 0x0021EED0 0x0006EED0 sceNetAdhocctlJoinEnterGameMode
0x20B317A0 0x0021EEC8 0x0006EEC8 sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler
0x34401D65 0x0021EE68 0x0006EE68 sceNetAdhocctlDisconnect
0x362CBE8F 0x0021EE80 0x0006EE80 sceNetAdhocctlGetAdhocId
0x5A014CE0 0x0021EE60 0x0006EE60 sceNetAdhocctlGetGameModeInfo
0x5E7F79C9 0x0021EE98 0x0006EE98 sceNetAdhocctlJoin
0x6402490B 0x0021EE58 0x0006EE58 sceNetAdhocctlDelHandler
0x75ECD386 0x0021EEE0 0x0006EEE0 sceNetAdhocctlGetState
0x81AEE1BE 0x0021EEE8 0x0006EEE8 sceNetAdhocctlGetScanInfo
0x8916C003 0x0021EEC0 0x0006EEC0 sceNetAdhocctlGetNameByAddr
0x8DB83FDC 0x0021EEB8 0x0006EEB8 sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerInfo
0x99560ABE 0x0021EED8 0x0006EED8 sceNetAdhocctlGetAddrByName
0x9D689E13 0x0021EE50 0x0006EE50 sceNetAdhocctlTerm
0xA5C055CE 0x0021EEB0 0x0006EEB0 sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameMode
0xB0B80E80 0x0021EEA8 0x0006EEA8 sceNetAdhocctlCreateEnterGameModeMin
0xCF8E084D 0x0021EE48 0x0006EE48 sceNetAdhocctlExitGameMode
0xDED9D28E 0x0021EE90 0x0006EE90 sceNetAdhocctlGetParameter
0xE162CB14 0x0021EEF0 0x0006EEF0 sceNetAdhocctlGetPeerList
0xE26F226E 0x0021EE88 0x0006EE88 sceNetAdhocctlInit
0xEC0635C1 0x0021EEA0 0x0006EEA0 sceNetAdhocctlCreate
Library: sceNetApDialogDummy
0x3811281E 0x0021EF30 0x0006EF30 sceNetApDialogDummyConnect
0xBB73FF67 0x0021EF28 0x0006EF28 sceNetApDialogDummyInit
0xCA9BE5BF 0x0021EF20 0x0006EF20 sceNetApDialogDummyGetState
0xF213BE65 0x0021EF18 0x0006EF18 sceNetApDialogDummyTerm
Library: sceNetApctl
0x24FE91A1 0x0021F088 0x0006F088 sceNetApctlDisconnect
0x2935C45B 0x0021F090 0x0006F090 sceNetApctlGetBSSDescEntry2
0x2BEFDF23 0x0021F0B8 0x0006F0B8 sceNetApctlGetInfo
0x5963991B 0x0021F080 0x0006F080 sceNetApctlDelHandler
0x5DEAC81B 0x0021F0A0 0x0006F0A0 sceNetApctlGetState
0x8ABADD51 0x0021F0B0 0x0006F0B0 sceNetApctlAddHandler
0xA3E77E13 0x0021F0A8 0x0006F0A8 sceNetApctlScanSSID2
0xB3EDD0EC 0x0021F078 0x0006F078 sceNetApctlTerm
0xCFB957C6 0x0021F070 0x0006F070 sceNetApctlConnect
0xE2F91F9B 0x0021F068 0x0006F068 sceNetApctlInit
0xF25A5006 0x0021F098 0x0006F098 sceNetApctlGetBSSDescIDList2
Library: sceNetIfhandle
0xC80181A2 0x0021F148 0x0006F148 sceNetGetDropRate
0xFD8585E1 0x0021F140 0x0006F140 sceNetSetDropRate
Library: sceNetInet
0x05038FC7 0x0021F2C0 0x0006F2C0 sceNetInetSendto
0x162E6FD5 0x0021F2E8 0x0006F2E8 sceNetInetGetsockname
0x17943399 0x0021F260 0x0006F260 sceNetInetInit
0x1A33F9AE 0x0021F2B8 0x0006F2B8 sceNetInetBind
0x1BDF5D13 0x0021F2D0 0x0006F2D0 sceNetInetInetAton
0x2FE71FE7 0x0021F2B0 0x0006F2B0 sceNetInetSetsockopt
0x39B0C7D3 0x0021F300 0x0006F300 sceNetInetGetUdpcbstat
0x410B34AA 0x0021F2A8 0x0006F2A8 sceNetInetConnect
0x4A114C7C 0x0021F2C8 0x0006F2C8 sceNetInetGetsockopt
0x4CFE4E56 0x0021F258 0x0006F258 sceNetInetShutdown
0x5BE8D595 0x0021F2A0 0x0006F2A0 sceNetInetSelect
0x774E36F4 0x0021F270 0x0006F270 sceNetInetSendmsg
0x7AA671BC 0x0021F298 0x0006F298 sceNetInetSend
0x805502DD 0x0021F250 0x0006F250 sceNetInetCloseWithRST
0x80A21ABD 0x0021F248 0x0006F248 sceNetInetSocketAbort
0x8B7B220F 0x0021F240 0x0006F240 sceNetInetSocket
0x8CA3A97E 0x0021F238 0x0006F238 sceNetInetGetPspError
0x8D7284EA 0x0021F230 0x0006F230 sceNetInetClose
0xA9ED66B9 0x0021F228 0x0006F228 sceNetInetTerm
0xB3888AD4 0x0021F308 0x0006F308 sceNetInetGetTcpcbstat
0xB75D5B0A 0x0021F290 0x0006F290 sceNetInetInetAddr
0xC91142E4 0x0021F2E0 0x0006F2E0 sceNetInetRecvfrom
0xCDA85C99 0x0021F288 0x0006F288 sceNetInetRecv
0xD0792666 0x0021F280 0x0006F280 sceNetInetInetNtop
0xD10A1A7A 0x0021F220 0x0006F220 sceNetInetListen
0xDB094E1B 0x0021F2F8 0x0006F2F8 sceNetInetAccept
0xE247B6D6 0x0021F2F0 0x0006F2F0 sceNetInetGetpeername
0xE30B8C19 0x0021F2D8 0x0006F2D8 sceNetInetInetPton
0xEECE61D2 0x0021F278 0x0006F278 sceNetInetRecvmsg
0xFAABB1DD 0x0021F268 0x0006F268 sceNetInetPoll
0xFBABE411 0x0021F210 0x0006F210 sceNetInetGetErrno
Library: sceNetResolver
0x12748EB9 0x0021F368 0x0006F368 sceNetResolverWaitAsync
0x14C17EF9 0x0021F388 0x0006F388 sceNetResolverStartNtoAAsync
0x224C5F44 0x0021F380 0x0006F380 sceNetResolverStartNtoA
0x244172AF 0x0021F378 0x0006F378 sceNetResolverCreate
0x4EE99358 0x0021F370 0x0006F370 sceNetResolverPollAsync
0x6138194A 0x0021F350 0x0006F350 sceNetResolverTerm
0x629E2FB7 0x0021F390 0x0006F390 sceNetResolverStartAtoN
0x808F6063 0x0021F348 0x0006F348 sceNetResolverStop
0x94523E09 0x0021F340 0x0006F340 sceNetResolverDelete
0xAAC09184 0x0021F398 0x0006F398 sceNetResolverStartAtoNAsync
0xF3370E61 0x0021F338 0x0006F338 sceNetResolverInit
Library: sceNetUpnp
0x27045362 0x0021F550 0x0006F550 sceNetUpnpGetNatInfo
0x3432B2E5 0x0021F548 0x0006F548 sceNetUpnpStart
0x3E32ED9E 0x0021F540 0x0006F540 sceNetUpnpStop
0x540491EF 0x0021F538 0x0006F538 sceNetUpnpTerm
0xE24220B5 0x0021F530 0x0006F530 sceNetUpnpInit
Library: sceNp
0x1D60AE4B 0x0021F650 0x0006F650 sceNpGetChatRestrictionFlag
0x37E1E274 0x0021F648 0x0006F648 sceNpTerm
0x4B5C71C8 0x0021F640 0x0006F640 sceNpGetOnlineId
0x633B5F71 0x0021F678 0x0006F678 sceNpGetNpId
0x7E0864DF 0x0021F670 0x0006F670 sceNpGetUserProfile
0x857B47D3 0x0021F638 0x0006F638 sceNpInit
0xA0BE3C4B 0x0021F668 0x0006F668 sceNpGetAccountRegion
0xBB069A87 0x0021F660 0x0006F660 sceNpGetContentRatingFlag
0xCDCC21D3 0x0021F658 0x0006F658 sceNpGetMyLanguages
Library: sceNpAuth
0x3F1C1F70 0x0021F6D0 0x0006F6D0 sceNpAuthGetTicket
0x4EC1F667 0x0021F6D8 0x0006F6D8 sceNpAuthTerm
0x5A3CB57A 0x0021F6A0 0x0006F6A0 sceNpAuthGetTicketParam
0x6900F084 0x0021F6A8 0x0006F6A8 sceNpAuthGetEntitlementById
0x72BB0467 0x0021F6C8 0x0006F6C8 sceNpAuthDestroyRequest
0x75FB0AE3 0x0021F6B0 0x0006F6B0 sceNpAuthGetEntitlementIdList
0xA1DE86F8 0x0021F6E0 0x0006F6E0 sceNpAuthInit
0xCD86A656 0x0021F6E8 0x0006F6E8 sceNpAuthCreateStartRequest
0xD99455DD 0x0021F6C0 0x0006F6C0 sceNpAuthAbortRequest
0xF4531ADC 0x0021F6B8 0x0006F6B8 sceNpAuthGetMemoryStat
Library: sceNpCommerce2
0x005B5F20 0x00220CF0 0x00070CF0 sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoStart
0x05E7AFBC 0x00220CF8 0x00070CF8 sceNpCommerce2GetGameProductInfoFromContentInfo
0x0E9956E3 0x00220D00 0x00070D00 sceNpCommerce2Init
0x1888A9FE 0x00220D08 0x00070D08 sceNpCommerce2DestroyReq
0x1C85ED88 0x00220D10 0x00070D10 sceNpCommerce2GetPrice
0x1C952DCB 0x00220D18 0x00070D18 sceNpCommerce2GetGameProductInfo
0x2B25F6E9 0x00220D20 0x00070D20 sceNpCommerce2CreateSessionStart
0x3371D5F1 0x00220D28 0x00070D28 sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoCreateReq
0x490210E0 0x00220D30 0x00070D30 sceNpCommerce2DestroyGetProductInfoResult
0x4ECD4503 0x00220D38 0x00070D38 sceNpCommerce2CreateSessionCreateReq
0x54FE8871 0x00220D40 0x00070D40 sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryInfo
0x57C8BD4E 0x00220D48 0x00070D48 sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryInfoFromContentInfo
0x590A3229 0x00220D50 0x00070D50 sceNpCommerce2GetSessionInfo
0x5D8C2D99 0x00220D58 0x00070D58 sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryContentsCreateReq
0x6592FE83 0x00220D60 0x00070D60 sceNpCommerce2GetContentRatingDescriptor
0x6A2AE572 0x00220D68 0x00070D68 sceNpCommerce2GetContentRatingInfoFromGameProductInfo
0x6F1FE37F 0x00220D70 0x00070D70 sceNpCommerce2CreateCtx
0x80A7AFDB 0x00220D78 0x00070D78 sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryContentsGetResult
0xA5A34EA4 0x00220D80 0x00070D80 sceNpCommerce2Term
0xAA4A1E3D 0x00220D88 0x00070D88 sceNpCommerce2GetProductInfoGetResult
0xB0D7AA90 0x00220D90 0x00070D90 sceNpCommerce2GetContentInfo
0xBC61FFC8 0x00220D98 0x00070D98 sceNpCommerce2CreateSessionGetResult
0xC5505A19 0x00220DA0 0x00070DA0 sceNpCommerce2GetContentRatingInfoFromCategoryInfo
0xC7F32242 0x00220DA8 0x00070DA8 sceNpCommerce2AbortReq
0xCEAB1829 0x00220DB0 0x00070DB0 sceNpCommerce2InitGetCategoryContentsResult
0xDD6758FA 0x00220DB8 0x00070DB8 sceNpCommerce2GetCategoryContentsStart
0xED85ACCE 0x00220DC0 0x00070DC0 sceNpCommerce2DestroyGetCategoryContentsResult
0xF2278B90 0x00220DC8 0x00070DC8 sceNpCommerce2GetGameSkuInfoFromGameProductInfo
0xF297AB9C 0x00220DD0 0x00070DD0 sceNpCommerce2DestroyCtx
0xFC30C19E 0x00220DD8 0x00070DD8 sceNpCommerce2InitGetProductInfoResult
Library: sceNpMatching2
0x12C5A111 0x0021F860 0x0006F860 sceNpMatching2GetRoomDataExternalList
0x1421514B 0x0021F858 0x0006F858 sceNpMatching2SetDefaultRoomEventOptParam
0x190FF903 0x0021F850 0x0006F850 sceNpMatching2ContextStart
0x22F38DAF 0x0021F848 0x0006F848 sceNpMatching2GetMemoryStat
0x2B3892FC 0x0021F840 0x0006F840 sceNpMatching2ContextStop
0x2E61F6E1 0x0021F838 0x0006F838 sceNpMatching2Init
0x3892E9A6 0x0021F830 0x0006F830 sceNpMatching2SignalingGetConnectionInfo
0x3DE70241 0x0021F828 0x0006F828 sceNpMatching2DestroyContext
0x495E97BD 0x0021F820 0x0006F820 sceNpMatching2GrantRoomOwner
0x4EE3A8EC 0x0021F818 0x0006F818 sceNpMatching2GetServerInfo
0x5030CC53 0x0021F810 0x0006F810 sceNpMatching2CreateContext
0x55F7837F 0x0021F808 0x0006F808 sceNpMatching2SendRoomChatMessage
0x5C7DB6A4 0x0021F800 0x0006F800 sceNpMatching2GetRoomMemberDataInternalList
0x631682CC 0x0021F7F8 0x0006F7F8 sceNpMatching2SetDefaultRequestOptParam
0x6D6D0C75 0x0021F7F0 0x0006F7F0 sceNpMatching2SignalingGetConnectionStatus
0x7BBFC427 0x0021F7E8 0x0006F7E8 sceNpMatching2JoinRoom
0x7D1D5F5E 0x0021F700 0x0006F700 sceNpMatching2SetUserInfo
0x7DAA8A90 0x0021F7E0 0x0006F7E0 sceNpMatching2SetRoomMemberDataInternal
0x80F61558 0x0021F7D8 0x0006F7D8 sceNpMatching2GetRoomMemberIdListLocal
0x81C13E6D 0x0021F7D0 0x0006F7D0 sceNpMatching2SearchRoom
0x8BF37D8C 0x0021F7C8 0x0006F7C8 sceNpMatching2Term
0x8CD109E7 0x0021F7C0 0x0006F7C0 sceNpMatching2SignalingGetPeerNetInfo
0x9462C05A 0x0021F7B8 0x0006F7B8 sceNpMatching2SignalingCancelPeerNetInfo
0x97529ECC 0x0021F7B0 0x0006F7B0 sceNpMatching2KickoutRoomMember
0x9A67F5D0 0x0021F7A8 0x0006F7A8 sceNpMatching2SetSignalingOptParam
0xA3C298D1 0x0021F7A0 0x0006F7A0 sceNpMatching2RegisterSignalingCallback
0xA53E7C69 0x0021F798 0x0006F798 sceNpMatching2GetWorldInfoList
0xA5775DBF 0x0021F790 0x0006F790 sceNpMatching2GetRoomMemberDataInternal
0xAAD0946A 0x0021F788 0x0006F788 sceNpMatching2CreateJoinRoom
0xC7E72EC5 0x0021F780 0x0006F780 sceNpMatching2GetSignalingOptParamLocal
0xC870535A 0x0021F778 0x0006F778 sceNpMatching2LeaveRoom
0xC8FC5D41 0x0021F708 0x0006F708 sceNpMatching2GetUserInfoList
0xD13491AB 0x0021F770 0x0006F770 sceNpMatching2SetDefaultRoomMessageOptParam
0xD7D4AEB2 0x0021F768 0x0006F768 sceNpMatching2SetRoomDataExternal
0xDFEDB642 0x0021F760 0x0006F760 sceNpMatching2SignalingGetPeerNetInfoResult
0xE313E586 0x0021F758 0x0006F758 sceNpMatching2GetRoomDataInternal
0xE6C93DBD 0x0021F750 0x0006F750 sceNpMatching2SetRoomDataInternal
0xEF683F4F 0x0021F748 0x0006F748 sceNpMatching2GetRoomDataInternalLocal
0xF22C7ADC 0x0021F740 0x0006F740 sceNpMatching2GetRoomMemberDataInternalLocal
0xF47342FC 0x0021F738 0x0006F738 sceNpMatching2GetServerIdListLocal
0xF739BE92 0x0021F730 0x0006F730 sceNpMatching2GetRoomPasswordLocal
0xF940D9AD 0x0021F728 0x0006F728 sceNpMatching2SendRoomMessage
0xFADBA9DB 0x0021F720 0x0006F720 sceNpMatching2AbortRequest
0xFBF494C0 0x0021F718 0x0006F718 sceNpMatching2GetRoomMemberDataExternalList
0xFF32EA05 0x0021F710 0x0006F710 sceNpMatching2SignalingGetLocalNetInfo
Library: sceNpService
0x00ACFAC3 0x0021F958 0x0006F958 sceNpServiceTerm
0x0F8F5821 0x0021F950 0x0006F950 sceNpServiceInit
0x168B8DE5 0x0021F948 0x0006F948 sceNpManagerSigninUpdateGetStatus
0x174D0D24 0x0021F980 0x0006F980 sceNpRosterDeleteBlockListEntry
0x1DA3E950 0x0021F970 0x0006F970 sceNpManagerSigninUpdateInitStart
0x250488F9 0x0021F940 0x0006F940 sceNpServiceGetMemoryStat
0x268C009D 0x0021F938 0x0006F938 sceNpManagerSigninUpdateAbort
0x389A0D44 0x0021F8F8 0x0006F8F8 sceNpLookupNpId
0x4B4E4E71 0x0021F930 0x0006F930 sceNpLookupAbortTransaction
0x4E851B10 0x0021F9B8 0x0006F9B8 sceNpRosterGetFriendListEntry
0x506C318D 0x0021F9B0 0x0006F9B0 sceNpRosterGetBlockListEntry
0x5494274B 0x0021F928 0x0006F928 sceNpLookupCreateTransactionCtx
0x58251346 0x0021F978 0x0006F978 sceNpRosterGetFriendListEntryCount
0x5F5E32AF 0x0021F920 0x0006F920 sceNpRosterAbort
0x66C64821 0x0021F918 0x0006F918 sceNpRosterDeleteRequest
0x72A1CE0D 0x0021F960 0x0006F960 sceNpRosterDeleteFriendListEntry
0x75DACB57 0x0021F9A8 0x0006F9A8 sceNpRosterAcceptFriendListEntry
0x78802D5F 0x0021F910 0x0006F910 sceNpManagerSigninUpdateShutdownStart
0x788F2B5E 0x0021F9A0 0x0006F9A0 sceNpRosterAddFriendListEntry
0x90E4DB6A 0x0021F8F0 0x0006F8F0 sceNpLookupUserProfile
0xA01443AA 0x0021F998 0x0006F998 sceNpRosterGetBlockListEntryCount
0xA164CACC 0x0021F990 0x0006F990 sceNpRosterGetFriendListMessage
0xA670D3A3 0x0021F908 0x0006F908 sceNpLookupDestroyTransactionCtx
0xBE22EEA3 0x0021F900 0x0006F900 sceNpRosterCreateRequest
0xC76F55ED 0x0021F8E8 0x0006F8E8 sceNpLookupTitleSmallStorage
0xFC0BC8DB 0x0021F988 0x0006F988 sceNpRosterAddBlockListEntry
Library: sceOpenPSID
0xC69BEBCE 0x0021FA10 0x0006FA10 sceOpenPSIDGetOpenPSID
Library: sceP3da
0x013016F3 0x0021FB88 0x0006FB88 sceP3daBridgeCore
0x374500A5 0x0021FB80 0x0006FB80 sceP3daBridgeInit
0x43F756A2 0x0021FB78 0x0006FB78 sceP3daBridgeExit
Library: sceParseHttp
0x8077A433 0x0021FC60 0x0006FC60 sceParseHttpStatusLine
0xAD7BFDEF 0x0021FC58 0x0006FC58 sceParseHttpResponseHeader
Library: sceParseUri
0x062BB07E 0x0021FCB8 0x0006FCB8 sceUriUnescape
0x49E950EC 0x0021FCB0 0x0006FCB0 sceUriEscape
0x568518C9 0x0021FCA8 0x0006FCA8 sceUriParse
0x7EE318AF 0x0021FCC8 0x0006FCC8 sceUriBuild
0x8885A782 0x0021FCA0 0x0006FCA0 sceUriSweepPath
0x8AA55D17 0x0021FCC0 0x0006FCC0 sceUriMerge
Library: scePower
0x04B7766E 0x0021FF60 0x0006FF60 scePowerRegisterCallback
0x0AFD0D8B 0x0021FF58 0x0006FF58 scePowerIsBatteryExist
0x1E490401 0x0021FF50 0x0006FF50 scePowerIsBatteryCharging
0x2085D15D 0x0021FF48 0x0006FF48 scePowerGetBatteryLifePercent
0x34F9C463 0x0021FF40 0x0006FF40 scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt
0x469989AD 0x0021FEE0 0x0006FEE0 scePowerSetClockFrequency
0x478FE6F5 0x0021FEA8 0x0006FEA8 scePowerGetBusClockFrequency
0x843FBF43 0x0021FF38 0x0006FF38 scePowerSetCpuClockFrequency
0x87440F5E 0x0021FF30 0x0006FF30 scePowerIsPowerOnline
0x8EFB3FA2 0x0021FF28 0x0006FF28 scePowerGetBatteryLifeTime
0x9BADB3EB 0x0021FF20 0x0006FF20 scePowerGetBusClockFrequencyFloat
0xA85880D0 0x0021FF18 0x0006FF18 scePowerCheckWlanCoexistenceClock
0xAC32C9CC 0x0021FEB0 0x0006FEB0 scePowerRequestSuspend
0xB1A52C83 0x0021FF10 0x0006FF10 scePowerGetCpuClockFrequencyFloat
0xB8D7B3FB 0x0021FEB8 0x0006FEB8 scePowerSetBusClockFrequency
0xBD681969 0x0021FF08 0x0006FF08 scePowerGetBusClockFrequencyInt
0xD3075926 0x0021FF00 0x0006FF00 scePowerIsLowBattery
0xDB9D28DD 0x0021FEF8 0x0006FEF8 scePowerUnregitserCallback
0xDFA8BAF8 0x0021FEF0 0x0006FEF0 scePowerUnregisterCallback
0xEA382A27 0x0021FEE8 0x0006FEE8 scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyFloat
0xEBD177D6 0x0021FED8 0x0006FED8 scePowerSetClockFrequency350
0xEFD3C963 0x0021FED0 0x0006FED0 scePowerTick
0xFDB5BFE9 0x0021FEC8 0x0006FEC8 scePowerGetCpuClockFrequencyInt
0xFEE03A2F 0x0021FEC0 0x0006FEC0 scePowerGetCpuClockFrequency
Library: scePsmf
0x0BA514E5 0x002200F0 0x000700F0 scePsmfGetVideoInfo
0x0C120E1D 0x002200E8 0x000700E8 scePsmfSpecifyStreamWithStreamTypeNumber
0x1E6D9013 0x002200E0 0x000700E0 scePsmfSpecifyStreamWithStreamType
0x2673646B 0x00220050 0x00070050 scePsmfVerifyPsmf
0x28240568 0x002200D8 0x000700D8 scePsmfGetCurrentStreamNumber
0x40326D8F 0x002200D0 0x000700D0 scePsmfCheckPsmfMark
0x43AC7DBB 0x002200C8 0x000700C8 scePsmfGetPsmfMark
0x4BC9BDE0 0x002200C0 0x000700C0 scePsmfSpecifyStream
0x4E624A34 0x002200B8 0x000700B8 scePsmfGetEPWithId
0x5B70FCC1 0x00220128 0x00070128 scePsmfQueryStreamOffset
0x5F457515 0x002200B0 0x000700B0 scePsmfGetEPidWithTimestamp
0x68D42328 0x002200A8 0x000700A8 scePsmfGetNumberOfSpecificStreams
0x7491C438 0x002200A0 0x000700A0 scePsmfGetNumberOfEPentries
0x76D3AEBA 0x002200F8 0x000700F8 scePsmfGetPresentationStartTime
0x7C0E7AC3 0x00220098 0x00070098 scePsmfGetEPWithTimestamp
0x8D843AB6 0x00220090 0x00070090 scePsmfGetPsmfMarkIdWithTimestamp
0x9553CC91 0x00220120 0x00070120 scePsmfQueryStreamSize
0x971A3A90 0x00220088 0x00070088 scePsmfCheckEPmap
0xA5EBFE81 0x00220080 0x00070080 scePsmfGetStreamSize
0xA83F7113 0x00220078 0x00070078 scePsmfGetAudioInfo
0xB78EB9E9 0x00220110 0x00070110 scePsmfGetHeaderSize
0xBD8AE0D8 0x00220108 0x00070108 scePsmfGetPresentationEndTime
0xC22C8327 0x00220118 0x00070118 scePsmfSetPsmf
0xC7DB3A5B 0x00220100 0x00070100 scePsmfGetCurrentStreamType
0xD1DCF0DB 0x00220070 0x00070070 scePsmfGetPsmfMarkWithTimestamp
0xDE78E9FC 0x00220068 0x00070068 scePsmfGetNumberOfPsmfMarks
0xE1283895 0x00220060 0x00070060 scePsmfGetPsmfVersion
0xEAED89CD 0x00220058 0x00070058 scePsmfGetNumberOfStreams
Library: scePspNpDrm_user
0x08D98894 0x00220510 0x00070510 sceNpDrmEdataSetupKey
0x219EF5CC 0x00220518 0x00070518 sceNpDrmEdataGetDataSize
0x275987D1 0x00220520 0x00070520 sceNpDrmRenameCheck
0x9B745542 0x00220528 0x00070528 sceNpDrmClearLicenseeKey
0xA1336091 0x00220530 0x00070530 sceNpDrmSetLicenseeKey
Library: scePuny
0x8C2DBD4E 0x002205F0 0x000705F0 scePunyDecodeUCS4
0x8D51155B 0x002205E8 0x000705E8 scePunyEncodeUCS2
0xAD29F139 0x002205E0 0x000705E0 scePunyEncodeUCS4
0xDD0ED02A 0x002205D8 0x000705D8 scePunyDecodeUCS2
Library: sceQpCode
0x2B235B5A 0x002206A0 0x000706A0 sceQPrintableLineDecoder
0x69752447 0x00220698 0x00070698 sceQPrintableEncoder
Library: sceReg
0x0CAE832B 0x00220790 0x00070790 sceRegCloseCategory
0x0D69BF40 0x00220788 0x00070788 sceRegFlushCategory
0x17768E14 0x00220780 0x00070780 sceRegSetKeyValue
0x1D8A762E 0x00220778 0x00070778 sceRegOpenCategory
0x28A8E98A 0x00220770 0x00070770 sceRegGetKeyValue
0x2C0DB9DD 0x00220768 0x00070768 sceRegGetKeysNum
0x2D211135 0x00220760 0x00070760 sceRegGetKeys
0x30BE0259 0x00220758 0x00070758 sceRegGetKeyValueByName
0x3615BC87 0x00220750 0x00070750 sceRegRemoveKey
0x39461B4D 0x00220748 0x00070748 sceRegFlushRegistry
0x4CA16893 0x00220740 0x00070740 sceRegRemoveCategory
0x57641A81 0x00220738 0x00070738 sceRegCreateKey
0x835ECE6F 0x00220730 0x00070730 sceRegGetCategoryListAtRoot
0x92E41280 0x00220728 0x00070728 sceRegOpenRegistry
0x9B25EDF1 0x00220720 0x00070720 sceRegExit
0xBE8C1263 0x00220718 0x00070718 sceRegGetCategoryNumAtRoot
0xC5768D02 0x00220710 0x00070710 sceRegGetKeyInfoByName
0xD4475AA8 0x00220708 0x00070708 sceRegGetKeyInfo
0xDEDA92BF 0x00220700 0x00070700 sceRegRemoveRegistry
0xFA8A5739 0x002206F8 0x000706F8 sceRegCloseRegistry
Library: sceRtc
0x011F03C1 0x00220838 0x00070838 sceRtcGetAccumulativeTime
0x0498FB3C 0x002208C0 0x000708C0 sceRtcFormatRFC3339
0x05EF322C 0x00220830 0x00070830 sceRtcGetDaysInMonth
0x1909C99B 0x00220828 0x00070828 sceRtcSetTime64_t
0x203CEB0D 0x00220888 0x00070888 sceRtcGetLastReincarnatedTime
0x26D25A5D 0x002208D8 0x000708D8 sceRtcTickAddMicroseconds
0x26D7A24A 0x002208D0 0x000708D0 sceRtcTickAddHours
0x27C4594C 0x00220880 0x00070880 sceRtcGetTime_t
0x27F98543 0x00220950 0x00070950 sceRtcFormatRFC3339LocalTime
0x28E1E988 0x00220948 0x00070948 sceRtcParseRFC3339
0x34885E0D 0x002208C8 0x000708C8 sceRtcConvertUtcToLocalTime
0x36075567 0x00220878 0x00070878 sceRtcGetDosTime
0x3A807CC8 0x00220870 0x00070870 sceRtcSetTime_t
0x3F7AD767 0x002208A0 0x000708A0 sceRtcGetCurrentTick
0x42307A17 0x00220820 0x00070820 sceRtcIsLeapYear
0x42842C77 0x00220898 0x00070898 sceRtcTickAddYears
0x44F45E05 0x00220928 0x00070928 sceRtcTickAddTicks
0x4B1B5E82 0x00220868 0x00070868 sceRtcCheckValid
0x4CFA57B0 0x00220860 0x00070860 sceRtcGetCurrentClock
0x57726BC1 0x00220818 0x00070818 sceRtcGetDayOfWeek
0x62685E98 0x00220890 0x00070890 sceRtcGetLastAdjustedTime
0x6A676D2D 0x00220810 0x00070810 sceRtcUnregisterCallback
0x6FF40ACC 0x00220858 0x00070858 sceRtcGetTick
0x779242A2 0x00220920 0x00070920 sceRtcConvertLocalTimeToUTC
0x7ACE4C04 0x00220850 0x00070850 sceRtcSetWin32FileTime
0x7D1FBED3 0x00220918 0x00070918 sceRtcSetAlarmTick
0x7DE6711B 0x00220940 0x00070940 sceRtcFormatRFC2822LocalTime
0x7ED29E40 0x00220910 0x00070910 sceRtcSetTick
0x81FCDA34 0x00220808 0x00070808 sceRtcIsAlarmed
0x9ED0AE87 0x00220908 0x00070908 sceRtcCompareTick
0xC2DDBEB5 0x002208B8 0x000708B8 sceRtcGetAlarmTick
0xC41C2853 0x00220800 0x00070800 sceRtcGetTickResolution
0xC663B3B9 0x00220938 0x00070938 sceRtcFormatRFC2822
0xCF3A2CA8 0x00220900 0x00070900 sceRtcTickAddWeeks
0xCF561893 0x002208B0 0x000708B0 sceRtcGetWin32FileTime
0xDBF74F1B 0x002208F8 0x000708F8 sceRtcTickAddMonths
0xDFBC5F16 0x00220930 0x00070930 sceRtcParseDateTime
0xE1C93E47 0x002208A8 0x000708A8 sceRtcGetTime64_t
0xE51B4B7A 0x002208F0 0x000708F0 sceRtcTickAddDays
0xE6605BCA 0x002208E8 0x000708E8 sceRtcTickAddMinutes
0xE7C27D1B 0x00220848 0x00070848 sceRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime
0xF006F264 0x00220840 0x00070840 sceRtcSetDosTime
0xF2A4AFE5 0x002208E0 0x000708E0 sceRtcTickAddSeconds
0xF5FCC995 0x002207F0 0x000707F0 sceRtcGetCurrentNetworkTick
0xFB3B18CD 0x002207F8 0x000707F8 sceRtcRegisterCallback
Library: sceSasCore
0x019B25EB 0x00220C30 0x00070C30 sceSasSetADSR
0x07F58C24 0x00220C28 0x00070C28 sceSasGetAllEnvelopeHeights
0x267A6DD2 0x00220C20 0x00070C20 sceSasRevParam
0x2C8E6AB3 0x00220C18 0x00070C18 sceSasGetPauseFlag
0x33D4AB37 0x00220C10 0x00070C10 sceSasRevType
0x42778A9F 0x00220C08 0x00070C08 sceSasInit
0x440CA7D8 0x00220C00 0x00070C00 sceSasSetVolume
0x4AA9EAD6 0x00220C38 0x00070C38 sceSasSetVoiceATRAC3
0x50A14DFC 0x00220C58 0x00070C58 sceSasCoreWithMix
0x5F9529F6 0x00220BF8 0x00070BF8 sceSasSetSL
0x68A46B95 0x00220BF0 0x00070BF0 sceSasGetEndFlag
0x7497EA85 0x00220C60 0x00070C60 sceSasConcatenateATRAC3
0x74AE582A 0x00220BE8 0x00070BE8 sceSasGetEnvelopeHeight
0x76F01ACA 0x00220BE0 0x00070BE0 sceSasSetKeyOn
0x787D04D5 0x00220BD8 0x00070BD8 sceSasSetPause
0x99944089 0x00220C50 0x00070C50 sceSasSetVoice
0x9EC3676A 0x00220BD0 0x00070BD0 sceSasSetADSRmode
0xA0CF2FA4 0x00220BC8 0x00070BC8 sceSasSetKeyOff
0xA232CBE6 0x00220BC0 0x00070BC0 sceSasSetTrianglarWave
0xA3589D81 0x00220C48 0x00070C48 sceSasCore
0xAD84D37F 0x00220BB8 0x00070BB8 sceSasSetPitch
0xB7660A23 0x00220BB0 0x00070BB0 sceSasSetNoise
0xBD11B7C2 0x00220BA8 0x00070BA8 sceSasGetGrain
0xCBCD4F79 0x00220BA0 0x00070BA0 sceSasSetSimpleADSR
0xD1E0A01E 0x00220B98 0x00070B98 sceSasSetGrain
0xD5A229C9 0x00220B90 0x00070B90 sceSasRevEVOL
0xD5EBBBCD 0x00220B88 0x00070B88 sceSasSetSteepWave
0xE175EF66 0x00220B80 0x00070B80 sceSasGetOutputmode
0xE1CD9561 0x00220C40 0x00070C40 sceSasSetVoicePCM
0xE855BF76 0x00220B78 0x00070B78 sceSasSetOutputmode
0xF6107F00 0x00220B70 0x00070B70 sceSasUnsetATRAC3
0xF983B186 0x00220B68 0x00070B68 sceSasRevVON
Library: sceSfmt11213
0x16B09B57 0x00220CC8 0x00070CC8 sceSfmt11213InitByArray
0x25238DDF 0x00220CC0 0x00070CC0 sceSfmt11213GenRand64
0x7FCCAD30 0x00220CB8 0x00070CB8 sceSfmt11213FillArray32
0x8F52D18C 0x00220CB0 0x00070CB0 sceSfmt11213GenRand32
0x9D45E91D 0x00220CA8 0x00070CA8 sceSfmt11213InitGenRand
0xE9A29DEC 0x00220CA0 0x00070CA0 sceSfmt11213FillArray64
Library: sceSfmt1279
0x1F2CC3CC 0x0021DE48 0x0006DE48 sceSfmt1279InitByArray
0x378C276E 0x0021DE40 0x0006DE40 sceSfmt1279FillArray64
0x64117FA3 0x0021DE38 0x0006DE38 sceSfmt1279InitGenRand
0x7B9E67AB 0x0021DE30 0x0006DE30 sceSfmt1279GenRand64
0xEDF8B8C3 0x0021DE28 0x0006DE28 sceSfmt1279FillArray32
0xFE9D3FEF 0x0021DE20 0x0006DE20 sceSfmt1279GenRand32
Library: sceSfmt132049
0x0270B0EF 0x0021DF88 0x0006DF88 sceSfmt132049FillArray32
0x116EDAFB 0x0021DF80 0x0006DF80 sceSfmt132049GenRand32
0xC90266E0 0x0021DF78 0x0006DF78 sceSfmt132049InitByArray
0xE0F9E926 0x0021DF70 0x0006DF70 sceSfmt132049InitGenRand
0xE4D856E3 0x0021DF68 0x0006DF68 sceSfmt132049GenRand64
0xE90C5D00 0x0021DF60 0x0006DF60 sceSfmt132049FillArray64
Library: sceSfmt19937
0x161ACEB2 0x0021DFE8 0x0006DFE8 sceSfmt19937InitGenRand
0xB33FE749 0x0021DFE0 0x0006DFE0 sceSfmt19937GenRand32
0xD5AC9F99 0x0021DFD8 0x0006DFD8 sceSfmt19937GenRand64
0xDB025BFA 0x0021DFD0 0x0006DFD0 sceSfmt19937FillArray32
0xDD5A5D6C 0x0021DFC8 0x0006DFC8 sceSfmt19937InitByArray
0xEE2938C4 0x0021DFC0 0x0006DFC0 sceSfmt19937FillArray64
Library: sceSfmt216091
0x353660FC 0x0021E168 0x0006E168 sceSfmt216091InitByArray
0x3A0F900B 0x0021E160 0x0006E160 sceSfmt216091FillArray32
0x5E2F99CE 0x0021E158 0x0006E158 sceSfmt216091GenRand64
0xBFA431A4 0x0021E150 0x0006E150 sceSfmt216091FillArray64
0xC0E3B92F 0x0021E148 0x0006E148 sceSfmt216091InitGenRand
0xC81A470C 0x0021E140 0x0006E140 sceSfmt216091GenRand32
Library: sceSfmt2281
0x8454D15E 0x0021E480 0x0006E480 sceSfmt2281FillArray64
0x868C53AB 0x0021E478 0x0006E478 sceSfmt2281InitGenRand
0x9D9120D6 0x0021E470 0x0006E470 sceSfmt2281FillArray32
0xBBCDB82B 0x0021E468 0x0006E468 sceSfmt2281GenRand64
0xDEE53F2E 0x0021E460 0x0006E460 sceSfmt2281GenRand32
0xF38FF54A 0x0021E458 0x0006E458 sceSfmt2281InitByArray
Library: sceSfmt4253
0x2AF9B5D3 0x0021E548 0x0006E548 sceSfmt4253GenRand64
0x61B05CA7 0x0021E540 0x0006E540 sceSfmt4253FillArray32
0x79D2E875 0x0021E538 0x0006E538 sceSfmt4253FillArray64
0x7F56FA88 0x0021E530 0x0006E530 sceSfmt4253InitGenRand
0xFA39B7A4 0x0021E528 0x0006E528 sceSfmt4253InitByArray
0xFBFCDAFD 0x0021E520 0x0006E520 sceSfmt4253GenRand32
Library: sceSfmt44497
0x31B1F41F 0x0021E5E8 0x0006E5E8 sceSfmt44497GenRand32
0x4525C4FD 0x0021E5E0 0x0006E5E0 sceSfmt44497GenRand64
0xA4168CB6 0x0021E5D8 0x0006E5D8 sceSfmt44497InitGenRand
0xB56C5830 0x0021E5D0 0x0006E5D0 sceSfmt44497InitByArray
0xCA9560E2 0x0021E5C8 0x0006E5C8 sceSfmt44497FillArray64
0xDCD09960 0x0021E5C0 0x0006E5C0 sceSfmt44497FillArray32
Library: sceSfmt607
0x1CCCC776 0x0021E788 0x0006E788 sceSfmt607GenRand64
0x4ED95A1E 0x0021E780 0x0006E780 sceSfmt607FillArray64
0x9480A1E6 0x0021E778 0x0006E778 sceSfmt607InitGenRand
0xB014F0A8 0x0021E770 0x0006E770 sceSfmt607InitByArray
0xCE73E1B9 0x0021E768 0x0006E768 sceSfmt607GenRand32
0xFA3CB3A5 0x0021E760 0x0006E760 sceSfmt607FillArray32
Library: sceSfmt86243
0x2A0AFFB3 0x0021E840 0x0006E840 sceSfmt86243FillArray64
0x79A146E0 0x0021E838 0x0006E838 sceSfmt86243InitByArray
0x8CC70361 0x0021E830 0x0006E830 sceSfmt86243FillArray32
0xD5B8D7A2 0x0021E828 0x0006E828 sceSfmt86243GenRand32
0xDD4196A3 0x0021E820 0x0006E820 sceSfmt86243InitGenRand
0xF77D68EF 0x0021E818 0x0006E818 sceSfmt86243GenRand64
Library: sceSha0
0x86E64331 0x0021EF48 0x0006EF48 sceSha0BlockResult
0x91524E96 0x0021EF50 0x0006EF50 sceSha0BlockUpdate
0x931612A8 0x0021EF40 0x0006EF40 sceSha0Digest
0xEE071A21 0x0021EF38 0x0006EF38 sceSha0BlockInit
Library: sceSha1
0x4A80340A 0x0021F0C0 0x0006F0C0 sceSha1BlockInit
0x5AF85569 0x0021F0D8 0x0006F0D8 sceSha1BlockUpdate
0x78EDE680 0x0021F0D0 0x0006F0D0 sceSha1BlockResult
0xB94ACDAE 0x0021F0C8 0x0006F0C8 sceSha1Digest
Library: sceSha224
0x3A96138F 0x0021F150 0x0006F150 sceSha224BlockInit
0x5BE354EA 0x0021F158 0x0006F158 sceSha224Digest
0xD6A3ADCB 0x0021F160 0x0006F160 sceSha224BlockResult
0xEF597FC7 0x0021F168 0x0006F168 sceSha224BlockUpdate
Library: sceSha256
0x318A350C 0x0021F318 0x0006F318 sceSha256Digest
0x5368F1BC 0x0021F310 0x0006F310 sceSha256BlockInit
0x7310DDCF 0x0021F328 0x0006F328 sceSha256BlockUpdate
0x82C67FB3 0x0021F320 0x0006F320 sceSha256BlockResult
Library: sceSha384
0x139319AF 0x0021F3A0 0x0006F3A0 sceSha384BlockInit
0x9CC3A3A2 0x0021F3B8 0x0006F3B8 sceSha384BlockUpdate
0xD7DF2B41 0x0021F3A8 0x0006F3A8 sceSha384Digest
0xD9E51292 0x0021F3B0 0x0006F3B0 sceSha384BlockResult
Library: sceSha512
0x16ED8DC6 0x0021F558 0x0006F558 sceSha512BlockInit
0x5AFE898D 0x0021F560 0x0006F560 sceSha512Digest
0x8208F538 0x0021F570 0x0006F570 sceSha512BlockUpdate
0xAAB6221E 0x0021F568 0x0006F568 sceSha512BlockResult
Library: sceSsl
0x058D21C0 0x0021F880 0x0006F880 sceSslGetNameEntryCount
0x0EB43B06 0x0021F888 0x0006F888 sceSslGetUsedMemoryCurrent
0x17A10DCC 0x0021F8C0 0x0006F8C0 sceSslGetNotBefore
0x191CDEFF 0x0021F878 0x0006F878 sceSslEnd
0x1B7C8191 0x0021F8A0 0x0006F8A0 sceSslGetIssuerName
0x3DD5E023 0x0021F8B8 0x0006F8B8 sceSslGetSubjectName
0x5BFB6B61 0x0021F898 0x0006F898 sceSslGetNotAfter
0x957ECBE2 0x0021F870 0x0006F870 sceSslInit
0xB99EDE6A 0x0021F890 0x0006F890 sceSslGetUsedMemoryMax
0xCC0919B0 0x0021F8B0 0x0006F8B0 sceSslGetSerialNumber
0xD6D097B4 0x0021F8A8 0x0006F8A8 sceSslGetNameEntryInfo
0xF57765D3 0x0021F868 0x0006F868 sceSslGetKeyUsage
Library: sceSuspendForUser
0x090CCB3F 0x0021F9E8 0x0006F9E8 sceKernelPowerTick
0x3AEE7261 0x0021F9E0 0x0006F9E0 sceKernelPowerUnlock
0x3E0271D3 0x0021F9F0 0x0006F9F0 sceKernelVolatileMemLock
0xA14F40B2 0x0021F9F8 0x0006F9F8 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock
0xA569E425 0x0021F9D8 0x0006F9D8 sceKernelVolatileMemUnlock
0xEADB1BD7 0x0021F9D0 0x0006F9D0 sceKernelPowerLock
Library: sceUmdUser
0x14C6C45C 0x0021FA18 0x0006FA18 sceUmdUnuseUMDInMsUsbWlan
0x20628E6F 0x0021FA88 0x0006FA88 sceUmdGetErrorStat
0x340B7686 0x0021FA80 0x0006FA80 sceUmdGetDiscInfo
0x46EBB729 0x0021FA78 0x0006FA78 sceUmdCheckMedium
0x4A9E5E29 0x0021FA70 0x0006FA70 sceUmdWaitDriveStatCB
0x56202973 0x0021FA68 0x0006FA68 sceUmdWaitDriveStatWithTimer
0x6AF9B50A 0x0021FA60 0x0006FA60 sceUmdCancelWaitDriveStat
0x6B4A146C 0x0021FA58 0x0006FA58 sceUmdGetDriveStat
0x87533940 0x0021FA50 0x0006FA50 sceUmdReplaceProhibit
0x8EF08FCE 0x0021FA48 0x0006FA48 sceUmdWaitDriveStat
0xAEE7404D 0x0021FA40 0x0006FA40 sceUmdRegisterUMDCallBack
0xB103FA38 0x0021FA20 0x0006FA20 sceUmdUseUMDInMsUsbWlan
0xBD2BDE07 0x0021FA38 0x0006FA38 sceUmdUnRegisterUMDCallBack
0xC6183D47 0x0021FA90 0x0006FA90 sceUmdActivate
0xCBE9F02A 0x0021FA30 0x0006FA30 sceUmdReplacePermit
0xE83742BA 0x0021FA28 0x0006FA28 sceUmdDeactivate
Library: sceUsb
0x112CC951 0x0021FBB0 0x0006FBB0 sceUsbGetDrvState
0x1C360735 0x0021FBA8 0x0006FBA8 sceUsbWaitCancel
0x4E537366 0x0021FBB8 0x0006FBB8 sceUsbGetDrvList
0x586DB82C 0x0021FBA0 0x0006FBA0 sceUsbActivate
0x5BE0E002 0x0021FBC0 0x0006FBC0 sceUsbWaitState
0x616F2B61 0x0021FBD8 0x0006FBD8 sceUsbWaitStateCB
0xAE5DE6AF 0x0021FBD0 0x0006FBD0 sceUsbStart
0xC21645A4 0x0021FB98 0x0006FB98 sceUsbGetState
0xC2464FA0 0x0021FBC8 0x0006FBC8 sceUsbStop
0xC572A9C8 0x0021FB90 0x0006FB90 sceUsbDeactivate
Library: sceUsbAcc
0x0CD7D4AA 0x0021FC68 0x0006FC68 sceUsbAccGetInfo
0x79A1C743 0x0021FC70 0x0006FC70 sceUsbAccGetAuthStat
Library: sceUsbCam
0x03ED7A82 0x0021FDB8 0x0006FDB8 sceUsbCamSetupMic
0x08AEE98A 0x0021FDB0 0x0006FDB0 sceUsbCamSetMicGain
0x09C26C7E 0x0021FDA8 0x0006FDA8 sceUsbCamSetContrast
0x11A1F128 0x0021FDA0 0x0006FDA0 sceUsbCamGetAutoImageReverseState
0x17F7B2FB 0x0021FE40 0x0006FE40 sceUsbCamSetupVideo
0x1A46CFE7 0x0021FD98 0x0006FD98 sceUsbCamStillPollInputEnd
0x1D686870 0x0021FD90 0x0006FD90 sceUsbCamSetEvLevel
0x2BCD50C0 0x0021FDF0 0x0006FDF0 sceUsbCamGetEvLevel
0x36636925 0x0021FE38 0x0006FE38 sceUsbCamReadMicBlocking
0x383E9FA8 0x0021FDC8 0x0006FDC8 sceUsbCamGetSaturation
0x3DC0088E 0x0021FE30 0x0006FE30 sceUsbCamReadMic
0x3F0CF289 0x0021FDC0 0x0006FDC0 sceUsbCamSetupStill
0x41E73E95 0x0021FD88 0x0006FD88 sceUsbCamPollReadVideoFrameEnd
0x41EE8797 0x0021FD80 0x0006FD80 sceUsbCamUnregisterLensRotationCallback
0x4C34F553 0x0021FD78 0x0006FD78 sceUsbCamGetLensDirection
0x4F3D84D5 0x0021FD70 0x0006FD70 sceUsbCamSetBrightness
0x5145868A 0x0021FD68 0x0006FD68 sceUsbCamStopMic
0x574A8C3F 0x0021FD60 0x0006FD60 sceUsbCamStartVideo
0x5778B452 0x0021FD58 0x0006FD58 sceUsbCamGetMicDataLength
0x61BE5CAC 0x0021FE28 0x0006FE28 sceUsbCamStillInputBlocking
0x622F83CC 0x0021FD50 0x0006FD50 sceUsbCamSetSharpness
0x6784E6A8 0x0021FD48 0x0006FD48 sceUsbCamSetAntiFlicker
0x6CF32CB9 0x0021FD40 0x0006FD40 sceUsbCamStopVideo
0x6E205974 0x0021FD38 0x0006FD38 sceUsbCamSetSaturation
0x70F522C5 0x0021FE08 0x0006FE08 sceUsbCamGetBrightness
0x7563AFA1 0x0021FD30 0x0006FD30 sceUsbCamStillWaitInputEnd
0x7DAC0C71 0x0021FE20 0x0006FE20 sceUsbCamReadVideoFrameBlocking
0x82A64030 0x0021FD28 0x0006FD28 sceUsbCamStartMic
0x951BEDF5 0x0021FD20 0x0006FD20 sceUsbCamSetReverseMode
0x994471E0 0x0021FE00 0x0006FE00 sceUsbCamGetImageEffectMode
0x99D86281 0x0021FE18 0x0006FE18 sceUsbCamReadVideoFrame
0x9E8AAF8D 0x0021FDF8 0x0006FDF8 sceUsbCamGetZoom
0xA063A957 0x0021FDE8 0x0006FDE8 sceUsbCamGetContrast
0xA720937C 0x0021FD18 0x0006FD18 sceUsbCamStillCancelInput
0xAA7D94BA 0x0021FDE0 0x0006FDE0 sceUsbCamGetAntiFlicker
0xB048A67D 0x0021FD10 0x0006FD10 sceUsbCamWaitReadMicEnd
0xC484901F 0x0021FD08 0x0006FD08 sceUsbCamSetZoom
0xD293A100 0x0021FD00 0x0006FD00 sceUsbCamRegisterLensRotationCallback
0xD4876173 0x0021FCF8 0x0006FCF8 sceUsbCamSetImageEffectMode
0xD5279339 0x0021FDD8 0x0006FDD8 sceUsbCamGetReverseMode
0xDF9D0C92 0x0021FCF0 0x0006FCF0 sceUsbCamGetReadVideoFrameSize
0xE5959C36 0x0021FCE8 0x0006FCE8 sceUsbCamStillGetInputLength
0xF8847F60 0x0021FCE0 0x0006FCE0 sceUsbCamPollReadMicEnd
0xF90B2293 0x0021FCD8 0x0006FCD8 sceUsbCamWaitReadVideoFrameEnd
0xF93C4669 0x0021FCD0 0x0006FCD0 sceUsbCamAutoImageReverseSW
0xFB0A6C5D 0x0021FE10 0x0006FE10 sceUsbCamStillInput
0xFDB68C23 0x0021FDD0 0x0006FDD0 sceUsbCamGetSharpness
Library: sceUsbGps
0x5881C826 0x0021FF80 0x0006FF80 sceUsbGpsGetStaticNavMode
0x6EED4811 0x0021FF78 0x0006FF78 sceUsbGpsClose
0x7C16AC3A 0x0021FF88 0x0006FF88 sceUsbGpsGetState
0x934EC2B2 0x0021FF90 0x0006FF90 sceUsbGpsGetData
0x9F267D34 0x0021FF70 0x0006FF70 sceUsbGpsOpen
0xA8ED0BC2 0x0021FF68 0x0006FF68 sceUsbGpsSetStaticNavMode
Library: sceUsbMic
0x06128E42 0x00220158 0x00070158 sceUsbMicPollInputEnd
0x2E6DCDCD 0x00220160 0x00070160 sceUsbMicInputBlocking
0x45310F07 0x00220150 0x00070150 sceUsbMicInputInitEx
0x5F7F368D 0x00220148 0x00070148 sceUsbMicInput
0x63400E20 0x00220140 0x00070140 sceUsbMicGetInputLength
0xB8E536EB 0x00220138 0x00070138 sceUsbMicInputInit
0xF899001C 0x00220130 0x00070130 sceUsbMicWaitInputEnd
Library: sceUsbSer
0x0C40864C 0x00220F50 0x00070F50 sceUsbSerGetDTR
0x105B2FB5 0x00220F58 0x00070F58 sceUsbSerRegisterDTRCallback
0x193E613B 0x00220F60 0x00070F60 sceUsbSerClose
0x2432D28D 0x00220F68 0x00070F68 sceUsbSerRead
0x3EFDC183 0x00220F70 0x00070F70 sceUsbSerGetWriteDataSize
0x41303714 0x00220F78 0x00070F78 sceUsbSerCancel
0x473B6BF3 0x00220F80 0x00070F80 sceUsbSerWriteCB
0x50AD923C 0x00220F88 0x00070F88 sceUsbSerSetRecvCBThreshold
0x7501C273 0x00220F90 0x00070F90 sceUsbSerRegisterSentCallback
0x82CF9F2A 0x00220F98 0x00070F98 sceUsbSerUnregisterRecvCallback
0x886AF215 0x00220FA0 0x00070FA0 sceUsbSerGetReadDataSize
0x8B9F5C97 0x00220FA8 0x00070FA8 sceUsbSerClear
0x938AD8E2 0x00220FB0 0x00070FB0 sceUsbSerUnregisterSentCallback
0x999B21E1 0x00220FB8 0x00070FB8 sceUsbSerRegisterRecvCallback
0xA3F75968 0x00220FC0 0x00070FC0 sceUsbSerReadCB
0xBF8B3E85 0x00220FC8 0x00070FC8 sceUsbSerWrite
0xD6CD027C 0x00220FD0 0x00070FD0 sceUsbSerUnregisterDTRCallback
0xE23DEB0A 0x00220FD8 0x00070FD8 sceUsbSerGetWriteFreeSize
0xE2F0E3E3 0x00220FE0 0x00070FE0 sceUsbSerFlushCB
0xE60A8C56 0x00220FE8 0x00070FE8 sceUsbSerGetReadFreeSize
0xE945D8E9 0x00220FF0 0x00070FF0 sceUsbSerEnd
0xE9D739DF 0x00220FF8 0x00070FF8 sceUsbSerSetSentCBThreshold
0xEDBFD745 0x00221000 0x00071000 sceUsbSerInit
0xEFF02189 0x00221008 0x00071008 sceUsbSerFlush
0xFD9A2340 0x00221010 0x00071010 sceUsbSerOpen
Library: sceUtility
0x0251B134 0x00220250 0x00070250 sceUtilityScreenshotInitStart
0x05AFB9E4 0x002204B0 0x000704B0 sceUtilityHtmlViewerUpdate
0x06A48659 0x002204A8 0x000704A8 sceUtilityRssSubscriberShutdownStart
0x0940A1B9 0x00220258 0x00070258 sceUtilityPsnUpdate
0x094198B8 0x00220260 0x00070260 sceUtilityPsnGetStatus
0x0D5BC6D2 0x00220268 0x00070268 sceUtilityLoadUsbModule
0x0E0C27AF 0x00220270 0x00070270 sceUtilityAutoConnectAbort
0x1281DA8E 0x00220278 0x00070278 sceUtilityInstallInitStart
0x1579A159 0x00220280 0x00070280 sceUtilityLoadNetModule
0x16D02AF0 0x002204B8 0x000704B8 sceUtilityNpSigninInitStart
0x180F7B62 0x00220288 0x00070288 sceUtilityGamedataInstallAbort
0x24AC31EB 0x00220290 0x00070290 sceUtilityGamedataInstallInitStart
0x2995D020 0x00220298 0x00070298 sceUtilitySavedataErrInitStart
0x2A2B3DE0 0x002204A0 0x000704A0 sceUtilityLoadModule
0x2AD8E239 0x00220498 0x00070498 sceUtilityMsgDialogInitStart
0x2B96173B 0x00220490 0x00070490 sceUtilityRssSubscriberGetStatus
0x32E32DCB 0x002202A0 0x000702A0 sceUtilityGamedataInstallShutdownStart
0x34B78343 0x002204F8 0x000704F8 sceUtilityGetSystemParamString
0x3A15CD0A 0x002202A8 0x000702A8 sceUtilityAutoConnectInitStart
0x3AAD51DC 0x002202B0 0x000702B0 sceUtilityStoreCheckoutGetStatus
0x3DFAEBA9 0x00220488 0x00070488 sceUtilityOskShutdownStart
0x41E30674 0x002204F0 0x000704F0 sceUtilitySetSystemParamString
0x42071A83 0x002202B8 0x000702B8 sceUtilityPS3ScanInitStart
0x434D4B3A 0x002204E8 0x000704E8 sceUtilityGetNetParam
0x45C18506 0x00220480 0x00070480 sceUtilitySetSystemParamInt
0x4928BD96 0x00220478 0x00070478 sceUtilityMsgDialogAbort
0x4AECD179 0x002202C0 0x000702C0 sceUtilityGamedataInstallUpdate
0x4B0A8FE5 0x002204E0 0x000704E0 sceUtilityRssSubscriberInitStart
0x4B85C861 0x00220470 0x00070470 sceUtilityOskUpdate
0x4DB1E739 0x002204D8 0x000704D8 sceUtilityNetconfInitStart
0x4FED24D8 0x00220468 0x00070468 sceUtilityGetNetParamLatestID
0x50C4CD57 0x002204D0 0x000704D0 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart
0x54A5C62F 0x002202C8 0x000702C8 sceUtilityStoreCheckoutShutdownStart
0x5EEE6548 0x00220460 0x00070460 sceUtilityCheckNetParam
0x5EF1C24A 0x00220458 0x00070458 sceUtilityInstallShutdownStart
0x6332AA39 0x00220450 0x00070450 sceUtilityNetconfGetStatus
0x64D50C56 0x002202D0 0x000702D0 sceUtilityUnloadNetModule
0x67AF3428 0x00220448 0x00070448 sceUtilityMsgDialogShutdownStart
0x6F56F9CF 0x00220440 0x00070440 sceUtilityRssReaderUpdate
0x7853182D 0x002202D8 0x000702D8 sceUtilityGameSharingUpdate
0x81C44706 0x002202E0 0x000702E0 sceUtilityRssReaderInitStart
0x8326AB05 0x002202E8 0x000702E8 sceUtilityRssReaderGetStatus
0x86A03A27 0x002202F0 0x000702F0 sceUtilityScreenshotContStart
0x86ABDB1B 0x00220438 0x00070438 sceUtilityNpSigninGetStatus
0x8874DBE0 0x00220430 0x00070430 sceUtilitySavedataGetStatus
0x88BC7406 0x002202F8 0x000702F8 sceUtilitySavedataErrGetStatus
0x89317C8F 0x00220300 0x00070300 sceUtilityPS3ScanGetStatus
0x91E70E35 0x00220428 0x00070428 sceUtilityNetconfUpdate
0x946963F3 0x00220308 0x00070308 sceUtilityGameSharingGetStatus
0x95FC253B 0x00220420 0x00070420 sceUtilityMsgDialogUpdate
0x9790B33C 0x00220418 0x00070418 sceUtilitySavedataShutdownStart
0x9A1C91D7 0x00220410 0x00070410 sceUtilityMsgDialogGetStatus
0x9F313D14 0x00220310 0x00070310 sceUtilityAutoConnectShutdownStart
0xA03D29BA 0x00220408 0x00070408 sceUtilityInstallUpdate
0xA084E056 0x00220318 0x00070318 sceUtilityRssSubscriberUpdate
0xA5DA2406 0x00220508 0x00070508 sceUtilityGetSystemParamInt
0xA7BB7C67 0x00220320 0x00070320 sceUtilityPsnInitStart
0xAB083EA9 0x00220400 0x00070400 sceUtilityScreenshotUpdate
0xB0FB7FF5 0x00220328 0x00070328 sceUtilityRssReaderContStart
0xB57E95D9 0x00220330 0x00070330 sceUtilityGamedataInstallGetStatus
0xB62A4061 0x00220338 0x00070338 sceUtilitySavedataErrShutdownStart
0xB8592D5F 0x00220340 0x00070340 sceUtilityStoreCheckoutUpdate
0xBDA7D894 0x002203F8 0x000703F8 sceUtilityHtmlViewerGetStatus
0xC130D441 0x00220348 0x00070348 sceUtilityPsnShutdownStart
0xC4700FA3 0x002203F0 0x000703F0 sceUtilityInstallGetStatus
0xC492F751 0x00220500 0x00070500 sceUtilityGameSharingInitStart
0xC629AF26 0x00220350 0x00070350 sceUtilityLoadAvModule
0xCDC3AA41 0x002204C8 0x000704C8 sceUtilityHtmlViewerInitStart
0xD17A0573 0x00220358 0x00070358 sceUtilityPS3ScanShutdownStart
0xD23665F4 0x00220360 0x00070360 sceUtilityAutoConnectUpdate
0xD4B95FFB 0x002203E8 0x000703E8 sceUtilitySavedataUpdate
0xD4C2BD73 0x00220368 0x00070368 sceUtilityAutoConnectGetStatus
0xD81957B7 0x002203E0 0x000703E0 sceUtilityScreenshotGetStatus
0xD852CDCE 0x00220370 0x00070370 sceUtilityPS3ScanUpdate
0xDA97F1AA 0x00220378 0x00070378 sceUtilityStoreCheckoutInitStart
0xE19C97D6 0x002203D8 0x000703D8 sceUtilityNpSigninShutdownStart
0xE49BFE92 0x002203D0 0x000703D0 sceUtilityUnloadModule
0xE7B778D8 0x00220380 0x00070380 sceUtilityRssReaderShutdownStart
0xED0FAD38 0x00220388 0x00070388 sceUtilitySavedataErrUpdate
0xEFC6F80F 0x00220390 0x00070390 sceUtilityGameSharingShutdownStart
0xF3F76017 0x002203C8 0x000703C8 sceUtilityOskGetStatus
0xF3FBC572 0x002203C0 0x000703C0 sceUtilityNpSigninUpdate
0xF5CE1134 0x002203B8 0x000703B8 sceUtilityHtmlViewerShutdownStart
0xF6269B82 0x002204C0 0x000704C0 sceUtilityOskInitStart
0xF64910F0 0x00220398 0x00070398 sceUtilityUnloadUsbModule
0xF7D8D092 0x002203A0 0x000703A0 sceUtilityUnloadAvModule
0xF88155F6 0x002203B0 0x000703B0 sceUtilityNetconfShutdownStart
0xF9E0008C 0x002203A8 0x000703A8 sceUtilityScreenshotShutdownStart
Library: sceVaudio
0x03B6807D 0x00220568 0x00070568 sceVaudioChReserve
0x27ACC20B 0x00220560 0x00070560 sceVaudioChReserveBuffering
0x346FBE94 0x00220550 0x00070550 sceVaudioSetEffectType
0x67585DFD 0x00220558 0x00070558 sceVaudioChRelease
0x8986295E 0x00220570 0x00070570 sceVaudioOutputBlocking
0xCBD4AC51 0x00220548 0x00070548 sceVaudioSetAlcMode
Library: sceWlanDrv
0x0C622081 0x00220608 0x00070608 sceWlanGetEtherAddr
0x93440B11 0x002205F8 0x000705F8 sceWlanDevIsPowerOn
0xD7763699 0x00220600 0x00070600 sceWlanGetSwitchState
Library: pemuExt
0x2C1F5DA6 0x00221068 0x00071068 pemuExtUtilityGetFreeSize
0x5D915C5B 0x00221050 0x00071050 pemuExtUtilityThemeInstallAbort
0x806D1DCB 0x00221060 0x00071060 pemuExtUtilityMusicExportInitStart
0x9F85A1E3 0x00221058 0x00071058 pemuExtUtilityMusicExportAbort
0xA9102BD9 0x00221070 0x00071070 pemuExtUtilityThemeInstallInitStart
0xAB94E451 0x00221048 0x00071048 pemuExtUtilityThemeInstallGetStatus
0xAF7228AB 0x00221040 0x00071040 pemuExtUtilityMusicExportShutdownStart
0xB95A85D1 0x00221038 0x00071038 pemuExtUtilityThemeInstallUpdate
0xBFBB2A30 0x00221030 0x00071030 pemuExtIsStereoscopic3d
0xCAC8A9DA 0x00221028 0x00071028 pemuExtUtilityMusicExportUpdate
0xDBF1A3A9 0x00221020 0x00071020 pemuExtUtilityThemeInstallShutdownStart
0xE4786D09 0x00221018 0x00071018 pemuExtUtilityMusicExportGetStatus
=== Experimental Patch ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
00000000000285B0 empty_buffer:                          # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+74�j
00000000000285B0 empty_buffer:                          # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+74�j
Line 1,858: Line 102:
00000000000285F4 loc_285F4:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+B4�j
00000000000285F4 loc_285F4:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+B4�j
00000000000285F4                stw      r31, 8(r30)  # return value
00000000000285F4                stw      r31, 8(r30)  # return value
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
LOAD:00000000000285B0 loc_285B0:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+74�j
LOAD:00000000000285B0                                        # sceIoIoctlAsync+140�j ...
LOAD:00000000000285B0                bl        _sys_libc_malloc
LOAD:00000000000285B4                clrldi    r26, r3, 32
LOAD:00000000000285B8                lis      r28, 0x101 # 0x1010005                          # Seek cmd id
LOAD:00000000000285BC                ori      r28, r28, 5 # 0x1010005
LOAD:00000000000285C0                b        loc_28724
LOAD:00000000000285C4 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:00000000000285C4 loc_285C4:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+184�j  #
LOAD:00000000000285C4                                        # sceIoIoctlAsync+2D0�j              # Both branches also modified, so we can use 5x4 bytes
LOAD:00000000000285C4                clrldi    r7, r23, 32
LOAD:00000000000285C8                extsw    r3, r24
LOAD:00000000000285CC                extsw    r4, r28
LOAD:00000000000285D0                mr        r6, r27
LOAD:00000000000285D4                clrldi    r8, r25, 32
LOAD:00000000000285D8                mr        r5, r29
LOAD:00000000000285DC                bl        _IoFileMgrForUser_822ADD32
LOAD:00000000000285E0                ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
LOAD:00000000000285E4                mr        r31, r3
LOAD:00000000000285E8                mr        r3, r29
LOAD:00000000000285EC                bl        _sys_libc_free
LOAD:00000000000285F0                ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
LOAD:00000000000285F4                stw      r31, 8(r30)

Unsupported ID's will be replaced with empty buffers and simply sent through IoIoctl.<br>
{{boxcode|float=right|width=50%|title=Patched|code=<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
PGD = ID 0x04100001<br>
This '''ugly and highly experimental poc code''' simply redirects unsupported cmd's to 0x01010005 (Seek Begin)<br>
00000000000285B0 loc_285B0:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+74�j
prolly breaks other cmd's<br>
00000000000285B0                                        # sceIoIoctlAsync+140�j ...
00000000000285B0                bl        _sys_libc_malloc
00000000000285B4                clrldi    r26, r3, 32
00000000000285B8                lis      r28, 0x101 # 0x1010005                          # Seek cmd id
00000000000285BC                ori      r28, r28, 5 # 0x1010005
00000000000285C0                b        loc_28724
00000000000285C4 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00000000000285C4 loc_285C4:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+184�j  #
00000000000285C4                                        # sceIoIoctlAsync+2D0�j              # Both branches also modified, so we can use 5x4 bytes
00000000000285C4                clrldi    r7, r23, 32
00000000000285C8                extsw    r3, r24
00000000000285CC                extsw    r4, r28
00000000000285D0                mr        r6, r27
00000000000285D4                clrldi    r8, r25, 32
00000000000285D8                mr        r5, r29
00000000000285DC                bl        _IoFileMgrForUser_822ADD32
00000000000285E0                ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
00000000000285E4                mr        r31, r3
00000000000285E8                mr        r3, r29
00000000000285EC                bl        _sys_libc_free
00000000000285F0                ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
00000000000285F4                stw      r31, 8(r30)

Supported cmd ID's:
Unsupported command ID's will be replaced with empty buffers and simply sent through IoIoctl.<br>
PGD = ID 0x04100001
Supported command ID's:
  0x1010005 (UMD file seek set)
  0x1010005 (UMD file seek set)
Line 1,905: Line 146:
  0x1F30003 (UMD disc read sectors operation)
  0x1F30003 (UMD disc read sectors operation)

Referenced as help:<br>
*Reference help:

Line 1,926: Line 166:
0x04100010 - Get PGD data size
0x04100010 - Get PGD data size
===NPEZ00093 TETRIS===
AW.REUSE_ADRS = 110000
23:10:028 user_main    I[SCEGE]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:331 Creating FBO for 00110000 : 280 x 20 x 3<br>
23:10:030 user_main    W[SCEGE]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:373 FBO reusing depthbuffer, 00110000/00044000 and 00088000/00044000<br>
23:10:041 user_main    I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:140 Linked shader: vs 31 fs 32<br>
23:15:969 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: >L<br>
23:16:302 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: <OK<br>
23:16:377 user_main    W[G3D]: GLES\TextureCache.cpp:336 Render to texture with different strides 256 != 280<br>
23:19:096 user_main    I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:730 Resizing FBO for 00110000 : 256 x 272 x 3<br>
23:39:980 user_main    I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:730 Resizing FBO for 00110000 : 256 x 272 x 3<br>
====Black Rock Shooter====
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # SDK version: 446000
lv2(2): # system software version: 4.46 (DEX)
lv2(2): # revision: 49873
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Lv-2 detected an interrupt(exception) in a user PPU Thread.
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Interrupt(exception) Info.
lv2(2): #  Type : Data Storage
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0x00000000016a8d94 00000000000C8D94                lwz      r17, 0x454(r15) ; r15 = 0
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000200e032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000040000000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x0000000000000454
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x000000028bed73b7
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 1
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Backtrace
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016a8d88 sub_c8CB0 + 0xD8
lv2(2): #  0x00000000015e36ac PEmuCoreLib_7EBDEE23 + -0x20
lv2(2): #  0x0000000000b7d25c ThreadManForKernel_D3C08E1A + 0x2A0
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163bc48 sub_5B0C8 + 0xB78
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163c68c sub_5C32C + 0x348
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163dc14 sub_5DA7C + 0x1E8
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163ddd8
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016697c8
lv2(2): #  0xbadadd0010700fcc
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # User PPU Thread Info.
lv2(2): #  ID        : 0x010700fd
lv2(2): #  Name      : PEmuExecThread
lv2(2): #  Stack addr: 0x00000000d00ab000
lv2(2): #  Stack size: 0x0000000000020000
lv2(2): #  Priority  : 1001
lv2(2): #  Proc name : /dev_flash/pspemu/psp_emulator.self
lv2(2): #  Proc ID  : 0x1030200
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0x00000000016a8d8c    CR:0x4824202a
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x00000000000a512c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0x00000000016a8d8c  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00c9f50
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x80000000006ac990  GPR 5: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x0000000000000000  GPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x00000000300000c0  GPR 9: 0x0000000000000001
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0x00000000010700fd  GPR11: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x00000000000c0308  GPR13: 0x000000001000cf50
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000001abc4f0  GPR15: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x000000004824202a  GPR17: 0x00000000801a4730
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x00000000089a6550  GPR19: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000000057e40  GPR21: 0x0000000000000002
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x0000000009979e00  GPR23: 0x0000000000000800
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x00000000089a6550  GPR25: 0x0000000009973e00
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000009983e00  GPR27: 0x0000000009983e00
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x0000000009983e00  GPR29: 0x0000000009983e00
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x0000000009fec650  GPR31: 0x0000000008815618
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x82008000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0xc000000000000000  FPR 1: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 2: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 4: 0xfff8000082008000  FPR 5: 0x408c200000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 6: 0x3f52345680000000  FPR 7: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR 8: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR10: 0x0000000000000000  FPR11: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR12: 0xfff8000082008000  FPR13: 0x407f400000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR14: 0x00000010703fd000  FPR15: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR16: 0x00000010703fd000  FPR17: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR18: 0x00000010703fd000  FPR19: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR20: 0x00000010703fd000  FPR21: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR22: 0x00000010703fd000  FPR23: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR24: 0x00000010703fd000  FPR25: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR26: 0x00000010703fd000  FPR27: 0x00000010703fd000
lv2(2): #  FPR28..
r31 = 8815618
0881560C addu s1,s0,s1
08815610 jal zz_sceAtracReleaseAtracID
08815614 nop
08815618 li a0,-0x1
0881561C sw a0,0x2020(s2)
08815620 lb s1,0x20A0(s1)
08815624 beq s1,zero,pos_08815634
crash #2 on loading
lv2(2): # Interrupt(exception) Info.
lv2(2): #  Type : Data Storage
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0x00000000016a8d94
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000200e032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000040000000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x0000000000000454
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x0000000106f65ac5
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 1
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Backtrace
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016a8d88
lv2(2): #  0x00000000015e36ac
lv2(2): #  0x0000000000b7d25c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163bc48
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163c68c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163dc14
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163ddd8
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016697c8
lv2(2): #  0xbadadd001030068c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # User PPU Thread Info.
lv2(2): #  ID        : 0x01030069
lv2(2): #  Name      : PEmuExecThread
lv2(2): #  Stack addr: 0x00000000d00ab000
lv2(2): #  Stack size: 0x0000000000020000
lv2(2): #  Priority  : 1001
lv2(2): #  Proc name : /dev_flash/pspemu/psp_emulator.self
lv2(2): #  Proc ID  : 0x1010200
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0x00000000016a8d8c    CR:0x4824208a
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x00000000000a512c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0x00000000016a8d8c  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00c9f50
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x80000000006768a0  GPR 5: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x0000000000000000  GPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x00000000300000c0  GPR 9: 0x0000000000000001
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0x0000000001030069  GPR11: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x00000000000c0308  GPR13: 0x000000001000cf50
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000001abc4f0  GPR15: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x000000004824208a  GPR17: 0x00000000805c3858
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x0000000000000001  GPR19: 0x0000000009e28010
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000000000001  GPR21: 0x0000000000000001
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x0000000000000000  GPR23: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x0000000004000000  GPR25: 0x0000000000000080
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000000000001  GPR27: 0x0000000009e28010
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x0000000000000001  GPR29: 0x0000000000000001
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x0000000009ffda80  GPR31: 0x0000000008814a94 jal zz_sceCtrlReadBufferPositive
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x82004000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0x407be00000000000  FPR 1: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 2: 0x406e000000000000  FPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 4: 0xfff8000082004000  FPR 5: 0x4040000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 6: 0x3fef000000000000  FPR 7: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR 8: 0x407be00000000000  FPR 9: 0x406e000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR10: 0x0000000000000000  FPR11: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR12: 0xfff8000082004000  FPR13: 0x407f400000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR14: 0x0000001030369000  FPR15: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR16: 0x0000001030369000  FPR17: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR18: 0x0000001030369000  FPR19: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR20: 0x0000001030369000  FPR21: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR22: 0x0000001030369000  FPR23: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR24: 0x0000001030369000  FPR25: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR26: 0x0000001030369000  FPR27: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR28: 0x0000001030369000  FPR29: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #  FPR30: 0x0000001030369000  FPR31: 0x0000001030369000
lv2(2): #
Its a thread? timing/sync problem.
Cars Race-O-Rama
rsx-err 262
* invalid data is specified for a command
* this error indicates that the command is supported but the data for that command is a value outside of the allowable range
====Dissidia 012====
lv2(2): # Interrupt(exception) Info.
lv2(2): #  Type : Instruction Segment
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0xbadadd0010800610
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000000c032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000000200000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x0000000010005f20
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x000000022782edce
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 0
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0xbadadd0010800610    CR:0x28000022
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x00000000000a512c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0xbadadd0010800610  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00caf90
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x8000000000638750  GPR 5: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x0000000000000000  GPR 7: 0x0000000000000095
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x0000000030000070  GPR 9: 0x0108006100000000
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0x0000000001080061  GPR11: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x00000000000c0308  GPR13: 0x000000001000cf50
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000000000000  GPR15: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x0000000000000000  GPR17: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x0000000000000000  GPR19: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000000000000  GPR21: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x0000000000000000  GPR23: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x0000000000000000  GPR25: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000000000000  GPR27: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x0000000000000000  GPR29: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x0000000000000000  GPR31: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x82004000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 1: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 2: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 4: 0xfff8000082004000  FPR 5: 0x403b800000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 6: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 8: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR10: 0x3ff0000000000000  FPR11: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR12: 0xfff8000082004000  FPR13: 0xbff0000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR14: 0x0000001080361000  FPR15: 0x0000001080361000
lv2(2): #  FPR16: 0x0000001080361000  FPR17: 0x0000001080361000
lv2(2): #  FPR18: 0x0000001080361000  FPR19: 0x0000001080361000
lv2(2): #  FPR20: 0x0000001080361000  FPR21: 0x0000001080361000
lv2(2): #  FPR22: 0x0000001080361000  FPR23: 0x0000001080361000
lv2(2): #  FPR24: 0x0000001080361000  FPR25: 0x0000001080361000
lv2(2): #  FPR26: 0x0000001080361000  FPR27: 0x0000001080361000
lv2(2): #  FPR28: 0x0000001080361000  FPR29: 0x0000001080361000
lv2(2): #  FPR30: 0x0000001080361000  FPR31: 0x0000001080361000
lui a0,0x886
lui a1,0x886
addiu a0,a0,0x64C4
jal z_un_088eceb0
addiu a1,a1,0x64FC
li a0,0x264
li a1,0x2
jal z_un_088ecfd4
li a2,0x2
jal z_un_088ee754
li a0,0x1
addiu sp,sp,-0x20
sw s0,0x0(sp)
sw s1,0x4(sp)
move s0,a2
move s1,a1
sw s2,0x8(sp)
sw s3,0xC(sp)
sw ra,0x10(sp)
jal z_un_088ecf48
move s2,a0
lui s3,0x89D
lw a0,0x7F00(s3)
beq a0,zero,pos_088ED0B8
lbu a0,0x0(a0)
bne a0,zero,pos_088ED0B0
slti a0,s2,0x264
bne a0,zero,pos_088ED0A8
slti a0,s1,0x2
bne a0,zero,pos_088ED0A0
slti a0,s0,0x2
bne a0,zero,pos_088ED098
move a0,s2
move a1,s1
jal z_un_088ef658
move a2,s0
jal zz_sceMpegInit
addiu sp,sp,-0x20
sw s0,0x4(sp)
lui s0,0x89D
lw a0,0x7F00(s0)
sw s1,0x8(sp)
sw s2,0xC(sp)
sw s3,0x10(sp)
sw ra,0x14(sp)
beq a0,zero,pos_088EE7E0
lbu a1,0x0(a0)
beq a1,zero,pos_088EE7D8
lbu a0,0x1(a0)
bne a0,zero,pos_088EE7D0
jal zz_sceMpegQueryMemSize
launching OVL process
====Gods Eater Burst====
Original EBOOT.PBP, no EBOOT.BIN resigned.
lv2(2): # Interrupt(exception) Info.
lv2(2): #  Type : Instruction Segment
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0xbadadd0010800010
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000000c032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000000200000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x800000020011c010
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x000000018b2e5560
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 0
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Backtrace
lv2(2): #  0xbadadd001080000c
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0xbadadd0010800010    CR:0x24000028
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x000000000163c62c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0xbadadd0010800010  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00caf90
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0xffffffffffffffff
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x00000000300e4af0  GPR 5: 0x0000000000000021
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x0000000000010000  GPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x00000000d00cad90  GPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0xffffffff80020001  GPR11: 0x0000000000000002
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x0000000024000028  GPR13: 0x000000001000cf50
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000000000000  GPR15: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x0000000000000000  GPR17: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x0000000000000000  GPR19: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000000000000  GPR21: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x0000000000000000  GPR23: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x0000000000000000  GPR25: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000000000000  GPR27: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x0000000000000000  GPR29: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x0000000000000000  GPR31: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x00000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0x0000001080301000  FPR 1: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 2: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 4: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 5: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 6: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 8: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR10: 0x0000000000000000  FPR11: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR12: 0x0000000000000000  FPR13: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR14: 0x0000000000000000  FPR15: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR16: 0x0000000000000000  FPR17: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR18: 0x0000000000000000  FPR19: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR20: 0x0000000000000000  FPR21: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR22: 0x0000000000000000  FPR23: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR24: 0x0000000000000000  FPR25: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR26: 0x0000000000000000  FPR27: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR28: 0x0000000000000000  FPR29: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR30: 0x0000000000000000  FPR31: 0x0000000000000000
Suggestion 0xbadadd..... is related to EBOOT sign, decryption,....
PS3 - crashes on unsupported scePauth_F7AA47F6 which it cant resolve
[FILE LOADING]:map/free/freemap.xml
[FILE LOADING]:sound/se/se_map00.phb
Lo[FILE LOADING]:ui/free/place.bin
ad : [sound/se/se_map00][3,-1]
[FILE LOADING]:ui/common/fm_00.bin
[FILE LOADING]:ui/common/fm_01.bin
[FILE LOADING]:ui/common/fm_02.bin
[FILE LOADING]:ui/free/command00.bin
[FILE LOADING]:ui/free/command00.bin
[FILE LOADING]:ui/free/rs_02.bin
[FILE LOADING]:ui/free/bn_c000.gim
[FILE LOADING]:ui/free/com_nm.gim
ERROR 0x9ffed84
SQ:lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # SDK version: 446000
lv2(2): # system software version: 4.46 (DEX)
lv2(2): # revision: 49873
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Lv-2 detected an interrupt(exception) in a user PPU Thread.
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Interrupt(exception) Info.
lv2(2): #  Type : Data Storage
lv2(2): decrypt line = (1) column = (0) : error unexpected character(control)
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0x0000000081052170
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000200e032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000042000000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x00000000b182b18e
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x00000003e747def9
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 0
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Backtrace
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016a8d88 sub_C8CB0 + 0xD8
lv2(2): #  0x00000000015e36ac
lv2(2): #  0x0000000000b7d25c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163bc48 bl        _ThreadManForUser_D3C08E1A
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163c68c bl        sub_5B0C8
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163dc14 bl        sub_5C32C
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163ddd8 bl        sub_5DA7C / SceModmgrStart
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016697c8 - PEmuExecThread
lv2(2): #  0xbadadd0010800a3c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # User PPU Thread Info.
lv2(2): #  ID        : 0x010800a4
lv2(2): #  Name      : PEmuExecThread
lv2(2): #  Stack addr: 0x00000000d00ab000
lv2(2): #  Stack size: 0x0000000000020000
lv2(2): #  Priority  : 1001
lv2(2): #  Proc name : /dev_flash/pspemu/psp_emulator.self
lv2(2): #  Proc ID  : 0x1030200
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0x0000000080bc1cf4    CR:0x28228082
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x0000000081051ab8
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0x0000000000000000  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00c9f50
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0x00000000b3900000
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x0000000000000000  GPR 5: 0x0000000001abc4f0
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x00000000089ee400  GPR 7: 0x0000000081051ab8
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x00000000300000c0  GPR 9: 0x0000000000000001
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0x00000000b8c050b0  GPR11: 0x00000000b182b18e
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x00000000b182b182  GPR13: 0x000000001000cf50
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000001abc4f0  GPR15: 0x00000000300e55c0
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x000000008107c290  GPR17: 0x0000000008aa6c88
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x0000000008aa6cb0  GPR19: 0x0000000008aa6958
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000008aa6c80  GPR21: 0xfffffffffffffffc
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x00000000000000b0  GPR23: 0x0000000008c05088
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x000000006d92e082  GPR25: 0x0000000008ca4690
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000000000002  GPR27: 0x0000000008000000
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x00000000000003e8  GPR29: 0x0000000000000032
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x0000000009ffe8d0  GPR31: 0x00000000089ee400
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x82064000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0xbfe3542760000000  FPR 1: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 2: 0x407c800000000000  FPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 4: 0xfff8000082064000  FPR 5: 0x408e000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 6: 0x3f51111120000000  FPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 8: 0x4070000000000000  FPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR10: 0x0000000000000000  FPR11: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR12: 0xfff8000082064000  FPR13: 0xbff0000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR14: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR15: 0x00000010803a4000
lv2(2): #  FPR16: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR17: 0x00000010803a4000
lv2(2): #  FPR18: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR19: 0x00000010803a4000
lv2(2): #  FPR20: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR21: 0x00000010803a4000
lv2(2): #  FPR22: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR23: 0x00000010803a4000
lv2(2): #  FPR24: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR25: 0x00000010803a4000
lv2(2): #  FPR26: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR27: 0x00000010803a4000
lv2(2): #  FPR28: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR29: 0x00000010803a4000
lv2(2): #  FPR30: 0x00000010803a4000  FPR31: 0x00000010803a4000
28:02:573 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:map/free/freemap.xml
28:02:576 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:sound/se/se_map00.phb
28:02:593 user_main    I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:1140 sceKernelPrintf: Load : [sound/se/se_map00][3,-1]
28:02:594 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/free/place.bin
28:02:608 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [8]ui/free/place.bin
28:02:609 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/common/fm_00.bin
28:02:615 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [9]ui/common/fm_00.bin
28:02:615 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/common/fm_01.bin
28:02:618 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [10]ui/common/fm_01.bin
28:02:618 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/common/fm_02.bin
28:02:620 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [11]ui/common/fm_02.bin
28:02:621 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/free/command00.bin
28:02:622 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [12]ui/free/command00.bin
28:02:623 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/free/command00.bin
28:02:624 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [13]ui/free/command00.bin
28:02:624 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/free/rs_02.bin
28:02:627 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [14]ui/free/rs_02.bin
28:02:628 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/free/bn_c000.gim
28:02:634 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:ui/free/com_nm.gim
28:02:638 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\scePauth.cpp:38 scePauth_F7AA47F6(08c2cc40, 00000df0, 0bffed80, 0bffed84)
28:02:639 user_main    I[COMMON]: FileUtil.cpp:248 CreateDir: directory ...\ppsspp_win\memstick/PAUTH
28:02:660 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\scePauth.cpp:63 No decrypted file found! save as ...\ppsspp_win\memstick/PAUTH/pauth_5fb505c3.bin
28:02:676 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: ERROR 0xffffffff
28:02:679 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:char/free/c000.xml
28:02:682 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:char/free/c000/
28:02:720 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:char/freemot/
28:02:738 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:char/freemot/
28:02:771 user_main    I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:906 stdout: [FILE LOADING]:char/freemot/
====Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince====
rsx-err 262
====Killzone Liberation====
lv2(2): # Interrupt(exception) Info.
lv2(2): #  Type : Instruction Segment
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0xbadadd0010b00760
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000000c032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000002200000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x8000000100078ad0
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x00000007828ccc76
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 1
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0xbadadd0010b00760    CR:0x24000028
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x000000000163c62c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0xbadadd0010b00760  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00caf90
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0xffffffffffffffff
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x00000000300e4630  GPR 5: 0x0000000000000021
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x0000000000010000  GPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x00000000d00cad90  GPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0xffffffff80020001  GPR11: 0x0000000000000002
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x0000000024000028  GPR13: 0x000000001000cf50
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000000000000  GPR15: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x0000000000000000  GPR17: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x0000000000000000  GPR19: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000000000000  GPR21: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x0000000000000000  GPR23: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x0000000000000000  GPR25: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000000000000  GPR27: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x0000000000000000  GPR29: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x0000000000000000  GPR31: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x00000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0x00000010b0376000  FPR 1: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 2: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 4: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 5: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 6: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR 8: 0x0000000000000000  FPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR10: 0x0000000000000000  FPR11: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR12: 0x0000000000000000  FPR13: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR14: 0x0000000000000000  FPR15: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR16: 0x0000000000000000  FPR17: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR18: 0x0000000000000000  FPR19: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR20: 0x0000000000000000  FPR21: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR22: 0x0000000000000000  FPR23: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR24: 0x0000000000000000  FPR25: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR26: 0x0000000000000000  FPR27: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR28: 0x0000000000000000  FPR29: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  FPR30: 0x0000000000000000  FPR31: 0x0000000000000000
Crash was happening because emulator does not support game prx via loader.
KZL PRX crash after guerilla logo
lv2(2): # Interrupt(exception) Info.
lv2(2): #  Type : Data Storage
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0x000000000165d70c sub_7CBB8 + 0xB54
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000200e032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000040000000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x00000009f27df9f0
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 1
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Backtrace
lv2(2): #  0x00000000d00cfd0c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000162dfcc sub_4DF98 + 0x34 - 0x779242A2 0x00220920 sceRtcConvertLocalTimeToUTC
lv2(2): #  0x0000000001602bf4 cvt.s.w %s,%s
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016c8d88
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016036ac vmone.t %s
lv2(2): #  0x0000000000b9d25c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000165bc48
lv2(2): #  0x000000000165c68c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000165dc14
lv2(2): #  0x000000000165ddd8
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016897c8
lv2(2): #  0xbadadd0018100c7c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # User PPU Thread Info.
lv2(2): #  ID        : 0x018100c8
lv2(2): #  Name      : PEmuExecThread
lv2(2): #  Stack addr: 0x00000000d00b1000
lv2(2): #  Stack size: 0x0000000000020000
lv2(2): #  Priority  : 1001
lv2(2): #  Proc name : /dev_flash/pspemu/psp_emulator.self
lv2(2): #  Proc ID  : 0x1050200
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0x000000000165d704    CR:0x28242042
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x00000000000a512c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0x0000000008e92184  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00cfc80
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x0000000000000001  GPR 5: 0x0000000009f000b4
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x0000000000000000  GPR 7: 0x00000000400e4630
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x0000000009f000b4  GPR 9: 0x000000000011db40
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0x0000000008820300  GPR11: 0x0000000001a6c658
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x00000000000c0308  GPR13: 0x000000001000d260
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000001abc4f0  GPR15: 0x00000000400e5170
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x0000000028242042  GPR17: 0x000000008004b1a0
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x0000000000000000  GPR19: 0x0000000000000001
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000000000000  GPR21: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x0000000001abc4f0  GPR23: 0x00000000400e5170
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x0000000000000000  GPR25: 0x0000000000000001
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000000000000  GPR27: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x0000000000000000  GPR29: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x0000000000000000  GPR31: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x00000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR 1: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR 2: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR 3: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR 4: 0xfff8000000000000  FPR 5: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR 6: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR 7: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR 8: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR 9: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR10: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR11: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR12: 0xfff8000000000000  FPR13: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR14: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR15: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR16: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR17: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR18: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR19: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR20: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR21: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR22: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR23: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR24: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR25: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR26: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR27: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR28: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR29: 0x00000018103c8000
lv2(2): #  FPR30: 0x00000018103c8000  FPR31: 0x00000018103c8000
====Metal Gear Solid Portable====
PS3 - freezes on startup
lv2(2): #  Type : Instruction Segment
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0xbadadd0010300bd0
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000000c032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000002200000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x00000000b0010000
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x00000000dfe842f2
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 1
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Backtrace
lv2(2): #  0xbadadd0010300bcc
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # User PPU Thread Info.
lv2(2): #  ID        : 0x010300bd
lv2(2): #  Name      : PEmuExecThread
lv2(2): #  Stack addr: 0x00000000d00ab000
lv2(2): #  Stack size: 0x0000000000020000
lv2(2): #  Priority  : 1001
lv2(2): #  Proc name : /dev_flash/pspemu/psp_emulator.self
lv2(2): #  Proc ID  : 0x1010200
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0xbadadd0010300bd0    CR:0x24000028
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x000000000163c62c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0xbadadd0010300bd0  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00caf90
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0xffffffffffffffff
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x00000000300e6030  GPR 5: 0x0000000000000021
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x0000000000010000  GPR 7: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x00000000d00cad90  GPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0xffffffff80020001  GPR11: 0x0000000000000002
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x0000000024000028  GPR13: 0x000000001000cf50
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000000000000  GPR15: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x0000000000000000  GPR17: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x0000000000000000  GPR19: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000000000000  GPR21: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x0000000000000000  GPR23: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x0000000000000000  GPR25: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000000000000  GPR27: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x0000000000000000  GPR29: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x0000000000000000  GPR31: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x00000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0x00000010303bd000
Crash happened because of wrong signing of EBOOT.BIN via PrxEncrypter, starts when signed with sign_np
later on freezes
rsx-err 1
====Motorstorm Arctic Edge====
On Freeze:
rsx-err 256
local cmd area [100000-500000]
cmd_offset=1e0000 start_cmd=f7bc
put=44060 get=4a9900
debug label = 1337c0d3
ret_local_offset = 4ace30
ret_main_offset = 44060
cmdbuf_base = 100000
flip timeout!
local cmd area [100000-500000]
cmd_offset=3a0000 start_cmd=fc70
put=44060 get=4a9900
debug label = 1337c0d3
ret_local_offset = 2efa30
ret_main_offset = 44060
get[-32] = 43900000
get[-31] = 43800000
get[-30] = 0
get[-29] = ffffffff
get[-28] = 4499999a
get[-27] = 448b4b4b
get[-26] = 3f800000
get[-25] = 0
get[-24] = 41808
get[-23] = 0
get[-22] = 400c1714
get[-21] = 0
get[-20] = 0
get[-19] = 0
get[-18] = 41808
get[-17] = 8
get[-16] = 0
get[-15] = 0
get[-14] = 0
get[-13] = 40801818
get[-12] = 43a00000
get[-11] = 0
get[-10] = 0
get[-9] = ffffffff
get[-8] = 44aaaaab
get[-7] = 0
get[-6] = 3f800000
get[-5] = 0
get[-4] = 43b00000
get[-3] = 0
get[-2] = 0
get[-1] = ffffffff
get[0] = 44bbbbbc
get[1] = 0
get[2] = 3f800000
get[3] = 0
get[4] = 43b00000
get[5] = 43800000
get[6] = 0
get[7] = ffffffff
get[8] = 44bbbbbc
get[9] = 448b4b4b
get[10] = 3f800000
get[11] = 0
get[12] = 43a00000
get[13] = 43800000
get[14] = 0
get[15] = ffffffff
get[16] = 44aaaaab
get[17] = 448b4b4b
get[18] = 3f800000
get[19] = 0
get[20] = 41808
get[21] = 0
get[22] = 400c1714
get[23] = 0
get[24] = 0
get[25] = 0
get[26] = 41808
get[27] = 8
get[28] = 0
get[29] = 0
get[30] = 0
get[31] = 40801818
get[32] = 43b00000
* failure on accessing a tiled area (accessed as a color buffer)
* cellGcmSetSurface() not properly set for the tiled area
* pitch sizes in cellGcmSetSurface() are larger than cellGcmSetTileInfo() / cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer()
* memory format specified in cellGcmSetInlineTransfer() must be linear format
* fragment program being placed in tiled area and cellGcmSetFragmentProgramParameter() called
====Naruto Ultimate Ninja Impact====
fatal error : cannot load disc0:/sce_lbn0xE640_size0x5100 0x80020148
fatal error : cannot load module disc0:/sce_lbn0xE640_size0x5100
fatal error : cannot load disc0:/sce_lbn0xE640_size0x5100 0x80020148
fatal error : cannot load module disc0:/sce_lbn0xE640_size0x5100
fatal error : cannot load disc0:/sce_lbn0xE640_size0x5100 0x80020148
fatal error : cannot load module disc0:/sce_lbn0xE640_size0x5100
====Patapon 3====
lv2(2): # Interrupt(exception) Info.
lv2(2): #  Type : Data Storage
lv2(2): #  SRR0 : 0x0000000001668aa4 sub_88A80+0x24
lv2(2): #  SRR1 : 0x800000000200e032
lv2(2): #  DSISR: 0x0000000042000000
lv2(2): #  DAR  : 0x0000000000000038
lv2(2): #  TB  : 0x000000017fdd4b06
lv2(2): #  HW Thread #: 0
lv2(2): # Backtrace
lv2(2): #  0x0000000001668cc4 _Export_PEmuCoreLib_3A9CD1C8+0x2C
lv2(2): #  0x0000000000dd369c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000160827c sceIoClose+0x1C
lv2(2): #  0x00000000015e2bf4
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016a8d88
lv2(2): #  0x00000000015e36ac
lv2(2): #  0x0000000000b7d25c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163bc48
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163c68c
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163dc14
lv2(2): #  0x000000000163ddd8
lv2(2): #  0x00000000016697c8
lv2(2): #  0xbadadd0010700f4c
lv2(2): # Register Info.
lv2(2): #      LR: 0x0000000001668ce4    CR:0x28244044
lv2(2): #    CTR: 0x00000000000a562c
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  GPR 0: 0x0000000000000000  GPR 1: 0x00000000d00c98a0
lv2(2): #  GPR 2: 0x000000000191ef80  GPR 3: 0x0000000001abccec
lv2(2): #  GPR 4: 0x00000000300e4180  GPR 5: 0x0000000001abc4f0
lv2(2): #  GPR 6: 0x00000000015e2ba0  GPR 7: 0x00000000801bafc0
lv2(2): #  GPR 8: 0x00000000300e4180  GPR 9: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR10: 0x0000000000000000  GPR11: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR12: 0x00000000000c0328  GPR13: 0x000000001000cf50
lv2(2): #  GPR14: 0x0000000001abc4f0  GPR15: 0x00000000300e51e0
lv2(2): #  GPR16: 0x0000000028244042  GPR17: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR18: 0x0000000008c4b6eb  GPR19: 0x00000000ffffffff
lv2(2): #  GPR20: 0x0000000000000001  GPR21: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #  GPR22: 0x0000000008c4b6e8  GPR23: 0x0000000008c4b6e0
lv2(2): #  GPR24: 0x00000000fefefeff  GPR25: 0x0000000000000002
lv2(2): #  GPR26: 0x0000000008a59820  GPR27: 0x0000000001a9c0b4
lv2(2): #  GPR28: 0x00000000300e4180  GPR29: 0x00000000300e4180
lv2(2): #  GPR30: 0x00000000300e4180  GPR31: 0x0000000000000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #    XER: 0x0000000000000000  FPSCR: 0x00000000
lv2(2): #
lv2(2): #  FPR 0: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR 1: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR 2: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR 3: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR 4: 0xfff8000000000000  FPR 5: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR 6: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR 7: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR 8: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR 9: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR10: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR11: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR12: 0xfff8000000000000  FPR13: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR14: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR15: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR16: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR17: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR18: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR19: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR20: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR21: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR22: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR23: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR24: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR25: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR26: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR27: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR28: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR29: 0x00000010703f5000
lv2(2): #  FPR30: 0x00000010703f5000  FPR31: 0x00000010703f5000
17:07:711 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1762 5=sceIoOpenAsync(disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATAMS.HED, 00000001, 00000000)
17:07:711 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1879 5 = sceIoWaitAsyncCB(5, 0bfff330): waiting
17:07:711 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1141 206848 = sceIoLseek(5, 0, 2)
17:07:711 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1141 0 = sceIoLseek(5, 0, 0)
17:07:711 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1177 0 = sceIoLseekAsync(5, 0, 0)
17:07:711 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1907 0 = sceIoPollAsync(5, 0bfdb988): not ready
17:07:711 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1718 sceIoSetAsyncCallback(5, 295, 08c49bc0)
17:07:712 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1910 0 = sceIoPollAsync(5, 0bfdba88)
17:07:712 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:884 sceIoReadAsync(5, 08c4ce80, 13fc8): deferring result
17:07:712 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1907 0 = sceIoPollAsync(5, 0bfdb988): not ready
17:07:712 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1718 sceIoSetAsyncCallback(5, 295, 08c49bc0)
17:07:712 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1907 0 = sceIoPollAsync(5, 0bfdb988): not ready
17:07:712 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1907 0 = sceIoPollAsync(5, 0bfdb988): not ready
17:07:712 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1907 0 = sceIoPollAsync(5, 0bfdb988): not ready
17:07:712 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceUmd.cpp:317 0x32=sceUmdGetDriveStat()
17:07:713 FileThread  D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1910 81864 = sceIoPollAsync(5, 0bfdba88)
17:15:853 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1285 sceIoClose(5)
18:26:237 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1762 5=sceIoOpenAsync(disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATAMS.BND, 00000001, 00000000)
18:26:237 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1879 5 = sceIoWaitAsyncCB(5, 0bfff490): waiting
18:26:237 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:693 sceIoGetstat(disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATAMS.BND, 0bfff498) : sector = 0001f350
18:30:214 user_main    D[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1285 sceIoClose(-1)
====Persona3 PORTABLE====
No Exception Message, Console hard freezes.
flip timeout!
local cmd area [100000-500000]
cmd_offset=330000 start_cmd=df3c
put=2c9c0 get=43750c
debug label = 1337c0d3
ret_local_offset = 43aec0
ret_main_offset = 2c9c0
====Sword Art Online====
Right in ingame Tutorial, hard freezes console, no exception message
finish mpeg avc
lv2(2): System Warning : busy loop detected
local cmd area [100000-500000]
cmd_offset=3d0000 start_cmd=170c
put=622c0 get=4d1708
debug label = 1337c0d3
ret_local_offset = 3c27e0
ret_main_offset = 622c0
====Valkyrie Profile Lenneth====
sceDisplayGetAccumulatedHcount() = d325
sceDisplayGetAccumulatedHcount() = d443
sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr:4088000, bufferwidth:512, pixelformat:3, sync:1) = 0
sceDisplayGetAccumulatedHcount() = d561
sceGeEdramGetAddr() = 4000000
sceGeEdramGetAddr() = 4000000
sceGeListEnQueue(list:4198800,, stall:0, cbid:0, arg:9f13e20) = 49adca28
sceDisplayGetAccumulatedHcount() = d67f
sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr:4000000, bufferwidth:512, pixelformat:3, sync:0) = 0
sceGeListEnQueue(list:48e951c0,, stall:48e951c0, cbid:0, arg:8857520) = 48adca1f
sceGeEdramGetAddr() = 4000000
sceGeListUpdateStallAddr(qid:48adca1f,, stall:48e952fc) = 0
sceGeListUpdateStallAddr(qid:48adca1f,, stall:48e95394) = 0
sceGeEdramGetAddr() = 4000000
sceGeEdramGetAddr() = 4000000
sceGeListEnQueue(list:4198800,, stall:0, cbid:0, arg:9f13e20) = 4fadca16
sceDisplayGetAccumulatedHcount() = d79d
sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr:4088000, bufferwidth:512, pixelformat:3, sync:0) = 0
sceGeListEnQueue(list:48e951c0, stall:48e951c0, cbid:0, arg:8857520) = 4eadca0d
rsx-err 257
local cmd area [100000-500000]
cmd_offset=20000 start_cmd=76e0
put=10ed8 get=52f680
debug label = 1337c0d3
ret_local_offset = 1275b0
ret_main_offset = 10dd4
cmdbuf_base = 100000
sceGeEdramGetAddr() = 4000000
sceGeListUpdateStallAddr(qid:4eadca0d,, stall:48e952fc) = 0
sceGeListUpdateStallAddr(qid:4eadca0d,, stall:48e95394) = 0
sceGeEdramGetAddr() = 4000000
sceGeEdramGetAddr() = 4000000
sceGeListEnQueue(list:4198800,, stall:0, cbid:0, arg:9f13e20) = 4dadca05
sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(8e9bc1c) = 0
* tiled area is accessed as depth buffer
* depth buffer area not properly specified in cellGcmSetSurface() for tiled area
* pitch size not properly specified in cellGcmSetSurface() or may be larger than in cellGcmSetTileInfo()
* pitch size in cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer() must be the same as for the color buffer in cellGcmSetTileInfo() and cellGcmSetSurface()
=== PSP compatibility lists ===
* cross reference :
* updated
* for best compatibility it is advised to use sign_np for both .BIN and .PBP creation
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; font-size:85%;"
!width="30%"|<span id="0&ndash;9">Name
!width="10%"|Minis Mode
!width="10%"|Remaster Mode
!width="10%"|EBOOT resign
| .hack Link || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  ||
| 3,2,1 Supercrash Mini || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| 4x4 Jam Mini || || {{playable}} || ||  None.
| 7th Dragon 2020-2 || || {{playable}} || {{yes}} || decrypted PGD File (req: either additional EBOOT or EMU patches), save works
| Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception || {{minorissues}} || || ||  Subtitles during campaign cutscenes are too fast & needs MINIS method, otherwise it will stop in infinite loading screen while entering hangar (Mission Start & Hangar).
| Ace Combat: Joint Assault || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes, Doesn't work with EBOOT Fix either.
| Activision Hits Remixed || || {{minorissues}} ||  || Can't see which game you are selecting to play, must choose blindly but still works.
| Akiba's Trip || || {{playable}} || {{yes}} || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Akiba's Trip Plus || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes, Doesn't work with EBOOT Fix either.
| Alien Syndrome || || {{unplayable}} ||  || None.
| Assassins Creed Bloodlines || || {{majorissues}} ||  || hangs in loading screen, with Remaster works past loading screen but in game Desmond glitches real bad and when you try and exit game back to XMB hangs at black screen and forced to hard reset. (Tested both us & eu)
| Angry Birds Mini || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Ape Escape On the Loose || || {{playable}} ||  || With Remaster method.
| Armored Core: Last Raven Portable || || {{playable}} ||  || With Remaster method.
| Avatar - The Last Airbender || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Beats || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Black Rock Shooter || || {{unplayable}} ||  || With Remaster method, freezes after choosing to start the game. patched: freezes at loading screen.
| Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || needs properly signed eboot.bin + eboot.pbp, use sign_np
| Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || needs properly signed eboot.bin + eboot.pbp, use sign_np
| Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Blood+ || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Black Screen
| Boku ha Tomodachi ga Sukunai Portable || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Brave Story: New Traveler || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Brandish || || {{playable}} ||  || None. For R+L to analog stick use:
| Breath of Fire III || || {{playable}} ||  || Remaster, screen flicker fix:
| Brothers in Arms: D-Day || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Black screen. Remaster method: freezes at difficulty selection screen
| Burnout Dominator || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Call of Duty: Roads to Victory || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Black screen (even with Remaster method).
| Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles || || {{playable}} ||  || Remaster method: game starts but frame rate is slow when text is on screen (at least at stage 0 prologue) but then speeds back up.
| Class of Heroes || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Remaster method hangs on now loading novice road, must hard reset.
| Corpse Party || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Corpse Party: Book of Shadows || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Criminal Girls || || {{unplayable}} ||  || PS3 freezes after minis logo. Same with Remaster method.
| Crimson Gem Saga || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Many texts are not showing.
| Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Crush || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Hangs at loading screen.
| Cube || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Daxter || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Texture loading problems and text doesn't display correctly at all.
| Dead Head Fred || || {{minorissues}} ||  || Slow video? during cutscenes
| Dead or Alive Paradise || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Major graphical issues and no gamepad reaction, unplayable.
| Dead to Rights: Reckoning || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Black screens after memory stick screen (same with remaster).
| Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness || {{playable}} || ||  || Minis only. Doesn't work with Remaster method.
| Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Disgaea Infinite || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Dissidia Final Fantasy || || {{playable}} ||  || Slight graphical glitch when air-dashing at opponents, doesn't affect gameplay.
| Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy || || {{majorissues}} ||  || unable to spawn other elf files
| Dragoneer's Aria || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Dungeon Siege || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| Dynasty Warriors || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes, even with Remaster method.
| Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes, even with Remaster method.
| Evangelion Shin Gekijouban 3nd Impact || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Texture errors with transparency
| Every Extend Extra || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Exit || || {{playable}} ||  ||  None.
| Exit 2 || || {{playable}} ||  ||  None.
| Fate/Extra || || {{majorissues}} || {{yes}}  ||  Needs EBOOT fix. Have major shadow issues, hardly playable.
| Fat Princess Fistful of Cake || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Fate/Unlimited Codes || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Final Fantasy || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Final Fantasy II || || {{playable}} ||  || Minor graphical issues.
| Final Fantasy III || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Unable to handle "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> loading screen forever.
| Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions || || {{playable}} ||  || (OLD: Some slowdown in action sequences. Cannot save/load.)
slowdown fix:
save fix
EBOOT.ELF (EU) raw offset 0x3A0A4 : 04 00 42 04 -> 21 10 00 00
| Final Fantasy Type-0 || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix. Have some shadow issues.
| Flatout Head On || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Freekscape - Escape From Hell  || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| Generation of Chaos: Pandora's Reflection || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs Remaster method.
| Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki || || {{playable}} || {{yes}} || Needs fix for libmt19937.prx loading and for blur:
AW.DISABLE_FB_TEX = 100 save works
| Gitaroo Man - Lives! || || {{minorissues}} ||  || Playable, but won't save. However it loads perfectly, so if you have a fully beaten save from your PSP, then you are good to go.
| Ghost in the Shell || || {{unplayable}} ||  || UnloadModule main.prx because there is no "flash0:/font/jpn0.pgf" in "dev_flash/pspemu/flash0/font/" ?
| Gran Turismo || || {{unplayable}} || || None.
| Gods Eater Burst || || {{minorissues}} ||  || freeze when loading? save fix
| God Eater 2 || || {{playable}} ||  || No problems with remaster method, Good idea to map d-pad to rightstick
| God of War Chains of Olympus || || {{minorissues}} ||  || Graphical errors and text does not display.
| God of War Ghost of Sparta || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| Grand Knights History || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Needs Remaster method. Major graphical issues, freezes if enter "Options".
| Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Black screen (also with remaster)
| Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Video Render Output bug after Logos, for whole System (even xmb)
| Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Gungnir || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Half-Minute Hero || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Hatsune Miku Project Diva || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Hell Boy: The Science of Evil || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Hexyz Force || || {{majorissues}} || {{yes}}  || Works with EBOOT fix but even with save fix, can't save. Map at corner gfx glitch.
| Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 || || {{playable}} ||  || Remaster works, mini doesn't.
| Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist || || {{unplayable}} ||  || PS3 freezes after choosing to start the game from the main menu. Remaster method doesn't help either.
| Ikki Tousen: Xross Impact || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Infected || || {{playable}} || ||  None.
| Jeanne d'Arc || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Jikandia: The Timeless Land || || {{unplayable}} ||  || With Remaster method, PS3 freezes.
| Kamen Rider: Super Climax Heroes || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| Kenka Bancho || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Freezes console after 2nd fight in city.
| Killzone Liberation || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes. Remaster loads a few Intro screens then black screens.
| Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep || || {{majorissues}} ||  || EBOOT resigned + decrypted PGD files (req: either additional EBOOT or EMU patches), then blackscreen, cannot load "disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/MODULE/TITLE.ELF"
| Knights in the Nightmare || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Last Ranker|| || {{unplayable}} || {{yes}}  || Freezes on "New Game"
| Lemmings || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Little Big Planet || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Black screen crash immediately after selecting, full system reboot required.
| LocoRoco || || {{playable}} ||  || Doesn't boot (blackscreen)minis.  Remaster works.
| LocoRoco 2 || || {{playable}} ||  || Some of the cutscenes won't show (sound only, random?). Otherwise perfect.
| Lord of Arcana || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs EBOOT fix. Still have minor graphical issues.
| Lumines || {{unplayable}}|| ||  || Frozen black screen after Minis screen.
| Lunar: Silver Star Harmony || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs Remaster method.
| Magic Sudoku || || {{playable}} ||  ||  None.
| Mana Khemia: Student Alliance || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs Remaster method.
| Marvel Super Hero Squad || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Me & My Katamari || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Blackscreens, but you can exit to XMB.
| Medal of Honor: Heroes || || {{unplayable}} ||  || black screen after Minis logo. Remaster method: hear a beep but nothing on screen, Home button wont respond, black screen
| Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 || || {{unplayable}} ||  || black screen after Minis logo. Remaster method: hear a beep but nothing on screen, Home button wont respond, black screen
| Medievil Resurrection || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Black screen after main menu.
| Mega Man Maverick Hunter X || || {{minorissues}} ||  || Skips anime scenes, Graphical glitches in many stage, Megaman Powered UP demo doesn't work. (spawning other elf)
| Mega Man Powered UP || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs Remaster method.
| Metal Slug Anthology || || {{unplayable}} ||  || hard-freeze after logos.
| Metal Gear Solid: Acid || || {{playable}} ||  || With Remaster method.
| Metal Gear Solid: Acid 2 || || {{playable}} ||  || With Remaster method.
| Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops || || {{majorissues}} ||  || With Remaster method game boots. in-game will randomly crash. (rsx err)
| Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops + || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Remaster method, black screen.
| Midnight Club 3 - LA Remix || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Remaster method, black screen.
| Military History Commander: Europe at War || || {{playable}} ||  || Haven't played much but loads.
| Mimana Iyar Chronicle || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Minna no Sukkiri || || {{playable}} ||  || Works perfectly as Remaster. Freezes at minigame selection as mini.
| Monopoly || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
|Monster Hunter Freedom|| || {{unplayable}} ||  || cant add letters in name only numbers, game locks up after character creation.
|Monster Hunter Freedom 2|| || {{unplayable}} ||  || black screen/ freeze.
| Monster Hunter Freedom Unite || || {{minorissues}} ||  || Needs Remaster method. Freezes if enter "Options".
| Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner || || {{playable}} ||  || (Old: Requires CobraUSB 4.1 update.)
| Mortal Kombat Unchained || || {{playable}} ||  || Remaster method.
| Motor Storm: Arctic Edge || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes before/during races.
| N+ || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Impact || || {{minorissues}} || {{yes}} ||
Remaster method tested. Decrypted PGD, resigned + patched EBOOT.BIN (= "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x") <br>
issue: blending issue in upper left corner and too bright ingame. pics:
| Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3|| || {{playable}} || {{yes}} || EBOOT fix, Remaster method + Decrypted PGD + patched EBOOT/Emu
| NBA Live '08 || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Remaster method, black screen.
| Need For Speed - Carbon Own The City || || {{playable}} ||  || Remaster method.
| Need For Speed - ProStreet || || {{playable}} ||  || Remaster method.
| Need For Speed - Shift || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Remaster method, frame rate to slow to play.
| Need For Speed - Undercover || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Remaster method, after game logo freezes don't work.
| Numblast || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Onechanbara Special || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes, Even with Remaster method.
| Pac Man World 3 || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Remaster method, black screen.
| Patapon || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freeze after 'New Game'. With save, freezes when loading any mission.
| Patapon 3 || || {{playable}} ||  || EBOOT requires sceIoClose patch and button fix:
| Patchwork Heroes  || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Petz: My Baby Hamster || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Petz: Saddle Club || || {{playable}} ||  || Remaster method.
| Phantasy Star Portable || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Won't load, even after EBOOT fix.
| Pilot Academy || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes whole system when loading flight. Not tested with MINIS method.
| Pimp My Ride || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Remaster method, black screen.
| Pipe Mania || || {{playable}} ||  || Remaster method.
| Prinny : Can I Really Be the Hero || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Remaster method - black screen. Minis method - infinite loading screen.
| Prinny 2 : Dawn of Operation Panties Dood || || {{playable}} ||  || None
| Pool of Hall Pro (US) || || {{unplayable}} ||  ||  Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Black screen.
| Pursuit Force 2: Extreme Justice || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Crashes after the first cut-scene when you start a new games, MINI and Remastered.
| Queen's Blade || || {{minorissues}} ||  || FMVs are not working properly.
| Ragnarok Tactics || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Resistance Retribution || || {{majorissues}} ||  || With remaster everything works saves etc, until you actually get in game.  The frame rate is so slow it's unplayable.
| Riviera: The Promised Land || || {{majorissues}} ||  || plays, saves, but graphics are completely messed up Looks 8/4 bit.
| R-type Command || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Samurai Warriors: State of War || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs Remaster method.
| Shin Megami Tensei: Persona || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Shin Megami Tensei: Persona3 Portable || || {{unplayable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix to load, but then freezes after character creation. (now a little bit later)
partly fix:
| Shining Blade || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || EBOOT resigned + decrypted PGD File (req: either additional EBOOT or EMU patches), save works.
| Sid Meier's Pirates! || || {{playable}} ||  || None
| Silent Hill: Origins || || {{majorissues}} ||  || The loading screen image was always on screen, fix:
Remaster method has an issue: game freezes before Sanitarium Boss. Player can reach half of the game.
| SoulCalibur Broken Destiny || || {{unplayable}} || ||  Freezes.
| Sonic Rivals 1 || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Game starts and menu shows, but scenario in stages is black.
| Sonic Rivals 2 || || {{unplayable}} || ||  Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Game starts and menu shows, but scenario in stages is black.
| Space Invaders Extreme || || {{unplayable}} || ||  Enemies shots are not visible.
| Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> FMVs are not visible. Cannot save.
| Star Ocean: First Departure || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Star Ocean: Second Evolution || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Star Trek: Tactical Assault || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Star Wars Battlefront II || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Star Wars Battlefront:  Elite Squadron || || {{playable}} || ||  None.
| Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron || || {{playable}} || ||  None.
| Star Wars - The Clone Wars Republic Heroes || || {{playable}} || ||  None.
| State Shift || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX (USA) || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes after first battle/victory.
| Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX (EUR)<br />Street Fighter Zero 3 Double Upper || || {{minorissues}} ||  || Unlike the US version, these EU and JP versions work nearly perfect. Cannot save except if the save data already existed on PS3 (transferred from PSP or download one from the internet). ("fatms0:" check)
| Summon Night 5 || || {{majorissues}} || {{yes}}  || Does not continue somewhen ingame, like ZHP (Options)
| Super Collapse 3 || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Super Fruit Fall || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Super Pocket Tennis  || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Super Robot Taisen Z2 Hakai Hen [NPJH-50555] || || {{playable}} ||  || PSP Remaster.
| Super Robot Taisen Z2 Hakai Hen [ULJS-00379] || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Doesn't boot (blackscreen).
| Super Robot Taisen Z2 Saisei Hen [NPJH-50517] || || {{playable}} ||  || PSP Remaster.
| Super Robot Taisen Z2 Saisei Hen [ULJS-00460] || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Doesn't boot (blackscreen).
| Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Masoukishin I The Load of Elemental || || {{playable}} ||  || PSP Remaster.
| Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Masoukishin II || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Doesn't boot (blackscreen).
| SWAT: Target Liberty || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Requires EBOOT fix.
| Sweet Fuse || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Works, but do not press circle (screenshot) -> hangs like ZHP (Options) / Summon Night 5, Cannot save.
| Swort Art Online || || {{majorissues}} || {{yes}}  || Starts with decrypted PGD + patched Eboot/Emu, but hangs when Kirito makes some action in tutorial
| Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Frozen black screen, even with EBOOT fix.
| Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Frozen black screen, even with EBOOT fix.
| Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together || || {{playable}} ||  || fix for 'Tarot Card' selection screen:
optional speed fix?
| Taiko no Tatsujin Portable || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2 || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| Tales of Eternia || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Tales of Rebirth|| || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes after intro, EBOOT signing not possible.
| Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes, Doesn't work with EBOOT fix either.
| Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs Remaster method to avoid the freeze issue in character creation screen.
| Tales of VS || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Game loads to menu, but freezes before the start of each fight.
| Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Tenchu - Time of the Assassins || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| The 3rd Birthday || || {{playable}} ||  || With remaster method. partly fixes blue:
| The Flying Hamster || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| The King of Fighter Collection: The Orochi Saga || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Needs Remaster method, still hardly playable with very long load time.
| The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion || || {{unplayable}} ||  || PS3 freeze after Namco & Falcom logos.
| The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| The Red Star || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| The Simpsons || || {{unplayable}} ||  || remaster: freeze at first loading screen.
| Twisted Metal Heads on || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| Toaru Majutsu no Index || || {{playable}} || {{yes}} || Needs fix for:
| Tom Clancy's End War  || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Tony Hawk's Project 8 || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Ultimate Ghost n Goblins || || {{minorissues}} ||  || Runs too fast.  With remaster method runs at normal speed.
| Valhalla Knights 2 || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Valkyria Chronicles II || || {{minorissues}} || {{yes}}  || use sign_np for creation, game loads but corrupts save data when restarting the game.
| Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes, Doesn't work with EBOOT fix either. rsx-err
| Warriors Orochi || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs Remaster method.
| Warriors Orochi 2 || || {{playable}} ||  || Needs Remaster method.
| White Knight Chronicles || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Remaster method, used sign_np, decrypted PGD + patched Emu.
| Wild arms XF || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes. Not enough memory message.
| WipEout Pulse || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| WipEout Pure || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Freezes.
| World Poker Tour  || || {{playable}} ||  || None.
| Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Tag Force 6 || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> Black Screen.
| Ys I & II Chronicles || || {{unplayable}} ||  || Can boot up with EBOOT fix, but the game freezes after choosing either Ys I or Ys II.
| Ys: The Oath in Felghana || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Ys: The Ark of Napishtim || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Ys Seven || || {{playable}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix.
| Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman || || {{minorissues}} || {{yes}}  || Needs EBOOT fix. The game simply does not show menu once enter "Options".
| Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3 || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Unable to handle: "disc0:/sce_lbn0x%04x_size0x%04x" -> loading forever.
| Zuma || || {{majorissues}} ||  || Needs EBOOT fix. Says not enough space for save file but creates one anyway. Works but then you can't load it again until you delete the save file in XMB.

Latest revision as of 00:42, 19 January 2025

PSP emulator_api ad hoc play connection errors[edit source]

Translations from Japanese error messages:

  0002 This channel did not have any room playing the same game
  1005 Upon your use of this application, you will need to agree to the Terms of Use
  2001 Network connection has expired. You will return to the title screen
  2002 Network connection has expired. You will return to the title screen
  2007 You cannot connect to ad hoc. Please check the information page
  3001 You cannot connect to the network. Please check the information page
  3003 There is no possible connection server
  4001 You cannot connect to the network. Please check information page
  4001 You cannot connect to the network. Please check information page
  4004 You have exceeded the number of created rooms
  4005 You have exceeded the maximum number of bookmarks. Please register again by removing unnecessary bookmark
  4006 The lobby is a registered
  4007 You will return to the title screen because no operation has been performed for a certain period of time
  5002 This room is taking entry limit
  5005 Because the connection type of network is different, you cannot play in this room. Please check the manual
  5006 Transmission of comments
  6001 You cannot change the wallpaper as the HDD free capacity is insufficient. To make the change of wallpaper you need free space of more than 17MB.
  6002 The size of the image cannot be specified in the wallpaper. Please check the information page
  6003 Unsupported image file format. Please check the information page
 10001 Not available, because 20GB model (CECHB00) is not equipped with wireless LAN feature.
 10002 Please use a wire to connect the PlayStation®3 to the broadband network.
 10003 A system error has occurred.
 10004 Connection established. Please be patient. Channel 1
 10005 Connection established. Please be patient. Channel 6
 10006 Connection established. Please be patient. Channel 11
 10007 Connection established. Please be patient. Channel automatic
 10008 Not available in the sub-account that is limiting the use of chat. Please use after receiving the permission of Administrator of a master account (such as parents)
 10009 Upon your use of ad-hoc party, you should be asked to agree to the Terms of Service.
 10010 You need to sign up to PlayStation®Network.
 10011 You are signed out from PlayStation®Network. Please sign in to enable connection.
 10012 Location other than the lobby.
 30002 In order to start the ad-hoc party, System Software update is required.
 30003 Ad-hoc party is not installed. Please download the ad-hoc party (free of charge) from PlayStation®Store.
 30004 Ad-hoc party has been updated. If you play the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) Remaster, restart from the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) Remaster icon.
 30005 You cannot connect to PlayStation®Network. Please check the configuration.
 30006 Are you sure that you want to move to the ad-hoc party? Please check the save data.
 30007 You are going to leave the room.
 30008 You left the room.
 30009 You cannot connect to the network. Please check information page.
 30010 Room password is incorrect.
 30011 This room is taking entry limit.
 30012 This room can not enter because of the packed.
 30013 You are going to leave the room.
 30014 Are you sure that you want to leave the room? Data when you leave the room not been saved will be lost.
 30015 Are you sure that you want to leave the room?
 30016 Are you sure that you want to move to end the game to the ad-hoc party? What you do not save will be lost.
 30017 You have not been put in a room.
 30018 This PSP®Remaster title in eight room is not supported.
 30019 You cannot connect to PlayStation®Network. Please check the information page. 
 30020 You are going to leave the room. Are you sure that you want to move to the ad-hoc party without saving the game?
 30021 The selected lobby is packed.
 H8001 Connection failed.
 H8002 Connection failed.
 H8003 Connection failed.
 H8004 Connection failed.
 H8005 Connection failed.
 H8006 Connection failed.
 S7001 Connection failed.
 S7002 Connection failed.
 S7003 Connection failed.
 S7004 You are going to leave the room.

PSP Emulator patches[edit source]

These patches are intended to be applied to the official PSP emulator of the PS3.

Patch to redirect unsupported commands (experimental)[edit source]

This ugly and highly experimental PoC code simply redirects unsupported commands to 0x01010005 (Seek Begin) and probably breaks other commands.

Edit-copy purple.svg.png
00000000000285B0 empty_buffer:                           # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+74�j
00000000000285B0                                         # sceIofileAsync+140�j ...
00000000000285B0                 li        r31, 0        
00000000000285B4                 clrldi    r27, r3, 32   
00000000000285B8                 li        r29, 0        
00000000000285BC                 cmpwi     cr4, r31, 0   
00000000000285C0 IoFileMgrForUser_822ADD32:              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+184�j
00000000000285C0                                         # sceIofileAsync+2D0�j
00000000000285C0                 clrldi    r7, r23, 32   # out data ptr 
00000000000285C4                 extsw     r3, r24       # id
00000000000285C8                 extsw     r4, r28       # cmd
00000000000285CC                 mr        r6, r27       # in size
00000000000285D0                 clrldi    r8, r25, 32   # out len 
00000000000285D4                 mr        r5, r29       # in data ptr
00000000000285D8                 bl        _IoFileMgrForUser_822ADD32 # pspFileSystem.... ?
00000000000285DC                 ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
00000000000285E0                 mr        r31, r3
00000000000285E4                 beq       cr4, loc_285F4 # nop
00000000000285E8                 mr        r3, r29
00000000000285EC                 bl        _sys_libc_free
00000000000285F0                 ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
00000000000285F4 loc_285F4:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+B4�j
00000000000285F4                 stw       r31, 8(r30)   # return value
Edit-copy purple.svg.png
00000000000285B0 loc_285B0:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+74�j
00000000000285B0                                         # sceIoIoctlAsync+140�j ...
00000000000285B0                 bl        _sys_libc_malloc
00000000000285B4                 clrldi    r26, r3, 32
00000000000285B8                 lis       r28, 0x101 # 0x1010005                           # Seek cmd id
00000000000285BC                 ori       r28, r28, 5 # 0x1010005
00000000000285C0                 b         loc_28724
00000000000285C4 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00000000000285C4 loc_285C4:                              # CODE XREF: sceIoIoctlAsync+184�j   #
00000000000285C4                                         # sceIoIoctlAsync+2D0�j              # Both branches also modified, so we can use 5x4 bytes
00000000000285C4                 clrldi    r7, r23, 32
00000000000285C8                 extsw     r3, r24
00000000000285CC                 extsw     r4, r28
00000000000285D0                 mr        r6, r27
00000000000285D4                 clrldi    r8, r25, 32
00000000000285D8                 mr        r5, r29
00000000000285DC                 bl        _IoFileMgrForUser_822ADD32
00000000000285E0                 ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
00000000000285E4                 mr        r31, r3
00000000000285E8                 mr        r3, r29
00000000000285EC                 bl        _sys_libc_free
00000000000285F0                 ld        r2, 0xC0+var_98(r1)
00000000000285F4                 stw       r31, 8(r30)

Unsupported command ID's will be replaced with empty buffers and simply sent through IoIoctl.
PGD = ID 0x04100001

Supported command ID's:

0x1010005 (UMD file seek set)
0x1030008 (Read UMD file)
0x1F100A6 (UMD file seek whence)
0x1F30003 (UMD disc read sectors operation)
0x01020001 - Get UMD Primary Volume Descriptor
0x01020002 - Get UMD Path Table
0x01020003 - Get UMD sector size
0x01020004 - Get UMD file pointer
0x01010005 - Set UMD file seek
0x01020006 - Get UMD file start sector
0x01020007 - Get UMD file length in bytes
0x01030008 - Read UMD file
0x01D20001 - Get UMD device file current sector seek position
0x01F30003 - Read raw sectors from UMD device file
0x01F100A6 - Set UMD device file seek by sector
0x04100001 - Define decryption key (DRM by amctrl.prx)
0x04100002 - Set PGD offset
0x04100010 - Get PGD data size