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:Target Manager API Reference
:---------------------------- Overview 
:---------------------------- Enumerated Types 
:eApplicationState: Application state. 
:eAttachFlags: Attach Options. 
:eCompatibleVersion: Exported compatibility number. 
:eConnectionLevel: The connection level of a target. 
:eConnectionState: The connection state of a target. 
:eConsoleOutputCategory: Console input/output type. 
:eConsoleOutputPID: Special process ID constants. 
:eConsoleOutputPort: Console input/output channels. 
:eConsoleOutputState: Console output state bitmask. 
:eControlDevice: Controller devices. 
:eCoreDumpType: The type of core file to generate. 
:eDetachFlags: Detach Options. 
:eDevice: File system devices supported by the target. 
:eErrorCode: The errors returned by the API. 
:eEventCategory: ViewerEventHeader::Category values. 
:eFiberState: State of a fiber. 
:eFsDeviceState: The state of the target device. 
:eFsDriveLetter: Special values for the FileSystem drive letter. 
:eHardwareBreakpointId: Special hardware breakpoint ID constants. 
:eHardwareBreakPtAttr: Hardware Break Attributes. 
:eHardwareBreakPtFlags: Hardware break point flags. 
:eHardwareWatchPtAttr: Hardware Watchpoint Attributes. 
:eHwAttributes: Bit mask of Hardware Information attributes. 
:eLoadMainThreadPriority: The range of valid main thread priorities supported by ITarget.LoadProcessEx. 
:eLoadOptions: Bit mask of options for ITarget.LoadProcessEx. 
:eLoadStackSize: The range of valid stack sizes supported by ITarget.LoadProcessEx. 
:eLoggingLevel: Logging level. 
:eMemoryBlockAttr: Memory block attributes. 
:eMemoryBlockAttr2: Memory block attributes2. 
:eMemoryFlags: A bitmask of the memory flags. 
:eMemoryType: The memory type. 
:eModuleFlags: Module Flags. 
:eModuleStatus: Module Status. 
:eModuleTypes: Module types. 
:eNetworkInterface: Network interface type, see Net-Reference_e.doc. 
:eNetworkInterfaceType: Network interface type, see Net-Reference_e.doc. 
:eOrbisMutexAttrib: Orbis mutex attributes. 
:ePFSFlags: PFS start-up options. 
:ePixelFormat: The format of the pixel data. 
:ePlayGoLocusType: PlayGo locus type. 
:ePowerOperation: Power operation type. 
:ePowerProgress: Status of a power operation. 
:ePowerStatus: Power status of the target. 
:eProcessAttr: Bitmask of various process attributes. 
:eProtectionFlags: The protection bitmask of the memory. 
:eProtocols: Protocols. 
:eRegisters: Register Constants. 
:eScreenShotMode: No brief description specified. 
:eSegmentAttr: Segment attributes. 
:eSettingType: The value type of a setting. 
:eSocketFlags: Socket flags, see Net-Reference_e.doc. 
:eSocketPolicy: Socket flags, see Net-Reference_e.doc. 
:eSocketState: Socket state, see Net-Reference_e.doc. 
:eSocketType: Socket type, see Net-Reference_e.doc. 
:eSoftwareBreakPtAttr: Software Break Attributes. 
:eSoftwareWatchPtAttr: Software Watchpoint Attributes. 
:eStopNotificationReason: Stop Notification Reasons. 
:eThreadInfoFlags: A bit mask for decoding thread info flags. 
:eThreadPolicy: Thread scheduling policy. 
:eThreadState: Thread state bitmask. 
:eThreadType: Thread type. 
:eThreadWaitState: Thread wait state. 
:eUltQueueOp: ULT queue operation. 
:eUltRwlockOp: ULT read-write lock operation. 
:eUltRwlockStatus: ULT read-write lock status. 
:eUltThreadType: The type of a IUlOrKernelTID. 
:eUpdateErrorState: State of target after update failed. 
:eUserLevelThreadState: State of a user level thread. 
:---------------------------- EventHeader 
:EventHeader: Header for Event Viewer events. 
:---------------------------- IApplicationInfo 
:IApplicationInfo: Application information. 
:---------------------------- IApplicationKillEvent 
:IApplicationKillEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnApplicationKill event. 
:---------------------------- IApplicationResumedEvent 
:IApplicationResumedEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnApplicationResumed event. 
:---------------------------- IApplicationSpawnEvent 
:IApplicationSpawnEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnApplicationSpawn event. 
:---------------------------- IApplicationSuspendedEvent 
:IApplicationSuspendedEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnApplicationSuspended event. 
:---------------------------- IAppObjectInfo 
:IAppObjectInfo: User level application objects. 
:---------------------------- IBufferReadyEvent 
:IBufferReadyEvent: Data associated with an IEventConsoleOutput.OnConsoleOutput event. 
:---------------------------- IBusyEvent 
:IBusyEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnBusy event. 
:---------------------------- ICacheClearedEvent 
:ICacheClearedEvent: Data associated with an IEventCacheUpdate.OnCacheCleared event. 
:---------------------------- ICacheUpdateEvent 
:ICacheUpdateEvent: Data associated with an IEventCacheUpdate.OnCacheUpdate event. 
:---------------------------- IConfiguration 
:IConfiguration: Debugging environment information. 
:---------------------------- IConnectedEvent 
:IConnectedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnConnected event. 
:---------------------------- IConnectEvent 
:IConnectEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnConnect event. 
:---------------------------- IConsoleOutput 
:IConsoleOutput: A console output packet. 
:---------------------------- IConsoleOutputEvent 
:IConsoleOutputEvent: Data associated with an IEventConsoleOutput.OnConsoleOutput event. 
:---------------------------- IController 
:IController: Interface for CTRLP capture/playback operations. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:AllocControllerData: Return a default constructed IControllerData interface. 
:AllocControllerState: Return a default constructed IControllerState interface. 
:AllocTouchData: Returns a default constructed ITouchData interface. 
:AllocTouchPoint: Returns a default constructed ITouchPoint interface. 
:PlaybackData: Sends user input operations to the target. 
:StartPlayback: Start playing back controller events. 
:StartRecording: Start recording controller events. 
:StopPlayback: Stop the playback of controller events. 
:StopRecording: Stop recording controller events. 
:---------------------------- IControllerData 
:IControllerData: Controller data. 
:---------------------------- IControllerState 
:IControllerState: Controller data. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:GetData: Get controller state data. 
:SetData: Set controller state data. 
:---------------------------- ICoredumpCompletedEvent 
:ICoredumpCompletedEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnCoredumpCompleted event. 
:---------------------------- ICoredumpInProgressEvent 
:ICoredumpInProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnCoredumpInProgress event. 
:---------------------------- IDataReadyEvent 
:IDataReadyEvent: Data associated with an IEventController.OnDataReady event. 
:---------------------------- IDefaultTargetChangedEvent 
:IDefaultTargetChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventServer.OnDefaultTargetChanged event. 
:---------------------------- IDisconnectEvent 
:IDisconnectEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnDisconnect event. 
:---------------------------- IDynamicLibraryLoadEvent 
:IDynamicLibraryLoadEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnDynamicLibraryLoad event. 
:---------------------------- IDynamicLibraryUnloadEvent 
:IDynamicLibraryUnloadEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnDynamicLibraryUnload event. 
:---------------------------- IEventCacheUpdate 
:IEventCacheUpdate: Callback interface for the console output cache. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnCacheCleared: This method is invoked when the console output cache is cleared. 
:OnCacheUpdate: This method is invoked when the console output cache is updated. 
:---------------------------- IEventConsoleOutput 
:IEventConsoleOutput: Console output callback interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnBufferReady: This method is invoked when there is space for additional console input. 
:OnConsoleOutput: This method is invoked when text is output to the console. 
:---------------------------- IEventController 
:IEventController: Pad capture callback interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnDataReady: When IController.PlaybackData fails with TMAPI_COMMS_ERR_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE this notification is sent to indicate the number of free buffers is greater than the notification threshold. 
:OnRecordedData: A notification containing the CTRLP capture data. 
:---------------------------- IEventDebug 
:IEventDebug: Debug Event callback interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnCoredumpCompleted: Callback to indicate that core dump file creation is completed. 
:OnCoredumpInProgress: Callback to indicate that core dump file creation is ongoing. 
:OnDynamicLibraryLoad: For an attached process, the target sends this notification when a dynamic library is loaded. 
:OnDynamicLibraryUnload: For an attached process, the target sends this notification when a dynamic library is unloaded. 
:OnProcessCreate: Invoked when a 'Process Create' notification is sent from the target to the host. 
:OnProcessExit: Invoked when a 'Process Exit' notification is sent from the target to the host. 
:OnProcessKill: Invoked when a 'Process Kill' notification is sent from the target to the host. 
:OnProcessLoading: Invoked during process loading to indicate percentage complete. 
:OnStopNotification: Invoked when a 'Stop Event' notification is sent from the target to the host. 
:OnThreadCreate: Invoked when a 'Thread Create' notification is sent from the target to the host. 
:OnThreadExit: Invoked when a 'Thread Exit' notification is sent from the target to the host. 
:---------------------------- IEventDebug2 
:IEventDebug2: Debug Event callback extension interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnApplicationKill: Invoked when an application is killed. 
:OnApplicationResumed: Invoked when an application is resumed. 
:OnApplicationSpawn: Invoked when an application is spawned. 
:OnApplicationSuspended: Invoked when an application is suspended. 
:OnLoadExec: Invoked when a process successfully calls sceSystemServiceLoadExec(). 
:OnLoadExecFail: Invoked when a ILoadExecEvent was sent but the new process was not successfully spawned. 
:OnLoadExecTimeout: Invoked when a ILoadExecEvent was sent but within the expected timeout, the new process was not successfully spawned and no failure event was generated. 
:---------------------------- IEventFilterChangedEvent 
:IEventFilterChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventViewer.OnEventFilterChanged event. 
:---------------------------- IEventPlayGo 
:IEventPlayGo: Play Go Event callback interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnFileError: Invoked to indicate that there are new file error(s) available. 
:OnStatusUpdate: Invoked to indicate that the status has changed. 
:---------------------------- IEventServer 
:IEventServer: Server Event callback interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnDefaultTargetChanged: Invoked when the default target changes. 
:OnTargetAdded: Invoked when a target is added to Target Managers list of targets. 
:OnTargetDeleted: Invoked when a target is removed from Target Managers list of targets. 
:---------------------------- IEventServer2 
:IEventServer2: Extended Server Event callback interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnTargetFindProgress: Invoked during IORTMAPI.FindTarget calls. 
:---------------------------- IEventTarget 
:IEventTarget: Target Event callback interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnBusy: Invoked when a command sent to Target Manager is behind a command that is expected to take a long time to complete. 
:OnConnect: Invoked when Target Manager connects to the target. 
:OnConnected: Invoked when Target Manager connects to the target. 
:OnDisconnect: Invoked when Target Manager disconnects from the target. 
:OnExpiryTime: Notification of target expiry time. 
:OnFileServingCaseSensitivityChanged: Invoked when the file serving case sensitivity changes. 
:OnFileServingRootChanged: Invoked when the file serving root changes. 
:OnForceDisconnected: Invoked when Target Manager disconnects from the target. 
:OnForcedPowerOff: Invoked when a normal power fails, and the targets power has to be forced off. 
:OnIdle: Invoked when no commands that are expected to take a long time are in the queue. 
:OnMultiPhaseProgress: Invoked during long running tasks that consist of multiple phases. 
:OnMultiPhaseProgressError: Invoked if a long running tasks consisting of multiple phases fails. 
:OnNameUpdate: Invoked when the target name is changed. 
:OnPowerState: Invoked when a 'Power Status Change' notification is sent from the target to the host. 
:OnProgress: Invoked during long operations to indicate percentage completion. 
:OnSettingsChanged: Invoked when settings are successfully applied. 
:OnUpdateError: Invoked to indicate target update has completed. 
:OnUpdateProgress: Invoked during target update to indicate the progress. 
:---------------------------- IEventViewer 
:IEventViewer: Event Viewer callback interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:OnEventFilterChanged: Notification of changes to the event filter. 
:OnEventViewerXMLChanged: Notification of changes to XML description of the event view. 
:OnNotificationEvent: A notification containing the Event Viewer event data. 
:OnQueryError: Notification that ITarget::GetEventViewXML() failed. 
:---------------------------- IEventViewerFilterRule 
:IEventViewerFilterRule: Event Viewer filter rule. 
:---------------------------- IEventViewerXMLChangedEvent 
:IEventViewerXMLChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventViewer.OnEventViewerXMLChanged event. 
:---------------------------- IExceptionHandlingFrame 
:IExceptionHandlingFrame: Exception frame information. 
:---------------------------- IExpiryTimeEvent 
:IExpiryTimeEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnExpiryTimeout event. 
:---------------------------- IFiber 
:IFiber: Fiber information. 
:---------------------------- IFileErrorEvent 
:IFileErrorEvent: Data associated with an IEventPlayGo.OnFileError event. 
:---------------------------- IFileServingCaseSensitivityChangedEvent 
:IFileServingCaseSensitivityChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnFileServingCaseSensitivityChanged event. 
:---------------------------- IFileServingRootChangedEvent 
:IFileServingRootChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnFileServingRootChanged event. 
:---------------------------- IForceDisconnectedEvent 
:IForceDisconnectedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnForceDisconnected event. 
:---------------------------- IForcedPowerOffEvent 
:IForcedPowerOffEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnForcedPowerOff event. 
:---------------------------- IHardwareBreakpoint 
:IHardwareBreakpoint: Hardware breakpoint information. 
:---------------------------- IIdleEvent 
:IIdleEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnIdle event. 
:---------------------------- IInterfaceAddress 
:IInterfaceAddress: Interface address. 
:---------------------------- ILoadExecEvent 
:ILoadExecEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnLoadExec event. 
:---------------------------- ILoadExecFailEvent 
:ILoadExecFailEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnLoadExecFail event. 
:---------------------------- ILoadExecTimeoutEvent 
:ILoadExecTimeoutEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnLoadExecTimeout event. 
:---------------------------- IMemoryRange 
:IMemoryRange: Memory blocks available in core dump. 
:---------------------------- IModule 
:IModule: Module properties. 
:---------------------------- IMonoVm 
:IMonoVm: Mono VM process information. 
:---------------------------- IMultiPhaseProgressErrorEvent 
:IMultiPhaseProgressErrorEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnMultiPhaseProgressError event. 
:---------------------------- IMultiPhaseProgressEvent 
:IMultiPhaseProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnMultiPhaseProgress event. 
:---------------------------- INameUpdateEvent 
:INameUpdateEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnNameUpdate event. 
:---------------------------- INameValuePair 
:INameValuePair: A name-value pair. 
:---------------------------- INetworkInterface 
:INetworkInterface: Network interface. 
:---------------------------- INotificationEventEvent 
:INotificationEventEvent: Data associated with an IEventViewer.OnNotificationEvent event. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisBarrier 
:IOrbisBarrier: Orbis barrier data. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisConditionVariable 
:IOrbisConditionVariable: Orbis condition variable data. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisEventFlag 
:IOrbisEventFlag: Event flag. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisEventQueue 
:IOrbisEventQueue: Orbis event queue. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisKernelEventFlag 
:IOrbisKernelEventFlag: Event flag. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisKernelSemaphore 
:IOrbisKernelSemaphore: Semaphore data. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisMutex 
:IOrbisMutex: Orbis mutex data. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisRwlock 
:IOrbisRwlock: Orbis read/write lock data. 
:---------------------------- IOrbisSemaphore 
:IOrbisSemaphore: Semaphore data. 
:---------------------------- IORTMAPI 
:IORTMAPI: Main API Entry Interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:AddTarget: Add the specified target to the active list. 
:AdviseServerEvents: Register an IEventServer derived object for server event notifications. 
:AllocTargetFindRule: Allocate an ITargetFindRule object to define a search criteria for IORTMAPI.FindTargets. 
:CancelFindTargets: Cancel a call to FindTarget. 
:CheckCompatibility: Check that the client application is compatible with this version of the API. 
:DiscoverTargets: Discover targets on the local subnet. 
:Dispose: Force clean-up of shared resources. 
:FileSystemDriverVersion: File System Driver version. 
:FindTargets: Discover targets on the network. 
:GetCoreDumpTargetByHost: Find a core dump target by ID and return the corresponding ITarget interface. 
:GetErrorDescription: Returns a description of the error code. 
:GetPFSDrive: Returns the drive letter being used for PlayStation® File System. 
:GetTargetsByHost: Return a set of targets whose hardware id match the specified pattern. 
:GetTargetsByName: Return a set of targets whose name matches the specified pattern. 
:LoadCoreDump: Load a core dump and return an ITarget interface. 
:ServerVersion: TM Server version. 
:ShowTargetPicker: Show Target Picker dialog. 
:StartMultiFilePacketLogging: Turn on packet logging. 
:StartPacketLogging: Turn on packet logging. 
:StartPFS: Start the PlayStation® File System driver. 
:StopPacketLogging: Turn off packet logging. 
:StopPFS: Stop the PlayStation® File System driver. 
:TargetInfo: Query for information about the specified target. 
:UnadviseServerEvents: Unregister an IEventServer derived object for server event notifications. 
:Version: API version. 
:---------------------------- IORTMAPI2 
:IORTMAPI2: Extended API Interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:GetLoggingLevel: Query TM Server's logging level. 
:SetLoggingLevel: Set TM Server's logging level. 
:---------------------------- IORTMAPI3 
:IORTMAPI3: Extended API Interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:AllocControllerData: Return a default constructed IControllerData interface. 
:AllocControllerState: Return a default constructed IControllerState interface. 
:AllocTouchData: Returns a default constructed ITouchData interface. 
:AllocTouchPoint: Returns a default constructed ITouchPoint interface. 
:---------------------------- IPacketStatistics 
:IPacketStatistics: Packet statistics. 
:---------------------------- IPIDTID 
:IPIDTID: Process ID/Thread ID pair. 
:---------------------------- IPlayGoChunkStatus 
:IPlayGoChunkStatus: PlayGo chunk status. 
:---------------------------- IPlayGoFileError 
:IPlayGoFileError: PlayGo file error information. 
:---------------------------- IPlayGoStatus 
:IPlayGoStatus: Current PlayGo status. 
:---------------------------- IPlayGoToDo 
:IPlayGoToDo: PlayGo chunk status. 
:---------------------------- IPosixBarrier 
:IPosixBarrier: Posix barrier data. 
:---------------------------- IPosixConditionVariable 
:IPosixConditionVariable: Posix condition variable data. 
:---------------------------- IPosixMutex 
:IPosixMutex: Posix mutex data. 
:---------------------------- IPosixRwlock 
:IPosixRwlock: Posix read/write lock data. 
:---------------------------- IPowerStateEvent 
:IPowerStateEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnPowerState event. 
:---------------------------- IProcess 
:IProcess: Interface for performing operations on processes. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:AllocateDataPage: Allocate memory in process address space. 
:AllocateExecutablePage: Allocate memory in process address space. 
:Attach: Instructs the target to begin debugging the specified process. 
:CancelCoredump: Cancel a core dump. 
:ClearHardwareBreakpoint: Clear a hardware breakpoint. 
:ClearSoftwareBreakpoint: Clear a software breakpoint. 
:Detach: Instructs the target to terminate debugging the specified process. 
:GetCompressedMemory: Read process memory. 
:GetMemory: Read process memory. 
:Kill: Kill this process. 
:Resume: Resume the current suspended process and any given threads. 
:SendConsoleInput: Send text to the target. 
:SetHardwareBreakpoint: Set a hardware breakpoint for the process. 
:SetMemory: Write process memory. 
:SetSoftwareBreakpoint: Set a thread-independent software breakpoint for the process. 
:Suspend: Suspends the process. 
:TriggerCoredump: Trigger a core dump. 
:---------------------------- IProcess2 
:IProcess2: Extended interface for performing operations on processes. 
:---------------------------- IProcess3 
:IProcess3: Extended interface for performing operations on processes. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:ScatteredReadMemory: Read memory from multiple addresses. 
:ScatteredWriteMemory: Write memory to multiple addresses. 
:---------------------------- IProcess4 
:IProcess4: Extended interface for performing operations on processes. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:DeallocateDataPage: Deallocate process memory. 
:DeallocateExecutablePage: Deallocate process memory. 
:---------------------------- IProcessCreateEvent 
:IProcessCreateEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnProcessCreate event. 
:---------------------------- IProcessCreateEvent2 
:IProcessCreateEvent2: Extended IProcessCreateEvent interface. 
:---------------------------- IProcessExitEvent 
:IProcessExitEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnProcessExit event. 
:---------------------------- IProcessExitEvent2 
:IProcessExitEvent2: Extended IProcessExitEvent interface. 
:---------------------------- IProcessInfo 
:IProcessInfo: Process information. 
:---------------------------- IProcessInfo2 
:IProcessInfo2: Extended process information. 
:---------------------------- IProcessInfo3 
:IProcessInfo3: Extended process information. 
:---------------------------- IProcessKillEvent 
:IProcessKillEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnProcessKill event. 
:---------------------------- IProcessKillEvent2 
:IProcessKillEvent2: Extended IProcessKillEvent interface. 
:---------------------------- IProcessLoadingEvent 
:IProcessLoadingEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnProcessLoading event. 
:---------------------------- IProgressEvent 
:IProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnProgress event. 
:---------------------------- IQueryErrorEvent 
:IQueryErrorEvent: Data associated with an IEventViewer.OnQueryError event. 
:---------------------------- IRecordedDataEvent 
:IRecordedDataEvent: Data associated with an IEventController.OnRecordedData event. 
:---------------------------- ISegmentInfo 
:ISegmentInfo: Module segment properties. 
:---------------------------- ISetting 
:ISetting: Represents a target setting. 
:---------------------------- ISettingsChangedEvent 
:ISettingsChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnSettingsChanged event. 
:---------------------------- ISocketInfo 
:ISocketInfo: Socket information. 
:---------------------------- ISoftwareBreakpoint 
:ISoftwareBreakpoint: Software breakpoint information. 
:---------------------------- IStatusUpdateEvent 
:IStatusUpdateEvent: Data associated with an IEventPlayGo.OnStatusUpdate event. 
:---------------------------- IStopNotification 
:IStopNotification: Information about a process stop event. 
:---------------------------- IStopNotificationEvent 
:IStopNotificationEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnStopNotification event. 
:---------------------------- IStopReason 
:IStopReason: Stop reason information. 
:---------------------------- ITarget 
:ITarget: Interface for communicating with a target via Target Manager Server. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:AdviseCacheUpdateEvents: Register an IEventCacheUpdate derived object for notifications of changes to the console output cache. 
:AdviseConsoleOutputEvents: Register an IEventConsoleOutput derived object for console output notifications. 
:AdviseControllerEvents: Register an IEventController derived object for controller event notifications. 
:AdviseDebugEvents: Register an IEventDebug derived object for debug event notifications. 
:AdviseTargetEvents: Register an IEventTarget derived object for target event notifications. 
:AllocSetting: Return a default constructed ISetting interface. 
:CachedConsoleOutput: Fetch the contents of the console output cache. 
:CancelCurrentCommand: Cancel the current action. 
:CancelMyCommands: Cancel all my commands. 
:ClearConsoleCache: Clear the console output cache. 
:ClearProtocolInUse: Indicate that the current client is finished with a protocol. 
:Connect: Connect to the target. 
:ConnectForNotifications: Connect to the target for notifications only. 
:Delete: Remove this target from the active list. 
:Disconnect: Disconnect from the target. 
:DisconnectFromNotifications: Release the notification only connection established with ConnectForNotifications. 
:ForceDisconnect: Forcibly disconnect from the target. 
:ForcePowerOff: Forcibly power off the target. 
:GetCompressedMemory: Read non-process memory. 
:GetDefaultSettings: Refresh the list of settings with their default value. 
:GetNetworkInterfaceInfo: Query network interface info. 
:GetNetworkResolverInfo: Query DNS server addresses. 
:GetNetworkSystemInfo: Get network system information. 
:GetProtocolInfo: General information about target protocols. 
:GetSettings: Refresh the list of settings with their latest value. 
:GetSettingsLayout: Get the user interface settings file. 
:GetSoftwareInfo: Software information. 
:GetThreadNames: Gets a list of threads and their names. 
:IBSTraceCreate: Create IBS (Instruction Based Sampling) trace. 
:InstallPackage: Install a package. 
:LoadProcess: Load a process onto the target. 
:LoadProcessArgv: Load a process onto the target. 
:PowerOff: Power off the target. 
:PowerOn: Power on the target. 
:ProtocolRegistrationInfo: Retrieves information about a registered protocol. 
:QueryProtocolInUse: Query the user of a protocol. 
:Reboot: Reboot the target. 
:ReleaseConnection: Indicate that a connection to the target is not required by this API instance. 
:RequestConnection: Request a connection to the target. 
:ScreenShot: Capture a screen shot. 
:SDKVersion: SDK version. 
:SendConsoleInput: Send text to the target. 
:SendConsoleInputWithEcho: Send text to the target and immediately echo it back. 
:SetProtocolInUse: Indicate that the current client needs dedicated access to a protocol. 
:SetSettings: Updated target settings with the modified setting values. 
:Suspend: Put the target into suspended state. 
:TraceCreate: Create a buffer for holding trace data. 
:TraceReset: Reset trace state of the target. 
:UnadviseCacheUpdateEvents: Unregister an IEventCacheUpdate derived object. 
:UnadviseConsoleOutputEvents: Unregister an IEventConsoleOutput derived object. 
:UnadviseControllerEvents: Unregister an IEventController derived object for controller event notifications. 
:UnadviseDebugEvents: Unregister an IEventDebug derived object. 
:UnadviseTargetEvents: Unregister an IEventTarget derived object from target event notifications. 
:UninstallPackage: Uninstall a package. 
:UpdateActivation: Update activation. 
:UpdateKernel: Update the kernel image. 
:WriteTracePacket: Send the given string to the target, so that it appears in a packet capture. 
:---------------------------- ITarget2 
:ITarget2: Extended ITarget interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:GetDebugAgentLogging: Query the logging options of the debug agent. 
:SetDebugAgentLogging: Set the logging options for the debug agent. 
:---------------------------- ITarget4 
:ITarget4: Extended ITarget interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:InstallNextChunk: Complete chunk installation. 
:WriteChunkStatus: Write the current chunk status to a file. 
:---------------------------- ITarget5 
:ITarget5: Extended ITarget interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:GetInstalledPackages: Get a list of installed packages. 
:---------------------------- ITarget6 
:ITarget6: Extended ITarget interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:AdviseEventViewerEvents: Register an IEventViewer derived object for Event Viewer notifications. 
:AllocEventViewFilter: Return a default constructed IEventViewerFilterRule interface. 
:GetEventViewerFilter: Returns the array of IEventViewerFilterRule interfaces that constitute the current rule set. 
:GetEventViewerXML: No brief description specified. 
:SetEventViewerFilter: Sets the array of IEventViewerFilterRule interfaces that constitute the current rule set. 
:UnadviseEventViewerEvents: Unregister an IEventViewer derived object. 
:---------------------------- ITarget7 
:ITarget7: Extended ITarget interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:CoreFileUserData: Retrieve the user data from a core file. 
:---------------------------- ITarget9 
:ITarget9: Extended ITarget interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:AdvisePlayGoEvents: Register an IEventPlayGo derived object for event notifications. 
:AppKill: Kill the application associated with the installed package. 
:AppList: Returns all the applications that are visible to the Debug Agent. 
:AppResume: Resume the application. 
:AppSpawn: Start the application associated with the installed package. 
:AppSuspend: Suspend the application. 
:ExtractUserFile: Get the contents of a user file from a core dump. 
:GetPlayGoFileErrors: Returns the file error events since the last time this was called, or since the client advised for PlayGo notifications. 
:GetPlayGoStatus: Returns the PlayGo status. 
:GetUserFileList: Get a list of user files from a core dump target. 
:UnadvisePlayGoEvents: Unregister an IEventPlayGo derived object for event notifications. 
:---------------------------- ITargetAddedEvent 
:ITargetAddedEvent: Data associated with an IEventServer.OnTargetAdded event. 
:---------------------------- ITargetDeletedEvent 
:ITargetDeletedEvent: Data associated with an IEventServer.OnTargetDeleted event. 
:---------------------------- ITargetFindProgressEvent 
:ITargetFindProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventServer.OnTargetFindProgress event. 
:---------------------------- ITargetFindRule 
:ITargetFindRule: Target search criteria. 
:---------------------------- IThread 
:IThread: Interface for interacting with running threads. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:GetRegisters: Get register values for this thread. 
:Resume: Resume this thread. 
:SetRegisters: Set register values for this thread. 
:Suspend: Suspend this thread. 
:---------------------------- IThreadCreateEvent 
:IThreadCreateEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnThreadCreate event. 
:---------------------------- IThreadExitEvent 
:IThreadExitEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnThreadExit event. 
:---------------------------- IThreadInfo 
:IThreadInfo: Snapshot of thread information. 
:---------------------------- IThreadInfo2 
:IThreadInfo2: Extended thread information. 
:---------------------------- IThreadInfo3 
:IThreadInfo3: Extended thread information. 
:---------------------------- ITouchData 
:ITouchData: Touch data. 
:---------------------------- ITouchPoint 
:ITouchPoint: Touch point. 
:---------------------------- ITrace 
:ITrace: Trace buffer interface. 
:Public Instance Methods 
:Delete: Delete the trace buffer. 
:Enable: Configure a trace buffer. 
:GetInformation: Configure a trace buffer for stream on sized captures. 
:Start: Start the trace. 
:Stop: Stop the trace. 
:---------------------------- ITraceInfo 
:ITraceInfo: Trace information. 
:---------------------------- IUlOrKernelTID 
:IUlOrKernelTID: ULT thread information. 
:---------------------------- IUltConditionVariable 
:IUltConditionVariable: ULT condition variable data. 
:---------------------------- IUltMutex 
:IUltMutex: ULT mutex data. 
:---------------------------- IUltQueue 
:IUltQueue: ULT queue info. 
:---------------------------- IUltQueueDataResourcePool 
:IUltQueueDataResourcePool: Queue Data Resource Pool info. 
:---------------------------- IUltRuntime 
:IUltRuntime: ULT runtime information. 
:---------------------------- IUltRwlock 
:IUltRwlock: ULT read write lock info. 
:---------------------------- IUltSemaphore 
:IUltSemaphore: ULT semaphore data. 
:---------------------------- IUltWaitingQueueResourcePool 
:IUltWaitingQueueResourcePool: Waiting Queue Resource Pool info. 
:---------------------------- IUpdateErrorEvent 
:IUpdateErrorEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnUpdateError event. 
:---------------------------- IUpdateProgressEvent 
:IUpdateProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnUpdateProgress event. 
:---------------------------- IUserLevelThread 
:IUserLevelThread: User level thread information. 
:---------------------------- IVirtualMemory 
:IVirtualMemory: Virtual memory information. 
:---------------------------- ReadMemoryRequest 
:ReadMemoryRequest: Structure for IProcess3::ScatteredReadMemory. 
:---------------------------- ReadMemoryResponse 
:ReadMemoryResponse: Structure for IProcess3::ScatteredReadMemory. 
:---------------------------- ScreenShotData 
:ScreenShotData: Screen shot data. 
:---------------------------- WriteMemoryRequest 
:WriteMemoryRequest: Structure for IProcess3::ScatteredWriteMemory. 


Revision as of 11:58, 18 November 2014

Target Manager API Reference
---------------------------- Overview
---------------------------- Enumerated Types
eApplicationState: Application state.
eAttachFlags: Attach Options.
eCompatibleVersion: Exported compatibility number.
eConnectionLevel: The connection level of a target.
eConnectionState: The connection state of a target.
eConsoleOutputCategory: Console input/output type.
eConsoleOutputPID: Special process ID constants.
eConsoleOutputPort: Console input/output channels.
eConsoleOutputState: Console output state bitmask.
eControlDevice: Controller devices.
eCoreDumpType: The type of core file to generate.
eDetachFlags: Detach Options.
eDevice: File system devices supported by the target.
eErrorCode: The errors returned by the API.
eEventCategory: ViewerEventHeader::Category values.
eFiberState: State of a fiber.
eFsDeviceState: The state of the target device.
eFsDriveLetter: Special values for the FileSystem drive letter.
eHardwareBreakpointId: Special hardware breakpoint ID constants.
eHardwareBreakPtAttr: Hardware Break Attributes.
eHardwareBreakPtFlags: Hardware break point flags.
eHardwareWatchPtAttr: Hardware Watchpoint Attributes.
eHwAttributes: Bit mask of Hardware Information attributes.
eLoadMainThreadPriority: The range of valid main thread priorities supported by ITarget.LoadProcessEx.
eLoadOptions: Bit mask of options for ITarget.LoadProcessEx.
eLoadStackSize: The range of valid stack sizes supported by ITarget.LoadProcessEx.
eLoggingLevel: Logging level.
eMemoryBlockAttr: Memory block attributes.
eMemoryBlockAttr2: Memory block attributes2.
eMemoryFlags: A bitmask of the memory flags.
eMemoryType: The memory type.
eModuleFlags: Module Flags.
eModuleStatus: Module Status.
eModuleTypes: Module types.
eNetworkInterface: Network interface type, see Net-Reference_e.doc.
eNetworkInterfaceType: Network interface type, see Net-Reference_e.doc.
eOrbisMutexAttrib: Orbis mutex attributes.
ePFSFlags: PFS start-up options.
ePixelFormat: The format of the pixel data.
ePlayGoLocusType: PlayGo locus type.
ePowerOperation: Power operation type.
ePowerProgress: Status of a power operation.
ePowerStatus: Power status of the target.
eProcessAttr: Bitmask of various process attributes.
eProtectionFlags: The protection bitmask of the memory.
eProtocols: Protocols.
eRegisters: Register Constants.
eScreenShotMode: No brief description specified.
eSegmentAttr: Segment attributes.
eSettingType: The value type of a setting.
eSocketFlags: Socket flags, see Net-Reference_e.doc.
eSocketPolicy: Socket flags, see Net-Reference_e.doc.
eSocketState: Socket state, see Net-Reference_e.doc.
eSocketType: Socket type, see Net-Reference_e.doc.
eSoftwareBreakPtAttr: Software Break Attributes.
eSoftwareWatchPtAttr: Software Watchpoint Attributes.
eStopNotificationReason: Stop Notification Reasons.
eThreadInfoFlags: A bit mask for decoding thread info flags.
eThreadPolicy: Thread scheduling policy.
eThreadState: Thread state bitmask.
eThreadType: Thread type.
eThreadWaitState: Thread wait state.
eUltQueueOp: ULT queue operation.
eUltRwlockOp: ULT read-write lock operation.
eUltRwlockStatus: ULT read-write lock status.
eUltThreadType: The type of a IUlOrKernelTID.
eUpdateErrorState: State of target after update failed.
eUserLevelThreadState: State of a user level thread.
---------------------------- EventHeader
EventHeader: Header for Event Viewer events.
---------------------------- IApplicationInfo
IApplicationInfo: Application information.
---------------------------- IApplicationKillEvent
IApplicationKillEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnApplicationKill event.
---------------------------- IApplicationResumedEvent
IApplicationResumedEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnApplicationResumed event.
---------------------------- IApplicationSpawnEvent
IApplicationSpawnEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnApplicationSpawn event.
---------------------------- IApplicationSuspendedEvent
IApplicationSuspendedEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnApplicationSuspended event.
---------------------------- IAppObjectInfo
IAppObjectInfo: User level application objects.
---------------------------- IBufferReadyEvent
IBufferReadyEvent: Data associated with an IEventConsoleOutput.OnConsoleOutput event.
---------------------------- IBusyEvent
IBusyEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnBusy event.
---------------------------- ICacheClearedEvent
ICacheClearedEvent: Data associated with an IEventCacheUpdate.OnCacheCleared event.
---------------------------- ICacheUpdateEvent
ICacheUpdateEvent: Data associated with an IEventCacheUpdate.OnCacheUpdate event.
---------------------------- IConfiguration
IConfiguration: Debugging environment information.
---------------------------- IConnectedEvent
IConnectedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnConnected event.
---------------------------- IConnectEvent
IConnectEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnConnect event.
---------------------------- IConsoleOutput
IConsoleOutput: A console output packet.
---------------------------- IConsoleOutputEvent
IConsoleOutputEvent: Data associated with an IEventConsoleOutput.OnConsoleOutput event.
---------------------------- IController
IController: Interface for CTRLP capture/playback operations.
Public Instance Methods
AllocControllerData: Return a default constructed IControllerData interface.
AllocControllerState: Return a default constructed IControllerState interface.
AllocTouchData: Returns a default constructed ITouchData interface.
AllocTouchPoint: Returns a default constructed ITouchPoint interface.
PlaybackData: Sends user input operations to the target.
StartPlayback: Start playing back controller events.
StartRecording: Start recording controller events.
StopPlayback: Stop the playback of controller events.
StopRecording: Stop recording controller events.
---------------------------- IControllerData
IControllerData: Controller data.
---------------------------- IControllerState
IControllerState: Controller data.
Public Instance Methods
GetData: Get controller state data.
SetData: Set controller state data.
---------------------------- ICoredumpCompletedEvent
ICoredumpCompletedEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnCoredumpCompleted event.
---------------------------- ICoredumpInProgressEvent
ICoredumpInProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnCoredumpInProgress event.
---------------------------- IDataReadyEvent
IDataReadyEvent: Data associated with an IEventController.OnDataReady event.
---------------------------- IDefaultTargetChangedEvent
IDefaultTargetChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventServer.OnDefaultTargetChanged event.
---------------------------- IDisconnectEvent
IDisconnectEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnDisconnect event.
---------------------------- IDynamicLibraryLoadEvent
IDynamicLibraryLoadEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnDynamicLibraryLoad event.
---------------------------- IDynamicLibraryUnloadEvent
IDynamicLibraryUnloadEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnDynamicLibraryUnload event.
---------------------------- IEventCacheUpdate
IEventCacheUpdate: Callback interface for the console output cache.
Public Instance Methods
OnCacheCleared: This method is invoked when the console output cache is cleared.
OnCacheUpdate: This method is invoked when the console output cache is updated.
---------------------------- IEventConsoleOutput
IEventConsoleOutput: Console output callback interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnBufferReady: This method is invoked when there is space for additional console input.
OnConsoleOutput: This method is invoked when text is output to the console.
---------------------------- IEventController
IEventController: Pad capture callback interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnDataReady: When IController.PlaybackData fails with TMAPI_COMMS_ERR_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE this notification is sent to indicate the number of free buffers is greater than the notification threshold.
OnRecordedData: A notification containing the CTRLP capture data.
---------------------------- IEventDebug
IEventDebug: Debug Event callback interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnCoredumpCompleted: Callback to indicate that core dump file creation is completed.
OnCoredumpInProgress: Callback to indicate that core dump file creation is ongoing.
OnDynamicLibraryLoad: For an attached process, the target sends this notification when a dynamic library is loaded.
OnDynamicLibraryUnload: For an attached process, the target sends this notification when a dynamic library is unloaded.
OnProcessCreate: Invoked when a 'Process Create' notification is sent from the target to the host.
OnProcessExit: Invoked when a 'Process Exit' notification is sent from the target to the host.
OnProcessKill: Invoked when a 'Process Kill' notification is sent from the target to the host.
OnProcessLoading: Invoked during process loading to indicate percentage complete.
OnStopNotification: Invoked when a 'Stop Event' notification is sent from the target to the host.
OnThreadCreate: Invoked when a 'Thread Create' notification is sent from the target to the host.
OnThreadExit: Invoked when a 'Thread Exit' notification is sent from the target to the host.
---------------------------- IEventDebug2
IEventDebug2: Debug Event callback extension interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnApplicationKill: Invoked when an application is killed.
OnApplicationResumed: Invoked when an application is resumed.
OnApplicationSpawn: Invoked when an application is spawned.
OnApplicationSuspended: Invoked when an application is suspended.
OnLoadExec: Invoked when a process successfully calls sceSystemServiceLoadExec().
OnLoadExecFail: Invoked when a ILoadExecEvent was sent but the new process was not successfully spawned.
OnLoadExecTimeout: Invoked when a ILoadExecEvent was sent but within the expected timeout, the new process was not successfully spawned and no failure event was generated.
---------------------------- IEventFilterChangedEvent
IEventFilterChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventViewer.OnEventFilterChanged event.
---------------------------- IEventPlayGo
IEventPlayGo: Play Go Event callback interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnFileError: Invoked to indicate that there are new file error(s) available.
OnStatusUpdate: Invoked to indicate that the status has changed.
---------------------------- IEventServer
IEventServer: Server Event callback interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnDefaultTargetChanged: Invoked when the default target changes.
OnTargetAdded: Invoked when a target is added to Target Managers list of targets.
OnTargetDeleted: Invoked when a target is removed from Target Managers list of targets.
---------------------------- IEventServer2
IEventServer2: Extended Server Event callback interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnTargetFindProgress: Invoked during IORTMAPI.FindTarget calls.
---------------------------- IEventTarget
IEventTarget: Target Event callback interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnBusy: Invoked when a command sent to Target Manager is behind a command that is expected to take a long time to complete.
OnConnect: Invoked when Target Manager connects to the target.
OnConnected: Invoked when Target Manager connects to the target.
OnDisconnect: Invoked when Target Manager disconnects from the target.
OnExpiryTime: Notification of target expiry time.
OnFileServingCaseSensitivityChanged: Invoked when the file serving case sensitivity changes.
OnFileServingRootChanged: Invoked when the file serving root changes.
OnForceDisconnected: Invoked when Target Manager disconnects from the target.
OnForcedPowerOff: Invoked when a normal power fails, and the targets power has to be forced off.
OnIdle: Invoked when no commands that are expected to take a long time are in the queue.
OnMultiPhaseProgress: Invoked during long running tasks that consist of multiple phases.
OnMultiPhaseProgressError: Invoked if a long running tasks consisting of multiple phases fails.
OnNameUpdate: Invoked when the target name is changed.
OnPowerState: Invoked when a 'Power Status Change' notification is sent from the target to the host.
OnProgress: Invoked during long operations to indicate percentage completion.
OnSettingsChanged: Invoked when settings are successfully applied.
OnUpdateError: Invoked to indicate target update has completed.
OnUpdateProgress: Invoked during target update to indicate the progress.
---------------------------- IEventViewer
IEventViewer: Event Viewer callback interface.
Public Instance Methods
OnEventFilterChanged: Notification of changes to the event filter.
OnEventViewerXMLChanged: Notification of changes to XML description of the event view.
OnNotificationEvent: A notification containing the Event Viewer event data.
OnQueryError: Notification that ITarget::GetEventViewXML() failed.
---------------------------- IEventViewerFilterRule
IEventViewerFilterRule: Event Viewer filter rule.
---------------------------- IEventViewerXMLChangedEvent
IEventViewerXMLChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventViewer.OnEventViewerXMLChanged event.
---------------------------- IExceptionHandlingFrame
IExceptionHandlingFrame: Exception frame information.
---------------------------- IExpiryTimeEvent
IExpiryTimeEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnExpiryTimeout event.
---------------------------- IFiber
IFiber: Fiber information.
---------------------------- IFileErrorEvent
IFileErrorEvent: Data associated with an IEventPlayGo.OnFileError event.
---------------------------- IFileServingCaseSensitivityChangedEvent
IFileServingCaseSensitivityChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnFileServingCaseSensitivityChanged event.
---------------------------- IFileServingRootChangedEvent
IFileServingRootChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnFileServingRootChanged event.
---------------------------- IForceDisconnectedEvent
IForceDisconnectedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnForceDisconnected event.
---------------------------- IForcedPowerOffEvent
IForcedPowerOffEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnForcedPowerOff event.
---------------------------- IHardwareBreakpoint
IHardwareBreakpoint: Hardware breakpoint information.
---------------------------- IIdleEvent
IIdleEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnIdle event.
---------------------------- IInterfaceAddress
IInterfaceAddress: Interface address.
---------------------------- ILoadExecEvent
ILoadExecEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnLoadExec event.
---------------------------- ILoadExecFailEvent
ILoadExecFailEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnLoadExecFail event.
---------------------------- ILoadExecTimeoutEvent
ILoadExecTimeoutEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnLoadExecTimeout event.
---------------------------- IMemoryRange
IMemoryRange: Memory blocks available in core dump.
---------------------------- IModule
IModule: Module properties.
---------------------------- IMonoVm
IMonoVm: Mono VM process information.
---------------------------- IMultiPhaseProgressErrorEvent
IMultiPhaseProgressErrorEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnMultiPhaseProgressError event.
---------------------------- IMultiPhaseProgressEvent
IMultiPhaseProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnMultiPhaseProgress event.
---------------------------- INameUpdateEvent
INameUpdateEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnNameUpdate event.
---------------------------- INameValuePair
INameValuePair: A name-value pair.
---------------------------- INetworkInterface
INetworkInterface: Network interface.
---------------------------- INotificationEventEvent
INotificationEventEvent: Data associated with an IEventViewer.OnNotificationEvent event.
---------------------------- IOrbisBarrier
IOrbisBarrier: Orbis barrier data.
---------------------------- IOrbisConditionVariable
IOrbisConditionVariable: Orbis condition variable data.
---------------------------- IOrbisEventFlag
IOrbisEventFlag: Event flag.
---------------------------- IOrbisEventQueue
IOrbisEventQueue: Orbis event queue.
---------------------------- IOrbisKernelEventFlag
IOrbisKernelEventFlag: Event flag.
---------------------------- IOrbisKernelSemaphore
IOrbisKernelSemaphore: Semaphore data.
---------------------------- IOrbisMutex
IOrbisMutex: Orbis mutex data.
---------------------------- IOrbisRwlock
IOrbisRwlock: Orbis read/write lock data.
---------------------------- IOrbisSemaphore
IOrbisSemaphore: Semaphore data.
---------------------------- IORTMAPI
IORTMAPI: Main API Entry Interface.
Public Instance Methods
AddTarget: Add the specified target to the active list.
AdviseServerEvents: Register an IEventServer derived object for server event notifications.
AllocTargetFindRule: Allocate an ITargetFindRule object to define a search criteria for IORTMAPI.FindTargets.
CancelFindTargets: Cancel a call to FindTarget.
CheckCompatibility: Check that the client application is compatible with this version of the API.
DiscoverTargets: Discover targets on the local subnet.
Dispose: Force clean-up of shared resources.
FileSystemDriverVersion: File System Driver version.
FindTargets: Discover targets on the network.
GetCoreDumpTargetByHost: Find a core dump target by ID and return the corresponding ITarget interface.
GetErrorDescription: Returns a description of the error code.
GetPFSDrive: Returns the drive letter being used for PlayStation® File System.
GetTargetsByHost: Return a set of targets whose hardware id match the specified pattern.
GetTargetsByName: Return a set of targets whose name matches the specified pattern.
LoadCoreDump: Load a core dump and return an ITarget interface.
ServerVersion: TM Server version.
ShowTargetPicker: Show Target Picker dialog.
StartMultiFilePacketLogging: Turn on packet logging.
StartPacketLogging: Turn on packet logging.
StartPFS: Start the PlayStation® File System driver.
StopPacketLogging: Turn off packet logging.
StopPFS: Stop the PlayStation® File System driver.
TargetInfo: Query for information about the specified target.
UnadviseServerEvents: Unregister an IEventServer derived object for server event notifications.
Version: API version.
---------------------------- IORTMAPI2
IORTMAPI2: Extended API Interface.
Public Instance Methods
GetLoggingLevel: Query TM Server's logging level.
SetLoggingLevel: Set TM Server's logging level.
---------------------------- IORTMAPI3
IORTMAPI3: Extended API Interface.
Public Instance Methods
AllocControllerData: Return a default constructed IControllerData interface.
AllocControllerState: Return a default constructed IControllerState interface.
AllocTouchData: Returns a default constructed ITouchData interface.
AllocTouchPoint: Returns a default constructed ITouchPoint interface.
---------------------------- IPacketStatistics
IPacketStatistics: Packet statistics.
---------------------------- IPIDTID
IPIDTID: Process ID/Thread ID pair.
---------------------------- IPlayGoChunkStatus
IPlayGoChunkStatus: PlayGo chunk status.
---------------------------- IPlayGoFileError
IPlayGoFileError: PlayGo file error information.
---------------------------- IPlayGoStatus
IPlayGoStatus: Current PlayGo status.
---------------------------- IPlayGoToDo
IPlayGoToDo: PlayGo chunk status.
---------------------------- IPosixBarrier
IPosixBarrier: Posix barrier data.
---------------------------- IPosixConditionVariable
IPosixConditionVariable: Posix condition variable data.
---------------------------- IPosixMutex
IPosixMutex: Posix mutex data.
---------------------------- IPosixRwlock
IPosixRwlock: Posix read/write lock data.
---------------------------- IPowerStateEvent
IPowerStateEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnPowerState event.
---------------------------- IProcess
IProcess: Interface for performing operations on processes.
Public Instance Methods
AllocateDataPage: Allocate memory in process address space.
AllocateExecutablePage: Allocate memory in process address space.
Attach: Instructs the target to begin debugging the specified process.
CancelCoredump: Cancel a core dump.
ClearHardwareBreakpoint: Clear a hardware breakpoint.
ClearSoftwareBreakpoint: Clear a software breakpoint.
Detach: Instructs the target to terminate debugging the specified process.
GetCompressedMemory: Read process memory.
GetMemory: Read process memory.
Kill: Kill this process.
Resume: Resume the current suspended process and any given threads.
SendConsoleInput: Send text to the target.
SetHardwareBreakpoint: Set a hardware breakpoint for the process.
SetMemory: Write process memory.
SetSoftwareBreakpoint: Set a thread-independent software breakpoint for the process.
Suspend: Suspends the process.
TriggerCoredump: Trigger a core dump.
---------------------------- IProcess2
IProcess2: Extended interface for performing operations on processes.
---------------------------- IProcess3
IProcess3: Extended interface for performing operations on processes.
Public Instance Methods
ScatteredReadMemory: Read memory from multiple addresses.
ScatteredWriteMemory: Write memory to multiple addresses.
---------------------------- IProcess4
IProcess4: Extended interface for performing operations on processes.
Public Instance Methods
DeallocateDataPage: Deallocate process memory.
DeallocateExecutablePage: Deallocate process memory.
---------------------------- IProcessCreateEvent
IProcessCreateEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnProcessCreate event.
---------------------------- IProcessCreateEvent2
IProcessCreateEvent2: Extended IProcessCreateEvent interface.
---------------------------- IProcessExitEvent
IProcessExitEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnProcessExit event.
---------------------------- IProcessExitEvent2
IProcessExitEvent2: Extended IProcessExitEvent interface.
---------------------------- IProcessInfo
IProcessInfo: Process information.
---------------------------- IProcessInfo2
IProcessInfo2: Extended process information.
---------------------------- IProcessInfo3
IProcessInfo3: Extended process information.
---------------------------- IProcessKillEvent
IProcessKillEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnProcessKill event.
---------------------------- IProcessKillEvent2
IProcessKillEvent2: Extended IProcessKillEvent interface.
---------------------------- IProcessLoadingEvent
IProcessLoadingEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnProcessLoading event.
---------------------------- IProgressEvent
IProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnProgress event.
---------------------------- IQueryErrorEvent
IQueryErrorEvent: Data associated with an IEventViewer.OnQueryError event.
---------------------------- IRecordedDataEvent
IRecordedDataEvent: Data associated with an IEventController.OnRecordedData event.
---------------------------- ISegmentInfo
ISegmentInfo: Module segment properties.
---------------------------- ISetting
ISetting: Represents a target setting.
---------------------------- ISettingsChangedEvent
ISettingsChangedEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnSettingsChanged event.
---------------------------- ISocketInfo
ISocketInfo: Socket information.
---------------------------- ISoftwareBreakpoint
ISoftwareBreakpoint: Software breakpoint information.
---------------------------- IStatusUpdateEvent
IStatusUpdateEvent: Data associated with an IEventPlayGo.OnStatusUpdate event.
---------------------------- IStopNotification
IStopNotification: Information about a process stop event.
---------------------------- IStopNotificationEvent
IStopNotificationEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnStopNotification event.
---------------------------- IStopReason
IStopReason: Stop reason information.
---------------------------- ITarget
ITarget: Interface for communicating with a target via Target Manager Server.
Public Instance Methods
AdviseCacheUpdateEvents: Register an IEventCacheUpdate derived object for notifications of changes to the console output cache.
AdviseConsoleOutputEvents: Register an IEventConsoleOutput derived object for console output notifications.
AdviseControllerEvents: Register an IEventController derived object for controller event notifications.
AdviseDebugEvents: Register an IEventDebug derived object for debug event notifications.
AdviseTargetEvents: Register an IEventTarget derived object for target event notifications.
AllocSetting: Return a default constructed ISetting interface.
CachedConsoleOutput: Fetch the contents of the console output cache.
CancelCurrentCommand: Cancel the current action.
CancelMyCommands: Cancel all my commands.
ClearConsoleCache: Clear the console output cache.
ClearProtocolInUse: Indicate that the current client is finished with a protocol.
Connect: Connect to the target.
ConnectForNotifications: Connect to the target for notifications only.
Delete: Remove this target from the active list.
Disconnect: Disconnect from the target.
DisconnectFromNotifications: Release the notification only connection established with ConnectForNotifications.
ForceDisconnect: Forcibly disconnect from the target.
ForcePowerOff: Forcibly power off the target.
GetCompressedMemory: Read non-process memory.
GetDefaultSettings: Refresh the list of settings with their default value.
GetNetworkInterfaceInfo: Query network interface info.
GetNetworkResolverInfo: Query DNS server addresses.
GetNetworkSystemInfo: Get network system information.
GetProtocolInfo: General information about target protocols.
GetSettings: Refresh the list of settings with their latest value.
GetSettingsLayout: Get the user interface settings file.
GetSoftwareInfo: Software information.
GetThreadNames: Gets a list of threads and their names.
IBSTraceCreate: Create IBS (Instruction Based Sampling) trace.
InstallPackage: Install a package.
LoadProcess: Load a process onto the target.
LoadProcessArgv: Load a process onto the target.
PowerOff: Power off the target.
PowerOn: Power on the target.
ProtocolRegistrationInfo: Retrieves information about a registered protocol.
QueryProtocolInUse: Query the user of a protocol.
Reboot: Reboot the target.
ReleaseConnection: Indicate that a connection to the target is not required by this API instance.
RequestConnection: Request a connection to the target.
ScreenShot: Capture a screen shot.
SDKVersion: SDK version.
SendConsoleInput: Send text to the target.
SendConsoleInputWithEcho: Send text to the target and immediately echo it back.
SetProtocolInUse: Indicate that the current client needs dedicated access to a protocol.
SetSettings: Updated target settings with the modified setting values.
Suspend: Put the target into suspended state.
TraceCreate: Create a buffer for holding trace data.
TraceReset: Reset trace state of the target.
UnadviseCacheUpdateEvents: Unregister an IEventCacheUpdate derived object.
UnadviseConsoleOutputEvents: Unregister an IEventConsoleOutput derived object.
UnadviseControllerEvents: Unregister an IEventController derived object for controller event notifications.
UnadviseDebugEvents: Unregister an IEventDebug derived object.
UnadviseTargetEvents: Unregister an IEventTarget derived object from target event notifications.
UninstallPackage: Uninstall a package.
UpdateActivation: Update activation.
UpdateKernel: Update the kernel image.
WriteTracePacket: Send the given string to the target, so that it appears in a packet capture.
---------------------------- ITarget2
ITarget2: Extended ITarget interface.
Public Instance Methods
GetDebugAgentLogging: Query the logging options of the debug agent.
SetDebugAgentLogging: Set the logging options for the debug agent.
---------------------------- ITarget4
ITarget4: Extended ITarget interface.
Public Instance Methods
InstallNextChunk: Complete chunk installation.
WriteChunkStatus: Write the current chunk status to a file.
---------------------------- ITarget5
ITarget5: Extended ITarget interface.
Public Instance Methods
GetInstalledPackages: Get a list of installed packages.
---------------------------- ITarget6
ITarget6: Extended ITarget interface.
Public Instance Methods
AdviseEventViewerEvents: Register an IEventViewer derived object for Event Viewer notifications.
AllocEventViewFilter: Return a default constructed IEventViewerFilterRule interface.
GetEventViewerFilter: Returns the array of IEventViewerFilterRule interfaces that constitute the current rule set.
GetEventViewerXML: No brief description specified.
SetEventViewerFilter: Sets the array of IEventViewerFilterRule interfaces that constitute the current rule set.
UnadviseEventViewerEvents: Unregister an IEventViewer derived object.
---------------------------- ITarget7
ITarget7: Extended ITarget interface.
Public Instance Methods
CoreFileUserData: Retrieve the user data from a core file.
---------------------------- ITarget9
ITarget9: Extended ITarget interface.
Public Instance Methods
AdvisePlayGoEvents: Register an IEventPlayGo derived object for event notifications.
AppKill: Kill the application associated with the installed package.
AppList: Returns all the applications that are visible to the Debug Agent.
AppResume: Resume the application.
AppSpawn: Start the application associated with the installed package.
AppSuspend: Suspend the application.
ExtractUserFile: Get the contents of a user file from a core dump.
GetPlayGoFileErrors: Returns the file error events since the last time this was called, or since the client advised for PlayGo notifications.
GetPlayGoStatus: Returns the PlayGo status.
GetUserFileList: Get a list of user files from a core dump target.
UnadvisePlayGoEvents: Unregister an IEventPlayGo derived object for event notifications.
---------------------------- ITargetAddedEvent
ITargetAddedEvent: Data associated with an IEventServer.OnTargetAdded event.
---------------------------- ITargetDeletedEvent
ITargetDeletedEvent: Data associated with an IEventServer.OnTargetDeleted event.
---------------------------- ITargetFindProgressEvent
ITargetFindProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventServer.OnTargetFindProgress event.
---------------------------- ITargetFindRule
ITargetFindRule: Target search criteria.
---------------------------- IThread
IThread: Interface for interacting with running threads.
Public Instance Methods
GetRegisters: Get register values for this thread.
Resume: Resume this thread.
SetRegisters: Set register values for this thread.
Suspend: Suspend this thread.
---------------------------- IThreadCreateEvent
IThreadCreateEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnThreadCreate event.
---------------------------- IThreadExitEvent
IThreadExitEvent: Data associated with an IEventDebug.OnThreadExit event.
---------------------------- IThreadInfo
IThreadInfo: Snapshot of thread information.
---------------------------- IThreadInfo2
IThreadInfo2: Extended thread information.
---------------------------- IThreadInfo3
IThreadInfo3: Extended thread information.
---------------------------- ITouchData
ITouchData: Touch data.
---------------------------- ITouchPoint
ITouchPoint: Touch point.
---------------------------- ITrace
ITrace: Trace buffer interface.
Public Instance Methods
Delete: Delete the trace buffer.
Enable: Configure a trace buffer.
GetInformation: Configure a trace buffer for stream on sized captures.
Start: Start the trace.
Stop: Stop the trace.
---------------------------- ITraceInfo
ITraceInfo: Trace information.
---------------------------- IUlOrKernelTID
IUlOrKernelTID: ULT thread information.
---------------------------- IUltConditionVariable
IUltConditionVariable: ULT condition variable data.
---------------------------- IUltMutex
IUltMutex: ULT mutex data.
---------------------------- IUltQueue
IUltQueue: ULT queue info.
---------------------------- IUltQueueDataResourcePool
IUltQueueDataResourcePool: Queue Data Resource Pool info.
---------------------------- IUltRuntime
IUltRuntime: ULT runtime information.
---------------------------- IUltRwlock
IUltRwlock: ULT read write lock info.
---------------------------- IUltSemaphore
IUltSemaphore: ULT semaphore data.
---------------------------- IUltWaitingQueueResourcePool
IUltWaitingQueueResourcePool: Waiting Queue Resource Pool info.
---------------------------- IUpdateErrorEvent
IUpdateErrorEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnUpdateError event.
---------------------------- IUpdateProgressEvent
IUpdateProgressEvent: Data associated with an IEventTarget.OnUpdateProgress event.
---------------------------- IUserLevelThread
IUserLevelThread: User level thread information.
---------------------------- IVirtualMemory
IVirtualMemory: Virtual memory information.
---------------------------- ReadMemoryRequest
ReadMemoryRequest: Structure for IProcess3::ScatteredReadMemory.
---------------------------- ReadMemoryResponse
ReadMemoryResponse: Structure for IProcess3::ScatteredReadMemory.
---------------------------- ScreenShotData
ScreenShotData: Screen shot data.
---------------------------- WriteMemoryRequest
WriteMemoryRequest: Structure for IProcess3::ScatteredWriteMemory.