gimconv.cfg custom changes made for rcomage
Rcomage uses a GimConv configuration file edited by Zinga Burga initially to improve interoperativity with rcoedit/rcomage for PSP, and later to add compatibility with PS3
- changed:
Code Sample
- added:
Code Sample
- removed:
Code Sample
- More info:
PS3 problems as a consequence of this custom configuration
- image max sizes
The default settings for limit_image_width and limit_image_height that was changed to 512 pixels for rcomage (but originally was 4096 pixels) causes a problem when processing images with GimConv because are resized to this max when the image is bigger
The problem happens when making a standard extraction of images with conversion to PNG (in both, rcomage and rcomagegui)... all images will be checked for his size and biggers than 512 will be resized to 512
Also happens when trying to compile a .rco by using as source PNG images bigger than 512... in the PNG--->GIM conversion process the images bigger than 512 will be resized to 512
- Some examples of images bigger than 512 pixels inside:
- explore_plugin_full.rco:
- tex_playing.gim (30x900 pixels)
- tex_playing_shadow.gim (30x900 pixels)
- tex_opt_obi.gim (660x6 pixels)
- custom_render_plugin.rco
- tex_ps3logo.gim (1200x128 pixels)
- tex_scelogo.gim (1024x64 pixels)
- explore_plugin_full.rco:
Other stuff
gis2png converter