Talk:Dev Tools

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sputnik - Cell/SPU Pipeline viewer




If you, for whatever reason, need to disassemble non-x86 binary files, you usually look out for a disassembler. If there's nothing free available for your platform (e.g.: ARM) one of the few solutions may be buying something like IDA Pro.

But wait, if you only need to "analyze" a small portion (boot-sector, single routine, ...) and someone already ported GNUs GCC and bintools to your platform, using OBJDUMP may do the trick...

If "raw.bin" is your binary file, just typing

  objdump -d raw.bin
  objdump: raw.bin: File format not recognized

will not work. Objdump needs a file system object or file.

Just do it like this:

  # create an empty file
  touch empty.c

  # compile this empty file
  gcc -c -o empty.o empty.c

  # add binary as a raw section
  objcopy --add-section raw=raw.bin empty.o
  # remove ".comment" section to join
  objcopy -R .comment empty.o

  # now run objdump on it
  objdump -d empty.o


Several handy scripts

Most of the scripts are using graf's ps3dm-utils, so make sure you have them in your /bin directory. Also make sure you are using graf's kernel (graf_chokolo kernel 2.6.39).

This script will panic lv1 and get you back to petitboot, without exiting to GameOS.

ps3hvc_hvcall /dev/ps3hvc panic 1

This script will get you into Factory/Service mode, without using dongle:

echo Generating a challenge
ps3dm_usb_dongle_auth /dev/ps3dmproxy gen_challenge
echo Generating a response '(0xAAAA)'
ps3dm_usb_dongle_auth /dev/ps3dmproxy gen_resp 0xAAAA
echo Verifying response '(0xAAAA)'
ps3dm_usb_dongle_auth /dev/ps3dmproxy verify_resp 0xAAAA
echo Checking if 'Product Mode is enabled
The returned value shouldn't be 0xff
ps3dm_um /dev/ps3dmproxy read_eprom 0x48C07

This script will dump your EID0.

echo Dumping EID0
ps3dm_iim /dev/ps3dmproxy get_data 0x0 > EID0.bin

This script will dump your EID4.

echo Dumping EID4
ps3dm_iim /dev/ps3dmproxy get_data 0x4 > EID4.bin

This script will get the size of your EID0.

echo EID0 size:
ps3dm_iim /dev/ps3dmproxy get_data_size 0x0

This script will get the size of your EID4.

echo EID4 size:
ps3dm_iim /dev/ps3dmproxy get_data_size 0x4

This script will get the size of metldr.

echo metldr size:
ps3dm_iim /dev/ps3dmproxy get_data_size 0x1000

echo Dumping nor
dd if=/dev/ps3nflasha of=nor.bin

This script will dump your ram.

echo Dumping ram
dd if=/dev/ps3ram of=ps3ram.bin

This script will dump your vram.

echo Dumping vram
dd if=/dev/ps3vram of=ps3vram.bin