Talk:CXML Containers

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Revision as of 01:08, 30 November 2014 by Sandungas (talk | contribs)
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Other sony consoles

  • In PSvita the RCO's uses a cxml structure, with a header size of 0x50 and the magic identifyer RCOF
    • RCOF header is 0x10 bytes bigger than any cxml header in PS3 (this means there are 2 new tables added for the new cxml variant used in vita rco's). And endianess changed
    • Some of the extracted files (after cropped and zlib decompressed) are another variant of a cxml structure with identifyer RCSF. After a second extraction (with a cxml decompiler tool) the resulting file is a .xml containing only text strings (this double cxml method is used for .xml files that stores language translations)
notification_settings_plugin.rco (PSvita)
Offset Size Example Name Notes
CXML Header
0x00 0x04 RCOF Magic
0x04 0x04 10 01 00 00 Version
0x08 0x04 50 00 00 00 Tree absolute start offset, also header size in PS3 = Tree absolute start offset
0x0C 0x04 2C 15 00 00 Tree size in PS3 = Tree size
0x10 0x04 80 15 00 00 ID table absolute start offset in PS3 = ID table absolute start offset
0x14 0x04 B0 00 00 00 ID table size in PS3 = ID table size
0x18 0x04 30 16 00 00 ---------- unknown table 1 ---------- in PS3 = Strings table absolute start offset
0x1C 0x04 98 00 00 00 ---------- unknown table 1 size ---------- in PS3 = Strings table size
0x20 0x04 D0 16 00 00 Strings table absolute start offset in PS3 = Integer array absolute start offset
0x24 0x04 F1 01 00 00 Strings table size in PS3 = Integer array size
0x28 0x04 D0 18 00 00 overlapped (not used, but present in the header to keep the structure standards) in PS3 = Float array absolute start offset
0x2C 0x04 00 00 00 00 empty in PS3 = Float array size
0x30 0x04 D0 18 00 00 ---------- unknown table 2 ---------- in PS3 = File table absolute start offset
0x34 0x04 34 00 00 00 ---------- unknown table 2 size ---------- in PS3 = File table size
0x38 0x04 10 19 00 00 Integer array absolute start offset in PS3 = Unknown area absolute start offset
0x3C 0x04 2C 00 00 00 Integer array size in PS3 = Unknown area size
0x40 0x04 40 19 00 00 Float array absolute start offset in PS3 = Not present
0x44 0x04 8C 00 00 00 Float array size in PS3 = Not present
0x48 0x04 D0 19 00 00 File table absolute start offset in PS3 = Not present
0x4C 0x04 60 89 00 00 File table size in PS3 = Not present
0x50 Tree starts here