Multimedia Formats and Tools

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This page is intended to move here all info about multimedia file formats that is commonly used in other wiki pages and the related PC tools

A lot more fileformats not added yet to the page are listed in:



Direct Draw Surface (DDS)

DDS normal maps

Normal maps are a 3D effect, the word "normal" is a reference to the Y axis (of the 3D space defined by X,Y,Z axis), is also known as "elevation". Normal maps can make small areas of a surface to be displayed with a displacement up or down, they also reacts to the lights of the scene dinamycally

NVIDIA Normal Map filter plugin for photoshop

The NVIDIA Normal Map filter creates normal maps from grayscale height maps. The filter UI provides a powerful 3D preview and a variety of filtering options. For MIP-mapped normal maps, the NormalMap Filter should be used for preview only, and then the grayscale map exported via the DDS plugin with "Normal Map Settings..." enabled. This will create a normal map with maximal detail and fidelity for all texture levels, without undesirable filter aliasing.

An easy way to create normal maps in photoshop by using the Normal Map plugin:

In tab: Filter ---> Ndivia Tools
-height generation - 7x7 / minZ-0 scale-2.2
-3D view options - animate light
-height source - Average RGB (or "Alpha Channel" in case you created an alpha channel with this purpose)
-Alpha field - height


Graphics Texture Format (GTF) is a container for storing one or multiple textures ("pack GTF") data in a layout that can be used as is by RSX.



PS3 supports PNG images in 24 bits (for RGB channels), and 32 bits with transparency (24 bits for RGB channels + 8 bits for an alpha layer). "PNG Interlaced" and "APNG (Animated Portable Network Graphics)" formats are not supported by the PS3.


Is a 3D image format. The MPO MA for 3DS is different and this is not so much documented, it might be Sony/PS3 specific enough to be on wiki.

Since fw 3.70 with specifics sixasis controls (on PlayMemories but also from XMB), PS3 as well as Nintendo 3DS or some Sony & Fuji camera can read MPO images as specific format (otherwise display as simple JPG).

MPO Splitter: code&credit (and compiled)

  • MPO MA & MPO 3D

On the Sony MPO format Multi Angle (rco image), e.g.: the picture is 15 embedded Jpg Exif images with no padding (but can be modulate probably).

Fuji format:




Can be created by saving the file as a .WAV container using the ATRAC3 Codec @ 66Kbps.

Mono and stereo channels are supported



Pam files can contain audio or have the audio separwted in a .AT3 track, used in Content Information Files



Shockwave Flash, used in Content Information Files and Widgets



DAE (Digital Asset Exchange) is an XML file that contains COLLADA content. COLLADA is an open standard created by sony for interactive 3D applications. Is used to export and import files from 3-D authoring applications (Maya, SoftImage, and 3ds max) in .dae format

There is a collada plugin for [Blender] (link is at bottom of page). Both blender and the collada plugin are free and open source projects

Generic Tools

  • Irfanview: Imageviewer with lots of supported formats [Irfanview] (there is a plugin for .DDS)