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Missing descriptors in rcomage current version (1.1.1)


  • See Languages
    • unknown0x10.xml is Polish
    • unknown0x11.xml is Portuguese (Brazil)
    • unknown0x12.xml is English (Great Britain)
    • unknown0x13.xml is Turkish
  • The languages are listed in the file miscmap.ini... you can add the unknowns by yourself to the languages table, example:
00_Japanese      ; ja
01_EnglishUSA    ; en
02_French        ; fr
03_Spanish       ; es
04_German        ; de
05_Italian       ; it
06_Dutch         ; nl
07_PortuguesePT  ; pt
08_Russian       ; ru
09_Korean        ; ko
10_ChineseTrad   ; ch
11_ChineseSimpl  ; zh
12_Finnish       ; fi
13_Swedish       ; sv
14_Danish        ; da
15_Norwegian     ; no
16_Polish        ; pl
17_PortugueseBR  ; br
18_EnglishGB     ; gb
19_Turkish       ; tr
  • changes i made...--Sandungas (talk) 00:08, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
    • Added language id number before the filenames
    • Added the 4 unknowns (Polish, PortugueseBR, EnglishGB, and Turkish)
    • Changed filenames for variants of PortuguesePT/BR, and EnglishUSA/GB
    • Fixed "Portugese" typo


This file defines the names of the object attributes used in the XML descriptor at the root of the .rco

Lot of unknowns, some of them was not posible to identify in PSP times because PSP never used them... but in PS3 is posible to identify a few more, please help to fill an "unnofficial" list here

onInit       OnPageOpen <---- better, official name (in rcomage are swapped onInit & onLoad)

unknownRef3  Text
unknownRef33 OnPush
unknownRef35 ????????
unknownRef37 OnFocusIn
unknownRef39 OnFocusOut <---speculative, because always appears inmediatlly after OnFocusIn, and there is not unknownRef38 in rcomage)
unknownRef41 cbFocusLeft
unknownRef43 cbFocusRight ? <---speculative
unknownRef45 cbFocusUp ? <---speculative
unknownRef47 cbFocusDown
unknownRef49 OnScrollIn
unknownRef51 cbScrollOut

onLoad         onInit <---- better, official name (in rcomage are swapped onInit & onLoad)
onEnter        onPush <---- better, official name
unknownEvent28 onCursorMove
onLabelLoad    onScrollIn <---- better, official name
unknownRef32   onScrollOut

image2         glow
unknownRef29   ?????????????? <--- speculative, image related ?
unknownEvent31 onPanelCommand
unknownEvent33 ?????????????? <--- speculative, more onPanelCommands ?
unknownEvent35 ?????????????? <--- speculative, more onPanelCommands ?
unknownEvent37 onPanelCommand
unknownEvent39 onPanelCommand
unknownEvent41 ?????????????? <--- speculative, more onPanelCommands ?
unknownEvent43 ?????????????? <--- speculative, more onPanelCommands ?
unknownEvent45 ?????????????? <--- speculative, more onPanelCommands ?

[Text] & [EditBox]
unknown37      ?????????????? <--- speculative, font setings related (x axis line displacement?)
unknown38      ?????????????? <--- speculative, font setings related (y axis line displacement?)
unknown39      ?????????????? <--- speculative, font setings related (z axis line displacement?)
unknown48      glowX <--- speculative
unknown49      glowY <--- speculative
unknown50      glowPerspective <--- speculative
unknownFloat51 glowRed <--- speculative
unknownFloat52 glowGreen <--- speculative
unknownFloat53 glowBlue <--- speculative
unknownFloat54 glowAlpha <--- speculative

unknownRef63   onPush
unknownRef65   OnFocusIn ? <---speculative
unknownRef67   OnFocusOut ? <---speculative
unknownRef69   onFocusLeft
unknownRef71   onFocusRight
unknownRef73   onFocusUp
unknownRef75   onFocusDown

unknownEvent31  onDecide
unknownRef33    onCancel
unknownRef35    ???
unknownRef37    ???
unknownEvent39  onFocusLeft
unknownEvent41  onFocusRight
unknownObject43 object2 ?
unknownObject45 object2 ?
  • Examples:
    • onInit="event:native:/OnListPageOpen"
    • onInit="event:native:/OnContentsSelectPageOpen"
    • onInit="event:native:/OnModeSelectPageOpen"
    • onInit="event:native:/onInit_page_Wizard"
    • unknownRef3="text:msg_game"
    • unknownRef33="event:native:/OnPushMlistID"
    • unknownRef33="event:native:/Menu::cbPush"
    • unknownRef37="event:native:/OnFocusInMlistID"
    • unknownRef41="event:native:/Menu::cbFocusLeft"
    • unknownRef47="event:native:/Menu::cbFocusDown"
    • unknownRef49="event:native:/OnScrollInMlistID"
    • unknownRef49="event:native:/Menu::cbScrollIn"
    • unknownRef51="event:native:/Menu::cbScrollOut"
    • onLoad="event:native:/Bar::onInit"
    • onLoad="event:native:/onInit_ilist_NetworkInfomationList"
    • onEnter="event:native:/Bar::onPush"
    • unknownEvent28="event:native:/Bar::onCursorMove"
    • onLabelLoad="event:native:/Bar::onScrollIn"
    • unknownRef32="event:native:/Bar::onScrollOut"
    • image="image:wid_move" shadow="nothing" image2="image:wid_move_forcus" (an xmb icon/button is composed by: image, shadow, glow)
    • unknownEvent31="event:native:/XaiController::onPanelCommand"
    • unknownEvent37="event:native:/XaiController::onPanelCommand"
    • unknownEvent39="event:native:/XaiController::onPanelCommand"
    • shadowX="4" shadowY="-5" shadowPerspective="0" shadowRed="0.25" shadowGreen="0.25" shadowBlue="0.25" shadowAlpha="1" unknown48="0x0" unknown49="0x0" unknown50="0x0" unknownFloat51="1" unknownFloat52="1" unknownFloat53="1" unknownFloat54="1"
    • unknownRef63="event:native:/onPush_button_NetworkDhcpHostSetting"
    • unknownRef69="event:native:/onFocusLeft_button_NetworkAccounSetting" unknownRef71="event:native:/onFocusRight_button_NetworkAccounSetting" unknownRef73="event:native:/onFocusUp_button_NetworkAccounSettingPassword"
    • unknownRef75="event:native:/onFocusDown_button_NetworkAccounSettingUserId"
    • unknownEvent31="event:native:/onDecide_ipaddr_NetworkAddressSetIpaddress"
    • unknownRef33="event:native:/onCancel_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting"
    • unknownEvent31="event:native:/onDecide_ipaddr_NetworkAddressSetNetmask"
    • unknownRef33="event:native:/onCancel_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting"
    • unknownEvent39="event:native:/onFocusLeft_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting"
    • unknownEvent41="event:native:/onFocusRight_ipaddr_NetworkAddrSetting"
    • unknownObject43="object2:ipaddr_network_address_setting_ipaddress"
    • unknownObject45="object2:ipaddr_network_address_setting_defaultrooter"

In the previous examples the MlistID is the owner of the attribute that specifyes the event... so MlistID needs to be removed to deduce the event name

Probably another unknown is OnFocusOut (because Out is the opposite state of In, it seems Focus and Scroll are intended to have 2 states)

OnPush is used a lot instead of the pad directions, as example on some menues of xmb settings column, when moving right is taken as a push


This file defines the names of the animation attributes used in the XML descriptor at the root of the .rco

PS3 doesnt seems to use too much animations inside rco's (with a few exceptions like gameboot animation, and inside system_plugin.rco etc...)

Only 5 unknowns. It seems that unknownInt5, unknownInt6, unknown7 has been implemented with rco 2.0 format specifically for PS3 (not supported in PSP). The others for lock/unlock existed before in rco 1.0 format (supported in PSP)

unknownInt5 = int
unknownInt6 = int
unknown7 = unk

unknownInt0 = int

unknownInt0 = int


This file defines the names of the tags used in the XML descriptor at the root of the .rco

Only 2 unknowns:


Other descriptors, not in setting files (seem to be hardcoded)


In the xml representation of the .rco structure... every image inside the imagetree uses an unknown attribute named unknownByte. Is an attribute related with the image format and is equal to 0 in most of the PS3 images (very rarelly used)

The only images found using the value 1 are, from system_plugin.sprx

Code Sample
  • The 2 .gim files found using unknownByte="1" has some things in common:
    • The size of both .gim file is exactlly 452KB (463.232 bytes)
    • The resolution of both images in pixels is 512x206
    • The first 0x80 bytes of the header in both is exactlly the same (see example below)

unknownByte .gim header example

Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F

00000000  2E 47 49 4D 31 2E 30 30 00 50 53 50 00 00 00 00  .GIM1.00.PSP....
00000010  00 02 00 00 00 07 11 70 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10  .......p........
00000020  00 03 00 00 00 07 11 60 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10  .......`........
00000030  00 04 00 00 00 07 11 50 00 07 11 50 00 00 00 10  .......P...P....
00000040  00 30 00 00 00 03 00 00 02 18 00 D8 00 20 00 10  .0.........Ø. ..
00000050  00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 40  ...........0...@
00000060  00 07 11 40 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 03 00 01  ...@............
00000070  00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ...@............


This is a very important unknown. See: Talk:Resource_Container_(RCO)


This attribute was named UMDFlag unofficially because it was found used in the .rco files contained inside PSP UMD discs only

The name seems not accurate enought (because PS3 cant read UMD discs) so maybe is something more generic like "disc media", though never has been found a PS3 disc containing .rco's and the HYBRID_FLAG used in the bluray contents descriptor file PS3_DISC.SFB for "music bluray" and "photo bluray" are completlly speculative