Iso module

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Isolated modules are used for de-/encryption, rehashing etc.

Commonly found in CoreOS, dev_flash, embedded sony selfs and service packages like Remarry Bluray Drive.

They are SPU .self binaries which can be called whenever needed: e.g. decrypting and hashcheck EID0 for Target ID inside IDPS when called upon by lv1 (HyperVisor) to set up restrictions for Retail/CEX or Debug/DEX etc.

Known isolated modules

Module Usage Location Remarks
AacsModule.spu.isoself EID3 and theoretically OCRL /dev_flash/bdplayer
aim_spu_module.self EID0 (section 0x00 and 0x0A) CoreOS
CprmModule.spu.isoself EID3 /dev_flash/bdplayer
CssModule.spu.isoself /dev_flash/bdplayer
fdm_spu_module EID2, Remarry Bluray Drive [2.43 JIG PUP]
manu_info_spu_module.self CoreOS (since FW 3.50)
mc_iso_spu_module.self PS2 CoreOS
me_iso_for_ps2emu.self PS2 CoreOS (since FW 3.60)
me_iso_spu_module.self PS2 CoreOS
SacModule.spu.isoself /dev_flash/vsh/module
sb_iso_spu_module.self South Bridge CoreOS
sc_iso.self syscon CoreOS
sc_iso_factory.self syscon [2.43 JIG PUP]
spu_handler.isoself PSP self inside /dev_flash/pspemu/release/emulator_drm.sprx mself (since FW 3.15)
spu_mode_auth.self [2.43 JIG PUP]
spu_pkg_rvk_verifier.self CoreOS
spu_token_processor.self systemtokens, QA Flagging CoreOS
spu_utoken_processor.self usertokens CoreOS (since FW 2.40)
ss_sc_init.self [2.43 JIG PUP]
sv_iso_for_ps2emu.self PS2 CoreOS (since FW 3.60)
sv_iso_spu_module.self EID4, PS2, bluray CoreOS


sc_iso.self is used by the system to handle communications to/from syscon. Once debug printing is enabled after you load it, you can see some of the internal workings including error codes for when you are trying to use the module on your own.

Error Value Meaning
0x81010101 sc_iso command failed
0x81010106 Bad input command value
0x81010607 Bad parameter for cmd 0x4 (get_srh?)
0x81010B07 Bad parameter for Get SC Status (0xE)
0x81011E07 Bad parameter for encrypt (0x1) / decrypt (0x2)