Bugs & Vulnerabilities
http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2007/Jan/474 OpenPrinter() stack-based buffer overflow
patched: ?
http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Jul/299 DOM flaw
patched: ?
http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2013/May/113 PARAM.SFO stack-based buffer overflow
patched: since 2012-05-01 (4.40 and later)
AVP patch bypass exploit
patched: since 3.70 and later
PSN security intrusion
patched: since 3.61 enforced password change
Private key nonrandom fail
patched: since 3.56
JIG downgrade
patched: since 3.56
USB config stack-based buffer overflow (PSjailbreak/PSGroove)
patched: since 3.42 and later
Lead year bug
patched: since 3.40 and later
MP4 vulnerability
patched: since 3.21 and later
Playback of Cinavia DRM protected titles
patched: since 3.10 and later
Open Remote Play
patched: since 2.80 and later
BD-J homebrew
patched: since 2.50 and later
Downgrading with Hardware flasher
patched: since 2.20 and later (by adding CoreOS hashing in Syscon to be checked by hypervisor; worked around by patching hypervisor on 3.56 and lower capable consoles)
Full RSX access in OtherOS
patched: since 2.10 and later