Talk:CXML Containers: Difference between revisions

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*In PSvita the RCO's uses a cxml structure, with a header size of 0x50 and the magic identifyer '''RCOF'''
*In PSvita the RCO's uses a cxml structure, with a header size of 0x50 and the magic identifyer '''RCOF'''
**RCOF header is 0x10 bytes bigger than any cxml header in PS3 (this means there are 2 new tables added for the new cxml variant used in vita rco's). And endianess changed
**RCOF header is 0x10 bytes bigger than any cxml header in PS3 (this means there are 2 new tables added for the new cxml variant used in vita rco's). And endianess changed
**Some of the extracted files (after cropped and zlib decompressed) are another variant of a cxml structure with identifyer '''RCSF'''. After a second extraction (with a cxml decompiler tool) the resulting file is a .xml containing only text strings (this double cxml method is used for .xml files that stores language translations)
**Some of the extracted files (after cropped and zlib decompressed) are another variant of a cxml structure with identifyer '''RCSF'''
**More info about this cxml variants in [ PSVita wiki]
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:x-small;"
|+ notification_settings_plugin.rco (PSvita)
! Offset !! Size !! Example !! Name !! Notes
! colspan="5" | CXML Header
|- {{cellcolors|#666666|#ffffff}}
| 0x00 || 0x04 || RCOF || Magic ||
|- {{cellcolors|#666666|#ffffff}}
| 0x04 || 0x04 || 10 01 00 00 || Version ||
|- bgcolor="#ff8888"
| 0x08 || 0x04 || 50 00 00 00 || Tree absolute start offset, also header size || in PS3 = Tree absolute start offset
|- bgcolor="#ff8888"
| 0x0C || 0x04 || 2C 15 00 00 || Tree size || in PS3 = Tree size
|- bgcolor="#88ff88"
| 0x10 || 0x04 || 80 15 00 00 || ID table absolute start offset || in PS3 = ID table absolute start offset
|- bgcolor="#88ff88"
| 0x14 || 0x04 || B0 00 00 00 || ID table size || in PS3 = ID table size
|- bgcolor="#8888ff"
| 0x18 || 0x04 || 30 16 00 00 || ---------- unknown table 1 ---------- || in PS3 = Strings table absolute start offset
|- bgcolor="#8888ff"
| 0x1C || 0x04 || 98 00 00 00 || ---------- unknown table 1 size ---------- || in PS3 = Strings table size
|- bgcolor="#ffeedd"
| 0x20 || 0x04 || D0 16 00 00 || Strings table absolute start offset || in PS3 = Integer array absolute start offset
|- bgcolor="#ffeedd"
| 0x24 || 0x04 || F1 01 00 00 || Strings table size || in PS3 = Integer array size
|- bgcolor="#ffeebb"
| 0x28 || 0x04 || D0 18 00 00 || overlapped (not used, but present in the header to keep the structure standards) || in PS3 = Float array absolute start offset
|- bgcolor="#ffeebb"
| 0x2C || 0x04 || 00 00 00 00 || empty || in PS3 = Float array size
|- bgcolor="#ffee99"
| 0x30 || 0x04 || D0 18 00 00 || ---------- unknown table 2 ---------- || in PS3 = File table absolute start offset
|- bgcolor="#ffee99"
| 0x34 || 0x04 || 34 00 00 00 || ---------- unknown table 2 size ---------- || in PS3 = File table size
|- bgcolor="#ffee77"
| 0x38 || 0x04 || 10 19 00 00 || Integer array absolute start offset || in PS3 = Unknown area absolute start offset
|- bgcolor="#ffee77"
| 0x3C || 0x04 || 2C 00 00 00 || Integer array size || in PS3 = Unknown area size
|- bgcolor="#ffee55"
| 0x40 || 0x04 || 40 19 00 00 || Float array absolute start offset || in PS3 = Not present
|- bgcolor="#ffee55"
| 0x44 || 0x04 || 8C 00 00 00 || Float array size || in PS3 = Not present
|- bgcolor="#ffee33"
| 0x48 || 0x04 || D0 19 00 00 || File table absolute start offset || in PS3 = Not present
|- bgcolor="#ffee33"
| 0x4C || 0x04 || 60 89 00 00 || File table size || in PS3 = Not present
! colspan="5" | Tables
| 0x50 || colspan="4" | Tree starts here

Revision as of 08:05, 11 December 2014

Other sony consoles

  • In PSvita the RCO's uses a cxml structure, with a header size of 0x50 and the magic identifyer RCOF
    • RCOF header is 0x10 bytes bigger than any cxml header in PS3 (this means there are 2 new tables added for the new cxml variant used in vita rco's). And endianess changed
    • Some of the extracted files (after cropped and zlib decompressed) are another variant of a cxml structure with identifyer RCSF
    • More info about this cxml variants in PSVita wiki