PS3 Developer wiki:Oversight

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Oversighters can perform the following actions:

  1. Suppress individual page revisions (as a whole) using Oversight.
  2. Suppress and unsuppress elements of individual page revisions (any or all of the text, username, or edit summary) using RevisionDelete.
  3. Suppress and unsuppress log entries.
  4. Suppress and unsuppress user names when blocking.
  5. Review the suppression logs (one for each tool) and suppressed material.

Page revisions suppressed with the Oversight extension do not leave a placeholder in the page history and cannot be restored. Revisions suppressed with RevisionDelete leave a visible placeholder in the page history and can be restored if the situation calls for it.

Users are granted oversight status by peer consensus. The process is similar to the process of granting administrator status, but the expectations for potential oversighters are higher and peer consensus must be clearer.

See full list of accounts with oversight privileges).