PKG files
See also Discussion page, PS Vita PKG files on henkaku wiki, PS4 PKG files, PS5 PKG files, PKG_DIGEST.DAT, [1].
There are two kinds of SCE package files (.pkg):
- System Software Update Packages (.pkg), which are Certified Files containing patch files for some hardware or software components of the console,
- NPDRM Packages (.pkg), which can be either release or debug, that contain files for a specific game or application.
System Software Update Packages[edit | edit source]
System Software Update files are packed into .pkg files then encrypted into .spkg, a sort of Certified File.
A System Update package contains 3 segments:
1) update_package_header 2) update_package_contents_header 3) update_package itself
NPDRM Packages[edit | edit source]
Location[edit | edit source]
PSP[edit | edit source]
To be documented.
Packages are downloaded in chunks of ?4GB?.
PS3[edit | edit source]
- on a USB storage device connected to the PS3, at /dev_usbx/<filename>.pkg, where x is a decimal number from 0 to 9 and <filename> can be anything
- on the internal HDD of the PS3, in bgdl
- on a Bluray Disc inserted in the PS3, at /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/PKGDIR/PKGxx/INSTALL.PKG, where xx is a decimal number from 00 to 99
PS Vita[edit | edit source]
- on the internal memory of the PS Vita, in bgdl
- for TestKits and DevKits, to be documented
Security[edit | edit source]
The security of .pkg consists in some hashes and signatures.
All NPDRM packages are signed with an ECDSA signature. Usually NPDRM packages are signed with two signatures - one for the header and the other for the entry table.
PS3: file SHA-1 + QA digest + ECDSA signature.
PSP: PS3 securities + Extended Header (3 PKG HMAC hashes of the headers).
PS Vita: PSP securities + more Metadata (0xD-0x12) that embed digests of files embedded into the .pkg.
PKG Digest[edit | edit source]
Name | Offset | Size | Remark |
cmac_hash | 0x0 | 0x10 | AES-CMAC hash. Using always npdrm_pkg_ps3_aes_key / npdrm_pkg_ps3_idu_aes_key, whatever the platform is. |
npdrm_signature | 0x10 | 0x28 | PKG header NPDRM ECDSA signature (R_sig, S_sig). |
sha1_hash | 0x38 | 0x8 | Last 8 bytes of sha1 hash. |
typedef struct pkg_digest { // size is 0x40
u8 cmac_hash[0x10];
u8 npdrm_signature[0x28];
u8 sha1_hash[0x8];
} pkg_digest;
PKG HMAC algorithm[edit | edit source]
This is a 16 bytes hash using SHA-1 algorithm. Used in Extended Header hashes.
static void pkg_hmac(const uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, uint8_t hmac[16]) {
SHA1_CTX ctx;
uint8_t sha1[20];
uint8_t buf[64];
// Do SHA-1 of the actual data
sha1_update(&ctx, data, len);
sha1_final(&ctx, sha1);
// Setup the intermediate buffer
memset(buf, 0, 64);
memcpy(&buf[0], &sha1[4], 8);
memcpy(&buf[8], &buf[0], 8);
memcpy(&buf[16], &sha1[12], 4);
buf[20] = sha1[16];
buf[21] = sha1[1];
buf[22] = sha1[2];
buf[23] = sha1[3];
memcpy(&buf[24], &buf[16], 8);
// Do SHA-1 of the intermediate buffer
sha1_update(&ctx, buf, 64);
sha1_final(&ctx, sha1);
// Returns 16 first bytes from the 20 bytes SHA-1
memcpy(hmac, sha1, 16);
Decryption[edit | edit source]
See also #Package_Tools and Keys#NPDRM PKG AES Keys.
Finalized Packages[edit | edit source]
Finalized (retail) packages are encrypted using AES128CTR with a key derived from a constant key (NPDRM PKG AES key).
PS3 / PSP Finalized Packages[edit | edit source]
For PS3 / PSP NPDRM packages, the file table and the data are AES128CTR encrypted/decrypted using pkg_data_riv as the IV along with the PS3/PSP constant AES Key.
static void decrypt_finalized_npdrm_pkg(void) {
u8 key[0x10];
u8 iv[0x10];
if (be16(pkg->pkg_type) != 1)
fail("invalid pkg type: %x", be16(pkg + 0x06));
if (key_get_simple("npdrm-pkg-key", key, 0x10) < 0)
fail("failed to load the package key.");
memcpy(iv, pkg->digest, 0x10);
aes128ctr(key, iv, pkg + offset, size, pkg + offset);
PS Vita / PSM Finalized Packages[edit | edit source]
For PS Vita / PSM NPDRM packages type 2, 3 and 4, pkg_data_riv is AES128ECB encrypted with the constant per-platform AES128 key to create an AES session key. Then it does the normal AES128CTR with pkg_data_riv as the IV and the session key as the AES128CTR key.
// Source code to add here
Non Finalized Packages[edit | edit source]
Non Finalized packages use a key which is derived from the digest field of the package header, then used in a CBC like-mode which is then sha1'ed to get the final XOR key.
The derivation of the key differs between standard Non Finalized packages and arcade Non Finalized packages, e.g. Namco_System_357.
static void decrypt_non_finalized_npdrm_pkg(void) {
u8 key[0x40];
u8 bfr[0x1c];
u64 i;
memset(key, 0, sizeof key);
memcpy(key, pkg->pkg_header_digest, 8);
memcpy(key + 0x08, pkg->pkg_header_digest, 8);
if (isArcade)
memcpy(key + 0x10, pkg->pkg_header_digest, 8);
memcpy(key + 0x10, pkg->pkg_header_digest + 0x08, 8);
memcpy(key + 0x18, pkg->pkg_header_digest + 0x08, 8);
if (isArcade)
memset(key + 0x20, 0xA0, 0x18);
sha1(key, sizeof key, bfr);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i != 0 && (i % 16) == 0) {
wbe64(key + 0x38, be64(key + 0x38) + 1);
sha1(key, sizeof key, bfr);
pkg[offset + i] ^= bfr[i & 0xf];
Source: SSL and zecoxao via [2].
File Header[edit | edit source]
Header consists of main header that points to metadata header. PSP and PS Vita .pkg also have .ext header right after main header.
Example from a finalized PS3 .pkg[edit | edit source]
- Example: Scott Pilgrim VS. The World Unlock .pkg file:
Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 00000000 7F 50 4B 47 80 00 00 01 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 08 .PKGЂ......А.... 00000010 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 C0 ...А...........А 00000020 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 E0 .......Ђ.......а 00000030 55 50 30 30 30 31 2D 4E 50 55 42 33 30 31 36 32 UP0001-NPUB30162 00000040 5F 30 30 2D 53 43 4F 54 54 50 49 4C 47 52 49 4D _00-SCOTTPILGRIM 00000050 30 30 30 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0002............ 00000060 09 8B A2 CA 2D 30 30 1F 8B 5B 82 79 C6 70 35 F3 .‹ўК-00.‹[‚yЖp5у 00000070 D5 FA 15 9E 7F AC 82 70 BB 3E 0C EB 97 3D 30 11 Хъ.ћ.¬‚p»>.л—=0. 00000080 48 0D 86 60 9F 26 8E 7F 4F B4 DA A4 33 1E 9A A1 H.†`џ&Ћ.OґЪ¤3.љЎ 00000090 0C 85 45 95 A8 D4 A3 9B 62 44 68 C1 38 CE D7 63 .…E•ЁФЈ›bDhБ8ОЧc 000000A0 0D FF 0C C5 3A 77 C6 E6 E4 62 AD 05 F3 93 D0 7A .я.Е:wЖждb..у“Рz 000000B0 CC 02 B4 35 2B 70 47 D6 EC 61 40 39 A6 5B DC BD М.ґ5+pGЦмa@9¦[ЬЅ
Header[edit | edit source]
All values are in big-endian format.
Name | Offset | Size | Example | Remark |
magic | 0x00 | 0x04 | 7F 50 4B 47 | ".PKG" |
pkg_revision | 0x04 | 0x02 | 80 00 | 80 00 for finalized (retail), 00 00 for non finalized (debug) |
pkg_type | 0x06 | 0x02 | 00 01 | 00 01 for PS3, 00 02 for PSP and PS Vita |
pkg_metadata_offset | 0x08 | 0x04 | 00 00 00 C0 | usually 0xC0 for PS3, usually 0x280 for PSP and PS Vita |
pkg_metadata_count | 0x0C | 0x04 | 00 00 00 08 | metadata item count |
pkg_metadata_size | 0x10 | 0x04 | 00 00 00 C0 | usually 0xC0 for PSP and PS3, usually 0x160 for PS Vita |
item_count | 0x14 | 0x04 | 00 00 00 02 | files and folders into the encrypted data |
total_size | 0x18 | 0x08 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 C0 | 0x17C0 - total pkg file size |
data_offset | 0x20 | 0x08 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 80 | 0x0180 - encrypted data offset |
data_size | 0x28 | 0x08 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 E0 | 0x15E0 - encrypted data size |
contentid | 0x30 | 0x24 | "UP0001-NPUB30162_00-SCOTTPILGRIM0002" | PKG Content ID |
padding | 0x54 | 0x0C | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0C bytes padding |
digest | 0x60 | 0x10 | 09 8B A2 CA 2D 30 30 1F 8B 5B 82 79 C6 70 35 F3 | sha1 from debug files and attributes together merged in one block |
pkg_data_riv | 0x70 | 0x10 | D5 FA 15 9E 7F AC 82 70 BB 3E 0C EB 97 3D 30 11 | AES-128-CTR IV. Used with npdrm_pkg_PLATFORM_aes_key to decrypt data. |
pkg_header_digest | 0x80 | 0x40 | PKG Digest structure signing data at 0x00-0x7F. |
typedef struct {
u32 magic;
u16 pkg_revision;
u16 pkg_type;
u32 pkg_metadata_offset;
u32 pkg_metadata_count;
u32 pkg_metadata_size;
u32 item_count;
u64 total_size;
u64 data_offset;
u64 data_size;
u8 contentid[0x30];
u8 digest[0x10];
u8 pkg_data_riv[0x10];
pkg_digest pkg_header_digest;
Extended Header[edit | edit source]
Not present on PS3 .pkg. Only present on PSP and PS Vita .pkg. It was certainly a security improvement implemented in PS Vita Pkg Installer.
HMAC pointed by this header are generated using PKG HMAC algorithm.
typedef struct {
u32 magic; // 0x7F657874 (".ext")
u32 unknown_1; // Maybe version. Always 1.
u32 ext_hdr_size; // Extended header size. ex: 0x40
u32 ext_data_size; // ex: 0x180
u32 main_and_ext_headers_hmac_offset; // ex: 0x100
u32 metadata_header_hmac_offset; // ex: 0x360, 0x390, 0x490
u64 tail_offset; // Tail size seems to be always 0x1A0
u32 padding1;
u32 pkg_key_id; // Id of the AES key used for decryption. PSP = 0x1, PS Vita = 0xC0000002, PSM = 0xC0000004
u32 full_header_hmac_offset; // ex: none (old pkg): 0, 0x930
u8 padding2[0x14];
PKG Metadata[edit | edit source]
typedef struct {
union {
u32 packet_identifier; // 0-0x12
u32 data_size;
// data
} ...
// u8 padding[variable];
pkg_digest pkg_metadata_digest; // [[PKG_files#PKG_digest]]
Identifier | PKG type | Category name | Possible size | Possible values |
0x1 | All | DRMType | 4 | See DRMType. |
0x2 | All | ContentType | 4 | 00 00 00 07 |
0x3 | All | PackageType / PackageFlag / StorageType (PS Vita) | 4 | |
0x4 | All | Package Size | 8 | 00 00 00 00 0E 77 40 00 |
0x5 | All | make_package_npdrm Revision (2 bytes) + Package Version (2 bytes) | 4 | 00 00 00 00 (0, 0.00), 09 11 00 00 (911, 0.00), 09 56 00 00 (956, 0.00), 09 60 00 00 (960, 0.00), 10 09 00 00 (1009, 0.00), 10 12 00 00 (1012, 0.00), 10 61 00 00 (1061, 0.00), 12 03 00 00 (1203, 0.00), 12 12 00 00 (1212, 0.00), 12 73 01 01 (1273, 1.01), 15 00 01 00 (1500, 1.00), 16 81 01 00 (1681, 1.00),19 53 01 00 (1953, 1.00), 19 63 01 00 (1963, 01.00), 19 66 01 00 (1966, 01.00), 19 70 01 01 (1970, 1.01),19 72 01 02 (1972, 1.02), 99 00 00 00 (9900, 0.00), 99 01 00 00 (9901, 0.00) |
0x6 | PSP | Version + App Version / TitleID (on size 0xC) | 0xC | "NPEG00005\0\0\0" |
0x7 | PSP, PS3 and PS Vita before rev 1949 | QA Digest (described as "This is a digest of packaged files and attributes.") | 0x18 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B5 76 E1 D9 00 EE 9B BC 8E 24 17 91 5D BC 5A CB |
0x8 | All | unk (1 byte) + PS3/PSP/PSP2 System Version (3 bytes) + Package Version (2 bytes) + App Version (2 bytes) | 8 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00, 44 01 70 00 01 01 00 00, 81 01 90 00 01 00 01 00, 81 04 75 00 01 02 01 00 (4.7500, 1.02, 1.00) --> unk: 44 maybe PSP and 02/80/81 PS3 |
0x9 | All | unk | 8 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 / 00 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 / 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 / 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 / 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 / 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 / 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 |
0xA | PSP and PS3 | InstallDirectory | 0x28 | 8 zeroed bytes + directory: ........UCES01264_FANTASY............... |
0xB | All | unk seen in PSP cumulative patch | 0x8 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 |
0xC | All | unk | ||
0xD | PS Vita | Item Entries+Names Info | 0x28 | Offset in encrypted data (4 Bytes) + Size (4 Bytes) + SHA256 of decrypted data (32 Bytes) 00 00 00 00 / 00 00 05 A0 / 18 8B B1 8A E5 E8 40 FD EE 71 E2 27 60 55 E6 39 06 94 5B 65 89 04 B2 88 61 DA BB A3 B2 55 C5 C1 |
0xE | PS Vita | PARAM.SFO Info | 0x38 | Offset (4 Bytes) + Size (4 Bytes) + Flags? (4 Bytes) + Firmware (?4 Bytes?) + Unknown (?8 Bytes?) + SHA256 (32 Bytes) 00 00 0C 10 / 00 00 05 0C / 00 00 00 14 / 01 67 00 00 / 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 / FC 3D 1E 32 FA F7 A6 11 90 46 A6 34 BE 98 9A 78 65 A8 92 25 3C 49 D7 69 73 53 32 E7 8E 06 1E 60 |
0xF | PS Vita | unknown_data_info | 0x48 | 00 00 05 60 00 00 03 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 0F 26 BD 5C 2F 13 95 EB 16 E6 62 07 8D 9A E3 DC 0B AC 25 11 1C 19 39 B9 40 06 4E 82 AF 1E C3
00 00 06 10 00 00 03 20 00 00 01 F4 00 00 01 F7 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 A5 74 D5 71 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 79 52 B2 3F 78 3B 9D F4 C0 BB 26 C0 EC 14 1B 37 8B 9B 69 71 1C 22 C3 49 57 97 B6 DE 78 0A D0 00 |
0x10 | PS Vita | Entirety Info | 0x38 | 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 A0 D3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 4D AD EB 44 67 51 C1 2D 69 95 46 8C 82 A9 3D 74 AD F4 62 49 90 BD EE F0 75 97 A3 B6 5B 17 48
00 00 0A B0 00 00 01 60 FF D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D2 7F 9E EF 38 F7 61 6E C1 C5 CC B1 E1 83 12 0C 6F 38 4C 8C 22 84 8B A4 3B 7B 47 57 77 C9 F9 C9 |
0x11 | PS Vita | PublishingTools version (4 Bytes) + PFSBuilder version (4 Bytes) + padding (0x20 Bytes) | 0x28 | 01 60 00 00 00 06 23 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
02 07 00 00 00 07 60 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |
0x12 | PS Vita | self_info | 0x38 | 00 00 11 20 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CF 74 D5 30 04 99 F0 57 E8 65 20 5C 3D 71 12 36 F1 E4 EF BC 98 EA 52 F1 F0 60 E8 7C 8A 53 B8 A4 |
ContentType[edit | edit source]
Content type | Type name | Install path (on PS3 / PS5) | Install path (on PS Vita / PS4) | Notes |
0x1 | ? | /dev_hdd0/game/ | Found in UP0700-NPUJ00213_00-0000000000000002 (so old that it does not embed make_package_npdrm revision) | |
0x2 | ||||
0x3 | ||||
0x4 | GameData | /dev_hdd0/game/ | Also concerns game patches. | |
0x5 | GameExec | /dev_hdd0/game/ | ||
0x6 | PS1emu | /dev_hdd0/game/ | ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/ | |
0x7 | PSP | /dev_hdd0/game/ | ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/ | Also concerns PCEngine. |
0x8 | ||||
0x9 | Theme | /dev_hdd0/theme | e.g. contains a .p3t wrapped into a .edat | |
0xA | Widget | /dev_hdd0/widget | ||
0xB | License | /dev_hdd0/home/<current user>/exdata | e.g. contains a .edat to unlock game demos | |
0xC | VSHModule | /dev_hdd0/vsh/modules/ | ||
0xD | PSN Avatar | /dev_hdd0/home/<current user>/psn_avatar | e.g. contains a .png wrapped into a .edat | |
0xE | PSPgo | /dev_hdd0/game/ | Displayed as Unknown Album: Corrupted Data | |
0xF | minis | /dev_hdd0/game/ | ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/ | |
0x10 | NEOGEO | /dev_hdd0/game/ | ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/ | |
0x11 | VMC | /dev_hdd0/tmp/vmc/ | ||
0x12 | ?PS2Classic? Seen on PS2 classic | /dev_hdd0/game/ | ||
0x13 | ||||
0x14 | Seen on PSP remastered | /dev_hdd0/game/ | ||
0x15 | PSP2GD (PS Vita Game Data) | e.g. dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/CROSSDIR/DATA000.PKG | ux0:app/ | e.g. PS3 Cross controller, PS VITA gd/gdc games/apps |
0x16 | PSP2AC (PS Vita Additional Content) | ux0:addcont/ | ||
0x17 | PSP2LA (PS Vita LiveArea) | ux0:appmeta/ | ||
0x18 | PSM (PS Vita PSM) | ux0:psm/ | PlayStation Mobile | |
0x19 | WT | /dev_hdd0/game/ | Probably Web TV. | |
0x1A | PS4GD | /user/app/ | ||
0x1B | PS4AC | /user/addcont/ | ||
0x1C | Unknown (PS4 related?) | |||
0x1D | PSM for Unity (PS Vita PSM) | ux0:psm/ | contains 'runtime/' folder. | |
0x1F | PSP2Theme (PS Vita Theme) | ux0:theme/ | ||
0x20 | PS5GD | ?/user/addcont/? |
PackageType[edit | edit source]
Identifier | type name | usage | notes |
0x10 | Patch | for PSP game updates, to use with CumulativePatch, IncrementalPatch, HybridPatch | |
DiscBinded + Game + Patch | DiscGamePatch | for PS3 BD games | |
Game + Patch | HDDGamePatch | for PS3 HDD games (NPDRM) | |
?when 2 is not set? | NoEBOOTBIN | ||
ex: 00 00 00 0A | Demo | ||
ex: 00 00 00 0C | Key | ||
? | Upgradable |
PackageFlag[edit | edit source]
Flag | Name | Usage | Notes |
0 | NO FLAGS | It exists e.g. in IP9100-NPIA00001_00-PS2HDDSYSDAT0001 built with revision 960 (very old)!
or even in UP0700-NPUJ00213_00-0000000000000002 (so old that it does not embed make_package_npdrm revision). | |
0x2 | ?EBOOT? | Minis have it. | |
0x4 | ?Require License? | ||
0x8 | ?HDD/MC? | NON Finalized flagged PS3 package (DLC) | |
0x10 | CumulativePatch | Embeds the previous patches | To use with Patch PackageType. |
? | IncrementalPatch | Requires the previous patches to be installed first | To use with Patch PackageType. |
? | HybridPatch | To use with Patch PackageType. | |
0x40 | RenameDirectory | ||
When 0x40 is not set (default) | NoRenameDirectory | ||
0x80 | ?EDAT? | Theme (.p3t.edat) / License package (.edat) | |
0x200 | ?Emulator? | All PS1 and PSP packages, minis. | |
0x400 | VSH Module | PS3 only. | |
0x800 | DiscBinded | PS3 only. | |
0x1000 | ? | ||
0x2000 | See Storage Type. | ||
0x4000 | NonGame | Used for most PS Vita NPDRM apps |
StorageType[edit | edit source]
It seems to be PS Vita only.
Flag | Name | Usage | Notes |
8 / 4 / 2 | MC | This application can be distributed by network and installed onto memory card(MC). | |
0x2000 | VC | This application can be distributed by PS Vita card(VC). |
sfo_info[edit | edit source]
Only seen in PSV packages.
typedef struct { // size is 0x38 u32 param_offset; u16 param_size; u32 unk_int; // seen values: 0x00000001-0x00000018, 0x0000001b-0x0000001c u32 PSP2_SYSTEM_VER; // BCD encoded u8 unk[0x8]; u8 param_digest[0x20]; // SHA256 of param_data. Called ParamDigest: This is sha256 digest of param.sfo. } sfo_info;
unknown_data_info[edit | edit source]
typedef struct { // size is 0x48 u32 unknown_data_offset; u16 unknown_data_size; // ex: 0x320 u8 unk[0x20]; u8 unknown_data_sha256[0x20]; } unknown_data_info;
entirety_info[edit | edit source]
typedef struct { // size is 0x38
u32 entirety_data_offset; // located just before SFO
u32 entirety_data_size; // ex: 0xA0, C0, 0x100, 0x120, 0x160
u16 flags; // ex: EE 00, FE 10, FE 78, FE F8, FF 10, FF 90, FF D0, flags indicating which digests it embeds
u16 unk; // always 00 00
u32 unk2_int; // ex: 1, 0
u8 unk3[0x8];
u8 entirety_digest[0x20];
} entirety_info;
Digests table[edit | edit source]
Official Name | Official Description | Description | Flags |
EntiretyDigest | This is a digest of above digests. | SHA256 of entirety_data. | |
ContentDigest | This is a digest of content unique value. | May be located at offset 0x0 under encrypted form... | |
GameDigest | This is a digest of Header/Program/System/MajorParam Digests. | SHA256 of a buffer embedding Program/System/MajorParam/Header Digests in this order. | |
ProgramDigest | This is a digest of contents except sce_sys files. | ||
SystemDigest | This is a digest of sce_sys files except param.sfo. | ||
MajorParamDigest | This is a digest of param.sfo that affect behavior. | ||
ParamDigest | This is sha256 digest of param.sfo. | SHA256 of param.sfo. | |
HeaderDigest | This is a digest of package header. | ||
LiveareaDigest | This is a digest of sce_sys/livearea(&retail) files. | ||
ManualDigest | This is a digest of sce_sys/manual files. | ||
TrophyDigest | This is a digest of sce_sys/trophy files. | ||
ChangeInfoDigest | This is a digest of sce_sys/changeinfo files. | ||
OthersDigest | This is a digest of sce_sys files except above files. | ||
OriginDigest | This is the ContentDigest of base game package. | ||
TargetDigest | This is the ContentDigest of previous patch package. | ||
OriginGameDigest | This is the GameDigest of base game package. | ||
TargetGameDigest | This is the GameDigest of previous patch package. |
entirety_data possible structures[edit | edit source]
typedef struct { // size is 0xA0
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
u8 livearea_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
} entirety_data_A0_NOPARAM_LA_D300; // 1101 0011 0000 0000 -> 5
typedef struct { // size is 0xC0
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 program_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 major_param_digest[0x20];
u8 param_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
} entirety_data_C0_EE00; // 1110 1110 0000 0000 -> 6
typedef struct { // size is 0x100
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 program_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 major_param_digest[0x20];
u8 param_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
u8 others_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
} entirety_data_100_OTH_FE10; // 1111 1110 0001 0000 -> 8
typedef struct { // size is 0x120
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 program_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 major_param_digest[0x20];
u8 param_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
u8 livearea_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 others_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
} entirety_data_120_LA_OTH_FF10; // 1111 1111 0001 0000 -> 9
typedef struct { // size is 0x140
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 program_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 major_param_digest[0x20];
u8 param_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
u8 change_info_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 others_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 enc_origin_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??. ENCRYPTED FORM !!
} entirety_data_140_CHG_OTH_ORI_FE38; // 1111 1110 0011 1000 -> 10
typedef struct { // size is 0x140
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 program_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 major_param_digest[0x20];
u8 param_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
u8 livearea_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 manual_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 others_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
} entirety_data_140_LA_MAN_OTH_FF90; // 1111 1110 1001 0000 -> 9
typedef struct { // size is 0x160
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 program_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 major_param_digest[0x20];
u8 param_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
u8 livearea_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 manual_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 trophy_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 others_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
} entirety_data_160_LA_MAN_TRP_OTH_FFD0; // 1111 1111 1101 0000 -> 11
typedef struct { // size is 0x160
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 program_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 major_param_digest[0x20];
u8 param_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
u8 trophy_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 change_info_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 others_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 enc_origin_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??. ENCRYPTED FORM !!
} entirety_data_160_TRP_CHG_OTH_ORI_FE78; // 1111 1110 0111 1000 -> 11
typedef struct { // size is 0x180
u8 enc_content_digest[0x20];
u8 game_digest[0x20];
u8 program_digest[0x20];
u8 system_digest[0x20];
u8 major_param_digest[0x20];
u8 param_digest[0x20];
u8 header_digest[0x20];
u8 manual_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 trophy_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 change_info_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 others_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??
u8 enc_origin_digest[0x20]; // ?SHA256? of ??. ENCRYPTED FORM !!
} entirety_data_180_MAN_TRP_CHG_OTH_ORI_FEF8; // 1111 1110 1111 1000 -> 12
Entirety digests bitflags table[edit | edit source]
1000 0000 0000 0000 : Content
0100 0000 0000 0000 : Game
0010 0000 0000 0000 : Program
0001 0000 0000 0000 : System
0000 1000 0000 0000 : MajorParam
0000 0100 0000 0000 : Param
0000 0010 0000 0000 : Header
0000 0001 0000 0000 : LiveArea
0000 0000 1000 0000 : Manual
0000 0000 0100 0000 : Trophy
0000 0000 0010 0000 : ChangeInfo
0000 0000 0001 0000 : Others
0000 0000 0000 1000 : Origin
0000 0000 0000 0100 : unk1
0000 0000 0000 0010 : unk2
0000 0000 0000 0001 : unk3
MISSING : OriginGameDigest, TargetDigest, TargetGameDigest
self_info[edit | edit source]
typedef struct { // size is 0x38
u32 self_info_offset; // offset to the first self_info_data_element
u32 self_info_size; // usually 0x10 or 0x20
u32 unk_int; // ex: 00 00 00 43
u8 unk[0x10];
u8 self_sha256[0x20];
} self_info;
typedef struct { // size is 0x10
u64 unk; // ex: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01, 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
u64 authid; // warning: big endian
} self_info_data_element;
File Body[edit | edit source]
PKG Item Record[edit | edit source]
All values are in big endian format.
typedef struct { u32 filename_offset; u32 filename_size; u64 data_offset; u64 data_size; u32 flags; u32 padding; } PKG_ITEM_RECORD;
field | offset | type | notes |
filename_offset | 0x0 | u32 | |
filename_size | 0x4 | u32 | |
data_offset | 0x8 | u64 | |
data_size | 0x10 | u64 | |
flags | 0x18 | u32 | The file type. Item_key_type = (flags >> 0x1C)&7 (key type 0 - ps3-aes-key, key type 1 - psp-aes-key) |
padding | 0x1C | u32 | zero |
[edit | edit source]
PackageDigest[edit | edit source]
Official description: This is SHA1 digest of package without last 32 bytes.
The last 32 bytes of the package contain a hash (sha1sum) of the package (sha1 of the whole file minus the last 32 bytes). Or in other words... to verify the integrity of a package it is needed to crop the 0x20 bytes at the end, then calculate the SHA1 of the resulting file, then compare with the SHA1 that was cropped.
It is also used as part of the package identification info inside the TITLE_ID-ver.xml files in PSN servers that lists the available game patches for each game. See: Game Updating Procedure page and the sha1sum in the .xml examples
- Notes
- This footer area is considered part of the package and is included when counting the total_size of the package (in the header at offset 0x18), and the header is hashed too by header_sha1_hash (at offset 0xB8), this is important in the sequence of actions needed when building the package and updating/adding the PackageDigest.
- PS3 homebrew packages (at least some of them) doesnt includes PackageDigest
Package Tools[edit | edit source]
PKG builder / infos / extractor[edit | edit source]
package.conf (PSP/PS3/PS Vita)[edit | edit source]
Note that for convenience and backward compatibility with NPDRM.CONF, the package.conf parser (make_package_npdrm) is not case-sensitive and in some cases considers underscore as dash.
Configuration name | Usage | Expected value | Example | Notes |
ContentID | needed | XXYYYY-XXXXYYYYY_00-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | EP4153-NPEZ00314_00-0000111122223333 | |
Klicensee | needed on PS3 (can be set to 0x00000...) | 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 | 0x0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF | |
DRMType | needed | Network / Free / Local / DiscBind | Free | |
ContentType | needed | See PKG_files#ContentType | minis | |
PackageVersion | needed | xx.yy | 01.02 | |
PackageType | See PKG_files#PackageType | DiscGamePatch | ||
PackageFlag | See PKG_files#PackageFlag | RenameDirectory | ||
StorageType | needed for PS Vita gamedata | See PKG_files#StorageType | VC-MC | |
TitleID | used only for PSP and PS1 games | XXXXYYYYY | NPEZ00314 | |
LimitedTimeStart | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD | 2018-10-30T11:55T32 | ||
LimitedTimeEnd | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD | 2019-10-30T11:55T32 | ||
InstallDirectory | used in PSP patches ?and DLCs? | ? | UCUS98744_LBPPDLCSONYPA002 | |
ForcedInstallTo | Allows installing packages to any HDD directory (and even flash memory if it is mounted RW). | |||
APP_VER | If the APP_VER value in PARAM.SFO is to be updated, set the new value in the format "xx.yy" (2 integer digits and 2 decimal digits). | |||
PS3_SYSTEM_VER | If the PS3_SYSTEM_VER value in PARAM.SFO is to be updated with a patch package, set the new value in the format "xx.yyyy" (2 integer digits and 4 decimal digits). |
NPDRM.CONF (PSP)[edit | edit source]
Configuration name | Usage | Expected value | Example | Notes |
Content-ID | needed | XXYYYY-XXXXYYYYY_00-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | EP4153-NPEZ00314_00-0000111122223333 | |
K-Licensee | needed (can be set to 0x00000...) | 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 | 0x0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF | |
PackageVersion | needed | XX.XX | 01.02 | |
ProtectDocument | used in PSP Downloadable Game Package (PSP .pkg)
Game Manual Protection To use NPDRM to protect the game manual, include the line "ProtectDocument = TRUE" in the configuration file. Like the downloadable game itself, once protected, the relevant game manual can only be browsed on a PSP™ that was authenticated with the user account used to purchase the downloadable game package. If "ProtectDocument = FALSE" is specified or if no specification is made, the game manual will not be protected by NPDRM. |
HealthWarning | used in PSP Downloadable Game Package (PSP .pkg)
Startup Warning You can specify that a startup warning be displayed when the game is started up. Specify "HealthWarning = " followed by the specification word shown in the following table, which indicates the region or language where the downloadable game package will be released. See Chapter 7 for the corresponding text that is displayed. If "HealthWarning = NONE" is specified or if no specification is made, no startup warning will be displayed. |
NONE/specification word | NONE | |
ZIPThreshold | used in PSP Downloadable Game Package (PSP .pkg)
Compression Rate Specification During authoring of a downloadable game package, the data in the associated UMD™ image file is compressed. You can change the compression rate by specifying "ZIPThreshold=" followed by the compression rate (0 to 100). If there is no "ZIPThreshold=" specification, the compression rate will default to 80. If "ZIPThreshold=0" is specified, the data will not be compressed and there will no longer be any load for expanding the compressed data. However, the file size will increase and it will take longer for the user to download the package. Unless you specifically need to change the compression rate, do not include this specification. |
0 to 100 | 80 | |
OptimizeLevel | used in PSP Downloadable Game Package (PSP .pkg)
The SCE authoring service may change the optimization level to improve processing performance when the system reads data in a downloadable game. If this change hinders the behavior of a program that is being developed, you can include the specification "OptimizeLevel=" followed by the optimization level that was used previously during authoring. If there is no impediment to program behavior, you should not enter this specification. When the authoring service changes, refer to details that are publically available in the Technical Notes. |
?0 to 100? | ?80? | |
BootablePlatform | used in PSP minis Package (PSP minis .pkg)
When creating a package for minis, in addition to the necessary parameters for downloadable games, "BootablePlatform = minis" must be set in NPDRM.CONF that is a configuration file for packaging. |
minis | minis | |
BootablePlatformDetails | used in PSP minis Package (PSP minis .pkg)
Game applications created via the Simple Authoring Service(SAS) having the above parameter specified can be executed on PlayStation®3. When it is required to prohibit a minis game application from running on the PlayStation®3 execution environment explicitly, set "BootablePlatformDetails=onlyPSP" to NPDRM.CONF in addition to the setting "BootablePlatform = minis". |
onlyPSP | onlyPSP |
PSP SDK official tool: make_package_npdrm (2006-2014)[edit | edit source]
- latest version: rev 1642 in 6.60 PSP SDK
PS3 SDK official tool: make_package_npdrm (2006-2014)[edit | edit source]
- oldest known version: rev 1061 in ?.?? PS3 SDK
- rev 1203 in 1.92 PS3 SDK
- rev 1588 in 3.00 PS3 SDK
- most famous version: rev 1732 in 3.40 PS3 SDK (also found under unofficial patched form)
- rev 1754 in 3.60 PS3 SDK
- rev 1962 in 4.00 PS3 SDK
- rev 1966 in 4.?? PS3 SDK (seen in TrueAncestor tools)
- latest version: rev 1972 in 4.75 PS3 SDK
make_package_npdrm.exe --informal-help usage: [revision 1972] THIS IS INFORMAL HELP. ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE! NEVER USE FOR RELEASING! make_package_npdrm [options] config-file target-directory -v | --verbose increases verbose messages. -f | --nofindlimit no limitation to file find. -o | --output DIR output package to DIR. -C | --directory DIR change to DIR before doing anything. --find-path PATH set find command path to file find. --content-id STRING set ContentID. --k-licensee HEX set KLicensee. --drm-type STRING set DRMType. --content-type STRING set ContentType. --package-version NUM set PackageVersion. --patch-for-discgame generate patch package for DiscGame. --patch-for-hddgame generate patch package for HDDGame. --patch-for-psstore generate patch package for PSSTORE (pay patch). --force-info overwrite content information files. --weak-info no overwrite content information files. --force-user overwrite user directory files. --weak-user no overwrite user directory files. make_package_npdrm [options] target-directory generate package with 'target-directory/package.conf'. [options] same as the above. make_package_npdrm [options] npdrm-package [target] [default] print package informations. -c | --check check package format. -l | --list print [target] files/dirs information. -x | --extract extract [target] files/dirs. --extract-tropdir extract trophy files. --extract-rootdir extract system files. --no-entitlement generate debuging package. make_package_npdrm [options] --version print revision. --help print help message. --informal-help print this message.
PS Vita SDK official tool: make_package_npdrm.exe (2011)[edit | edit source]
- oldest known version: make_package_npdrm.exe rev 1840 (2011-04-05) from PublishingTools version in ?0.945? PS Vita SDK.
- make_package_npdrm.exe rev 1949 (2011-07-22) from PublishingTools version in 0.996 PS Vita SDK.
- make_package_npdrm.exe rev 1957 (2011-09-14) from PublishingTools version in ?1.00? PS Vita SDK.
- make_package_npdrm.exe rev 1962 (2011-12-02) from PublishingTools version in ?1.50? PS Vita SDK.
- make_package_npdrm.exe rev 1963 (2011-12-26) from PublishingTools version in ?1.60? PS Vita SDK.
PS Vita SDK official tool: make_pkg.exe (2014)[edit | edit source]
At some point, SCE renamed make_package_npdrm to make_pkg. The reason is certainly that on PS Vita, .pkg are used for many types of contents not just NPDRM protected contents.
- latest version: make_pkg.exe rev 1972 (2014-06-29) from PublishingTools version in 3.55/3.57 PS Vita SDK.
make_pkg.exe --help usage: [revision 1972] make_package_npdrm [options] config-file target-directory -v | --verbose increases verbose messages. -f | --nofindlimit no limitation to file find. -o | --output DIR output package to DIR. -C | --directory DIR change to DIR before doing anything. --find-path PATH set find command path to file find. --content-id STRING set ContentID. --k-licensee HEX set KLicensee. --drm-type STRING set DRMType. --content-type STRING set ContentType. --package-version NUM set PackageVersion.
Make Package Npdrm Patcher (revision 1732) by SubZero Dezigns (2012)[edit | edit source]
A tool that patches official make_package_npdrm.exe (revision 1732) in order to remove its protections to build packages that embeds NPDRM already encrypted SELFs.
Make Edata/Package NPDRM GUI by SubZero Dezigns (2012)[edit | edit source]
A GUI program for Windows that patches on-the-fly official make_package_npdrm.exe (revision 1732) and allows to configure package.conf.
Force Package NPDRM by DEL1GHT Team (2010)[edit | edit source]
It enables the repackaging of DRM'ed games into a .PKG file.
Howto :
First create the following structure :
* ...
* Original EBOOT.BIN renamed to whatever you want (ie. GAME.BIN)
* ...
Your EBOOT.BIN must launch the original EBOOT.BIN (ie. GAME.BIN)
Usage : force_package_npdrm [options] config-file target-directory
11/08/10 - V1.00 - Initial Release
- Based on SONY's "MAKE_PACKAGE_NPDRM Rev. 1203"
- "Extended" help with "--help" option
- Packaging of your SELF EBOOT.BIN
- Repackaging of SELF/SPRX/EDATA DRM'ed files
11/11/10 - V1.50 - Updates
- Based on SONY's "MAKE_PACKAGE_NPDRM Rev. 1732"
- Repackaging of SDATA DRM'ed files
- Repackaging of TROPHY directory
PSN Package NPDRM by DEL1GHT Team (2010)[edit | edit source]
It rebuilds PSN DRM'ed games into a .PKG file.
Original DRM'ed EBOOT.BIN is packaged as "raw data" ;-)
Still the problem of licence (act.dat) to run the game on another PS3.
Howto :
Download the PSN game directory from your HDD0 to your PC.
Create a "config-file" (a lot of explanations on internet).
Usage : psn_package_npdrm [options] config-file target-directory
11/11/10 - V1.00 - Initial Release
- Based (fork) on FORCE_PACKAGE_NPDRM V1.50
- Full repackaging of PSN games
SCEllSharp by InvoxiPlayGames (2024)[edit | edit source]
A very work-in-progress .NET 8.0 library for reading and (soon writing) file formats used on the PS3 console.
Right now it can read, verify and write retail PKG files.
PKG extractor[edit | edit source]
ungpkg by failoverflow/geohot (2010)[edit | edit source]
PS3/PSP .pkg
PkgView by Ifcaro (2012-2013)[edit | edit source]
PS3/PSP .pkg
PkgDecrypt by St4rk (2017)[edit | edit source]
PS Vita .pkg
unpkg_vita by RikuKH3 (2017)[edit | edit source]
PKGrip by qwikrazor87 (2018)[edit | edit source]
Fast linux alternative for decrypting PS3/PSP NPDRM PKG files. by windsurfer1122 (2018-2020)[edit | edit source]
Extracts information from package file as text or JSON for further analysis.
Provides Linux shell scripts for mass creation of analysis data and to quickly grep through them.
Analysis data of 10.000+ packages already directly downloadable here.
Decrypts package to an unencrypted raw package.
Planned feature is package extraction like PkgDecrypt and pkg2zip.
LibOrbisPkg by Maxton[edit | edit source]
PS4 Tool but could help to understand PFS.
PS4 PFS Tool by flatz (2020)[edit | edit source]
PS4 Tool but could help to understand PFS.
Package links[edit | edit source]
links by Hackinformer[edit | edit source]
pkgharvester[edit | edit source]
- sqlite3 db of .pkg files (pkg links, file infos, signatures, etc):
pkg_harvester_db.7z 6.7 MB (includes PS3, PSP)
uncompressed pkg_harvester.db size: 24.5 MB
several constants used in pkg_harvester.db:
enum class ProductEnvironment
kUnknown = 0,
kNP = 1,
kPQA = 2,
kPMGMT = 3,
kSPINT = 4,
enum class PackageType
kUnknown = 0,
kPS3 = 1,
kPSP = 2,
enum class FileType
kUnknown = 0,
kSelf = 1,
kSprx = 2,
kEdata = 3,
kSdata = 4,
enum class DRMLicenseType
kUnknown = 0,
kNetwork = 1,
kLocal = 2,
kFree = 3,