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Report: Egypts El-Sisi Refuses to Accept Obamas Phone Call

DEBKAfile August 16, 2013 When the clashes between Egyptian security forces and pro-Morsi protesters were at their peak in Cairo Wednesday, Aug. 14 525 dead and 3,700 wounded to date President Barack Obama put in a call to Egypts strongman, Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi, DEBKAfiles intelligence sources report. The US president wanted to give the ...
[Report: Egypts El-Sisi Refuses to Accept Obamas Phone Call ]

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Video: Government Criminalizes Church Groups Feeding Homeless

In what amounts to one of the most blatant displays of how truly corrupt the entire hierarchy of the establishment has become, church groups feeding the homeless are now being targeted by law enforcement and local government around the nation. Back on November 29th, I was alerted to the reality that a church group handing out meals for Thanksgiving at a local park ...
[Video: Government Criminalizes Church Groups Feeding Homeless]

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Man attempts to rob bus driver in Chile

Live Leak July 8, 2013 Passenger and bus driver serve up some justice. 
[Man attempts to rob bus driver in Chile ]

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Obamacare scorecard: 50 to 1 cancellations vs. enrollments

J. D. Heyes Natural News November 13, 2013 More than six weeks after the official rollout of Obamacare, far fewer Americans have signed up for health insurance under a state or federal exchange created by the law than have been kicked off their private plans because of the laws mandated coverage requirements. So far, according to Avik Roy atForbes, the number of ...
[Obamacare scorecard: 50 to 1 cancellations vs. enrollments ]

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Bionic Mannequins Spy on Shoppers to Boost Luxury Sales

Store mannequins are meant to catch your eye. Soon you may catch theirs.Benetton Group SpA is among fashion brands deploying mannequins equipped with technology used to identify criminals at airports to watch over shoppers in their stores.

[Bionic Mannequins Spy on Shoppers to Boost Luxury Sales]

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Media in category "Software"

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