User talk:GregoryRasputin

From Vita Developer wiki
Revision as of 15:38, 27 November 2011 by Euss (talk | contribs)
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  1. upload ( the needed buttons
  2. add category ([[Category:Custom edit buttons]]) to their description
  3. note their URL's to be used below

For global, edit At and add the pre-text (without the == header == and without pre-tags):

add seperate "table buttons" to the tool bar

if (mwCustomEditButtons) {
   mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "",
     "speedTip": "Table Start",
     "tagOpen": "{|",
     "tagClose": "",
     "sampleText": ""};
   mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "",
     "speedTip": "Table Cell",
     "tagOpen": "|",
     "tagClose": "",
     "sampleText": "cell"};
   mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "",
     "speedTip": "Table Row",
     "tagOpen": "|-",
     "tagClose": "",
     "sampleText": ""};

   mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "",
     "speedTip": "Table End",
     "tagOpen": "",
     "tagClose": "|}",
     "sampleText": ""}

add single "table button" to the tool bar

        "imageFile": "",
        "speedTip": "Insert a table",
        "tagOpen": '{| class="wikitable"\n|',
        "tagClose": "\n|}",
        "sampleText": "-\n! header 1\n! header 2\n! header 3\n|-\n| row 1, cell 1\n| row 1, cell 2\n| row 1, cell 3\n|-\n| row 2, cell 1\n| row 2, cell 2\n| row 2, cell 3"

save and hardrefresh the edit page to preview the buttons. test out if they work as intended.