Talk:PS2 Emulation

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TODO: Please remove unneeded uppercase letters not at the start of sentences.

  • This Is Not Elon Musk Here :P - Roxanne

EE Regs map

Warning: 0x1000000xxx base is not guaranteed in different emu revisions, but layout should be the same regardless of base.

// EE Core                  | // FPU                  | // COP0
0x100000000  zero           | 0x1000000230 f00        | 0x10000002D0 Index   
0x100000010  at             | 0x1000000234 f01        | 0x10000002D4 Random  
0x100000020  v0             | 0x1000000238 f02        | 0x10000002D8 EntryLo0
0x100000030  v1             | 0x100000023C f03        | 0x10000002DC EntryLo1
0x100000040  a0             | 0x1000000240 f04        | 0x10000002E0 Context 
0x100000050  a1             | 0x1000000244 f05        | 0x10000002E4 PageMask
0x100000060  a2             | 0x1000000248 f06        | 0x10000002E8 Wired   
0x100000070  a3             | 0x100000024C f07        | 0x10000002EC rsvd7   
0x100000080  t0             | 0x1000000250 f08        | 0x10000002F0 BadVAddr
0x100000090  t1             | 0x1000000254 f09        | 0x10000002F4 Count   
0x1000000A0  t2             | 0x1000000258 f10        | 0x10000002F8 EntryHi 
0x1000000B0  t3             | 0x100000025C f11        | 0x10000002FC Compare 
0x1000000C0  t4             | 0x1000000260 f12        | 0x1000000300 Status  
0x1000000D0  t5             | 0x1000000264 f13        | 0x1000000304 Cause   
0x1000000E0  t6             | 0x1000000268 f14        | 0x1000000308 EPC     
0x1000000F0  t7             | 0x100000026C f15        | 0x100000030C PRid    
0x1000000100 s0             | 0x1000000270 f16        | 0x1000000310 Config  
0x1000000110 s1             | 0x1000000274 f17        | 0x1000000314 Iab     
0x1000000120 s2             | 0x1000000278 f18        | 0x1000000318 Iabm    
0x1000000130 s3             | 0x100000027C f19        | 0x100000031C Dab     
0x1000000140 s4             | 0x1000000280 f20        | 0x1000000320 Dabm    
0x1000000150 s5             | 0x1000000284 f21        | 0x1000000324 Dvm     
0x1000000160 s6             | 0x1000000288 f22        | 0x1000000328 Dvbm    
0x1000000170 s7             | 0x100000028C f23        | 0x100000032C BadPAddr
0x1000000180 t8             | 0x1000000290 f24        | 0x1000000330 Debug   
0x1000000190 t9             | 0x1000000294 f25        | 0x1000000334 Perf    
0x10000001A0 k0             | 0x1000000298 f26        | 0x1000000338 Pcr0    
0x10000001B0 k1             | 0x100000029C f27        | 0x100000033C Pcr1    
0x10000001C0 gp             | 0x10000002A0 f28        | 0x1000000340 TagLo   
0x10000001D0 sp             | 0x10000002A4 f29        | 0x1000000344 TagHi   
0x10000001E0 fp             | 0x10000002A8 f30        | 0x1000000348 ErrorEPC
0x10000001F0 ra             | 0x10000002AC f31        | 0x100000034C Rsvd31  
0x1000000200 unk (pc?)      | 0x10000002B0 fACC       | 
0x1000000210 hi/lo (2 x 64?)|                         | // COP0 additional regs
0x1000000220 sa             | // FPU CTRL (FCR)       | 0x1000000350 real Pcr0
                            | 0x10000002B4 cp1cond    | 0x1000000358 real Pcr1
                            | 0x10000002B8 fpu ver    | 
                            | 0x10000002BC fpu sticky | // "Fake" regs
                            | 0x10000002C0 fpu ctrl   | 0x1000000360 unk
                            | 0x10000002C4 - 2CF unk  | 0x1000000368 current PC
                            |                         | 0x1000000370 Delta counter
                            |                         |   (Passed cycles, liekly decrementer.
                            |                         |   Evt check is performed on branch test when 0.
                            |                         |   Fastforwardclock set this to 0,
                            |                         |   advanceclock substrat value from this fake reg)
                            |                         |  
                                                      | 0x1000000378 Cycles (need work)

Note for koz: some games for god knows whatever reason need all of those addresses to be reduced by 8 hexadecimal values. from my testing it's about 40% of the games even though they use the same emu and are from the same region.