List of libraries
Libraries for Development Only
Some libraries are provided strictly for application development/debugging purposes and cannot be used in applications for end users. Do not link the following library files in the program to be master submitted.
When any of the above library files are linked, an error will be reported upon execution of the Publishing Tools check feature or ★Check feature of the system software.
sce_module libraries
Some libraries must be included in the sce_module folder of the current application .pkg.
Module name | Name | sysmodule ID | Remarks |
libSceFace.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_FACE | 0x38 | |
libSceSmart.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_SMART | 0x39 | |
libSceS3DConversion.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_S3DCONVERSION | 0x86 | |
libSceHand.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_HAND | 0x93 | |
libSceHeadTracker.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_HEAD_TRACKER | 0xCB | |
libSceFaceTracker.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_FACE_TRACKER | 0xD8 | |
libSceHandTracker.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_HAND_TRACKER | 0xD9 | |
libSceAudioLatencyEstimation.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_AUDIO_LATENCY_ESTIMATION | 0xE8 | |
libSceNpToolkit.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_TOOLKIT | 0xF7 | |
libSceJobManager.prx | SCE_SYSMODULE_JOB_MANAGER | 0xFE | |
?libSceNpToolkit2.prx? | unk | 0x102 |
Maybe in this table: libc.prx, libSceFios2.prx, libSceNpToolkit2.prx.
Sysmodule libraries
A list of library names can be found in libSceSysmodule.sprx.
As of FW 5.55, maximum sysmodule ID is 0x107.
Module name | Name | sysmodule ID | Remarks |
Error:0x805A1000 | SCE_SYSMODULE_INVALID | 0x0000 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0001 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0002 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0003 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0004 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0005 | ||
libSceFiber.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_FIBER | 0x0006 | |
libSceUlt.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_ULT | 0x0007 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0008 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0009 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x000A | ||
libSceNgs2.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NGS2 | 0x000B | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x000C | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x000D | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x000E | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x000F | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0010 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0011 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0012 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0013 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0014 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0015 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0016 | ||
libSceXml.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_XML | 0x0017 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0018 | ||
libSceNpUtility.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_UTILITY | 0x0019 | |
libSceVoice.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_VOICE | 0x001A | |
libSceVoiceQos.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_VOICEQOS | 0x001B | |
libSceNpMatching2.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_MATCHING2 | 0x001C | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x001D | ||
libSceNpScoreRanking.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_SCORE_RANKING | 0x001E | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x001F | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0020 | ||
libSceRudp.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RUDP | 0x0021 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0022 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0023 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0024 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0025 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0026 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0027 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0028 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0029 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x002A | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x002B | ||
libSceNpTus.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_TUS | 0x002C | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x002D | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x002E | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x002F | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0030 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0031 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0032 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0033 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0034 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0035 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0036 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0037 | ||
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_FACE | 0x0038 | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_SMART | 0x0039 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x003A | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x003B | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x003C | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x003D | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x003E | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x003F | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0040 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0041 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0042 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0043 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0044 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0045 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0046 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0047 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0048 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0049 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x004A | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x004B | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x004C | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x004D | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x004E | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x004F | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0050 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0051 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0052 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0053 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0054 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0055 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0056 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0057 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0058 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0059 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x005A | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x005B | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x005C | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x005D | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x005E | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x005F | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0060 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0061 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0062 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0063 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0064 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0065 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0066 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0067 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0068 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0069 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x006A | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x006B | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x006C | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x006D | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x006E | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x006F | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0070 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0071 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0072 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0073 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0074 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0075 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0076 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0077 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0078 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0079 | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x007A | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x007B | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x007C | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x007D | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x007E | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x007F | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | SCE_SYSMODULE_JSON | 0x0080 | |
libSceGameLiveStreaming.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_GAME_LIVE_STREAMING | 0x0081 | |
libSceCompanionUtil.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_COMPANION_UTIL | 0x0082 | |
libScePlayGo.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_PLAYGO | 0x0083 | |
libSceFont.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_FONT | 0x0084 | |
libSceVideoRecording.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_VIDEO_RECORDING | 0x0085 | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_S3DCONVERSION | 0x0086 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0087 | ||
libSceAudiodec.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_AUDIODEC | 0x0088 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0089 | ||
libSceJpegDec.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_JPEG_DEC | 0x008A | |
libSceJpegEnc.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_JPEG_ENC | 0x008B | |
libScePngDec.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_PNG_DEC | 0x008C | |
libScePngEnc.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_PNG_ENC | 0x008D | |
libSceVideodec.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_VIDEODEC | 0x008E | |
libSceMove.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_MOVE | 0x008F | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0090 | ||
libScePadTracker.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_PAD_TRACKER | 0x0091 | |
libSceDepth.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_DEPTH | 0x0092 | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_HAND | 0x0093 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x0094 | ||
libSceIme.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_LIBIME | 0x0095 | |
libSceImeDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_IME_DIALOG | 0x0096 | |
libSceNpParty.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_PARTY | 0x0097 | |
libSceFontFt.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_FONT_FT | 0x0098 | |
libSceFreeTypeOt.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_FREETYPE_OT | 0x0099 | |
libSceFreeTypeOl.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_FREETYPE_OL | 0x009A | |
libSceFreeTypeOptOl.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_FREETYPE_OPT_OL | 0x009B | |
libSceScreenShot.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_SCREEN_SHOT | 0x009C | |
libSceNpAuth.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_AUTH | 0x009D | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x009E | ||
Error:0x805A1000 | SCE_SYSMODULE_SULPHA | 0x009F | |
libSceSaveDataDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_SAVE_DATA_DIALOG | 0x00A0 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x00A1 | ||
libSceInvitationDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_INVITATION_DIALOG | 0x00A2 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | SCE_SYSMODULE_DEBUG_KEYBOARD | 0x00A3 | |
libSceMsgDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_MESSAGE_DIALOG | 0x00A4 | |
libSceAvPlayer.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_AV_PLAYER | 0x00A5 | |
libSceContentExport.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_CONTENT_EXPORT | 0x00A6 | |
libSceAudio3d.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_AUDIO_3D | 0x00A7 | |
libSceNpCommerce.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_COMMERCE | 0x00A8 | |
libSceMouse.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_MOUSE | 0x00A9 | |
libSceCompanionHttpd.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_COMPANION_HTTPD | 0x00AA | |
libSceWebBrowserDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_WEB_BROWSER_DIALOG | 0x00AB | |
libSceErrorDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_ERROR_DIALOG | 0x00AC | |
libSceNpTrophy.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_TROPHY | 0x00AD | |
libSceVideoCoreInterface.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_VIDEO_CORE_IF, SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED30 | 0x00AE | |
libSceNpSnsFacebookDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_SNS_FACEBOOK | 0x00B0 | |
libSceMoveTracker.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_MOVE_TRACKER | 0x00B1 | |
libSceNpProfileDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_PROFILE_DIALOG | 0x00B2 | |
libSceNpFriendListDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_FRIEND_LIST_DIALOG | 0x00B3 | |
libSceAppContent.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_APP_CONTENT | 0x00B4 | |
libSceNpSignaling.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_SIGNALING | 0x00B5 | |
libSceRemoteplay.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_REMOTE_PLAY | 0x00B6 | |
libSceUsbd.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_USBD | 0x00B7 | |
libSceGameCustomDataDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_GAME_CUSTOM_DATA_DIALOG | 0x00B8 | |
libSceNpEulaDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED0 | 0x00B9 | |
libSceRandom.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED1 | 0x00BA | |
Error:0x805A1000 | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED2 | 0x00BB | |
libSceM4aacEnc.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_M4AAC_ENC | 0x00BC | |
libSceAudiodecCpu.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_AUDIODEC_CPU | 0x00BD | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x00BF | ||
libSceBemp2sys.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED3 | 0x00C1 | |
libSceBeisobmf.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED4 | 0x00C2 | |
libScePlayReady.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED5 | 0x00C3 | |
libSceVideoNativeExtEssential.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED6 | 0x00C4 | |
libSceZlib.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_ZLIB | 0x00C5 | |
libSceDtcpIp.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED8 | 0x00C6 | |
libSceContentSearch.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_CONTENT_SEARCH | 0x00C7 | |
libSceShareUtility.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED9 | 0x00C8 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | SCE_SYSMODULE_DECI4H | 0x00CA | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_HEAD_TRACKER | 0x00CB | |
libSceGameUpdate.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED11 | 0x00CC | |
libSceAutoMounterClient.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED12 | 0x00CD | |
libSceSystemGesture.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_SYSTEM_GESTURE | 0x00CE | |
Error:0x805A1000 | SCE_SYSMODULE_VIDEODEC2 | 0x00CF | |
libSceVdecwrap.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED14 | 0x00D0 | |
libSceAt9Enc.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_AT9_ENC | 0x00D1 | |
libSceConvertKeycode.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_CONVERT_KEYCODE | 0x00D2 | |
libSceSharePlay.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_SHARE_PLAY | 0x00D3 | |
libSceHmd.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_HMD | 0x00D4 | |
libSceUsbStorage.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED18 | 0x00D5 | |
libSceUsbStorageDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED16 | 0x00D6 | |
libSceDiscMap.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED17 | 0x00D7 | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_FACE_TRACKER | 0x00D8 | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_HAND_TRACKER | 0x00D9 | |
libSceNpSnsYouTubeDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED19 | 0x00DA | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x00DB | ||
libSceProfileCacheExternal.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED20 | 0x00DC | |
libSceMusicPlayerService.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED21 | 0x00DD | |
libSceSpSysCallWrapper.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED22 | 0x00DE | |
libScePs2EmuMenuDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED23 | 0x00DF | |
libSceNpSnsDailyMotionDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED24 | 0x00E0 | |
libSceAudiodecCpuHevag.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_AUDIODEC_CPU_HEVAG | 0x00E1 | |
libSceLoginDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_LOGIN_DIALOG | 0x00E2 | |
libSceLoginService.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_LOGIN_SERVICE | 0x00E3 | |
libSceSigninDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_SIGNIN_DIALOG | 0x00E4 | |
libSceVdecsw.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED35 | 0x00E5 | |
libSceCustomMusicCore.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED25 | 0x00E6 | |
libSceJson2.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_JSON2 | 0x00E7 | |
libSceWkFontConfig.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED26 | 0x00E9 | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED27 | 0x00EA | |
libSceHmdSetupDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_HMD_SETUP_DIALOG | 0x00EB | |
Error:0x805A1000 | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED28 | 0x00EC | |
libSceVrTracker.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_VR_TRACKER | 0x00ED | |
libSceContentDelete.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_CONTENT_DELETE | 0x00EE | |
libSceImeBackend.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_IME_BACKEND | 0x00EF | |
libSceNetCtlApDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_NET_CTL_AP_DIALOG | 0x00F0 | |
libScePlayGoDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_PLAYGO_DIALOG | 0x00F1 | |
libSceSocialScreen.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_SOCIAL_SCREEN | 0x00F2 | |
libSceEditMp4.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_EDIT_MP4 | 0x00F3 | |
Error:0x805A1000 | 0x00F4 | ||
libScePsmKitSystem.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED37 | 0x00F5 | |
libSceTextToSpeech.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_TEXT_TO_SPEECH | 0x00F6 | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_TOOLKIT | 0x00F7 | |
libSceCustomMusicService.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED38 | 0x00F8 | |
libSceClSysCallWrapper.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED39 | 0x00F9 | |
libSceSystemLogger.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED40 | 0x00FA | |
libSceBluetoothHid.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_BLUETOOTH_HID | 0x00FB | |
libSceVideoDecoderArbitration.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_RESERVED41 | 0x00FC | |
libSceVrServiceDialog.sprx | SCE_SYSMODULE_VR_SERVICE_DIALOG | 0x00FD | |
Error:0x80020002 | SCE_SYSMODULE_JOB_MANAGER | 0x00FE | |
libSceShareFactoryUtil.sprx | 0x00FF | ||
libSceSocialScreenDialog.sprx | 0x0100 | ||
libSceNpSnsDialog.sprx | 0x0101 | ||
Error:0x80020002 | 0x0102 | ||
libSceSrcUtl.sprx | 0x0103 | ||
libSceDiscId.sprx | 0x0104 | ||
libSceNpUniversalDataSystem.sprx | 0x0105 | ||
libSceKeyboard.sprx | 0x0106 | ||
libSceGic.sprx | 0x0107 |
4.71 devkit internal sysmodules + non internal sysmodules + non sysmodules modules
Module name | Name | sysmodule ID | Remarks |
libc | - | ?0x5? | C/C++ standard libraries |
libSceFios2 | - | ?0xC? | File Input/Output Scheduler 2 |
libMonoCompilerBridge | |||
libMonoCompiler | |||
libMonoVirtualMachineBridge | |||
libMonoVirtualMachine | |||
libSceAbstractLocal | |||
libSceAbstractStorage | |||
libSceAbstractTwitter | |||
libSceAc3Enc | |||
libSceAjm | |||
libSceAppContent | SCE_SYSMODULE_APP_CONTENT | 0x00B4 | AppContent |
libSceAppInstUtil | |||
libSceAudio3d | SCE_SYSMODULE_AUDIO_3D | 0x00A7 | Audio3d library |
libSceAudiodec | SCE_SYSMODULE_AUDIODEC | 0x0088 | Audiodec library |
libSceAudiodecCpu | |||
libSceAudiodecCpuDdp | 0x00BE | ||
libSceAudiodecCpuM4aac | 0x00C0 | ||
libSceAudioIn | |||
libSceAudioOut | |||
libSceAvcap | |||
libSceAvPlayer | SCE_SYSMODULE_AV_PLAYER | 0x00A5 | AvPlayer library |
libSceAvSetting | |||
libSceBeisobmf | |||
libSceBemp2sys | |||
libSceBgft | |||
libSceCamera | |||
libSceCdlgUtilServer | |||
libSceCommonDialog | |||
libSceCompanionHttpd | SCE_SYSMODULE_COMPANION_HTTPD | 0x00AA | CompanionHttpd library |
libSceCompanionUtil | SCE_SYSMODULE_COMPANION_UTIL | 0x0082 | CompanionUtil library |
libSceCompositeExt | |||
libSceContentExport | SCE_SYSMODULE_CONTENT_EXPORT | 0x00A6 | ContentExport library |
libSceContentSearch | SCE_SYSMODULE_CONTENT_SEARCH | 0x00C7 | ContentSearch library |
libSceCtrlp | |||
libSceDbg | |||
libSceDbgKeyboard | SCE_SYSMODULE_DEBUG_KEYBOARD | 0x00A3 | DbgKeyboard library |
libSceDepth | SCE_SYSMODULE_DEPTH | 0x0092 | Depth library |
libSceDtsEnc | |||
libSceErrorDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_ERROR_DIALOG | 0x00AC | ErrorDialog library |
libSceFace | SCE_SYSMODULE_FACE | 0x0038 | Face library |
libSceFiber | SCE_SYSMODULE_FIBER | 0x0006 | Fiber library |
libSceFont | SCE_SYSMODULE_FONT | 0x0084 | Font library |
libSceFontFt | SCE_SYSMODULE_FONT_FT | 0x0098 | Font interface for the Font library |
libSceFreeTypeOt | SCE_SYSMODULE_FREETYPE_OT | 0x0099 | Font driver for the Font library (OpenType only) |
libSceFreeTypeOl | SCE_SYSMODULE_FREETYPE_OL | 0x009A | Font driver for the Font library (overall outline fonts including OpenType) |
libSceFreeTypeOptOl | SCE_SYSMODULE_FREETYPE_OPT_OL | 0x009B | Font driver for the Font library (outline fonts other than OpenType) |
libSceHand | SCE_SYSMODULE_HAND | 0x0093 | Hand library |
libSceGameCustomDataDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_GAME_CUSTOM_DATA_DIALOG | 0x00B8 | GameCustomDataDialog library |
libSceGameLiveStreaming | SCE_SYSMODULE_GAME_LIVE_STREAMING | 0x0081 | GameLiveStreaming library |
libSceGvMp4Parser | |||
libSceHidControl | |||
libSceHttp | |||
libSceIme | SCE_SYSMDOULE_LIBIME | 0x0095 | Ime library |
libSceImeDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_IME_DIALOG | 0x0096 | ImeDialog library |
libSceInjectedBundle | |||
libSceInvitationDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_INVITATION_DIALOG | 0x00A2 | InvitationDialog library |
libSceIpmi | |||
libSceJitBridge | |||
libSceJpegDec | SCE_SYSMODULE_JPEG_DEC | 0x008A | JpegDec library |
libSceJpegEnc | SCE_SYSMODULE_JPEG_ENC | 0x008B | JpegEnc library |
libSceJpegParser | |||
libSceJscCompiler | |||
libSceJson | ?0x80? | ||
libSceKbEmulate | |||
libSceKeyboard | |||
libSceM4aacEnc | SCE_SYSMODULE_M4AAC_ENC | 0x00BC | M4aacEnc library |
libSceManxWtf | |||
libSceMbus | |||
libSceMetadataReaderWriter | |||
libSceMouse | SCE_SYSMODULE_MOUSE | 0x00A9 | Mouse library |
libSceMove | SCE_SYSMODULE_MOVE | 0x008F | Move library |
libSceMoveTracker | SCE_SYSMODULE_MOVE_TRACKER | 0x00B1 | MoveTracker library |
libSceMsgDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_MESSAGE_DIALOG | 0x00A4 | MsgDialog library |
libSceMusicCoreServerClientJsEx | ?0x20? | ||
libSceMusicCoreServerClient | |||
libSceNetCtl | |||
libSceNet | |||
libSceNgs2 | SCE_SYSMODULE_NGS2 | 0x000B | Ngs2 library |
libSceNpAuth | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_AUTH | 0x009D | NpAuth library |
libSceNpCommerce | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_COMMERCE | 0x00A8 | NpCommerce, NpCommerceDialog libraries |
libSceNpCommon | |||
libSceNpFriendListDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_FRIEND_LIST_DIALOG | 0x00B3 | NpFriendListDialog library |
libSceNpManager | |||
libSceNpMatching2 | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_MATCHING2 | 0x001C | NpMatching2 library |
libSceNpParty | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_PARTY | 0x0097 | Nparty library |
libSceNpProfileDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_PROFILE_DIALOG | 0x00B2 | NpProfileDialog library |
libSceNpScore | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_SCORE_RANKING | 0x001E | NpScore library |
libSceNpSignaling | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_SIGNALING | 0x00B5 | NpSignaling library |
libSceNpSns | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_SNS_FACEBOOK | 0x00B0 | NpSnsFacebook library |
libSceNpTrophy | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_TROPHY | 0x00AD | NpTrophy library |
libSceNpTus | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_TUS | 0x002C | NpTus library |
libSceNpUtility | SCE_SYSMODULE_NP_UTILITY | 0x0019 | NpBandwidthTest, NpLookup, NpWordFilter libraries |
libSceNpWebApi | |||
libSceOrbisCompat | ?0x12? | ||
libScePad | |||
libScePadTracker | SCE_SYSMODULE_PAD_TRACKER | 0x0091 | PadTracker library |
libScePigletv2VSH | |||
libScePlayGoDev | SCE_SYSMODULE_PLAYGO | 0x0083 | PlayGo library |
libScePngDec | SCE_SYSMODULE_PNG_DEC | 0x008C | PngDec library |
libScePngEnc | SCE_SYSMODULE_PNG_ENC | 0x008D | PngEnc library |
libScePsm | |||
libSceRazorGpuThreadTrace | SCE_SYSMODULE_RAZOR_GPU_THREAD_TRACE | 0x00BF | RazorGpuThreadTrace library |
libSceRandom | |||
libSceRegMgr | |||
libSceRemotePlay | SCE_SYSMODULE_REMOTE_PLAY | 0x00B6 | Remoteplay library |
libSceRtc | |||
libSceRudp | SCE_SYSMODULE_RUDP | 0x0021 | Rudp library |
libSceS3DConversion | SCE_SYSMDOULE_S3DCONVERSION | 0x0086 | S3DConversion library |
libSceSaveData | SCE_SYSMODULE_SAVE_DATA_DIALOG | 0x00A0 | SaveDataDialog library |
libSceScreenShot | SCE_SYSMODULE_SCREEN_SHOT | 0x009C | ScreenShot library |
libSceShaccVSH | |||
libSceSmart | SCE_SYSMODULE_SMART | 0x0039 | Smart library |
libSceSsl | |||
libSceSulpha | SCE_SYSMODULE_SULPHA | 0x009F | Sulpha library |
libSceSysmodule | |||
libSceSystemGesture | SCE_SYSMODULE_SYSTEM_GESTURE | 0x00CE | SystemGesture library |
libSceSystemService | |||
libSceSysUtil | |||
libSceUpdateService | |||
libSceUlt | SCE_SYSMODULE_ULT | 0x0007 | Ult library |
libSceUsbd | SCE_SYSMODULE_USBD | 0x00B7 | Usbd library |
libSceUserService | |||
libSceVdecCore | |||
libSceVencCore | |||
libSceVideoCoreServerInterface | 0x00AF | ||
libSceVideodec | SCE_SYSMODULE_VIDEODEC | 0x008E | Videodec library |
libSceVideoRecording | SCE_SYSMODULE_VIDEO_RECORDING | 0x0085 | VideoRecording library |
libSceVisionManager | |||
libSceVoice | SCE_SYSMODULE_VOICE | 0x001A | Voice library |
libSceVoiceQos | SCE_SYSMODULE_VOICEQOS | 0x001B | VoiceQos library |
libSceVsh_aot | |||
libSceVshCommon_aot | |||
libSceWebKit2 | ? 0xE? | ||
libSceWeb | |||
libSceWebBrowserDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_WEB_BROWSER_DIALOG | 0x00AB | WebBrowserDialog library |
libSceXml | SCE_SYSMODULE_XML | 0x0017 | Xml library |
libSceNpSnsDialog | 0x0101 | ||
libSceDtcpIp | 0x00C6 | ||
libSceGameUpdate | 0x00CC | ||
libSceAutoMounterClient | 0x00CD | ||
libSceDiscMap | 0x00D7 | ||
libScePsmKitSystem | 0x00F5 | ||
libSceZlib | 0x00C5 |
Module name | Loadable from WebBrowser |
libkernel | |
libcInternal | Yes |
libSceFios2 | Yes |
lbSceNet | |
libSceIpmi | |
libSceMbus | |
libSceRegMgr | |
libSceRtc | |
librt | |
libSceAvSetting | Yes |
libSceVideoOut | |
libSceGnmDriver | Yes |
libSceAudioOut | Yes |
libSceAudioIn | Yes |
libSceAjm | Yes |
libScePad | |
libSceDbg | |
libSceNetCtl | |
libSceHttp | Yes |
libSceSsl | |
libSceNpCommon | Yes |
libSceNpManager | |
libSceNpWebApi | Yes |
libSceSaveData | Yes |
libSceSystemService | |
libSceUserService | Yes |
libSceCommonDialog | Yes |
libSceSysUtil | Yes |
libScePerf | |
libSceCamera | Yes |
libSceWebKit2ForVideoService | Yes |
libSceOrbisCompatForVideoService | Yes |
libSceDiscMap | Yes |
libSceFiber | Yes |
libSceUlt | Yes |
libSceNgs2 | Yes |
libSceXml | Yes |
libSceNpUtility | |
libSceVoice | Yes |
libSceNpMatching2 | Yes |
libSceNpScoreRanking | |
libSceRudp | Yes |
libSceNpTus | |
libSceFace | |
libSceSmart | |
libSceJson | Yes |
libSceGameLiveStreaming | Yes |
libSceCompanionUtil | Yes |
libScePlayGo | Yes |
libSceFont | Yes |
libSceVideoRecording | |
libSceAudiodec | |
libSceJpegDec | Yes |
libSceJpegEnc | Yes |
libScePngDec | Yes |
libScePngEnc | Yes |
libSceVideodec | Yes |
libSceMove | Yes |
libScePadTracker | Yes |
libSceDepth | Yes |
libSceHand | |
libSceIme | Yes |
libSceImeDialog | Yes |
libSceVdecCore | Yes |
libSceNpParty | Yes |
libSceAvcap | Yes |
libSceFontFt | Yes |
libSceFreeTypeOt | Yes |
libSceFreeTypeOl | Yes |
libSceFreeTypeOptOl | Yes |
libSceScreenShot | Yes |
libSceNpAuth | |
libSceVoiceQos | Yes |
libSceSysCore | |
libSceM4aacEnc | |
libSceAudiodecCpu | Yes |
libSceCdlgUtilServer | |
libSceSulpha | |
libSceSaveDataDialog | Yes |
libSceInvitationDialog | Yes |
libSceKeyboard | Yes |
libSceMsgDialog | Yes |
libSceAvPlayer | Yes |
libSceContentExport | Yes |
libSceVisionManager | |
libSceAc3Enc | |
libSceAppInstUtil | |
libSceVencCore | |
libSceAudio3d | Yes |
libSceNpCommerce | Yes |
libSceHidControl | Yes |
libSceMouse | Yes |
libSceCompanionHttpd | Yes |
libSceWebBrowserDialog | Yes |
libSceErrorDialog | Yes |
libSceNpTrophy | |
ulobjmgr | Yes |
libSceVideoCoreInterface | Yes |
libSceVideoCoreServerInterface | |
libSceNpSns | |
libSceNpSnsFacebookDialog | Yes |
libSceMoveTracker | Yes |
libSceNpProfileDialog | Yes |
libSceNpFriendListDialog | Yes |
libSceAppContent | Yes |
libSceMarlin | |
libSceDtsEnc | |
libSceNpSignaling | Yes |
libSceRemotePlay | Yes |
libSceUsbd | Yes |
libSceGameCustomDataDialog | Yes |
libSceNpEulaDialog | Yes |
libSceRandom | Yes |
libSceDipsw | |
libSceS3DConversion | |
libSceOttvCapture | |
libSceBgft | Yes |
libSceAudiodecCpuDdp | Yes |
libSceAudiodecCpuM4aac | Yes |
libSceAudiodecCpuDts | |
libSceAudiodecCpuDtsHdLbr | Yes |
libSceAudiodecCpuDtsHdMa | |
libSceAudiodecCpuLpcm | |
libSceBemp2sys | Yes |
libSceBeisobmf | Yes |
libScePlayReady | Yes |
libSceVideoNativeExtEssential | Yes |
libSceZlib | Yes |
libSceIduUtil | Yes |
libScePsm | Yes |
libSceDtcpIp | Yes |
libSceKbEmulate | Yes |
libSceAppChecker | |
libSceNpGriefReport | Yes |
libSceContentSearch | Yes |
libSceShareUtility | Yes |
libSceWeb | Yes |
libSceWebKit2 | |
libSceDeci4h | |
libSceHeadTracker | |
libSceGameUpdate | Yes |
libSceAutoMounterClient | Yes |
libSceSystemGesture | Yes |
libSceVdecSavc | Yes |
libSceVdecSavc2 | Yes |
libSceVideodec2 | Yes |
libSceVdecwrap | Yes |
libSceConvertKeycode | Yes |
Internal sysmodule libraries
Some modules ("internal") can be loaded via sceSysmoduleLoadModuleInternal (usually with a long hex ID prefixed with 8).
Module name | Name | Internal sysmodule ID |
libSceAudioOut | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_AUDIOOUT | 0x80000001 |
libSceAudioIn | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_AUDIOIN | 0x80000002 |
libSceAvcap | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_AV_CAPTURE | 0x80000003 |
libSceSysCore | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_SYSCORE | 0x80000004 |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x80000005 | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x80000006 | |
libSceKeyboard | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_KEYBOARD | 0x80000008 |
libSceNetCtl | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_NETCTL | 0x80000009 |
libSceHttp | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_HTTP | 0x8000000A |
libSceSsl | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_SSL | 0x8000000B |
libSceNpCommon | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_NP_COMMON | 0x8000000C |
libSceNpManager | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_NP_MANAGER | 0x8000000D |
libSceSaveData | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_SAVE_DATA | 0x8000000F |
libSceSystemService | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_SYSTEM_SERVICE | 0x80000010 |
libSceUserService | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_USER_SERVICE | 0x80000011 |
libSceVisionManager | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_VISION_MANAGER | 0x80000012 |
libSceAc3Enc | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_AC3_ENC | 0x80000013 |
libSceAppInstUtil | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_APP_INST_UTIL | 0x80000014 |
libSceVdecCore | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_VDECCORE | 0x80000015 |
libSceVencCore (file not found) | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_VENCCORE | 0x80000016 |
libSceHidControl | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_HID_CONTROL | 0x80000017 |
libSceCommonDialog | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_COMMON_DIALOG | 0x80000018 |
libScePerf | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_PERF | 0x80000019 |
libSceCamera | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_CAMERA | 0x8000001A |
libSceNpSns | 0x8000001B | |
libSceNet | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_NET | 0x8000001C |
libSceIpmi | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_IPMI | 0x8000001D |
libSceMbus | 0x8000001E | |
libSceRegMgr | 0x8000001F | |
libSceRtc | 0x80000020 | |
libSceAvSetting | 0x80000021 | |
libSceVideoOut | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_VIDEO_OUT | 0x80000022 |
libSceAjm | 0x80000023 | |
libScePad | 0x80000024 | |
libSceDbg | 0x80000025 | |
libSceSysUtil | 0x80000026 | |
libSceMarlin | 0x80000027 | |
libSceDtsEnc | 0x80000028 | |
libSceDipsw | 0x80000029 | |
libSceBgft | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_BGFT | 0x8000002A |
libSceAudiodecCpuDts | 0x8000002B | |
libSceAudiodecCpuDtsHdLbr | 0x8000002C | |
libSceAudiodecCpuDtsHdMa | 0x8000002D | |
libSceAudiodecCpuLpcm | 0x8000002E | |
libSceIduUtil | 0x8000002F | |
libScePsm | 0x80000030 | |
libSceKbEmulate | 0x80000031 | |
libSceAppChecker | 0x80000032 | |
libSceNpGriefReport | 0x80000033 | |
libSceWeb | 0x80000034 | |
libSceVdecSavc | 0x80000035 | |
libSceVdecSavc2 | 0x80000036 | |
libSceVshctl | 0x80000037 | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x80000038 | |
file not found | 0x80000039 | |
libSceAudiodReport | 0x8000003A | |
libSceSulphaDrv | 0x8000003B | |
libSceVdecShevc | 0x8000003C | |
libSceDbgAssist | 0x8000003D | |
libSceOttvCapture | 0x8000003E | |
libSceBackupRestoreUtil (file not found) | 0x8000003F | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x80000040 | |
libSceTtsCoreEnUs | 0x80000041 | |
libSceTtsCoreJp | 0x80000042 | |
libSceOpusCeltEnc | 0x80000043 | |
libSceOpusCeltDec | 0x80000044 | |
libSceLoginMgrServer (file not found) | 0x80000045 | |
libSceVideoOutSecondary | 0x80000046 | |
libSceGnmResourceRegistration | 0x80000047 | |
libSceMat (not present on 5.05 retail) | 0x80000048 | |
libSceScm | 0x80000049 | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x8000004A | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x8000004B | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x8000004C | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x8000004D | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x8000004E | |
not present on 5.05 retail | 0x8000004F | |
libSceAvPlayerStreaming | 0x80000050 | |
libSceAudiodecCpuAlac | 0x80000051 | |
libSceGnmDriver | 0x80000052 | |
libSceAudiodecCpuFlac | 0x80000053 | |
libSceSrcUtl | 0x80000054 | |
libSceS3da | 0x80000055 | |
libSceDseehx | 0x80000056 | |
libSceDataTransfer | 0x80000057 | |
libSceAbstractStorage | 0x80000058 | |
libSceImageUtil | 0x80000059 | |
libSceMetadataReaderWriter | 0x8000005A | |
libSceJpegParser | 0x8000005B | |
libSceGvMp4Parser | 0x8000005C | |
libScePngParser | 0x8000005D | |
libSceGifParser | 0x8000005E | |
libSceAbstractLocal | 0x8000005F | |
libSceAbstractFacebook | 0x80000060 | |
libSceAbstractYoutube | 0x80000061 | |
libSceAbstractTwitter | 0x80000062 | |
libSceAbstractDailymotion | 0x80000063 | |
libScePrecompiledShaders | SCE_SYSMODULE_INTERNAL_PRECOMPILED_SHADERS | 0x80000064 |
libSceLibreSsl | 0x80000065 | |
?libSceRandom? (file not found) | 0x80000066 | |
libSceDolbyVision (file not found) | 0x80000067 | |
libSceOpusSilkEnc.sprx | 0x80000068 | |
libSceOpusDec.sprx | 0x80000069 | |
?libSceWebKit2.sprx? | 0x8000006A | |
?? | 0x8000006B | |
libSceJscCompiler.sprx | 0x8000006C | |
libSceVideoCoreServerInterface.sprx | 0x8000006D | |
libSceJitBridge.sprx | 0x8000006E | |
Success : 0x80020002 | 0x8000006F | |
Success : 0x80020002 | 0x80000070 | |
Success : 0x80020002 | 0x80000071 | |
Success : 0x80020002 | 0x80000072 | |
Success : 0x80020002 | 0x80000073 | |
Success : 0x80020002 | 0x80000074 | |
Success : 0x805A1000 | 0x80000075 |
To check
Module name | Name | Sysmodule ID |
libkernel | ????? (0x0FFFFFFFF00000000 or 0x0A) | |
libSceLibcInternal | ????? (0x0FFFFFFFF00000000 or 0x13) | |
libSceWebKit2ForVideoService | ????? (0x0FFFFFFFF00000000 or 0x1D) | |
libSceOrbisCompatForVideoService | ????? (0x0FFFFFFFF00000000 or 0x21) | |
libSceCoreIPC | ????? (0x0FFFFFFFF00000000 or 0x0E or 0x103A8) | |
libSceVorbisDec | 0x000000EA | |
ulobjmgr | ????? (0x0FFFFFFFF00000000 or 0x9 or 0x102D4) |
Heading text
List of Stubs
libc_stub_weak libkernel_stub_weak libSceAjm_stub_weak libSceAppContent_stub_weak libSceAt9Enc_stub_weak libSceAudio3d_stub_weak libSceAudiodec_stub_weak libSceAudiodecCpu_stub_weak libSceAudiodecCpuHevag_stub_weak libSceAudioIn_stub_weak libSceAudioLatencyEstimation_stub_weak libSceAudioOut_stub_weak libSceAvPlayer_stub_weak libSceCamera_stub_weak libSceCommonDialog_stub_weak libSceCompanionHttpd_stub_weak libSceCompanionUtil_stub_weak libSceContentDelete_stub_weak libSceContentExport_stub_weak libSceContentSearch_stub_weak libSceConvertKeycode_stub_weak libSceCoredump_stub_weak libSceDbg_stub_weak libSceDbgAddressSanitizer_stub_weak libSceDbgAudioOut_stub_weak libSceDbgKeyboard_stub_weak libSceDbgPlayGo_stub_weak libSceDbgUBSanitizer_stub_weak libSceDbgVideoOut_stub_weak libSceDeci4h_stub_weak libSceDepth_stub_weak libSceEditMp4_stub_weak libSceErrorDialog_stub_weak libSceFace_stub_weak libSceFaceTracker_stub_weak libSceFiber_stub_weak libSceFios2_debug_stub_weak libSceFios2_stub_weak libSceFont_stub_weak libSceFontFt_stub_weak libSceGameCustomDataDialog_stub_weak libSceGameLiveStreaming_stub_weak libSceGnmDriver_stub_weak libSceGpuDebugger_stub_weak libSceHand_stub_weak libSceHandTracker_stub_weak libSceHeadTracker_stub_weak libSceHmd_stub_weak libSceHmdSetupDialog_stub_weak libSceHttp_stub_weak libSceIme_stub_weak libSceImeBackend_stub_weak libSceImeDialog_stub_weak libSceInvitationDialog_stub_weak libSceJobManager_stub_weak libSceJpegDec_stub_weak libSceJpegEnc_stub_weak libSceJson2_stub_weak libSceLoginDialog_stub_weak libSceLoginService_stub_weak libSceM4aacEnc_stub_weak libSceMat_stub_weak libSceMouse_stub_weak libSceMove_stub_weak libSceMoveTracker_stub_weak libSceMsgDialog_stub_weak libSceNet_stub_weak libSceNetCtl_stub_weak libSceNetCtlAp_stub_weak libSceNetCtlApDialog_stub_weak libSceNetDebug_stub_weak libSceNgs2_stub_weak libSceNpAuth_stub_weak libSceNpCommerce_stub_weak libSceNpCommon_stub_weak libSceNpFriendListDialog_stub_weak libSceNpManager_stub_weak libSceNpMatching2_stub_weak libSceNpParty_stub_weak libSceNpProfileDialog_stub_weak libSceNpScore_stub_weak libSceNpSignaling_stub_weak libSceNpSns_stub_weak libSceNpSnsFacebookDialog_stub_weak libSceNpToolkit_stub_weak libSceNpTrophy_stub_weak libSceNpTus_stub_weak libSceNpUtility_stub_weak libSceNpWebApi_stub_weak libScePad_stub_weak libScePadTracker_stub_weak libScePerf_stub_weak libScePlayGo_stub_weak libScePlayGoDialog_stub_weak libScePngDec_stub_weak libScePngEnc_stub_weak libScePosix_stub_weak libSceRandom_stub_weak libSceRazorGpuThreadTrace_stub_weak libSceRemoteplay_stub_weak libSceRtc_stub_weak libSceRudp_stub_weak libSceS3DConversion_stub_weak libSceSaveData_stub_weak libSceSaveDataDialog_stub_weak libSceScreenShot_stub_weak libSceSharePlay_stub_weak libSceShareUtility_stub_weak libSceSigninDialog_stub_weak libSceSmart_stub_weak libSceSocialScreen_stub_weak libSceSsl_stub_weak libSceSulpha_stub_weak libSceSysmodule_stub_weak libSceSystemGesture_stub_weak libSceSystemService_stub_weak libSceUlt_stub_weak libSceUsbd_stub_weak libSceUserService_stub_weak libSceVideodec_stub_weak libSceVideodec2_stub_weak libSceVideoOut_stub_weak libSceVideoRecording_stub_weak libSceVoice_stub_weak libSceVoiceQoS_stub_weak libSceVrServiceDialog_stub_weak libSceVrTracker_stub_weak libSceWebBrowserDialog_stub_weak libSceXml_stub_weak libSceZlib_stub_weak
- Total Count: 131