Talk:PSP Emulation

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Revision as of 21:32, 21 July 2018 by Mysis (talk | contribs)
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  • No keys available in emu, so everything is loaded decrypted from ISO
  • BOOT.BIN is the loaded executable from ISO
  • 3 psp remasters (1 is below 4.55, 2 others above 4.55 but below 5.05)
  • size of patapon is 574MB, size of locoroco 2 is 3.3GB


local gpr		= require( "ax-gpr-alias" ) -- you can access Allegrex GPR by alias (gpr.a0 / gpr["a0"])
local pad		= require( "pad" ) -- pad state
local emuObj		= getEmuObject() -- emulator
local axObj		= getAXObject() -- allegrex

-- Fixup additional songs path
local addOnPathHook = function()
	local pathPtr = axObj.GetGpr(gpr.a2)
	axObj.WriteMemStrZ(pathPtr, "ao0:/MUSIC/") -- reroute to add-on directory

axObj.AddHook(0x88c022c, 0x24c66de0, addOnPathHook)

reroutes sceIoOpen "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/UCUS98702MUSIC/" to "ao0:/MUSIC/"

axObj.AddHook(0x8800000 (base) + offset in psp boot.bin, original bytes little endian, hook_function)