Editing Official Configuration Files

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These are configuration files extracted from official PS2 game packages. Most of them require emulator/recompiler files from their extracted pkgs to function optimally.
Here are configuration files extracted from official packages to improve PS2 emulator compatibility on PS4. Most of them also require emulator/recompiler files from extracted pkg to work correctly.

Line 17: Line 17:
====Ape Escape 2====
local gpr = require("ee-gpr-alias")
require( "ee-hwaddr" )
apiRequest(0.1) -- request version 0.1 API. Calling apiRequest() is mandatory.
local eeObj = getEEObject()
-- -- never gonna die
-- eeInsnReplace(  0x2bd0a0, 0x27bdfff0, 0x03e00008) --  addiu sp,sp,-16
-- eeInsnReplace(  0x2bd0a4, 0x3c02003e, 0x00000000) --  lui v0,0x3e
-- performance fix bug #9789
local emuObj = getEmuObject()
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "ignoreAreaUpdate", 0, { } )
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "includeAreaUpdate", "reserved" , {alpha = 0x80000048 } )
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "ignoreUpRender", 50 , { } )

====Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits™====
====Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits™====
Line 1,421: Line 1,382:

====Jak X====
--vu1-clamp-range=0x5e0,0x5f0 # another gritches
-- Jak X Combat Racing  [US]
local gpr = require("ee-gpr-alias")
local eeObj = getEEObject()
local emuObj = getEmuObject()
local gsObj = getGsObject()
local eeOverlay = eeObj.getOverlayObject()
-- Bug 10697
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "ignoreSubBuffCov", "reserved", { texMode=2 , tw=6 , th=5} )
-- Fix shadow
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "forceSimpleFetch", "reserved", { texMode=1  } )
-- Reduce flush count
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "SetSelfRender", "reserved", { fbmask= 0x00FFFFFF , renderSelf=1 , zmsk=1 , alpha=0 , texMode=1  } )
-- ------------------------- OVERLAY MANAGER --------------------------
g_OnOverlayRegistered = function(filename, start, size)
-- global function provided for adding per-overlay callback handlers.
-- See code for bug#10141 below, as example of this usage.
-- -- this hooks at the moment of loading the relocatable code and patch it only on the target segment.
eeObj.AddHook(0x0026ff90, 0x03207825, function()
local s1 = eeObj.GetGpr    (gpr.s1)
local filename = eeObj.ReadMemStr(s1 + 17)
local segment = eeObj.ReadMem32 (s1 + 8)
local main = eeObj.ReadMem32 (segment + 4)
local mainSize = eeObj.ReadMem32 (segment + 8)
local top = eeObj.ReadMem32 (segment + 36)
local topSize = eeObj.ReadMem32 (segment + 40)
if emuObj.IsToolingVerbose() then
print(string.format("LOAD SEGMENT \"%s\" MAIN %08x size %x TOP %08x size %x",
filename, main, mainSize, top, topSize))
eeOverlay.Register(filename .. ".main", main, mainSize, false)
eeOverlay.Register(filename .. ".top",  top,  topSize,  true )
if (g_OnOverlayRegistered ~= nil) then
-- Make sure to execute any previously registered OnOverlay handler
g_OnOverlayRegistered(filename .. ".main", main, mainSize)
g_OnOverlayRegistered(filename .. ".top",  top,  topSize )
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This code serves as both a working patch for Jak X and as a sample for implementing
-- overlay-relative code patches in trophy or feature lua scripts.  The process described:
-- 1. store local copy of current global variable instance.  if g_OnOverlayRegistered is
--    nil then we have a problem.  The universal overlay hook is missing for some reason.
-- 2. Bind our own function to g_OnOverlayRegistered.  Since it's a global, the hook code
--    in config.lua will execute our handler when the hook is invoked.
assert(g_OnOverlayRegistered ~= nil)
local prev_OnOverlayRegistered = g_OnOverlayRegistered
g_OnOverlayRegistered = function(filename, start, size)
if (prev_OnOverlayRegistered ~= nil) then
-- Make sure to execute any previously registered OnOverlay handler
prev_OnOverlayRegistered(filename, start, size)
-- bug#10141  workaround
-- the problem is actually on a block 0x013090bc - 0x01309188.
-- the block is expected to loop 8 times (s4 is the loop counter),
-- the game falls into freezing state once it reaches at 0x01309170.
-- it seems it's OK just to avoid to go into this 'freeze' state, eliminated the branch.
-- this doesn't take into account relocatable code.
-- eeInsnReplace(0x01309174, 0x1000012f, 0) -- beq    $zero,$zero,0x01309634   
-- 01309c64 : (1000012f) beq    $zero,$zero,0x0130a124    => nop
if filename == "lobby-menu-manager.main" then
local adr    = start + 0x1224
assert (eeObj.ReadMem32(adr) == 0x1000012f)
eeObj.WriteMem32(adr, 0)
-- bug#10720 - title has a bugged RNG which does an SQRT of the current seed and xor the
-- result back into the seed.  This breaks the prime factorial pattern of the RNG and causes
-- it to fall into a repeating loop with disturbing regularity.  NOP'ing out the sqrt/xor
-- hack seems to fix the title. --jstine
if filename == "math.main" then
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x0005e4) == 0x4be1043d) -- vrget.wxyz  vf01,r
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x0005e8) == 0x4a0103bd) -- vsqrt        q,vf01x
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x0005ec) == 0x4b0000a0) -- vaddq.x      vf02,vf00,q
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x0005f0) == 0x4a00143f) -- vrxor        r,vf02x
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x0005e4, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x0005e8, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x0005ec, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x0005f0, 0x00000000)
-- this RNG-sqrt instance is removed more for performance than for RNG corruption.  the particle
-- launcher iterates over the sqrt quite often.  In any case, not corrupting the RNG seed with
-- bad sqrt math is always a good thing in my book --jstine
if filename == "sparticle-launcher.main" then
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x00630c) == 0x4be1043d) -- vrget.wxyz  vf01,r
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x006310) == 0x4a0103bd) -- vsqrt        q,vf01x
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x006318) == 0x4b0000a0) -- vaddq.x      vf02,vf00,q
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x006370) == 0x4a00143f) -- vrxor        r,vf02x
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x0063fc) == 0x4a00143f) -- vrxor        r,vf02x
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x006484) == 0x4a00143f) -- vrxor        r,vf02x
assert(eeObj.ReadMem32(start + 0x00651c) == 0x4a00143f) -- vrxor        r,vf02x
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x00630c, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x006310, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x006318, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x006370, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x0063fc, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x006484, 0x00000000)
eeObj.WriteMem32(start + 0x00651c, 0x00000000)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--vu1-clamp-range=0x5e0,0x5f0 # another gritches
Line 2,768: Line 2,584:
#fix for substantial slowdown during combat.</pre>
#fix for substantial slowdown during combat.</pre>
====Star Ocean 3====
-- star_ocean sles82028
local gpr = require("ee-gpr-alias")
apiRequest(0.1) -- request version 0.1 API. Calling apiRequest() is mandatory.
local emuObj = getEmuObject()
local eeObj = getEEObject()
-- Ignore up-render shift for triangles when writing mask = write alpha only . Will fix shadows (bug# 6724).
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "ignoreUpShiftTri", "reserved" , { fbmask = 0x00FFFFFF  } )
--  Performance  fix ( bug# 9474 )
if 0 then -- emuObj.IsNeoMode() then -- neo mode check disabled, due to bug #10442
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "globalSet",  "reserved", { workLoadThreshold = 125000} )
emuObj.SetGsTitleFix( "globalSet",  "reserved", { workLoadThreshold = 100000} )
local reduceShadowsToOne = function()
    eeObj.SetGPR(gpr.a3 ,1)
if 1 then  -- not emuObj.IsNeoMode() then -- neo mode check disabled, due to bug #10443
-- enable this hook only in base mode.
-- NEO mode hardware has enough horsepower to render extra shadows. (correction: it doesn't, bug 10443)
eeObj.AddHook(0x0042d1e0, 0x24c60001, reduceShadowsToOne)
-- NOP out some meaningless (M) bits.
-- SO3 uses these as a performance optimization to allow writing next data set regs in parallel
-- to mpg calculating results of current set.  In our emu it's sync always, so just interlock is ok.
vuInsnReplace(0, 0x004, (0x21f809bc<<32) | 0x8000033c, (0x01f809bc<<32) | 0x8000033c) -- MULAbc.xyzw Acc, vf01, vf24.x (M)
vuInsnReplace(0, 0x016, (0x21f859bc<<32) | 0x8000033c, (0x01f859bc<<32) | 0x8000033c) -- MULAbc.xyzw Acc, vf11, vf24.x (M)
vuInsnReplace(0, 0x034, (0x21f880bd<<32) | 0x8000033c, (0x01f880bd<<32) | 0x8000033c) -- MADDAbc.xyzw Acc, Acc, vf16, vf24.y (M)
vuInsnReplace(0, 0x05b, (0x21f81e4a<<32) | 0x8000033c, (0x01f81e4a<<32) | 0x8000033c) -- MADDbc.xyzw vf25, Acc, vf03, vf24.z (M)
vuInsnReplace(0, 0x06c, (0x210001c3<<32) | 0x8000033c, (0x010001c3<<32) | 0x8000033c) -- ADDbc.x vf07, vf00, vf00.w (M)
vuInsnReplace(0, 0x15d, (0x21e141bc<<32) | 0x8000033c, (0x01e141bc<<32) | 0x8000033c) -- MULAbc.xyzw Acc, vf08, vf01.x
-- remove DMA Ch1 kick for audio-vu1.
-- using Native EE processing code.
-- See. SLES82028_cli.conf and eJitExec_NativeHooks.cpp.
eeInsnReplace(0x00109bd4, 0xac239000, 0) -- sw      $v1,-0x7000 (0xffff9000)($at)
eeInsnReplace(0x00109c08, 0xac239000, 0) -- sw      $v1,-0x7000 (0xffff9000)($at)
--Title must always run 50 hz (PAL) even when PRogressive Mode has been enabled.
-- (progressive mode is made possible via ISD LUA patch, it was originally removed from the PAL region
--  release of SO3)

====Star Wars Bounty Hunter====
====Star Wars Bounty Hunter====
Line 3,345: Line 3,085:

{{Reverse Engineering}}<noinclude>
{{Reverse Engineering}}<noinclude>[[Category:Main]]</noinclude>
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