Product Code

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A Target ID is a single byte or hexadecimal identifier that determines what type of console you have.

Known Target ID's

Value Console Type Shortcode Region Code
0x81  DECR  Reference Tool / DECR TOOL TOOL
0x82  DEX  Debug / DEX DEX DEX
0x83  CEX  Retail Japan CEX J1
0x84  CEX  Retail USA CEX UC2
0x85  CEX  Retail Europe CEX CEL
0x86  CEX  Retail Korea CEX KR2
0x87  CEX  Retail United Kingdom CEX CEK
0x88  CEX  Retail Mexico CEX MX2
0x89  CEX  Retail Australia/New Zealand CEX AU3
0x8A  CEX  Retail South Asia CEX E12
0x8B  CEX  Retail Taiwan CEX TW1
0x8C  CEX  Retail Russia CEX RU3
0x8D  CEX  Retail China (Never released) CEX CN9
0x8E  CEX  Retail Hong Kong CEX HK5
0xA0  ARC  System Debugger / Arcade ARC ARCADE

The 6th byte in IDPS (can be found in EID0 and EID5, see Flash) represents your Target ID