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PSN Handshake Signup

Signup Response

Basic structure of the response

   0x00:  4 Byte - main header -> 30 00 00 4f 
   0x04:  4 Byte - size		   -> 00 5e 00 47
   0x08:  8 Byte - ? Identifier, often found before Name/Handle
   0x10: 16 Byte - Name/Handle
   0x20: 16 Byte - language
   0x26:  6 Byte - np:  00 01 00 00 00 sp-int: 00 01 00 00 00 23 
   0x2a:  4 Byte - {10 5d 00 0b} 0x000b - size of email
   0x2e:  x Byte - email, here 0b in size


Main Header xx xx xx ss ss = size

Positive Auth

Auth Reply Structure

   0x00:  4 Byte - main header -> 31 00 00 00 
   0x04:  4 Byte - size        -> 00 00 00 d4 
   0x08:  4 Byte - frame head  -> 30 00 00 ac 
   0x0c:  4 Byte - {00 08 00 14}
   0x10: 20 Byte - SIGNATURE -> maybe HMAC/SHA1
   0x24:  4 Byte - {00 01 00 04}
   0x28:  4 Byte - ? 00 00 00 01 (cfr) or 00 00 01 00 (me & nks) (???)
   0x2c:  4 Byte - {00 07 00 08}
   0x30:  8 Byte - Timestamp (Login Time)
   0x38:  4 Byte - {00 07 00 08}
   0x3c:  8 Byte - Timestamp (Login Expiry)  
   0x44:  4 Byte - {00 02 00 08} 
   0x48:  8 Byte - Identifier *
   0x50:  4 Byte - {00 04 00 20}
   0x54: 32 Byte - Name/Handle 
   0x74:  4 Byte - {00 08 00 04}
   0x78:  4 Byte - language
   0x7c:  4 Byte - {00 04 00 04}
   0x80:  4 Byte - ??? 		
   0x84:  4 Byte - {00 08 00 18}
   0x88: 24 Byte - service ID 
   0xa0:  4 Byte - {30 11 00 04}
   0xa4:  4 Byte - ??? 		07 and 3 undef
   0xa8:  4 Byte - {00 01 00 04}
   0xac:  4 Byte - ??? 		2 undef and 02 00
   0xb0:  8 Byte - 30 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 
   0xb8:  4 Byte - frame head -> 30 02 00 20 
   0xbc:  4 Byte - {00 08 00 04}
   0xc0:  4 Byte - Network: NP: 34 CD 3C A9 SP/QA: B8 2F CB 09
   0xc4:  4 Byte - {00 08 00 14}
   0xc8: 20 Byte - SIGNATURE -> maybe HMAC/SHA1
  • Often found before Name/Handle, assigned at signup and store at first 8 byte of cache
  • * Seems to be the same for the same for every console, differs for others

Size xx xx xx ss ss = message size

Frame Head [xx yy ss ss] xx = 30 yy = unknown. maybe frame number ss = framesize in hex

Limiter {xx xx ss ss} xx = unknown ss = data size in hex


These are Timestamp:

	X = 00 00 01 2f 31 ff a0 58h -> 1302213927000d

The X / 1000 = seconds since 1970, so this date is 08.04.2011

PHP to easy recheck:

 $timestamp = 1302010662000 / 1000;

It's just Miliseconds.

Profile Settings


On finalize auth ps3 request profile settings is xml based process

request profile with auth encrypted to base64 and sends to a server with this :


 POST /basic_view/sec/get_self_profile HTTP/1.1
 Connection	Keep-Alive
 Content-Length	430
 Accept-Encoding	identity
 User-Agent	PS3Community-agent/1.0.0 libhttp/1.0.0
 Host	Url:443


 <profile platform="ps3" sv="[VERSION">
 	<ticket>[encrypted with base64 auth handshake]</ticket>
 	<avatar size="l" />

nb: [environment] is one of the Environments lowercased


and get profile responses here :


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Date	Wed, 18 May 2011 08:12:42 GMT
 Server	Apache-Coyote/1.1
 Content-Type	text/xml;charset=UTF-8
 Content-Length	364


 <profile result="00">
 	<onlinename upd="0">[Nickname on psn]</onlinename>
 	<country>[Country code]</country>
 	<language2 />
 	<language3 />
 	<aboutme />
 	<avatarurl id="1000">[png image url to set avatar display]</avatarurl>
  • Get profile need's other certicate to auth ssl connection in this case Dnas root 05

PSN Store

PSN INFINITY v2 - Open Beta

App made by SKFU + iQD, source:
Dependencies are OpenSSL + VC Redists:

PSN PS3MFW TCL Task - 4.11 only PS3 CFW 3.55 - Open Beta

It is one patch for PSN 4.11 IN CFW 3.55 RETAIL Beta using PS3MFW 0.2.1. Use with your responsibility.

# ps3mfw -- PS3 MFW creator
# Copyright (C) Anonymous Developers (Code Monkeys)
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License ("GPL") version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

# Created By Boludoz

# Priority: 700
# Description: Patch PSN Activator

# Option --allow-activating-psn: PSN Spoof 4.11 (requiere sproof 4.11)

# Type --allow-activating-psn: boolean

namespace eval ::patch_vsh_psn {

    array set ::patch_vsh_psn::options {
        --allow-activating-psn true

    proc main { } {
        set self [file join dev_flash vsh module vsh.self]

        ::modify_devflash_file $self ::patch_vsh_psn::patch_self

    proc patch_self {self} {
        if {!$::patch_vsh_psn::options(--allow-activating-psn)} {
            log "WARNING: Enabled task has no enabled option" 1
        } else {
            ::modify_self_file $self ::patch_vsh_psn::patch_elf

    proc patch_elf {elf} {
        if {$::patch_vsh_psn::options(--allow-activating-psn)} {
            log "Patching [file tail $elf] to allow activating psn content offline"

			set offset "0x679E30"
            set search "\x39\x39\x2e\x39\x39\x00\x00\x00\x25\x30\x32\x64\x2e\x25\x30\x32\x20"
            set replace "\x39\x39\x2e\x39\x39\x00\x00\x00\x30\x34\x2e\x31\x31\x00\x00\x00"

            catch_die {::patch_elf $elf $search 0 $replace} "Unable to patch self [file tail $elf]"

			set offset "0x679E40"
            set search "\x64\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x73\x70\x2d\x69\x6e\x74\x00\x00"
            set replace "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x73\x70\x2d\x69\x6e\x74\x00\x00"

            catch_die {::patch_elf $elf $search 20 $replace} "Unable to patch self [file tail $elf]"
			set offset "0X6F8400"
            set search "\x42\x8A\x8A\x72\x09\x13\x8F\x12\x48\x4E\xA4\xF0\xD0\x4C\xED\xF4"
            set replace "\x42\x8A\x8A\x72\x49\xE4\xB5\x6D\x14\xFE\x48\xB9\xD1\x87\x7F\xDF"

            catch_die {::patch_elf $elf $search 20 $replace} "Unable to patch self [file tail $elf]"
			set offset "0X6F8410"
            set search "\xB8\x22\x80\xE4\x3C\xB5\x88\x76\x75\x03\xD5\xEF\xB1\x70\xAA\x19"
            set replace "\x1C\xE0\xC6\x21\xA3\x74\x2C\x45\x67\x8B\x69\x4D\x32\xC0\xDC\xD9"
			set offset "0X6F8420"
            set search "\x4D\x42\x7D\x4F\xCA\xD8\x6C\x5A\x2B\xE0\xC3\x80\x74\x22\x86\x75"
            set replace "\x40\x4F\xB8\xF6\x12\xE0\x60\x3C\x37\x20\x9D\x8B\x93\x71\x6C\xD7"

            catch_die {::patch_elf $elf $search 0 $replace} "Unable to patch self [file tail $elf]"

			set offset "0X6F8430"
            set search "\x10\x5D\x40\x99\x63\x01\x38\x06\x79\x59\xB9\x62\x96\x53\xDD\x67"
            set replace "\x09\xC8\x20\x21\xD7\xE5\x24\x6A\x36\xBE\xE0\x99\xA1\x0E\x8F\x40"

            catch_die {::patch_elf $elf $search 20 $replace} "Unable to patch self [file tail $elf]"
			set offset "0X6F8440"
            set search "\x7D\x24\x4F\xA3"
            set replace "\x0D\x8E\x0D\x95"

            catch_die {::patch_elf $elf $search 20 $replace} "Unable to patch self [file tail $elf]"

            log "WARNING: activating psn content offline requires reActPSN application" 1