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Revision as of 07:24, 26 February 2012 by Sandungas (talk | contribs) (internall structures)
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This file is used to describe the update history (display on xmb under options of the game or game data utility) Game example:

  • HATSUNE MIKU Project Diva - Dreamy Theater (update 1.01 of the PS3 PSN side)
  • Catherine BLJM60215 (Japanese version) update 1.01

Location : same as PARAM.SFO (folder game)

Relation with PARAM.SFO : independent from Title_ID or version but need to be under PS3 game category

Relation with PARAM.HIS : Generated from PARAM.HIP by ps3 (after unpkg)or first boot of the game/ homebrew, overwrite, add infos (such as ) and convert it (to Shift JIS).

Both PARAM.HIS & PARAM.HIP can be language specific (e.g. PARAM_16.HIS for polish language) by adding a number to the end of filename from this list Content_Information_Files#Languages

Internal Structures


This structure is repeated several times inside the file, one time for each text row, the controll byte "0A" displaces text to the next row

Description Lenght Example Conversion Example Converted Notes
Text Line Nº1 variable 48 69 20 3A 29 utf-8 Hi :)
Line Feed 1 byte 0A None Control byte to break the text line


This structure is repeated severall times inside the file ?... if so... the counter increases ?

Description Lenght Example Conversion Example Converted Notes
Counter ? 1 byte 01 Decimal 1 needs confirmation
timestamp 8 bytes 00 00 00 00 4E F6 59 70 Decimal ---> Unix time 1324767600 ---> 2011/12/25 00:00
Unknown 1 byte 02
PARAM.HIP variable raw PARAM.HIP

Hex to binary online [conversor]

Timestamp online [copnversor]

