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Loaders are used for loading other modules.

Commonly found in CoreOS and Flash.

Known loaders

Loader Location Type Remarks
bootldr Flash Boot Loader primairy loader from chain of trust
metldr Flash Meta Loader aka asecure_loader. Loads other loaders
appldr CoreOS Application Loader loads vsh.self (Userspace Module)
isoldr CoreOS Isolation Loader loading isolated SPU modules
lv1ldr CoreOS Hypervisor Loader loads lv1.self (Hypervisor)
lv2ldr CoreOS Supervisor Loader loads lv2_kernel.self (Supervisor kernel)

Stop Codes

Stop Code Module Remark
0x30 isoldr/appldr Version mismatch (isoldr version differs from version returned by SPU channel 73).
0x16 isoldr
0x27 appldr SPU arg at 0x3E840


When booting, lv1ldr store its version in this region writing to ch_72.
isoldr asks for the version in two chuncks, if you want to pass version 3.41 (0x0003004100000000)

Note: this version check was recently added, maybe in fw 3.41

//for ch_73_round_0
data0 = 0x00030041;
//for ch_73_round_1
data1 = 0x00000000;


Used for loading the hypervisor (lv1.self)

LS Parameters Layout

Address Usage Comments
0x3E000 Wait flag If (flag==0){wait;} // use 0xFF00000000ULL
0x3E800 Arguments


Used to verify and decrypt lv2 (lv2_kernel.self)

LS Parameters layout

Address Usage Comments
0x3E000 Wait flag If (flag==0){wait;} // use 0xFF00000000ULL
0x3E800 Arguments
0x3F000 Program revoke list


Size Name Value
u64 lpar_auth_id 0x1070000002000001
u8 *lv2_in lv2 self - address in ram
u8 *lv2_out where to decrypt lv2 - address in ram
u64 field18 -1
u8[40] res1 Unknown / Not used
u64 field48 1
u8[16] res2 Unknown / Not used


Used for loading isolated SPU modules.

LS Parameters layout

Address Usage Comments
0x3E000 Wait flag If (flag==0){wait;} // use 0xFF00000000ULL
0x3E400 EID0
0x3E800 Arguments
0x3EC00 QA-Token If not used set to -1
0x3F000 Program revoke list


Depending which isolated module you want to load, you would need to pass it different arguments.

Size Name spp_verifier
u64 prog_auth_id 0x1050000003000001
u64 lpar_auth_id 0x1070000002000001
u64 *spu_module SPU - address in ram
u64 *spu_module_arg1 Profile - address in ram
u64 spu_module_arg1_size sizeof(profile)
u64 *spu_module_arg2 Not used
u64 spu_module_arg2_size Not used
u8 res1[16] Unknown
u64 field48 3
u8 res2[16] Unknown
Size Name aim_spu_module
u64 prog_auth_id 0x1050000003000001
u64 lpar_auth_id 0x1070000002000001
u64 *spu_module SPU - address in ram
u64 *spu_module_arg1 aim_spu_args - address in ram
u64 spu_module_arg1_size 0x80
u64 *spu_module_arg2 eid0 - address in ram
u64 spu_module_arg2_size sizeof(eid0)
u64 field48 3
union aim_spu_args {
	struct {
		void *buf;           // debug_info buffer address
		u64 buf_size;        // debug_info buffer size
		u32 param;           // 0x01 device type, 0x02 device id, 0x03 pscode, 0x04 psid
	} in;

	struct {
		u8 result[0x10];     // no need to explain...
	} out;