KaKaRoTo Kind of ´Jailbreak´

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How it all started

  Updated my ps3 to 3.73... oh and THEN I jailbroke it! (kind of) :D
  1 - I won't share it until it's ready to use (still a bit complicated + some missing components), 2 - don't update if you're on 3.55.
  The "kind of" meant I need to fix NPDRM algo for it to run. And no, this will not allow backup managers. And no, it's not a CFW


First Read

You might want to read this first: Clarifications about 3.73 “jailbreak”

In short: It means one wall taken, 2 others still intact:

  1) getting in   2) getting access/to run   3) takeover/modify systemfiles

What we call 'jailbreaking is actually more like breaking inside jail to revolt.


Q: Will I need special hardware (e.g. flasher, dongle, modchip etc.)?
A: No.

Q: Will homebrew work?
A: With NPDRM fixed, yes. Showtime would certainly be possible.

Q: Will recent games play correct?
A: Yes, its 4.x, sure it plays all 1.00 - 4.x games.

Q: Will PSN work?
A: Yes, its 4.x, sure goes online without problems.

Q: Does it have Peek & Poke?
A: No. Peek & Poke require modifying lv1 and lv2.

Q: Do Backup manangers (e.g. MultiMAN, Rogero etc.) work?
A: No, see previously answer about Peek & Poke.

Q: Will my old homebrew still work?
A: No. All homebrew need the fixed NPDRM. Homebrew that relies on specific other patched functions/syscalls (e.g. Peek&Poke, BDemu etc.) will not work either, see previously answer about Peek & Poke.

Q: Does it gets us keys?
A: No.

Q: Does it gets us "CFW"/MFW?
A: No.

Q: Does OtherOS++ (Linux/FreeBSD) work?
A: No. Sony removed OtherOS feature after 3.15 and OtherOS++ relies on modifying the firmware. See previous "CFW"/MFW question.

Q: Will it allow downgrade?
A: No.

Q: Does it work on all PS3 models?
A: Yes. all current models.

Q: Are there brick risks?
A: No (standard disclaimer: It will be tested rigorously before release as you can expect from anything that KaKaRoTo has put his name on).

Q: Will this only work on 4.x?
A: No. It was pretested on 3.60 and again confirmed on 3.73 before any public Tweet about it.

Q: What if Sony releases 4.x+ before release?
A: In that case it will be pretested on that version.

Q: So why are all the newssites hyping this that it does give CFW?
A: Because they don't read wiki's/blog's xD Besides, every minor news gets 'prolly CFW soon!' tagged by the bad ones.

Q: Is there a release date?
A: No, besides KaKaRoTo not able to work on it for 2 weeks, it also relies on (other people) fixing NPDRM.

Current Status

I'm sick and tired of people asking me every day "please update the status" or "why didn't you update it in the last 2 hours" or "is the status correct ?" or "what does the letter I mean?" or "Why is that task still at 0%" or "why didn't that task change today?", etc...

I thought I'd give you a status page so you can follow SILENTLY the progress, but all it did was flood me even more with people asking me questions all the time about it, so I'm taking it down, you don't deserve to know wtf is happening or where we are in fixing all the issues (not 'you' specifically, but all those who can't keep their mouth shut and need to fucking annoy me every hour). Sorry for the collateral damage.

The current status is : IT"S BEING WORKED ON!!!! It will be release when it is ready, and asking me all the time about it IS NOT HELPING. I never answered anyone asking me about the status or when it will be released or all of that, so don't try the "maybe he'll answer me", no I won't, I just might block you instead.

-- KaKaRoTo

The Road beyond...

(or what can you and others do to expand the useability of it)

What is missing Prerelease (state at first public mention)?

  • Fixing NPDRM
    • Make PKG's install and run the SELFs.

What is missing after release?

  • Peek & Poke
    • lv1/lv2 dumping/patching
    • Payloader3
    • Backup Managers
  • Downgrade (already possible with Hardware flashing.
  • 3.56+ keys / lv0 decrypted dump
    • Modifying firmware files
      • OtherOS++